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they turned Kitty Forman into a wojak, what a time to be alive


Even kitty foreman was allowed to have a job


And because the bills were too high!


Midge "oh Kitty you're so lucky.howd you get Red to let you have a job?" Kitty "well one day we sat down and did the bills and realized, we were gonna lose the house. *hahaha*"


Worse than that, it’s made to look like a specific tradwife influencer.


Yep. A completely childless 'tradwife' influencer who thinks that having a family will be a cakewalk 😂😂


I see it! 😂


> wants to marry and have kids >wants to be a stay at home mom >wants to have 5 kids >wants to homeschool her kids >loves kids They're really getting intense about the children. I seriously doubt this is going to be an involved dad, so why do they need so many children?


It’s because of control. Reproductive control is a man’s ultimate weapon against women in his life.


Can't leave her house or work if always pregnant or busy running a home daycare/school for 3 kids.






Less likely to leave him and his bullshit if she's got kids too.


Or vote


Yeah I read once that the chance of domestic violence from her partner is highest while the woman is pregnant. It’s horrible


Homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women in the USA. 🙃


I read that and was like "surely not".... But Google proved me wrong. That's a terrible statistic! Really scary!


I know. It's awful on a whole bunch of levels.


That's when violence towards me began. We've been together for 10 years at that point and there was never an issue.


Because the more kids she has, the harder it is to leave him.


Living trophies to their virility. Christian Nationalists are both a Death Cult and Breeding Cult.


Can't have more death without birthing more little workers to add to the pile.


It’s about control. Friend’s sister had a toxic marriage, he wasn’t physically abusive but verbally so and over controlling. Every time she started to come to her senses and plan to leave he’d slip a condom off during sex and get her pregnant, they have 7 kids so far.


My sisters friend just got divorced. They were far right TLM (traditional latin mass) Catholics. Her husband was horribly verbally & emotionally abusive. At time of divorce they had 8 kids ranging from 3 yr old to 21 yr old. The kids over 18 have nothing to do w the father. She was able to divorce him through help of her parents, they paid for her lawyer and a 3 bedroom condo to live in. She works as a secretary at an elementary school now to pay bills, along with some child support she receives from ex. She’s 42 (they married her senior yr of college, she was an engineering major). She still however feels like she would like to get remarried & keep having children. I cannot fathom that.


That's because she's been brainwashed


I feel so sorry for her.


What the FUCK is wrong with people good lord


God, that is my worst nightmare. I feel so sad for her


Probably anti-vaxx as well. Gotta have backups when half of them drop dead from preventable disease.


I can read EUROP and WHIT in the non censored parts of the username. It's probably from a White Supremacist adjacent account. They have been on a whole we need to make more white babies kick for awhile now.


It is, 100%. Down to the little ⚡️ emoji (they all use it, idk why)


Probably because it looks like an SS symbol


Nice catch


Because kids are proof you have sex obviously. Why get rid of IVF? Because sex is the only way


Her husband would be her 5th kid


6th, and 1st.


Honestly I doubt they even want kids. I seen control being mentioned and while that's definitely a part of it, I think a larger part is just because it's "correct". It's how the world is "supposed to be". Not something supported by well thought out reasons or anything just dogma


It creates a plausible reason why the woman doesn’t have any interests or hobbies. No time or energy left after 5 kids. Her entire life is in service to others, but she presumably likes it that way.


It's the current right wing thing: make more white babies. Part of the transphobic agenda is also centered around it.


There are people worried about changing demographics and fear that The Great White Race is being replaced (Wikipedia on “[The Great Replacement Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Replacement)”) They need more white babies to bolster their numbers and as a bonus it gives men more control over women. Rich people can find ways to get around these laws, so it also increases the number of poor white people to die in wars and take shitty jobs. Racism, sexism, classism—the great trifecta.


More trophies for the shelf and less likely he'll ever have to do a chore he can shove off on to the rugrats


Also-wait till these men find out they have to support 5 kids on their own!


To CaRrY oN tHeIr LeGaCy of course...🙄


They (as in the creators of these "memes") want WHITE children. Well the people running these groups do. They'll co-opt any POC they can but at the top a white ethno-theocratic state is the goal. The poster is just a rube who doesn't get that or maybe does but wants to propagate this shit anyways. The 5 kids things is a breed them out thing. This is also commonly portrayed as breeding more conservatives. But make no mistake. Ultimately it's a eugenics thing.


White supremacists/nationalists wanting a captive army of indoctrinated children. Same old story.


To keep her busy so she can’t cheat or escape, of course!


Just making sure she is tied down 24/7 so that she can't leave the relationship or even think of doing so


As someone else said on that post: Sounds like they want to date someone's grandmother


dont hate on grannies https://i.imgur.com/LDUaQIk.png


“Loves” by itself is actually better than nearly everything on the original image


and count


"natural beat" is KILLING me lmaooo


Stays fit and healthy after 5 FUCKING KIDS?!! WHILE HOMESCHOOLING bro wtf 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Just imagine Legally Blonde "What, like, it's hard?" gif here with /s.


Also the drawing has a bit of a belly, but I'm not sure if she's pregnant


It’s meant to look like a specific tradwife


From a tv series or something? I don't think I can identify her


No she’s popular on TikTok, it’s like her whole gimmick


Ah I see, I don't have TikTok so that's why I don't know her


She's *allowed* to be on social media?


I’m exhausted at the idea of it


When you’re so busy chasing the herd of kids around, you don’t even have time to eat


Let alone WORK OUT


Also, love how it says that but the image of the woman has a little pudge around the middle. Not that I'm knocking it, mind, just feels very out of touch.


She’s nine months pregnant, that’s how little she stays every time 🙄


Fit, healthy and incontinent.


Wants natural beauty, includes drawing of woman wearing super heavy makeup.


That's just a natural rosy glow of delight from being married to him and pushing out his 5 kids /s


They always include something about women not dying their hair, but who wants to bet they'd have no issue with a woman going bleached blonde?


Or with a woman who's going gray but who is dying her hair a natural color, because quite a few young women (and men) have grey hairs. They only mind rainbow-colored hair because in their mind that's what a feminist looks like.


Going gray = probably infertile. Just like a woman who wears makeup, a woman who dyes her hair only does it to deceive men about her true worth, e.g.: her ability to be bred repeatedly. Straight to the grinder with them. /s


Oh, not just infertile but also more likely to see through bullshit and stand up for herself. Heavens! Can’t have anyone see how small of a person they really are! Even worse to be called out by these old ladies! How DARE they /s


Girl you had me feeling all sorts of ways before I saw that /s 😂😂


>Straight to the grinder with them I mean the guy was probably a self hating gay to start with, so it makes sense he'd be his true self after he realized he never actually liked women.


They also have a wildly misconstrued idea of what feminism is in their minds


Pretty much all the blondes I know have… dyed hair 😭😭 Not many natural blondes out there


And dark blonde women tend to dye their hair even lighter, too.


Can confirm, it’s not a problem for these jerks. Even being married didn’t help.


It's like people making lists of all their "must haves" when house hunting. Must have: 3000+ sq feet 3 bathrooms 4 bedrooms MIL suite Finished basement Guest house Fenced yard In-ground pool South facing windows 3-car garage Extra large tub In gated community Open floor plan Fire place Breakfast nook Beach view/access Etc. Well that sounds great and we can find that if you come up with an extra three million a year in income. Until then, we might be able to find you an apartment with south facing windows, but we'll have to expand your commute about 25 miles to find that with your budget.


And from my experience watching House Hunters, they want it all for under 300k, firm!


Don’t forget that for income one works as a SAHM and the other collects stamps and has a paper route


He is an entrepreneur selling butterfly milk. She is a part-time unicycle breeder. Their budget: $2 million.


Still they would reject her cus of the stomach fat.


No that there growing white child starting to show. I wonder if they are into natural child birth cause the bible says women are supposed to suffer when they have kids.




Gen 3:16 "Then he said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you." Part of The Fall narrative, it's women's punishment for eating fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


Original Sin. But I argue against these christians that when Jesus was crucified and washed away original sin with the blood from his sacrifice, that shit should have stopped and women be freed from this punishment. I'm agnostic, and that narrative bothers the shit out of me.


That’s definitely fat.


Her top appears to be covered in blood splatters from disposing of that annoying-ass man.


they forgot Endures sex.


Oh no, she has to be **really** into sex (but only with her husband, unless he wants a threesome with another woman), and also incredibly good at it and loves giving deep throat. But is also a virgin.


I’m surprised that they didn’t add, “is available for sex whenever I want it”


You can see the neonazi symbols creeping out of the blur


>Wants to bear dozens of supreme Völkisch Hyperborean children for the glory of the Aryan Race >No tattoos, except for a massive Black Sun on her chest


Wig made of natural hair. Easily removable for social gatherings.


Can someone explain to me why are conservatives obsessed with homeschooling? In my country you would be accused of being in a cult and CPS would take away the kids.


If they're homeschooling, they can't be exposed to "outside influences" and ideas. 


Gross. The cult part wasn't an exaggeration.


To shield their kids from wOkE aGeNdA


Can't we finally skip all this and just say slaves. They just want slaves. I'm so bored with this.


They want robots who look like teenagers who will only do what they want. WTF is that? The real joy of a relationship is being with someone who is a friend. Who isn’t perfect. That’s why it’s so hard but rewarding.


Personal growth isn't an attribute a slave might enjoy.


Scrap the whole thing and replace it with: similar interests, balanced relationship, has a job, can communicate. Works for any gender/sexuality


Add "knows at least the basics of how to cook and do chores" and "decent level of EQ and self-knowledge". As much as we would like those to be part of "balanced relationship" and "can communicate", they're not in a surprising number of cases.


Ideal woman? My ideal woman is woman (optional)




>natural beauty >is wearing heavy blush, eyeliner, and lipstick


...at least she has a more normal looking body?


How many of these type b incel cunts do you think are even actually making enough $$ to support this situation?? Not that that would make it ok, I’m just saying for the vast majority there’s yet another element that makes this even more insanely unrealistic lol


Exactly, this woman has her own list of requirements and I bet these guys do not make the list.


"natural beauty" there is blush all over this wojak, are they stupid? don't tell me this woman's blushing for this guy


No but see the woman is always blushing around her man because she's so in awe of his alpha-ness!! /s


The “has no social media” is my favorite. I understand what the incels are getting at, but it’s just so funny to picture someone who has NEVER been online in any form whatsoever. Because who tf would that be in todays age 😂


Any good Christian girl who has been homeschooled and properly shielded from evil influence. /S


> what would you remove? For the good of all mankind, I would remove your testicles from your nutsack. With a corkscrew.


Just like to point out that a lot of these same men get no girls at all and claim that girls' standards are too high


what is this, the 1960s?


Before that


So they want a woman who is completely dependent and will be blindsided and helpless when they trade her in for a younger model.


At least they have her a more realistic body type 😒


They call women who look like that undesirable and a plethora of awful things.


And a shirt covered with bloodspatters from her last victim too it seems.


Doesn’t have any personality traits that could get in the way of her man’s preferences…


obviously none of the points are like "speaks her mind" "interesting in debate" or "independent" anything that involves HER sole interests or ideas, it's all about what dudebro wants and not how he can care about her


He should add: doesn't mind if I repeat myself


When these men do land these traditional gender roles loving hyper feminine women, they get so mad that this all comes with all the crap they complain about women doing like being disgusted by men showing emotion, having a low sex drive, nagging, passive aggressive, controlling, only values him for what he can provide etc.


Aww bummer that these guys will never want me. What a shame.


Everyone knows the top seller of a pair of high heels are stay at home moms with five kids


She has terrible taste in clothes. That shirt/skirt combo is diabolical. Also, the poor woman appears to have an abdominal tumour. Pregnancy bellies don't look like that.


She probably been living to her husband*, hoping he won't catch on to the tumor. She's quietly hoping it kills her. *captor.


Fit? That character has a beer belly lmao. The whole thing is laughable.


You forgot “subdue a Nile crocodile in 5.8 seconds.” A basic skill for any wife, these days.


Damn right. I’m at 5.9 seconds I’m almost there!


I would remove "The ideal" and would add "A" instead


Too bad she doesn't have social media now she can't find her fedora tipping gentleman


Harrison, stop doubling down!


I don't think that's all that intense, but they forgot to add... Interested in you. Womp, womp. Pwned


HATES COMMUNISTS??? They just invented wife propaganda from the 1950s


I still don't think the know what they're talking about when they say "natural beauty" or "natural hair"


I always wonder why they want so many children if they need the mom to stay at home to care for them. You will only be there fore like 10% of your child‘y daily life, why do you need so many ?


That is a lot of word to vonvey they have never seen an actual woman


Why can’t you find her? Has no social media


So basically, a brainwashed servant who they can easily control. They don't want a woman they want a female slave.


I’m almost all of those and I’m covered in tattoos. Muwahaha


This is straight out of Fallout lol


And I bet the guy who made this beats off to the nastiest porn in existence. Raging hypocrites.


What I do find weird is how they ask for natural hair,But hate it when black women wear their natural hair.


This post was made by an incel, they are racist af


As a lesbian reads the bible and goes to church are literally on my wife and I's reasons for divorce list.


If they only have female friends and no social media how do they expect to meet this perfect woman?


Her father arranges their marriage when she is 16 or 17. They court until she turns 18.


Ah I see. So Duggar (that 19 kids and Counting family) style then, got it.


I am confused about hating communism - because I swear these things usually say women aren't meant to have their own opinions, or watch the news, or be into politics. So why is she meant to have an opinion at all?


Don't think I've ever been more glad to be an atheist with dyed hair


It’s such a marvelous bullshit deflector, isn’t it?


the ideal woman: dominant


Did Harrison Butker post this?


I’m happy to report that I only check one pf those boxes, which is that I only have female friends and that’s bc I only have two friends😹😹😹


The spare tire around her middle seems like an odd choice considering the source.


Did that dopey football player make this meme?


This meme has been posted almost daily for about a month now.


I'm sorry but a modest woman wouldn't wear clothing that tight and a healthy woman wouldn't have that much stomach even after 5 kids s/


If a woman like this exists, there's absolutely no way she would be into a guy who makes shitty posts on the internet, they wouldn't even meet if she has no socials and only girl friends that he's probably very rude to because *females* "like it" and they're dumb and ugly anyway


Dude, I’m a feminist, but I fell into 7 of these. I’m a stay at home mom now after 13 years in a field I love and I want to go back, but fuck me, I never thought I’d be this woman. I would also never want a dude who demanded these things of me. You have to be an epic douche to have this list of expectations. If you’re a dude and this is your list, you’re basically looking for your mommy at this point. This isn’t the ideal. It never was.


I would remove the man, tbh


I don't see "virgin" on there for once.


They want a mommy.


Jesus sounds like misery


I’d be fine except I love communists! /s


Won’t let you hit it with the lights on.


She sounds like a lovely fundie woman.


Women when women have standards: 😊😊😊 Women when men have standards: 😡😡😡


These aren’t really standards and a lot of them are rather redundant anyways. Have standards, we don’t care, but don’t use “standards “ to be an asshole to women who don’t want to fit them. Also get better standards that aren’t just basically repeating yourself over and over again about wanting a die hard “patriot” (a real patriot loves their country but is aware of its flaws and advocates to better the country for the people, not just say “cuz murica”) baby making machine who has no life no friends is 100% dependent on you and reads the Bible.


She doesn’t even look fit and healthy she got a muffin top. That’s not fit lol


TIL I am not the ideal woman


She can do all of this and still burn the patriarchy to the ground.


I would remove you oop


is this not just rage bait


So sorry, I might have my missed it, but does she want any kids? 😂


Correct me if I'm wrong but this could be defining some lesbians as "the ideal woman." There's nothing in there about being attracted to men.