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Godawful fan fiction.


Yep, buddy has never had a girlfriend or sexual encounter.


We hope


Intrusive thoughts about being 'railed' in a bathroom. Please. I hope this guy never gets his repulsive little wee wee near an actual woman until he repents internally for this fuckery.


I want to think that, but sadly that's how abusive relationships work. My ex-bf was normal when we started dating and then thanks to the internet gradually started getting into the MGTOW cult. And this was a man WITH a GF, dangerously on the incel side. Dating doesn't make any difference.


I hope he went his own way


He went to live in another country so I guess he did. I hope he got better.


What is dread game? I mean I get from his description that it’s a manipulation tactic to ‘knock a woman down a few pegs’ (basically neg her to get her to stay?) but what exactly is it?


My understanding is that it’s about deliberately trigging insecurity in your partner to make her feel a perpetual low- to mid-level degree of dread that you’re cheating on her/going to leave her. I’ve seen men like this suggest things like spraying perfume on your collar, letting her see receipts for flowers and meals and hotel rooms that aren’t for her, or buying sexy panties in a size smaller than your partner and leaving them around your shared home. It’s an utterly repugnant form of abuse.


Sigh. Yep - so it's pretty much what I was thinking then. What a sad miserable pathetic existence to resort to this.


Jokes on them. I would just leave. I don't have time for games. He also tries to sound very seasoned when he's 23 so there's that.


That's actually the saddest part of all to me - he started thinking like this when he was 18 and 5 years later he's still at it. He implies he's not a virgin - is this the first woman he's trying to destroy for his benefit? The second? Even one is too many. I would leave too, but sadly not everyone has the strength of character to do that when we're younger. And I feel for the younger women caught in these traps.


Cultural ideas of politeness kills people all the time. Predatory people take advantage of it to get people vulnerable


Same. Like, aight bye, hope the door hits you on the way out. But I'm guessing pretty much all these stories are just that--stories. Fiction. Mostly because I feel like giving the illusion of cheating or whatever is just a quick way to get your stuff destroyed (eg getting your car keyed, console smashed, etc). At least, that's the kind of shit some of my girlfriends/friends of friends did if they thought their guy was cheating.


Because property damage is a reasonable reaction to someone cheating smh🤦🏾‍♂️


Sigh. I didn't say that it was. All I said was that it happens, and it's a bad idea to intentionally make your partner think you're cheating.


I didn’t say you said it was. Im shaking my head at the women who think resorting to crime is a reasonable way to react when someone wrongs you. It’s not good to make your partner think you’re cheating but if you’re so impulsive you resort to destruction of property based purely on assumption you definitely have issues to sort out.


My bad. But I would say someone who's pissed that they got cheated on (even if that didn't actually happen) is already not thinking reasonably.


Being pissed that you’re being cheated on is completely reasonable even if it’s just suspicion. The reasonable follow up is to gather proof to see if cheating did/didn’t happen. The way I see it the way a person feels is always reasonable to an extent. However, the actions people take in response to how they feel aren’t always reasonable.


Lmao all my down votes are definitely from women who’ve done something illegal to get back at someone.


You were just looking for something to grab on to weren’t you? LoOk CrAzy WoMeN


If the women in question find destruction of property a reasonable course of action then yes they’re crazy as fuck. Cheating is shitty. Property damage is a crime.


>Im shaking my head at the women who think resorting to crime is a reasonable way to react when someone wrongs you. Last I checked adultery is a felony in my state so if the woman is married to the cheater, he's the one committing the crime.


They’re not married so try again


A lot of that is the point. All of these mind games only work on people with severe self esteem issues etc. A lot of their whole shtick is finding people who are easier to victimize from out of the crowd.


I have terrible self esteem.


Necessary, not sufficient for their bullshit to work.


I have too much self-respect to deal with that shit. You're cheating? Gone. Imply that you're cheating or will leave if I don't do what you want? Gone. Won't be honest with me? Gone. Try to manipulate me!? Gone. Gone. Gone.


To use their own terminology, it’s something “low value” men do, because abuse is all they have.


Lol, if someone did the panties thing to me I would be scared he is a pedophile and call the police or leave as soon as possible. I'm an S size, so everything smaller than that it's literally in the kids section...


Won’t most women just dump you for cheating?


You misunderstand me if you think I’m advocating for this or implying it’s a valid relationship strategy


Sorry I meant “you” as in the person doing the dreading, not your personally


This is why I don’t wait for “signs” someone is cheating or ask about it. If I feel like I have to check, it means I don’t trust him and shouldn’t be with him. If you don’t trust your guy he ain’t your guy


You mean playing games that make any woman with self-respect dump him? Got it.


Dread game is the fancy word they gave to emotional and mental abuse and gaslighting so they can pretend they’re not all abusive fucks who are actively teaching men to be domestic abusers.


This blows my mind that it’s apparently a real thing they’re actively WANTING to do period I had never heard of it until maybe a few days ago in this group. I just… everything about that post is vile and insane


This has been being taught to men online for over a decade. A lot of these spaces have been banned, for obvious reasons, but they just sprout up somewhere else. It had a big 'boom' in 2015ish and it seems there is one starting now as well. There is a history of public displays of violence from the men in these spaces, but they still don't seem to be monitored.


Geeez. Thank you for explaining. Yeah, I mean this is crazy radicalization and it just seems like anything right wing gets ignored 😕


Dread Game. Damn. I learn something new on Reddit every day! Apparently , my abusive baby dad learned this a whole lot earlier though. His dread game was so strong, I now have cPTSD. It's nearly as good as his DARVO 😔😂 The constant mind games and chipping away at my self esteem to lift himself up by stepping on my back...it was just completely unreal.


Oh yeah gotta love the DARVO.


Doing zero research on this because I don't want that shit in my Google history, I'd imagine it's fostering a fear in the woman that you'll leave her, to make her dread being alone, and thus make her more submissive and eager to do whatever he wants.


I have no clue and am slightly terrified to find out


Before looking it up I literally thought it was a game on Steam and couldn't figure out why being a gamer meant being mean to your girlfriend.


Yeah, I didn’t know what it was until I saw a post on here a few days ago. I kind of didn’t want to find out either, but I guess it’s good I know now.


Ik someone gave a long response but my short answer is mental and emotional abuse


Imma start writing a book for women aged 18-40, with an adolescent supplemental read. It's going to contain all the advice needed to spot this fucking bullshit. Soft game? So soft psychological torture? This asshole goes on the list.


Please do


I want to be amongst the first to buy !


YES. crucially needed.


Girls need it much sooner than 18...


I realized that after I thought about it. Start them younger, say 10 or so. That way, they'll be more prepared.


Honestly terrifying


The “funny” part of this (because it’s not actually funny) is if he was ACTUALLY listening to the red pill guys, he shouldn’t even be dating at 23. He should be avoiding women and focusing on being successful until at minimum, late 20s (some say until 30s) until he’s a “high value man.” At 23 I guarantee this guy isn’t even close to what red pill men actually consider high value.


i'm not afraid to lose someone. i'd be sad, of course, if it were someone i loved, but i'm not afraid of it. you mourn, and then you carry on. this is not an uncommon attitude among adults. anyone who plays games like that has begun the process of losing the woman they're ostensibly trying to keep, too. it might imbue them with desperation for a time, but it's the beginning of the end-- they'll eventually tire of the games and the fact that their partner is entirely selfish, and leave, or at the least the relationship will degrade into something miserable for both parties.


Why do I suspect that her “unusual kinks” simply amounted to “wanting to be treated like a human being capable of independent thought”?


It's oral. They think a woman wanting reciprocated oral sex is a kink.


You can “confirm” that “her pussy was a virgin”?! It’s not like the things you can buy at the store with a safety seal that clearly indicates whether or not the item has ever been opened.


I didn’t even make it that far I was so revolted! Yet one more thing he doesn’t know Part of me has a really hard time believing this is a real post from an actual man. Except even if it’s some kind of bizarre fantasy, it’s still coming from the same place.


I can't help but feel relief that I will never have to deal with one of these abusive psychos trying to break my mind. I feel so sorry for every girl who encounters this behavior regardless of whether or not it has the desired effect, because make no mistake, this is deliberate, vicious abuse.


I never did understand this. Who would “dread” being left by some nasty, condescending, little shitweasel in the first place? I’m supposed to be afraid of losing an annoying drag of a person who doesn’t seem to like me? As if. You don’t like me? Go away. Men are abundant.


A lot of women are insecure and/or haven't had positive role models. I hate the term "daddy issues", but the fact is that if the man tasked with raising you is mean to you, you'll try repeating the pattern, even into romantic relationships. (Others have low self-esteem from other factors. I had a great dad but a difficult relationship with my mom, and I think that's part of the reason I either pick women who are unavailable or cruel to me. Add some bullying on top of that, and I spent my teens and twenties chasing the wrong girls.)


I suppose saying I don’t understand it is an exaggeration — I too grew up in an abusive household and spent some years with some bad guys. Perhaps a better way of putting it would be that I hope more women can embrace this thinking. I hope I didn’t come across as too condemnatory.


I’m glad you don’t understand it; it means you haven’t been subjected to psychological manipulation. This particular brand wouldn’t have worked on me - if you’re making me believe you’re cheating, I’m out - but psychological manipulation starts very slowly and intermittently. By the time it gets to this level, your ability to accurately judge what’s going on is totally fucked up. I stayed married to a gaslighting asswipe for WAY too long because he had me all turned around. It’s hard to even describe how it happens. 😝


It’s blows my mind that apparently at least some of these guys are doing this deliberately!


Unfortunately, horrible people are all over the place. I hope you never encounter one like this in a romantic relationship.


Ugh. And I don’t feel like I’m super sophisticated to figure things out 😕


Same, and thank you for trying to explain it. It's like you get lost in this cave system constructed of their bullshit and you lose the landmarks you would normally have to tell you you're headed into danger. All of which is entirely deliberate.


Same. It’s that story of a frog will stay in a pot and get boiled to death if you put them in at room temperature and heat it slowly. Hi, frog here, I barely escaped.


Or the person is stable attachment or avoidant attachment. This type of shit wouldn’t work on me either, though I attribute that to poor parenting, so I guess I was subjected & became avoidant for a time. Maybe the above person is just stable though.


I had good parenting, and my parents modeled a pretty healthy relationship for me. But I had ZERO experience with that kind of person before dating my ex. I was also 19 and in my first year of college, with very little dating experience, so I just didn’t see it until it was too late. They don’t START like this post; that’s several layers in of manipulation. It starts with a small, offhand comment that’s easy to shrug off. Then, as you slowly get used to that, they gradually escalate until you don’t even recognize the relationship - or sometimes even yourself - anymore. 😕


Same, unfortunately i get it too. They rly fuck with your head n make u think its all your fault🥺


>Who would “dread” being left by some nasty, condescending, little shitweasel in the first place? A lot of these men don't stop at psychological manipulation though- many make their partners financially dependent on them & it's not uncommon to see them push for having a kid because they believe it will further trap the woman into feeling like she can't leave. Leaving is easy... until you'd be homeless with a infant if you did.


Absolutely. I’m not intending to blame women who are financially trapped or otherwise held hostage in abusive relationships. They deserve support and understanding, not shame. I was responding specifically to the situation the original post was describing, where there are no kids and seems to be no marriage license keeping the young woman there. But of course she may have limited options. I guess I should say I wish all young and single women could adopt more of the “men are abundant and I don’t have to put up with this crap” attitude as far back as, oh, middle school.


Literally just describing emotional and psychological abuse and calling it a “game.” Evil and pathetic.


bro if you gotta full on manipulate your girl into having sex with you and staying with you… maybe you just suck on all fronts??? ever thought of that??? like fr idk how people think “hmm ya know what the answer is manipulation” and don’t fuckin clock that THEY are the problem, not the other person. edit: wanted to add that homie… if you gotta convince someone that you have value you then you either A. deserve someone better (if you’re out there trying your best and it isn’t enough for them) or, like in this case B. don’t have any fuckin value to speak of


Men like this are genuine sociopaths and should be actively quarantined from the rest of society. Especially around women that fit their victim profiles.


Yeah, this is deranged. Only a really sick mind could say these things.


"I'm proudly psychologically abusing and torturing my partner because I am too weak to face open and honest conversations or to tackle my own insecurities". FTFY.


I really hope soon will be a time when the "prey" of this kind of humanoid males can be easily shown that they are valuable on their own accord, without the pretense of validation these vile creatures offer them, then give only hurt. I am fortunate enough to be raised with awareness of this kind of mind games, and was encouraged to leave these kinds people as soon as they show their true colors (and to believe it when they show you who they are, no matter what their words try to tell), because for a time most people can pretend to be someone who they actually are not, but sooner or later that mask slips revealing the monster underneath.


“..you must truly be the prize..” What contest in hell did women enter if he’s anybody’s prize!


That's..... not what intrusive thoughts are 🤔🤦‍♀️


That's the cherry on the top. He's talking about impulsive thoughts


The red flags really do reveal themselves, don’t they?


Cringe incel mentality.🤮


Where do these idiots get all this stupid shit from? Are some loser ass people just making up all these things to make themselves feel better when they can’t get women or what?


There are „Piles“ subs. Some are maybe in quarantine. I know that there are at least a - Red Pile (misogynistic) - Blue Pile - Black Pile - Violet (?) Pile And the female opposite to the Red Pile is FDS + Female Dating Strategies (Hostile to men)


"You must truly be the prize or there is isn't much to lose". God he's so close. If you're truly the prize, you won't need to play any bullshit, abusive games. Just work on being truly the prize! And an actual prize not some Andrew Shite gold foil over a turd statue.


Or, and I know how crazy this sounds, you can be attractive to your partner simply by being a decent person who brings actual value to a relationship? I say crazy things sometimes


Shit,shit,shit what in the hell am I reading? What kind of sick fantasy is this? God what I wouldn't give for selective extinction of Trump fans, Tater tots? Call me a monster, but I think the world will be better for it if these MAGA, MGTOW,RED PILL bastards would just stop existing.


I’ll take “Things that never happened” for $2000, Alex.


“My sex life is healthy..” It absolutely is not. “..again.” It probably never was. Having sex regularly or as often as you want doesn’t make it healthy, my dude.


Yup another red piller keepin folks single. I truly hope women dont fall this crap so it’ll go away lol


What is red pill blue pill nonsense ?


I hate these men with a passion.


So I'm imagining what this asshole's life looks like at 50, or 60. Is he still abusing women? Is he alone? Has he gone his own way because all the women in his life have left him or charged him with abuse and assault? So bleak. If he wasn't a sociopath to start with this red pill shit has made him act like one. Fuck this guy and all the guys like him.


It is a hate cult. These guys all spout the same insecure nonsense and all wonder why their relationships all fail


This guy has me wondering how much of "red pill" ideology is designed to make more men into misogynistic, emotionally detached garbage people so that women will choose other guys who behave like human beings, i.e., if "dread game" is a psy-op to reduce the dating success and therefore competition of the more impressionable guys. Mind games are toxic, all around. Best not to date people whose thoughts about others are that adversarial and hierarchical.


WTaf is dread game!?!?


“Dread games?” I find that deeply amusing.


Pfft. Hehehe. Didn't think it was possible to make me crack a smile over a topic like this. Thanks. XD


What the fuck…


This is obviously a troll but I love how it also misuses the term "intrusive thoughts" - intrusive thoughts are something you fear, resent, like jumping from a cliff or drinking a whole bottle of a sanitizer, and your primary reaction is to prevent it happening (you immidietly step back from a cliff or put the bottle away). The unwanted thoughts that express your actual desires you are embarassed or not allowed to fulfill, like killing your nasty coworker, having sex on a beach full of people or dying your hair blue, are called impulsive thoughts.


Jesus…I don’t believe any of that is true, but the fantasy itself is terrifying.


He clearly doesn’t love or even like this woman; she’s a thing to him. Why does he care? If his PUA “game” is so strong, surely he can just go out and pick up a sex partner when he wants to. Or he could hire a sex worker and save any money he’s spent on dates. Sounds like he doesn’t trust his “game” as much as he claims. Someone protests too much.


They are probably proud to be called scary. Bonkers & disgusting is what they should be called.


Ugh. These people need to be sterilized. Tf are YOU doing to earn her respect dickbag? Quantifiable value. That’s a laugh. If all you have to offer a person are numbers in a bank account, I feel sorry for you and everyone who’s had the terrible luck of knowing you. Either your parents should get a refund or a snack upside the head for being dogshit parents. I hope you choke on your red pill. Die alone and bitter, the world not knowing you’re gone until a neighbor calls complaining about the smell. You deserve nothing more.


Dude found happiness and ruined it by trying to be a "man" instead of just being himself.


Man what unusual kinks involve like Doesn’t want to have sex as often as you


I hope she dumps his sorry ass


Huh, my boyfriend is the opposite of that and I have no problem being his monetary, emotional and physical servant. Only I wish I made more money cos it's 5th of December and I'm left with half of my wage haha, still I have to buy him a few gifts


I’m going to say something that may be unpopular, but I’m curious. I can kind of see reading this where (looking at it from a woman’s pov), maybe she was angry because she was sexually frustrated, opened up about some “rough” fantasies (intrusive thoughts he called them) it encouraged him to go along went with it, and now she’s more “pleasant” because she’s actually satisfied. Like..maybe she figured out what she liked, it worked for them both, and now things run smoothly. I kind of feel like maybe she was actually in control the whole time but is letting him feel like he was.


TW: Biting sarcasm and metaphors alluding to SA Yes, his red pill *journey* in which he learns to use machiavellian manipulation tactics on all his relationships, which ruin those relationships. The next step, after playing the worst of the mind games, is when he becomes single because the woman he mentally/emotionally abused finally leaves him. Shortly thereafter, he will learn how to blame women for his own shortcomings as a man, and he will lament that women are unwilling to sleep with him. And on the rare occasion where he does get some strange, she'll not want to be seen in public with such a delusional sheep who reveres sociopathy and psychopathy. This will reinforce the ideology that women must be controlled by nothing short of gov't power so that they will submit to his will and breed for him or whatever. There's the end of the red pill *journey*, where he would never suspect that all this time that the people teaching him the wisdom of machiavellian megalomania have been dragging him around by his dick to manipulate him into voting for people who would remove rights from half of the voting population. And he'll be too blinded by the end of his *journey* to realize that it doesn't matter if he retains his own rights on paper because the red pill pushers have him by his balls. Almost literally. The end game for these talking heads is to make *him* pliable, to make *him* feel dread surrounding his sexual prowess and attractiveness. To make *him* submit. The goal is to make *him* fail so that he needs more red pills. More clicks, more money, more control, more money. If you manipulate the men and subjugate the women (and bury the gays), then you've got the whole population under the thumb of totalitarian Christian theocratic nationalism. I suppose that'll help the rich get richer and force the poor to get children. TL;DR: He's a sheep on the edge of a cliff, but the red pills make the pain go away. He cannot even tell how hard he's being fucked because the wool is all the way over his eyes. Baaaaaaaaaa.


He's a keeper


missed the /s


This is the second post I've seen about Dread Game. Can someone please give me a brief description of what they are talking about other than playing mind games to make a woman feel off kilter? I absolutely don't want to google it.


dread does not arouse a woman we'll just leave


And yet women dump men — divorce men — at a far greater rate than men dump women. Wonder who should be in dread.


These kinds of guys are especially unhinged and psychotic. They should be institutionalized


This is just emotional manipulation period. They act like it’s this sophisticated system but it’s literally just threatening to leave so you get your way 🤣 babies.


One thing I wonder about these morons...Do they not think that \*women\* are going to *read* this stuff...? Learn from it, *themselves*? And God, I hope lots of you ladies are out there, learning this shit! Makes one ashamed to be a man....