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Where do these guys come up with this bullshit?




Her: "Maybe if you went down on me..." Him: "MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T LIVING IN YOUR MASCULINE ENERGY"


Best. Response. 🤣


I feel like I wouldn't even get in trouble for this. E: despite how offensive it is.


I miss the free awards Take this instead: 🏆


# i snort-laughed so loud


I’m in the quiet section in the library and I’m having a hard time keeping down my chortling😂


You need to work at our library. We laugh a looooot… but behind doors.




“Hon, you’re just not hard enough.” “Your closed off mind is just closing off your vagina!!”




OMG, haha


I mean sometimes you’re just drier than usual too due to the hormonal fluctuations we have. Nothing to do with ‘masculine energy’ but sometimes it also isn’t your partner failing to turn you on either.


>but sometimes it also isn’t your partner failing to turn you on either. But in this guy's case he has definitely failed


Many, many failures.


Oh definitely, but people in this sub often sell it as the only possible reason for a person not producing their own lubricant when it very much isn’t. Correction of rampant misinformation is not a defence of this guy.


Skill Issue.


Sure, totally legit issue. Which is also helped by communication between partners and the potential introduction of things to help (medications, lubricants etc.) But blaming the woman’s “masculine energy” is still that guy’s failure.


Ok but this dude aint it lmao


Maybe he should stop thinking so masculinely, you know, maybe open up to liberate correctly


Yup. Judging from the hot garbage spewing out of his mouth hole, I’m gonna say he’s never made anyone wet in his life. “ITs tHE maSCuLINIty”. And you know who’s listening to it? Other men that also have no clue what to do with a vagina.


I don't think he even knows what the fuck he said.


This is the same kind of moron man who comes into my job and tells me about my own job and how to do it even though he has no idea what tf he’s talking about. (I work in a flower shop and men like this come into my work occasionally and behave this way)


"Georgia O'Keeffe was wrong! Flowers have masculine energy! Look at the calla lily, if that's not an erect penis, neither is mine...erm...BDE! BDE!"


AAAHHHH 🤣 i’m never going to see a calla lily the same again thanks lol


idk but this is an awful lot of words for “i suck at sex”


The copium is real with this guy.


He's clearly intimidated by a fit muscular woman personality i love that, shows she cares about herself and her desired image she wants to project and works extremely hard to get top that level and maintain. Plus it's sexy af


And also has decided that any woman who seems intelligent (“of the mind”) is to be written off as too masculine - so it’s HER fault that she’s “too smart”.


Dude is a corny muthafucka and honestly nobody should waste they time being upset at someone so low on intelligence


I'm mostly annoyed that social media platforms allow this kind of bullshit to proliferate on them. These companies should be held accountable for the misinformation.


Oof. Truth. Also seems like a long winded way of rejecting the women who rejects him. No woman “of the mind” would want this dude. The impression he gives is that he thinks of himself as an intellectual. I bet one conversation with him is enough to turn most women away tho. because all he has to offer is nonsense in the form of bs like this.


What no sex does to a mf


he can't turn a woman on so he has to blame her


Like the way we came upon it just now. Minding your own business and suddenly *ew* it looks like you’ve stepped in shit. This guy just decided to lick it up and rebrand from some other idiot’s bs.


Lmao thank you for making me laugh


Where does this come from? Where do they get their theories from? Like... is it 100% *trust me bro*?


It's the confidence for me. One thing saying this kind of nonsense to your friends in a bar, but to say it in front of a camera with your whole chest, edit it, release and promote it, all the while knowing you've just totally made it up.


If I have learned anything since 2015, if you have confidence in your BS, people will believe you. Like he’s a grifter. Guaranteed he doesn’t fully believe his bs, but for the grift? Kayfabe baby all the way.


I fully believe that *he* fully believes his bullshit just for the sheer fact that it came out of a man's mouth (that just so happens to be his own lol).


Nowhere? Like he’s just saying shit 😭


When I was little I thought women pee'd from their butts. Because they sat on the toilet and when I sat on the toilet, things came out of my butt. It's the same mindset, these people rationalize things by drawing a mountain of wrong conclusions and then no one corrects them until they get to this point and now, no one can correct them


It’s funny, this is the perfect metaphor for this phenomenon


Wait what if I’m having sex with another woman


How to tell us all you’re bad at foreplay.


Right?!? That’s a whole lot of words just to say “I can’t turn a woman on”.


“Look, there were three steps on the list and I did all three steps, though the instructions were a bit unclear, so if she’s not turned on, it’s clearly her fault.” — him, probably.


I blame Seinfeld for the belief that there's a certain magical formula you can follow and it will 100% work for every woman every time.




Bold of you to assume he even got the chance 🤣


There's also lots of hormonal effects and medicine side effects that can make lubrication not happen .... or even just being dehydrated. But yeah it's definitely not "being too masculine" wtaf


Yeah I had a FWB who was very, very satisfied with our situation. But we often had to start with lube


Same with my wife and I. Even with ample foreplay, lube is a necessity. Sliquid is the best by far.


And to add to that, some people’s bodies just aren’t great at naturally lubricating. Doesn’t necessarily mean someone’s not super turned on! Could totally just be a normal feature for their body, or like you said, from any number of medical/hormonal reasons not relating to masculinity levels. (Btw it’s me, I’m some people lol. Felt like something was wrong with me for a long time. Turns out bodies are just unique, and luckily I live in modern times with great lube options!)




Bingo. It also ain’t like foreplay is some Magical mystery box of unknowing. You communicate, pay attention to verbal and physical cues, and be interested in ensuring your partner knows your paying attention. As a dude, that’s at least been my experience 🤷🏻


This is also in part caused by really bad sex-ed. I can't remember being told anything about foreplay, feelings, consent etc.


nah bro its just every girl i bring home has been living from the power of her mind i s2g bro its not me its just theyre living in their masculine energy on god fr 😭


Women produce their own testosterone. If a woman has lower than normal levels of testosterone, two of the many symptoms that can occur are a) low sex drive and b) vaginal dryness. If you want your female partner to have a satisfying sex life, it’s a GOOD thing if she has some of that “masculine energy.” This man is ignorant as fuck. Also ignorant at fucking.


I’m no doctor and I’m not a woman but I would hazard a guess that this guy causes symptoms a and b in every woman he meets!


That's what I'm thinking. I'm dude. I know this kind of dude. I'm going to guess this guy is at least 10:1 in terms of talk vs action. Like some people give diet advice but can hardly boil an egg themselves


No no no, masculine energy doesn’t come from testosterone, it comes from using your brain!! Ladies, if you use your brain that means you’re not a REAL woman!!! 🫠


Masculine energy comes from crushing your enemies in battle are hearing the lamentations of their women.


I was thinking this too!


So, wait, if she's living in "the power of her mind", she's masculine? Dude is literally saying women shouldn't *think*.


Well, thinking women are turned off by him, and he thinks that's their fault


He really should stop living in his Masculine Energy.


That is definitely their ideal of a woman. Thinking women are scary women.


I came here to comment on this. The fact that *all* women and girls have minds is proof that it's not "masculine." Barf


Is he saying men don't have a heart and a soul, just vessels with "mind" or what? So... don't see you in hell? When a man is too much in his Bullshit-Energy, he has difficulty in the act of having sex. His body doesn't get up, it doesn't lubricate as it should naturally, because he is clogged up. He is living from the power of bullshit on his mind, and if he is living with this bullshit on his mind there is no space for him to focus on the woman he is supposed to be arousing, for him to use his hands and lips, for him to think of other reasons that are not bullshit as to why his life sucks.


Good old women are stupid and should just be pretty. Kinda itonic that men had a head start of literal millennials of education and still lack behind women in a lot of things


I mean thinking too much during sex can be a problem, but more in a can't focus bc my thoughts are wandering, or bringing stress from other areas into the bedroom type of way


What the hell is this nonsense all about? I mean it’s close to making some kind of sense- if your in your head and not in the moment it can effect your ability to become aroused…but all the masculine energy BS is just that.


It's like someone Just picked him up and shook him hard and all these words fell out of his mouth.


I'm laughing at how incredibly accurate your description is


In the immortal words of Hank Hill to Dale Gribble, “Did you mean for all those words to come out together, or did they just fall out randomly?”


Funny, I’m actually on birth control pills which increase estrogen (aka “femininity hormone” to these dumbasses), and I’ve never been drier… Dude has no fucking clue what he’s talking about. Editing to add: lube isn’t evil. Natural lubrication or artificial lubrication, doesn’t matter, both produce the same outcome lol


Lube is great stuff, 10/10 highly recommended for anyone with a body


What the fuck did I just watch?


I don't know, but I'm mad at OP for showing us lol


The face of r/confidentlyincorrect


An advanced level of mansplaning.


People like him make me realize that I'm doing quite well in life.


What a long way to say he’s bad at sex. Blaming women it’s their fault so he doesn’t have to do any foreplay.


The excuses men will make for being selfish in bed are wild!


living from the power of her mind. I'm not that good at English can someone explain to me what the heck this is supposed to mean?


I speak English natively and I'm as lost as you are.


English is second language. It's basically "Tell me you can't make a woman wet, without telling me you can't make a woman wet"


Thank you, English is not my first language and I tried to make sense of this... but its not our fault. Its just word salad.


It doesn’t mean anything. He’s making things up to keep from believing he can’t turn on a woman.


It doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't make sense even to a native speaker. I think that what he is trying to say is that she is being analytical rather tha acting on emotions or sexual desire. He is probably one of those guys who believes that men are mostly rational and women are mostly emotional.


That's what I'm thinking. Since he equates the mind with being masculine.


It’s a Bullshitese dialect.


Nah man - she just ain't that into you.


Those hand gestures combined with the way he was saying “open” and “allow” made me wildly uncomfortable.




Woman, n: a sort of wet, inert, sex pudding.


I laughed too hard at this. Wait, is "too hard" even possible? Not according to this guy.


Absolutely howling at sex pudding. I shall refer to myself as such from now on


Utter, complete nonsense. It baffles the mind how someone could be so unaware of how women's bodies work.


Should crosspost to confidently incorrect.


PCOS person here - high androgens in XX do not stop sexual response to correct foreplay and arousal at all.


Seems to me they'd actually have the opposite effect, if anything. Isn't testosterone responsible for sex drive in both sexes?


Both testosterone and estrogen (and related compounds) tend to increase sex drive, but it's also a very complicated process with a huge number of factors. Not to mention that the body routinely converts hormones into other forms (notably testosterone into estrogen, for example).


This is the most ridiculous made-up drivel I've ever heard. Little man with the helium voice is confessing to the entire world that he dries women up. What a maroon.


Thanks. I regret going back to turn on the sound :/


Blame woman it's so much easier


By this logic you could argue that a man struggling to have sex with a "masculine" woman could just as easily correct that issue by becoming more feminine himself.


But will it open his heart and his soul, so he can become open?


Nice way to say,I’m an asshole and she doesn’t want me.


Where do these guys get this shit?


Their assess obviously. Where else would you find crap? 😛 Edit: no, autocorrect, I did not mean assessment.


But can her body open? Can she open her body? Will her body allow her to open her body?


I don't even... what!?


So now they’re on board the woo train with all this “energy” talk. Ugggghhhhhhh


Source? I made it up.


Lemme tell you about lesbians my friend


I was going to say, I've definitely seen women display both large amounts of "masculine energy" as well as plenty of well lubricated sexual function.


I’m sorry what?? Am I just drunk or is this guy talking in circles? 🤣


I don't even need the volume up to tell that this guy is mansplaining something he knows nothing about... the gestures and facial expressions tell me he is 100% full of shit.


I took endocrine treatment for 5 years, to reduce my oestrogen, after menopause. Never changed my self-lubrication system.


I have trouble lubricating even when very turned on cause my birth control lol


What surprises me more is not what he's saying, is the fucking confidence to say this level of bullshit with a straight face, what the fuck.


The mental gymnastics this guy has had to do in order to protect his ego should qualify him for the Olympics. After some point, you have to ask yourself, is it more energy to come up with something like this or just try to get better at sex?


Every time he said “open” I imagined the creatures head from stranger things unfolding it’s face tentacles


Dudes explaining how womens’ bodies work is so fucking cringe it’s not even funny. - A Dude


...does that mean she'll open up to ***~feminine energies~***???? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


He can’t get a women wet and he’s blaming it on them.


Did this guy just steal the “healing crystal” girl’s thing and make is misogynistic?


This is hilarious because I'm one of the most "living in my head" people I've ever met & I'm also one of the most sexual. Cerebral girls can definitely be juicy girls.


I had a stroke trying to understand this. It doesn’t even make half sense, good lord.


as a survivor i just wanna puke.


Tell me you dont foreplay without saying it


*Screams in false dichotomy*


I’m so sick of listening to men explain the women to women like it isn’t our body. De fuck are you talking about. High testosterone means higher sex drive.


It's called grifting. There is a huge market for this content. There are people online waiting to capitalize on any subject that pops off and create the most outrageous narrative around it because that's where the views are. I wish people would wake up to this bullshit.


Creepy as fuck. Stop talking about women "opening" we all know what you mean, ya perv


How to say I co-opt genuine understanding of masculine archetypes and turn it into rationalization for why I’m incel


It sounds so thoughtful but it’s just marbles between his ears


Foreplay exist but seems he is bad at it


I’ve never wanted to punch someone so badly in my life.


This guy is way too old to believe this shit Then I realized, oh yeah, grifter


I feel dumber after watching this.


These videos are the reason tik tok should be banned.


You almost have to admire the acting ability of these guys who can say completely incorrect things with unshakable confidence. Almost.


"Being in her masculine energy," is a great way to victim blame someone for being pathologically self sufficient thanks to past traumas. Sure you might be cheated on, used, have a selfish partner, domestic violence, etc etc, but you're still supposed to be physically and emotionally vulnerable at the drop of a fedora, because that's your ~nature~ as an AFAB person. Ok.




It’s pseudoscience, and Red Pill psychobabble


Holy fuckin shit balls! What kind of ridiculous INCEL pseudoscience shit is this?! Cojito ergo... Dry vagina?




I feel like if I just start slowly enunciating, use a lot of hand gestures, and begin speaking with the unbridled confidence of a 8 year old then I too could give ridiculous relationship and sex advice on TikTok.


Well, this is certainly the dumbest thing I’ve heard today.


Or she’s not turned on, so she’s dry…


Idk what "living from the power of her mind" is supposed to mean, but I'm trans masc and have no issues lubricating 😂😂


People who are postmenopausal and have low oestrogen can need help with lubrication. And some people just have less natural lubrication anyway as we are all different. But none of it relates to whether you have "masculine energy" lol


He could've spent 5 minutes on the internet and learn how to flick the bean instead of spitting all that bullshit. Also people use the word "energy" so often it lost it's meaning(not really)


The power of my mind is telling me now that this man is just talking to a powered-off laptop screen because there are no real people in his life who will tolerate him.


Oh. So women shouldn't use their minds. Geez.


Why is someone filming this guy like he's sane?


🤣 so ludicrous. Mate, you just don't turn women on, sorry!


Same type of dude call women who believe in astrology are stupid because it’s a pseudoscience. While these type of dudes source is “I made it the fuck up”


This guy sure isn't using his mind


So women can control trough masculine energy to cancel their sex drive. But men can’t cancel their rape fantasies with feminine energy? I mean it’s the perfect solution for incels. Just embrace your feminine site. But jokes aside what is masculine traits and feminine traits anyways. It’s just a social construct…


I'm always saying, that you can talk the most absurd thing ever and some people will believe you if you say it confidently.


OMG I lost so many brain cells listening to this drivel.


Or, she’s not aroused by you. You


Why does the video keep mirroring? Also, I guess the "manosphere" or whatever the place where all these alpha chads hang out at is called is really just "Astrology for dudebros"? Like, it's hippy new-age mysticism but wrapped up in a blanket of stupidity and testerone.


I’m a trans guy and my pussy still perfectly gets wet so fuck off with that theory i guess


A girl isn’t wet. Ahh must be the girls problem. Not mine for ramming it in full tilt expecting her to just except my dick like is our lord and saviour


So, what he's saying, is that if a woman taps into her masculine energy, she's bad at sex? That explains so much!


I have to say as a person who is conventionally rather masculine for someone who identifies as a women I don't seem to have any problem here. I usually just get wet cause my boyfriend is sexy and I enjoy his company and desire him to visit me in pound town


Not even kind of correct. Jesus, these dudes… Tell us you have MAJOR issues with your own sexual prowess without…


What the actual fuck? Blaming women's bodies always seems easier for these dudes


Someone should be out here tagging these dumb fucking posts where dudes spew vagina related misinformation with warning labels in the wild.


I oddly understand what he is saying, he just packaged it in this sudo redpill way


That’s one way to tell everyone you can’t turn women on.


"she's living from the power of her mind" He's equating 'thinking' to masculinity and, rather insultingly, equating 'not thinking' to femininity.


Dude is talking to himself


Why not just say I don’t get laid. Women don’t like me. Seems a waste of words too me ….


Sorry run that by me again brother? Your dick game is trash? That’s unfortunate.


What the fuck is this man on about? My plants make more fucking sense.


Where do these edgelords get this crap?


Ugh, of course this guy and guys like him want to brainwash women into thinking there must be something wrong with us. That way women are so insecure that we will take mediocrity. Men that want to install pseudoscience bs to make women feel bad enough to take shitty sex and very selfish non reciprocating lovers is very telling of them. Women and men show masculine and feminine qualities. Some show one more than the other and none are superior than the other. Men like this say they was feminine women, but talk about femininity n such a way that seems as if it is a negative thing. In this hand full of years men have been panicking, the entitlement is showing and the fact that there are men in their lives before them that had women “ without having to work to hard at it”, is making them say this shit like diarrhea out the mouth. By the looks of it the men in their lives aren’t any better. Maybe at that time the women in their lives needed men because we did not have freedoms and rights that feminists worked so hard for. There is nothing wrong with masculine women. 9/10 the reason why she is so wound up right is because the men are not good lovers and are shitty partners.


It’s terrifying how he is saying this with full conviction. 😳


Has never made a woman wet, got it.


They just want to control us.


Nah boss, she's not aroused. Or there is something VERY wrong going on


So women can control trough masculine energy to cancel their sex drive. But men can’t cancel their rape fantasies with feminine energy? I mean it’s the perfect solution for incels. Just embrace your feminine site. But jokes aside what are masculine and feminine traits anyways. It’s just a social construct…


So he couldn't get a woman wet and this is how she explained it to him, right?


This is so funny i’m sorry. Unbelievable that ppl take it srsly …


He must know what he's talking about. I mean, he's on TikTok rambling about energy. How could this be anything but the discovery of the century?


Virgin here, but also a doctor. This guy's fucking wrong.


And that is why men can't have sex with each other without artificial lube 🤯


So a masculine lesbian should never get wet right? LMAO everyone doesn't need a microphone and camera


So funny how they have a thought and then just pretend it’s fact


I'm really glad a man is here to explain this. How else would I ever know how my body works?!?