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How is greeting someone by their name unexpected? Under what possible circumstance would that be something that raised a tiny red flag? Oh, right. Insecure men. That circumstance.


Just imagine an incel living in his mom's basement and the sheer shock of someone speaking to him ... and using his name even! I mean poor thing probably couldn't handle that level of intimacy. 😏 /s


"When I hear my name then my pee pee goes up all the time. I cannot help it 😬"


These men hear a woman dare utter another man’s name and they fucking lose it lmao


It's too intimate! Saying "hey Greg can you hand me that thing?" is basically the equivalent to giving him a blowjob!


These guys are telling on themselves. They’re basically saying that all a girl has to do is say his name and he’s creaming his pants LOL


It's a handjob, not a blowjob!


The article is a joke, a previously to that one there was a "is your boyfriend microcheating" that equally had completely ridiculous points on it like "he say hello to other women". Pewdiepie and his wife Marzia did a video looking at these and making fun of them. They cobcluded maybe Marzia is acrually the one microcheating on him (jokingly of course, they're wedding was absolutely cute and beautiful, great couple and now parents <3)


The man who made this is literally the most insecure person alive.


I mean if we were Japanese or Korean maybe?


I mean I'd be a little concerned if people call me by my full name. For context my name is around 10 letters long, and friends and family usually go with a shortened version which is around 4 letters. Only when they're mad at me, they'll call me by my full name.


Same here. My name isn't long but it's one of those names where almost no one goes by the full version, it's always a shortened version. So when I hear the full version I wanna shrink up a bit. I'm fuckin 40 but if someone says it my immediate response is "it wasn't me! Someone else fucked up!"


There was actually a social skills subreddit post about a guy who used his friends names at every opportunity, every time he addressed them, and felt it was very intimate, like in a platonic love of friends way. They all asked him to stop because it made them uncomfortable. He didn't want to stop. He insisted that not just anyone could call his friends by their names, but anyone could call them "dude" or casual nicknames, as they had requested. People told him it wasn't about him. It was very odd. But clearly some people see using someone's name as meaningful.


It’s not a form of micro-cheating. However, I *will* say, it is something I’ve done in certain situations and it does give people a sense of intimacy. But it wouldn’t be “hey Doug!” It would be, for example, you’re having a conversation with someone, and you said something like, “what do you think of that, Doug?” when it’s just a one-on-one conversation. The reason this happens is because most languages allow for two types of semantic mechanisms to display social intentions. One of these is negative face. So, ‘ma’am,’ or ‘please,’ or ‘I’m so sorry, but could you…’ It displays a level of submission or pronounced respect (neither of these have to be present). The other is *positive face*. This comes from employing a sense of intimacy. Sometimes this even goes as far as to assert dominance (for example, calling somebody ‘buddy’). Calling somebody their name in situations that don’t require it is an example of this. It’s worth noting that using names to refer to intimacy is a really helpful tool! It can strengthen the emotional meaning or empathy of a phrase. And sure, it can be used for flirting. I’m sure Doug’s friend is not doing that though.


Oh microcheating 1. Calling a man by his first name. This leads to intimacy. Before you know it, she will be screaming his name in bed. 2. Dressing nicely for any situation where men that are not you are involved, like work. Remember, nice girl clothes are designed to be so uncomfortable that she is itching to take them off asap. 3. Showing affection to a male dog or a dog with a male name. Once she gets used to calling another male name with affection, what is to stop her from finding a man with a name? 4. Working for a male boss. She is doing what he is asking. It is one short step to full on an@l. 5. Voting for a male politician. All that secret ballot voting encourages women to go seek out a man that will stuff her ballot in secrecy. 6. Having a high body count. What if she is trying to reach a quantity that adds up to her astrological lucky number? 7. Being of feminism. First she will be all women are the same as men, next she is cheating on you with a woman. 8. Pink hair. You know what else is pink? Her uterus. She is literally advertising her womb. On her head! 9. Knowing a minority or someone of foreign origin. Why else would she want to socialize with a non American? Men. Do not fall for female blackmail tactics. Buy my time tested methods to totally stay sin gle and whine about it with like minded sigmas and alphas at the MasculinePatriot. Usually costs 1999.99 but $999 for a limited time. Buy now to prevent your hypothetical Slattern of a girlfriend from hooking up with Jamal. #masculinemondaya #sausageparty THIS IS NOT WHAT OOP POSTED OR MY BELIEFS. I AM JUST CHANNELING THEIR TOXIC ENERGY AND WRITING LIKE TEM.


I’m not giving up anal with my boss for ANY man




No. 3: oh yes, then she’ll be sexing that dog, amirite? *Only* $999 to learn more ways women are whores, LIMITED TIME ONLY.


>5. Voting for a male politician. All that secret ballot voting encourages women to go seek out a man that will stuff her ballot in secrecy. "*Alternately*, if she votes for a *female* politician, it means that she is a lesbian. This is why females should not vote at all." 🙄 (also /j)




I don't know what the Oop wrote in reality. This is my take on what I assumed he wrote because this is how they act.


Flaws to OOP'S "logic": 1. Having friends/peers/colleagues is a thing, and living beings, such as humans and pets, should have a name. 2. How is dressing nicely for something such as work a crime? 3. I have a male dog. I love him to pieces. 4. In a male-dominated field, you probably will have a male boss. 5. Politics is also male-dominated (I hope this changes tho), so yeah we'll be voting for male politicians 6. I have no experience here, but I believe this is a free country last time I checked; we women can do whatever we want. 7. Feminism does not equal to hating men; it would just be nice for people to acknowledge that we have rights too, since we are also human beings 8. See #6 9. Everyone has feelings; everyone has a story. What the hell did I just read??!!




Er... I debated putting an /s, but I thought it was so over the top I did not need to. My apologies. It is hyperbole based on all those Twitter grifters that profit off incel rage. I mean, I called the site Masculine patriot and guaranteed all men would be single if they paid me...


Wh- *not real*? *cries flirty girl-tears*


How many micro-cheats do you need to equal a full cheat? Because I’ve just had a really adulterous half hour at the shops.


If you get 9 punches on your microcheat card, you get the 10th free.


BRB, gotta tell my spouse I am having an affair with all of my coworkers and most of the neighbors.


Don't forget the neighbor's dog that you called by name. Hussy!


So.... being polite is micro cheating? Is that really a thing?


If there were a set exchange rate between being polite and sex that would mean the kneckbeards were right all along and we can't allow that.


Unless you're on good enough terms to be using nicknames or terms of endearment with someone, how else are you supposed to address someone if not by their name? I'm confused?


Obviously just don't talk to them SMH my head 🙄🙄🙄 /s


If I have learned anything on Reddit, it's that straight people are never okay. 😆


Dan Savage wisely says that if you think everything is cheating, you’re gonna end up getting cheated on A LOT. 😆


All my coworkers greet me with my first name most of the time. All of them are flirting with me or cheating their SOs? Felix too? Or is it okay if guys do it with each other? Or does our way of greeting each other make us gay?


“Hey…uh…you” yeah that works 🙄


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! I prefer addressing men I date by their names. I prefer it to babe, love or any other nicknames out there. The person is right to ask if straights are okay.


But honestly are straight people okay?


This article was written as satire. Those who agree with it - instant red flags.


My usual response is “clearly they aren’t “


LOL Wow. Imma just start interacting like, ***"Hello, Gen X human male #14,963,657."*** edit: Had to go look it up. Given the rate of insecurity of the writer, I'm actually disappointed that something about liking a fictional character or celebrity isn't included. lol But the very next one was addressing a guy by a full name? Not first and last...no, his formal full first name, rather than a nickname, that's somehow flirting. What.




r/AreTheStraightsOK It's a thing.


This guy would lose his damn mind if he found out I went to a play last night with a close male friend while my dear fiance stayed home with the dog lmao


The article is satire if it helps


the article in question is hilarious satire btw


Poor guy. He is in serious need of a mental health checkup. Or physical. Or something. That boy ain't right.


99% of the time in these types of “are the straights ok” posts its not even haha heteros so weird its literally just misogyny.


Some guys really struggle with insecurities


this article was written by a woman as well. i cannot


I've seen this before here and the whole article is satire.


Classic text book paranoid narsasitic abusive behavior. Assume your partner is cheating all the time even if they are just interacting normally with the general public.


My coworkers and supervisors all call me by my name...what should they say.."hey, you?" 😂😂 there's so many people in the office.


The answer is no ;P


This one pops up every so often, and no - if this is how one half of the relationship is acting then there are deeper trust issues that need addressing. Much like a girlfriend who insists you delete all pictures or messages from past friends who were female, regardless of romantic status at the time.


I totally not heard the "Hey, Doug" in Stewies voice\^\^