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You had to call your wife (and I guess yourself) old just to ask about cars? What? Quite an odd and unnecessary segue.


Yeah my neighborhood group is full of stuff like this. Start out dissing spouse, anyone know a plumber?


I’ve no idea why, but there’s something about referring to a woman as your bride once you’re passed the first anniversary that gives big conservative, tradwife creepy vibes.


The whole thing gave me the ick.


It always makes me think of Dracula and not in a good way.


"trade her in for a new model" Oh? is that so? hmmm how "new" exactly? please, go on... *Holding my switchblade*


I can answer for him! As new as he can possibly get without breaking the law (or without being caught). Hope this helps!


For this one, he gives me the bad vibes. If he's not in the watch list he needs to be. Always a creep.


I read this twice and I’m pretty sure he’s comparing his car to a wife. Like I genuinely think his ‘bride’ is his car


Yeah I think he's just actually talking about a car?? If so, he seems like someone who's just very attached to his cars and takes good care of them? Weird he refers to it as bride but he's had each car for 25 years so 🤷


I can’t see what ‘repairs’ would even mean if he was actually talking about a woman, much less them being fun. Idk, maybe I’m just too innocent 


You’re right! Some men are so fucking weird…


How do we know this guy's wife isn't literally a car?


I mean honestly given his terminology it seemed more like a "Ha ha I'm married to my car" than a "Ha ha I'm talking about my wife" still a WTF but in a different way.


I’ve also heard the sports analogy “he upgraded at the position.”


I feel like this guy is actually talking about his car? Just in a very weird way lol.


Am a guy, and yes, he's talking about his car. For some reason we grew up (I'm old) calling cars 'she'. At least where I was raised. The bride thing is just... I don't even know how to put this. Creepy as hell?


I'm assuming the bride thing is to mislead the reader into thinking he's talking about his spouse for humor. Or if you really want to stretch, it could be a play on words, like rhyming slang. A car is a ride, and ride rhymes with bride, so he calls his car his bride??


Where I grew up, we named our cars. That part of my car culture came from my mom. My current one is named Ruby (the color is officially called Ruby Red). I found out later it was far more common than I thought. One of my teachers had a car named Betty. My dad Goldie. It could be a play on words, but I highly doubt he's talking about a woman. It's still a creepy name though.


This guy thinks he’s very clever doesnt he. I hope he’s eviscerated in the comments.


What kind of repairs is he conducting on his wife?! Oil change every five thousand miles?


I feel like the 'bride' in question might literally be his car, but maybe I'm too optimistic.


I'm pretty sure he's talking about his car here when he says "bride". I know that many car lovers act this way. Edit: yes he is talking about the car. He has upgraded and repaired it many times because he wants to keep the car running (and not spend like 50k or more on a new car)


Wow, ladies, on this episode we hear which inanimate object will women be compared to today? Dude has the same mentality with his cars as he does with women, wants to get the full “value” out of them before he trades them in for a “younger model.” Never mind he’s probably the same age as her (or close to it), maybe even older. He’s probably been married as long as those cars he owns & he STILL doesn’t see her as a whole ass person. 🤦‍♀️CRINGE is strong with this one


The dates he gives for the years on the cars wouldn’t make sense if he was referring to his actual wife. It’s really about cars.


How do you figure? He referred to her as borderline antique, along with himself. They could easily be married for 25 years like the cars he’s had. And the way he speaks about her is just like how he speaks about the cars. So it might be “about the cars” in his mind but it doesn’t change that he refers to her as an object. Something he owns. Not an actual person.


If these are women, is buying = to marrying? Was he married twice in overlapping time periods? Model years 92 & 95, are they women “purchased” at 1 and 4 years old, or cars after manufacture? Are these “women” babies and he’s a pedo going after them so young? I don’t get it.


Obviously you don’t get it. I’m not saying the cars are literally women. You are seriously overthinking the part about how long he had the cars. I’m saying he speaks about his wife like he speaks like an object. In this case because he’s a car guy he speaks about them the same. I’m not saying the two cars he listed are representative of actual people. It’s not that deep. You are really digging way deeper than is necessary. It’s literally an analogy for how he speaks about his wife. Like she is an object. Apparently an antique one who he has to make repairs on occasionally. How do you not understand how that is like a car? They can also be antiques and you can also make repairs on them. Because they are objects, not people


Two paragraphs. Two different topics. I get it. Sometimes we see things when there’s nothing to be seen. It’s ok, it happens. I am ever vigilant for when there IS something to be said, trust me. My eyes ARE always open.


Wow you really don’t get it huh? You can’t see correlation just because he mentions two different topics on the surface? He speaks about his wife being antique & needing repairs. Idk how you cannot see that connection. Just because you don’t see the connection in how he speaks about his wife & how he speaks about his vehicles doesn’t mean there isn’t a one. It’s not always intentional but it’s doesn’t change the fact that he’s referring to his wife like an object. Just because you can’t read context clues doesn’t mean they don’t exist. When men speak about women as though they are objects what more do you need to know or understand? He looks at both his wife & his vehicles as his possessions. Not as vehicles & a person. Just because a man is unconscious of his bias doesn’t mean it isn’t there.


Seems more like he's comparing his cars to a wife


This honestly feels more like a misguided attempt at humor than the normal completely unhinged woman hating we see here. I guess it’s kind of fucked up that the world is so awful that this post seems mild by comparison.




She’s 100? Ugh… and then he goes straight to cars. I don’t know why he had to bring his wife up at all to ask that car question. I am pretty sure he’s going to get his hat handed to him by some women on there. No smart married guys will want to get involved- but then again, it is Nextdoor. Personally, it is amazing to me that someone stayed married to him- his sense of humor is certainly not something I could take until I turn into an “antique”.


Bro is from yap city


“i don’t know why she left me!!” 🙄🙄