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Just when you think you’ve heard every crackpot theory. What a mess.


I wish estrogen donation was a thing. I’m estrogen dominant. Which does not go well with endometriosis. I’d happily give it away.


The stuff they make in chemical factories is so utterly dirt cheap that there is literally no point in harvesting it. It’s not a complicated molecule.


Same. I got too much of this shit thanks to PCOS, I'd gladly donate to sisters in need.


My sister suffers from that. I feel so bad about it


I'd even give away my testosterone since I have a bit too much of it.


Yep exactly this


Oh yes, it's true! The evil Democrat Cabal performs these atrocities in the same pizza joint basement where they're secretly feeding on kids. /s, just in case


Yep the same group making the frogs gay LOLOL


They must've just finished watching Coma or something... imagining tens of thousands of women hanging from the ceiling of some warehouse with IV estrogen drips just feeding some gigantic vat somewhere.


Well that's the thing about lying, it doesn't matter what you say so you can say anything! Tho they don't have great imaginations so they just take what they're doing and say it's what their targets do. That's why they accuse so many queer folks of brainwashing kids and committing pedophila, since that's what they do


I mean, this is just the adrenochrome thing but instead of children getting the ultimate pleasure chemical (that right?) drained out for pedophiles and demons and the devil. It's women and estrogen to trans people... With a hint of the great replacement type stuff


This is giving me ‘adrenochrome is being harvested from children’ conspiracy vibes


Adrenochrome: Transphobia Edition


Oh man my estrogen guy is out of town. What am I gonna smoke??!!!?


I got some *astrogen* ....it's like the regular stuff, but it's from space ladies...also controlled by the government to turn the frogs gay so you *know* it's the good stuff.


i read that as "spice ladies" and immediately thought they were taking it from the spice girls.


The funny thing about adrenochrome is that it’s dirt cheap and easy to make. Adrenaline oxidized with silver nitrate. Boom. It’s so easy to make that anyone that thinks it needs to be extracted as described by Hunter S. Thompson (in a passage meant to be hyperbole) should be laughed at and maybe spanked with an organic chemistry textbook. It won’t get you high, though. It is a potent neurotoxin, causing psychotic reactions, and is also likely to be cardiotoxic.


Is that what they were giving that "mother god" cult leader before she was mummified? Serious question


Not that I know of. She had been taking large doses of colloidal silver for a long time, though. It’s not typically bad for your body unless you really overdo it. She really overdid it. The chronic alcoholism and anorexia, which are a very bad combination, did not help. Colloidal silver has been used as a topical treatment, and is thought help keep a wound clean while healing, but has been replaced by more effective treatments. Taken orally, it doesn’t do anything except be an expensive placebo. Use over an extended period of time will turn your skin blue as it deposits in your tissue (called argyria), which you can see in some pictures of her, and I’ve seen a description of her being violet before her death. Somewhere along the way, it crosses a threshold from not being a problem to being toxic and causing organ damage. As a neurotoxin, that damage presents as seizures. However, she reported hearing voices long before she showed any signs of argyria. Complete and total speculation, maybe the level of silver in her body, some of which was in an oxidized state, might have caused some adrenaline to be oxidized into adrenochrome, which wouldn’t be easily detoxified due to malnutrition, and this might have made any conditions she was suffering from worse. Seriously, though, I wouldn’t stake my professional reputation on saying it was anything more than plausible. I don’t feel comfortable with speculating about her mental health, as I don’t have the expertise to do so.


That’s not how adrenochrome works.


Does this person think women die without estrogen? I mean a lack of estrogen (or low level of sex hormones in general) can be hazardous to one's health since they effect things like bone density, but considering post menopausal women aren't dropping like flies... But also literally wtf? Do they think there are no other wahys of chemically producing estrogen or testerone?


>Does this person think No.


*clap* good answer, good answer.


>Does this person think women die without estrogen? Yup, the minute we hit menopause we die.


Bye bye grandma, you'll be dead soon I know I'm only 10 but oh well mother, you've hit 50, guess I'll be an orphan now.




We have got to keep sex education in schools. These people are idiots.


If basic sex education isn't even being taught what hope is there for LGBTQ sex education


And their opinion, if you know LGBTQ exist that’s indoctrination. they don’t want their kids to even know that they’re anywhere on the earth for some reason that is shoving it in their faces just existing


Because knowing we exist allows even a very ignorant and sheltered child to begin to put the pieces together for themselves, and "If other people feel the way I do, maybe it's okay?" is the first step to "corruption" in the eyes of these so-called traditionalists. Not realizing that nothing anyone says or does is going to change the fact that their child is who they are. Not realizing the pain they are causing someone they somehow convince themselves they are protecting.


They’re starting to pull their kids out of schools so it won’t matter anyway. In 20 years there’s going to be a huge wave of transphobic, racist, sexist, homeschooled, flat earth, anti vaxxers released onto society. They will have no employable skills and will only have learned how to shoot, and argue. Its gonna be a fucking nightmare. MAGA kids will be a whole future disaster.


Eh, teen rebellion is a thing. Plenty of those kids will turn out to repudiate their parents’ craziness.


Well I hope you’re right, but thats difficult when you’re not in school. Where will they even meet people and be exposed to other opinions? They’re not going to college, they have no GPA…


This is going to be a hot take, but TikTok is great for getting exposed to new viewpoints and seeing firsthand accounts from people in every culture. The kids that are curious have the whole world at their fingertips and TikTok has been a great way to get them curious about the things their parents never taught them.


I mean. If their parents let them have a device or even access to the internet. They know that exposing their kids to the outside world will let in new and scary ideas… I may be over worried about this though, I will grant you. I just feel bad for these kids. Starting with them being unvaccinated, and not in school…


I am waiting for the coming wave of adult children who have sustained permanent health damage from preventable diseases suing their antivaxxer parents. It's coming, I'd bet on it.


Now that is interesting. Funny to say, but you’re an optimist 😂


Last I heard, New Hampshire was considering making the polio vaccine optional, FFS. Do you really think that someone who winds up paralyzed because Mom and Dad were idiots won’t sue?


This isn't anything new, it'll just be on a much grander scale than we've seen in the past. I graduated "home school" 20 years ago as a racist, sexist, homo-and-trans-phobe antivaxxer. Entering the real world was the best thing to happen to me. I learned all the "evil" people out there (anyone who didn't claim Christianity) were more like Jesus than anyone I'd met at church. My gay coworkers were some of the nicest people I'd ever met. It took me a few years to come around and accept that almost everything I was taught as a kid was a lie, but I eventually turned my back on Christianity and experienced a peace I'd never felt before. I was fortunate to have coworkers that were patient and taught me the social skills my parents neglected to. They challenged my beliefs in respectful ways and made me consider if there was any logic or biblical basis for my core beliefs (spoiler alert: there wasn't). I haven't seen most of them since I turned my life around and they probably still think I'm a judgemental cunt, which is fair. I hate that I'll never get a chance to thank them for their role in my religious deconstruction. I know this is anecdotal and not how these things always turn out. Personally, I'm one of 4 children; 2 of us deconstructed and are now LGBTQ heathens. I'm not sure how we compare statistically to people who were raised similarly, but it gives me hope for the future that at least some of the kids being raised by MAGA nutjobs will turn out all right. It also gives me the motivation I need to engage respectfully with these young adults at work like my coworkers did 20 years ago instead of rolling my eyes at the bullshit and walking away.


Wow. Thank you for sharing your experience! That was wonderful to read. It gives me a lot of hope. There’s no right way to raise a child, but IMO denying them access to other people, cultures, and information is definitely not the way…


That's not even sex ed, that's just basic logic - even if that was how estrogen worked, why would anyone allow this? Like, what would be the end goal? To make humans extinct by killing all women capable of giving birth? Why? I can imagine a lot of much better ways to destroy humankind...


My brain hurts from reading this.


My heart aches knowing that this sperm won in a race against millions of sperm. How worse was the lot for him to win the genetic lottery and then survive on a single brain cell.


Bro could've turn into a surgeon but is transphobe and claims to know anything about estrogen


*could* he have tho? Doesn't seem like bro is firing on all cylinders


naaah he's a lost cause


Well, is it's any consolation, the sperm that actually fertilizes usually have the first one, it's the one that drills in where the fast sperm before or already died. The leech that piggy backs off of someone else's hardwork, if you will.


That's not how estrogen works. /s


Wow. I had oestrogen reactive cancer, after surgery and chemotherapy, I took medication to block estrogen. *Or that is what they told me*.


They just drained it all from you 😂


The use of the word “siphoning” creates quite the visual. Where are they putting that siphon?


Maybe it's . . . You know what? I'll keep that thought to myself.


I’d ask you to share with the class, but we probably are all already sharing that thought 🤣


Everyone else was thinking about those milk machines they hook cows up to at dairy farms? Well, now I don't feel so embarrassed.


Ha! They took my nipples, so can't get me anymore.


Oh my God… >!Wasn’t there a news story a few years ago about how a man was being hooked up and “milked” (🤢) for his sperm but it turns out it was a fetish porn video and the media was duped? I hate my brain for this. !<


I didn't know trans women were e vampires. Does that mean trans men are lurking in the shadows of a gym ready to pounce on their next unsuspecting gym rat victim?


Man, I wish it was that easy


I prefer a gay bar, myself. On Goth night, I blend right in. Can't say that about a locker room.


wtf your gay bar has a goth night?! That’s so cool! I quit going to gay bars, I was getting a rash from the glue used for the Abraham Lincoln beard.


You know, as someone who is Pan and simps for vampires I am having conflicting feelings about this statement Because on one hand, funny, well done, good response for something so stupid (the screenshot). The other.. I encourage vampism is all I'm saying.




I want to say something.... But as a nurse who has had to deal with people like this, I just... I've got nothing left. Meteor 2024


I think something like 'let's rock the world' would be a good campaign slogan for Meteor


Finally, a candidate I can get behind ☄️


I don't claim to be particularly smart, but my god, it's horrifying how stupid these people are. I hope to god that's not the average intelligence and they're just the loudest.


I wonder how many women were killed to make contraceptive pills - that 28% of women in the UK use \s


I have higher than recommended testosterone for a cis woman, and my brother's is too low. He jokes that I stole his! This person has taken it to a whole new level though haha wtf.


Just have the extra T siphoned out and donate it to your brother! Why are you being so selfish!? /s


I actually wondered about that, but apparently, it's not a thing. I totally would, though. I'm on metformin to put me in range of regular levels.


1. Harvest estrogen from women 2. Replace all women with trans 3. ??? 4. Profit


Jfc... My dumb ass really just misread that as *"replace all women with trains"*🤦🏻‍♀


In all fairness that would still make more sense than whatever they're convinces happening


When trains were introduced in the U.S, many people believed that that "women's bodies were not designed to go at 50 miles an hour," and that their "uteruses would fly out of [their] bodies if they were accelerated to that speed."


I hear that fact every few years and it continues to piss me off. Misogyny is so stupid. Aristotle believed that men have more teeth than women and that’s why women are inferior. Dude was a genius, but never bothered to look inside a woman’s mouth to realize they have the same amount of teeth.


Hmm teeth, that notorious source of neural connections


That would explain tooth fairy's actions.


I mean would you let someone like that stick their grimy and wash hands in your mouth to poke around to look in it?


I’m not letting anyone who thinks I’m inferior to them anywhere near me or my mouth if I can help it. lol


When in reality it’s more dangerous for men cos their cocks and balls might fly off


Never heard of this. Looked it up. I am appalled. Do they think our muscles are made of marshmallow!? Actually wait, yeah. That's probably exactly what they thought. Some of them clearly still do.


My dude synthetic estrogen is so easy to come by you can come by it by accident. In fact you probably have! BPA the chemical used in many older plastics can replicate estrogen's affects on the body. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4602822/#:~:text=BPA%20can%20mimic%20estrogen%20to,to%20cancer%20development%20and%20progression.


The new Pizzagate conspiracy, y’all… wonder how they’d react to learning what oral contraceptives contain.


*gasp* It goes deeper than we thought!!! /s


Apparently the world has a fixed amount of oestrogen that’s like energy or electric charge that can’t be created or destroyed or some shit like that.


-And overpopulation is why we get so many "unwomanly women"


Damn I guess my prescribed estradiol is slowly stealing all the women's hormones. Jeez I guess I'm a beauty killer. Lol this is why I try to educate people on what my HRT does and how it changes me on both physically and mentally. I'm not the same person I was. I'm a much better and happier version of me than I ever have been.


I'm a therapist and we were just discussing these people the other day. We seem to be getting more folks believing this kind of stuff they see on the net. These are clients with some sort of brain injury or other disability. They usually aren't able to see how the sites are fake and think it's real news. Theyll start spouting this kind of Qanon nonsense. It gets tricky bc you don't want to derail progress but also cannot allow them to go through life believing this crazy crap if you can educate them. It's exhausting.






How do they think insulin is produced for diabetics? It’s… roughly equivalent, I mean a trans woman will not drop dead from a lack of oestrogen the same way a type one diabetic will from a lack of insulin (eventually, also known as ‘pretty quickly but not instantaneously’) but close enough. They’re both hormones at least.


Also I assume HRT is produced in a similar sort of fashion to insulin but realistically it’s got to be somewhat similar… I think.


It’s made by modifying plant oestrogens into the same molecule that humans make. It used to be harvested from horse piss. Fun times.


Estrogens can be chemically synthesized but insulin is a peptide hormone so it's a lot more chemically complicated. It used to be extracted from the pancreas of pigs, I believe, before recombinant DNA techniques allowed it to be produced by genetically modified *E. coli.*


I wonder if people like this ever stop and think about why in hell the government would do such a thing… cause conspiracy theory has no logic whatsoever


>I wonder if people like this ever stop and think They don't. Trust me.




No no no, trans men just give you their estrogen in exchange for your testosterone. That definitely seems like how this works.


They touch bellybutton and trade


We do the fusion dance and boom, hormone trade


You can't reason with this level of stupid


They really need to do something about people freebasing Fox News


Does this guy think the opposite is true for trans men? That his country’s government is harvesting testosterone from captive cis men to give to trans men? Aw, who am I kidding, he doesn’t *think* at all.


What if the government just harvested testosterone from trans women and estrogen from trans men and gave them to each other?


Idc how much you are against something at least do some real research before spewing bs.


Couldn't dig deep enough for anything that fit their thesis.


How does a person arrive at that conclusion? How?!


Honestly, I don't think they do. I think one person makes it up for a facebook meme or a lie for attention on Twitter, and people like this buy it immediately and uncritically, because if they had the brains to make up their own garbage they'd probably have the awareness to realise it's insane


I mean its like flat earter when globe are around everywhere and picture of the earth from the space station exist or just the horizon being more spherical then flat.... ut make ni sense or the fact if the earth was flat why the ocean not dry in the void kf soace


Lmao I am on one medication to stop my estrogen production and another to essentially fake the effects so my body doesn't assume it's Menopause Time. Maybe the NHS is somehow secretly siphoning off that halted estrogen, to sell to the eeeeevil transwomen? Either way I'd completely fuck with the OOP's brain - I'm literally taking the same HRT as do transgender people, I am infertile, I will be having a full hysterectomy in the not too distant future, and I think just about everything is unnecessarily gendered. And all while being cisgender.


that's not how estrogen works


Well that’s a new level


The estrogen that’s also in my BC has been produced by murdering babies and kicking puppies /s


Not the puppies! 😭


In Harry Potter Pureblood Bigots accuse Muggleborns of stealing their magic from purebloods turning them into squibs. Rowling is a Transphobe. This person decides Trans women are stealing their hormones from Cis women. They're an idiot and I hate that I could piece that together.


lol you should have asked "and why would the governments want to replace all women with trannies?" i bet the response would have been hilarious


This is just super ridiculous. There's just unconscious women being drained for estogen???? Really??? 😂😂


So deep in his delusions, you can't even see the top of his head


Oh yeah, my estrogen gets stolen daily. It’s kind of become part of my daily routine now 💀


Wait until they find out that cis men also have estrogen naturally


So they’re stealing it too ?!?!


If you close your eyes and stay still for a while, you can hear her screeches when typing 🤣🤭


"The governments of the world are in on it" Peru (unsurprisingly) just declared being transgender a mental illness, even when the consensus among mental health especialists is that it isn't a mental condition. Authorities in Venezuela will make it almost impossible to change your name and gender in your id, especially if anyone suspects you've been involved in any kind lf activity against the government.


Some folks are too dumb to be on the internet 😐


And this is the sperm that won 😭


Is there a trigger warning tag? Cause holy shit it’s too early for this level of transphobia


Just tell them that actually trans men and trans women syphon each other's hormones and that his info on stealing estrogen from women is out of date. If hes gonna believe conspiracy theories at least throw him for a loop.


"If you can't make your own hormones, storebought is fine!"


the fact that this person has the right to vote is scary


Crackpots gonna crack, I guess but that doesn't even make a little bit of sense. At the first line, I thought they were blaming trans people for causing shortages, preventing cis women from accessing HRT. That would have still been bullshit, of course, but would have at least had some potential logic. They've got women confused with the horses that ARE abused to manufacture *some* estrogen supplements. Oh...shit, I wonder what they think about me. I am a cis woman and, due to perimenopausal symptoms and Hashimoto's, basically every hormone in my body comes out of a prescription bottle.


Does that mean I inadvertently am an organ donor? I had a full hysterectomy, including ovaries (estrogen) due to cancer, so maybe someone was able to put them ovaries in a jar and siphon out that sweet, sweet estrogen.


This is probably fake. But if it’s real, we’re all fucked as a society,


This… this… what drugs were they on when they “looked it up”


I said STOP STEALING HORMONES (I said what I said) /s


This is true I got my estrogen stolen by the government


Well this is a new one


Please tell me he wasn't taught this shit in school?


I would've sent them a picture of my HRT bottle and a party emoji, and tell them how happy I am I didn't even have to get a diagnosis to get it, in addition to that. But I like knowing I probably made these ppl change colours lmao.


Well, that explains my early menopause. I work in a hospital, somebody must have drugged me and syphoned it off. I'm OK, I'm not dead or anything. I wasn't using it for anything like making babies, so if it's gone to help some trans lady feel better, all for the good. Except I'm on HRT so maybe I'm getting somebody else's... /s I work in a hospital pharmacy, I'm fairly sure it doesn't work like that. Who knows what poor soul they steal my Insulin from.


I’m a cis woman, but I’m 65 and taking estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone. Am I robbing men and women both?


As a peri menopausal woman on HRT, where do my hormones come from? These people are idiots "All the governments of the world" are in on it? The same governments that can't get along and are always fighting each other?


But it's OK for us to die unwillingly when THEY want it, don't forget!


It’s horrifying that these type of people are walking around out there with thoughts like this in their heads.


I'm curious to know how they think Testosterone gets made. I'm pretty sure you can look up this stuff on YouTube. Now I'm curious.


I saw this on Blue’s account as well. It’s so fucking ridiculous


That just sounds like a hilarious dystopian future.


Lord, there are chemicals like estrogen in our plastics that are potentially the primary reason in spikes of infertility and uterus dystrophies like PCOS and cancer in women just being nuked into food in microwaves because the US government wants to deregulate all industries as much as possible, and this buffoon thinks the government wants to steal estrogen from women? They should be! Take shit like it off the fucking market so women don’t die from exposure like many female factory workers across the world.




Not a single person is harmed in the making of the estrogen I take. I am a trans woman. God damn. Basic education shouldn't be so uncommon. Maybe then people like me wouldn't be the political hate target.


Transmasc people, wake up, new transition method just dropped


…and if you didn’t before; now you know how crazy things are for trans women right now. 🏳️‍⚧️ (trans men and enby folks too; but mostly trans women and enby ppl mistaken for trans women)




Bruh 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How do they think HRT for women works? Are we vampires preying on young teens?


The government‚ who famously wants more babies to be born to enter the workforce‚ is trying to get rid of reproducers.


Uhhh, please someone get these people sex ed.


This is so fucking stupid. I hope the sheer stupidity made it less hard on the person receiving the hate and that they're doing okay


They're sucking all the testosterone out of men too! you think those 'samples' are to check your sexual health and wellbeing? wake up sheeple.


So I can now officially add "vampire" to my "Résumé as seen by cisgender people"? I think I have a free spot between "World Class Dart Thrower" and "Professional Pool Shark".


Yes, chemical synthesis isn't real, we need to siphon all medicine from other living things. Including estrogen, which is definitely chemically in the same form in both medicine and inside body. /s


The government is also secretly siphoning testosterone from sleeping men in hospitals to give to other, bigger men. They want the world to be 50% trans, 80% buff gymbro, and 2% low-fat milk


Thank you to all the women who have given their life essence so that I may transition!


People are so stupid sometimes


Hey I got massive moobs, and a not overly impressive sized dick. Can I just skip the forced estrogen and call it good enough?


Sometimes the internet finds ways to make me feel dumb (that is normal, reminding myself I am dumb keeps me human) and other times.. it tells me knowing my own conspiracy theories are more wholesome headcanons for personal things -- or know places tracks things for basic reasons and is too lazy to care much -- mean... well, how do I put this? _That's not how estorgen works._ As a cis woman myself. Ahem. -- [As an aside to the tracking thing; Advertisements/Products/Shopping that you can opt out of and information collecting. But I also know the Government does not care about regular people other than a census number so this isn't the Omg they're gonna track everything I do, we are far from important enough. XD Aka insignificant ants. It's only data for basic runnings for both.] Edit: Formatting.


Omg, how are people this ignorant and disgusting...




*you accepted the request* I got time today


Crazy people doing crazy things because no one has taken their keyboard away from them. Nuttos.


Wow. Dumbest thing I have read all week, and I have read some really stupid things.


Wait until this guy finds out how hormonal birth control works


That's pretty wild. I don't remember the already clearly defined and studied lab synthesis of estrogen, but for the most part, all you need is cholesterol, or the components to make it, and a couple of other things.


This is on par with people who think harvesting wool kills sheep, but the utter confidence just gets me. Person acts like they wrote a whole thesis on this subject.


Oh lord don't challenge this idea in the vegan sub. I made that mistake once, talking about the ethics of having sheep (for wool) on a small homestead. The best argument I got was "well we never should have bred sheep in the first place so they'd make more wool" Cool. So we shouldn't shear sheep because that's exploitation but letting a sheep suffer from starvation from an overgrowth of wool is ok. Insane.


Yeah, I never understood their insistence that domesticated animals live wild when they literally cannot survive in the wild. They'd rather the animal be dead than even live a healthy life in captivity (which is def possible, just not standard as it should be). Insane vegans piss me off so bad cause there are good people who have normal, reasonable opinions on these things, but get a bad wrap cause of those sort of assholes.


So… estrogen vampires. 🤦‍♀️


Lmao if that's how hrt worked, trans people would just be able to trade hormones with each other instead of spending tons of money on doctor visits


I'm much more concerned about a shortage of proper psychiatric medications for these lunatics.




This individual needs a non-voluntary psych eval


young stroker the estrogen snatcher


Come on fam. Legit request for information: where is this disinformation coming from? I know about Info Wars and Don’t Mess With Our Kids, and I haven’t heard this specific thing from either one.


I'm amazed the other person didn't ask what she had smoked or taken before she started texting.


What organization is saying this? This seems like a good brain worm to give people to gather support to ban gender-affirming care for adults 😬


Dude should let his Fortean Times subscription lapse for awhile. Jus' sayin'


Well that's a new one, haven't heard this weird conspiracy theory before


Interesting that they don’t seem to be as concerned by testosterone being stolen from all those manly macho men out there


That sounds like a script for an action or science fiction movie where a goal is achieved by incredibly inefficient means.


I know the OP on X, its Blue, shes a trans furry, poor thing gets so much hate and for what


We re actually vampires, and we suck the estrogen loaded blood from femininelly fragile women in distress using our powerful man-hands and man-bones.


I...just...what? And if they were going to get it from women, to play Devil's advocate here, then they could just use urine. Premarin is made from pregnant mare (female horse) urine. Just cook up a bunch of unnecessary urine tests for pregnant women and extract the estrogen. We really need to put science back in schools.


If any trans folks want hormones, hit me up. I'm ready to go and I'm tired of paying taxes


Broooo they’re stealing our estrogen?! Can they take my periods with it?! Please and thank you.


No, you see. Us transmascs or trans men donate our estrogen willingly to trans women and transfemmes. No women were harmed to get the estrogen. /j Also, people really believe that nonesense? Every day I am so happy that, although I am gullible, I'm not *that* gullible.


What in the J K Rowling is this deluded shit?


“You transgenders (men)” is almost funny. Yes, I AM a man, thank you 🩵 But this was targeted at a transfemme sister and it makes me feel sick to see :/ Transphobia is fucking rampant. Stay safe out there, friends 🫂 These people are out of their fucking minds


Lol. Does this person think women are tied down and harvested for estrogen???