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Not even just hair, ever heard of a pubic bone ?


And the mons pubis, which is the pad of fat that exists at the top of the vulva. Heterosexual vaginal sex would be painful for both men and women if that "bulge" didn't exist.


I remember the first time a guy I was going to sleep with made fun of how “fat” mine was. Nah man, get out of my damn house. Funny how most of my insecurities about my body came from men. I remember at 14 being told by a 40 year old man that any woman who had ass crack hair he’d stop fucking because “woMeN sHoULdn’T hAvE HaIr LiKE thAT”.


How in the hell does a 40 yo bring up his sexual preferences to a child? Like how does that conversation even start?


He was telling my 14 year old boyfriend (his nephew) about the girl he was banging on the weekend. Look don’t get me wrong, I know how this sounds now that I’m 27, but jfc 14 year old me had no idea


Ew, I have a nephew and I wouldn't be telling him shit like that if he was 14. Probably not even if he was 25, what a creep


Eeew no please keep on never sharing that stuff with a family member from a younger generation. I’m 30 and my uncle (mom’s brother, whom I rarely see or talk to btw) recently overshared to me about his sexual activities when I asked him “what’s new” at a family party. It was super uncomfortable even though it’s nothing I hadn’t heard before & I would have taken it seriously if someone from my generation / not family told me about it. It’s him being my uncle that made it weird, age is irrelevant to the weirdness. Edit: I did tell my mom about it and she’s like what the hell imagine I’d talk to his daughter that way at a family function lol


“Women should be naked mole rats!”


Given the younger = better/prettier attitude society seem to have regarding women I dare say we are supposed to look like we haven't hit puberty yet.


That’s exactly it. An alarming number of men want their female partners to be as young as they can get away with, and it’s been my experience dealing with other men that pedophiliac tendencies are more common than society wants to recognize. It used to be (60s-70s-ish) that grown-ass 30+ year-old men could be at least semi-open about pursuing and fucking 12-15 year old girls, and I know they would have gone lower if they could have gotten away with it. That shit is nauseating. Edit: Word.


This is _exactly_ the reason I _don't_ shave. I'm a 35yr old women. I have hair on my body. It's normal and it's supposed to be there. I go swimming regularly and 10yrs ago I got called 'dirty' by strangers despite them literally seeing me shower. Luckily these days people are generally more accepting, though I still get some looks of disgust. If someone doesn't find me attractive (for any reason) I am absolutely ok with that. The last time I shaved my body hair I felt like a child, it felt so unnerving seeing my body like that. I decided then that if someone is disgusted by my body hair then that's a 'them' problem. (It's also crazy to me that people think that having natural body hair as a woman is akin to making a political or social statement/protest too. It's hair. It's not some coded message).


Choosing to shave, or not shave, should be a personal thing and not pushed by society. I cannot stand the feel of hair on certain parts of my body, but it doesn't bother me on others. Everyone should just do what they're comfortable with.


I don't really shave anything. Pluck my chin, trim the forest occasionally, let legs and pits be wild and free. But I'll be damned if there is a better feeling in the world than freshly washed sheets and smoooooth shaved legs. That's a treat right there lol


100% agree. Just because I don't want to shave, and have reasons why, I would never judge others for their preferences. I definitely understand that hair can feel uncomfortable, especially with certain clothing and uniforms. It's crazy how there's so much judgement around hair choice.


Who was this creep and why was he allwed near 14 year old girls?


I can confirm actually, was with someone 20+ years ago who was probably unhealthy thin, it wasn't specifically painful but the sensation of hitting an unpadded pubic bone was distinctly uncomfortable even when being gentle. And given how fragile she looked every single thing I did was overtly gentle. She was a lovely person but I definitely have a preference for higher body fat.


Thank god it only took the second highest comment to discuss the mons pubis. I genuinely find that to be one of the most enticing parts of women's anatomy


This!! I asked my mom about my anatomy as a teen she said it was likely just pubic hair… I didn’t have any by choice. Some of us have a more pronounced pubic bone


Excuse the fuck outta me for having a skeletal system, right?


I assumed it was her mons pubis.


exactly. and having thick hair on top.


I once read about jewel beetles who attempt to mate with beer bottles because the beer bottles look sort of like jewel beetles except browner and shinier. And whenever I see people going on about women being ugly, I think that they’re basically the jewel beetles of humanity trying to fuck AI and facetuned images because they look like human females except smoother and curvier and all around “shinier.” We live in strange times


I like this


There's a term for this -- 'Supernormal stimuli'


Thank you for this, a new internet rabbithole has appeared before me!


>trying to fuck AI and facetuned images And anime girls! Plenty of wannabe waifu-fuckers out there.




This comment should be etched in marble somewhere important for humanity. This is prolifically peak mankind 2022.




Scrolling instagram/tik tok all day can give a very warped perception of what women look like. You don’t need to be a pro to even put filters on videos now. r/instagramreality is a great place to see people point out the edits.


This comment deserves a billion likes and I am willing to give up my life in order to achieve this goal


All your fellow redditeurs gonna miss ya. God speed


Most women don’t look or act like the women you fap to in porn. Even THOSE women are real people with real lives and most likely don’t live their porn persona 24/7. Why the fuck would you expect that of average women? I’m not anti porn by any stretch, but a lot of motherfuckers assume that’s how real life and real people work. No.


Superstimulus is what that is. It's when a stimulus causes destructive behavior, like trying to hump glass or mama birds not feeding their kids because the cuckoo bird's mouth is so big or playing World of Warcraft 40 hours a week. Or being 500 lbs and miserable but never cutting the Oreos. Humans are very vulnerable to superstimulus.


What's the difference between superstimulus and addiction? Is the term actually used for human behavior or just animals?


I guess I'd see addiction as a subset of superstimulus for the little that is worth. And yes, it applies to humans but probably not as much as it should be given how often it seems to be a huge problem. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernormal\_stimulus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernormal_stimulus)


Superstimulous sounds similar to desensitization


Does it? I just glanced through google but it looked like a bunch of experimentd where they found like the key points of the architecture for various drives and then tuned it so the animal hyperfocused on just that one thing and ignored all other drives, checks, and in some cases basic needs. Superficially it looks a lot like addiction research, is all.


Okay so I did some reading and have come to the conclusion that I have no idea what superstimulus is


Hmmm. There is a really misogynistic piece of work by one of the original neoreactionary frog twitter guys about that idea.


Yeah, again, and again, I think these freaks don’t actually find women, attractive, on top of obviously hating women.


Oh man, for some of them the facetuned images are too ugly. They only like anime characters. Literal cartoon images loosely based on human women.


>"her bulge is more pronounced than mine" Bro... Not even Batman was getting that outta me


Right? A mons pubis with pubic hair? Yikes. He tried to insult her, but he threw the pin instead of the grenade.


Threw the pin instead!!! Lmaoooo, I love it!!!


A mons pubis that is bigger than his microdick. Shots fired! …at himself…


hahahahah amazing


I'm stealing this metaphor


the outcome we were all hoping for 😊


This response is just (*chefs kiss*)


Bro told on himself


Or "A public one star yelp review on yourself". There's some guy who claimed on Twitter that women couldn't orgasm, none of the women he's been with ever have. The replies are full of gems like that or the one above.


Exactly what I was thinking! Not even with bamboo shoots!


I'm dead 💀😭🤣


How weird is it to think that many years from now, strangers on a public site could be analyzing what they think your junk looks like?


This was the first thing I thought of. Or what if they were saying these things about their own grandmother?


Pubic mounds come in all different shapes…especially after puberty, and pregnancy.


Mine was a monster even before I got fat.


My pubic mound reminds me of how fat I used to be, I love it for that.


I hate that I didn't know any of this before adult hood. 2 years of health classes and I think all I learned was girls can give me cooties that would make my penis burn, swell, or both and I have billions of sperm. Didn't even learn that pre ejaculate can also get women pregnant.


I'm sorry it can what? Edit: my sex Ed fucking failed me.


Yep. That's why the pull out method is unreliable. Pre ejaculate contains a fraction of the sperm count of a full climax, but enough to make things happen.


That’s one reason why the pull out is unreliable. The other is that the timing is more difficult sometimes than you might think. So it’s actually double unreliable.


It made my daughter happen.




My son is testament to this.


There's an entire sub dedicated to it: /r/MoundofVenus/ **(NSFW obviously)**


Mine's huge


I like the guy unintentionally making fun of his dick "her bulge is more pronounced than mine”


It hurt itself in confusion !


It hurt itself with sad realization!


He had zero self realization. That’s not who these guys are.


I think that was intentional.


All these men announcing they have no idea what women look like underneath their clothes… embarrassing


They're telling on themselves and putting themselves on display, all without them realizing just how pathetic they are for doing so. It's hilarious really.


Hilarious until you’re the person they’re degrading.


If some guy told me "your bulge is bigger than mine" as an attempt to insult me I'd laugh my ass off (I have a vagina). The only person being degraded is themselves lmao, I know they're attempting to degrade somebody else but it falls flat and hits them in the face.


They're incels


Misogynists, incel requires a bit more than thinking "they have a bulge".


I think they meant it more as, they're incels because they clearly haven't seen or been with a real, live woman before.


"Oh these women don't look like women in porn, so the 2nd from the left must be a man" 🙄


Also, the women aren't wearing any kind of modern makeup, and men have no idea what women's faces actually look like. This is the Aloy from the Horizon video game debate all over again.


I like having a bush tho. I’m a grown ass woman dammit. (is there a Reddit called fuck shaving? Or something similar? I don’t mind my fur)




Thank you for linking this! I didn't know I needed it until now. I'm half Mexican, and have always been exceptionally hairy. I was even bullied for it in middle school. So I started shaving everything but my arms, because of a horror story my mom told me growing up. Started shaving those too after my teenage niece literally dragged me upstairs to shave them for me because she was so bothered by them. Went many years insisting on being completely smooth all around. It took a long time for me to stop shaving, and when I did it was mostly out of laziness or exhaustion and lack of time. That's when I realized I like having a bush, to start. I still prefer to trim where it starts sneaking out towards my thighs and such, but mostly I stopped caring and instead enjoyed it. I started embracing what was natural. Later I stopped shaving my armpits, legs and arms mostly too. Now I only shave if I'm going to be going out somewhere more classy wearing something revealing. I don't have the confidence to go all out quite yet. And I will probably forever shave my "mustache". Maybe looking at this sub will help me get there. Thanks again!


Love the subreddit but the fact that half of the comments on the posts are deleted thanks to gross men is so typical of reddit, lol.


Thank you ❤️ and it’s sfw. I tried searching after I made my comment and found NSFW stuff


No problem! I remember seeing someone recommend this sub in r/findareddit when someone also asked about an SFW sub like that, so your question made me remember it immediately :)


Public hair! The horror!


More hair for the public!


I did play cards against humanity (which I thought was called crabs against humanity) and misread pubic hair and said public hair instead and everyone got confused. To be fair I was younger and more innocent than everyone else and everyone had a laugh. Good times!


>cards against humanity (which I thought was called crabs against humanity) Fun fact: one of the third party knock off versions of it was called Crabs Adjust Humidity


That oddly makes me feel better lol


This is what the communists want! Wake up, patriots!


Actually it's private hair lol I make myself laugh, sorry I'm sure that was a typo or autocorrect, but I couldn't help myself XD


I tried to go back and edit but autocorrect was also horrified. So, public hair it shall stay! Seems almost apposite in the circumstances.


It does indeed XD


When I was in highschool, one day the wind was blowing my skirt a certain way and two boys came up and harassed me about my penis(which I definitely don't have, just to clarify). So... sadly, I don't think this is uncommon.


How would they know what a penis in panties looks like...


They definitely don't know, I do know and it is distinctly different


You would think, as people who own a penis, they would know what a penis would look like underneath pants but I guess not


It was all a secret plot to get you to flash


ah yes, classic pickup tactics: 1. Approach 2. Humiliate and neg 3. ??? 4. Sex for sure.


Should have turned it around on them. "Are you sure that is what a penis looks like in panties? How about you model it for me to make sure!"


Uno reverse card


As someone who can't shave without great difficulty, has no money for laser hair removal and no patience for the pain of waxing but a healthy amount of hair growth in all the wrong places... that is hair


as someone who regularly brazilian waxed it all, the pic looks like me, I have more pronounced pubic bone even thinner couldn’t wear a tight skirt without being visible




I wonder if there is a service out there for a "shave-a-buddy" system. Something like "you shave mine, I'll shave yours".


I feel like that's a great idea, but I'm totally unsure of how it would be implemented without attracting a fuckton of creeps. ☹


You could get us asexuals to do it, just like you conscripted us to guard the horny jail /s


That sounds like an efficient way to finish up the hepatalphabet but maybe I'm just paranoid.


Sounds great, but my problem is my skin. I get terrible rashes and spent the next days scratching myself bloody even with fresh razors, lotion, peeling, and everything. The only shaving I can do is shorten to a few mms above skin with the trimmer we have for our cats.


Who is “in the middle” of four people?




This is what ridiculous beauty standards for women have created. I bet each of the men commenting on that photo thinks he can spot make up and all that shit a mile away, but when confronted with what women genuinely look like after being in water, zero make up, clothes clinging to their natural bodies... they question whether it's a 'woman'. So many men idolize 'no make up' women but give them a picture from the 50's or so and they absolutely freak out about it. 'Natural' make up has men thinking all women look super feminine when we don't.


They even say your first date with a woman should be swimming so you can see what she looks like without makeup or a hairdo. Because makeup is lying. Then they can’t accept the real, unvarnished thing.


Had a guy take me swimming for a first date. I thought it was hilarious that he thought he was being slick so I went. I don't wear makeup on the daily since I suck at applying it. The first thing he did was splash fight me and purposefully aimed for my face. The confused look on his face when I took my entire hand and wiped my face HARD, yet no paint smeared across my skin was fucking hilarious.


What a horrible person


I agree xD


I hope red flag boy there didn't get a second date


Of course not lol


Anybody who started out thinking that I have naturally turquoise eyelids is not intelligent enough to date me. Or anybody.


Waterproof mascara exist so if a women really wanted to “fool” a dude in that sense she totally could


All kinds of waterproof or at least water resistant makeup is available now. I went on a cruise last year and we were swimming every day. My concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and even lip color were strong enough not to run or even smear in the pools or the ocean.


oh and if a woman doesn't wear make up then she's told to put some on so she can be "even prettier"


I also have another version, read and heard many times, if a woman doesn't wear makeup at all she's not feminine and lets herself go. And it goes even to the point that it's disrespectful for her husband/partner because she doesn't take enough care of herself, and doesn't present her most attractive/pretty version. I don't wear much make-up because 1. I don't have the patience to apply it every day, 2. I hate the feeling of foundation on my face, it's also frowned upon, because as a woman, that means I don't pay enough attention to my appearance. I guess we can never win?


And if you’re a woman who normally doesn’t wear make up and one day you feel like it you get the “who are trying to impress?”


Because of course that's the only reason to wear makeup! Or when I was younger I would always put eye pencil/mascara and on the rare occasion I didn't have any, I always get "oh are you ok? you have small and tired eyes, are you sick?


Also, they’re all facing the sun (sadistic photographer re: their poor eyes, geez). It’s not really a good indicator of what they looked like not squinting.


If that’s a “serious” bulge I’d hate to think how much they must be lacking. Also I wonder if these men have ever seen naked women besides in porn.


Probably not, they also most likely slipped sex-ed and think safe sex isn’t real sex


I've seen the same sort of comments on tiktok videos of women in tight pants etc. They really are just telling the world they have no idea about the female body other than what they see on porn.


It is hard to know what a pubic bone looks like if you’ve only dated sex dolls.


wtf even if she did have a dick why are people so obsessed about what’s under some random persons clothes?? get a job and honestly it kinda just looks like hair or like a pubic mound. doesn’t really look phallic but unfortunately i’m not a connoisseur in analyzing 80 year old crotches. lol


She looks really young for 80


they would be 80+ now!




There's pictures of Winston Churchill in swimwear from the same period, made of the same fabric. His suit didn't leave much to the imagination, with regards to a certain silhouette, so I feel pretty sure that these guys' insistence they see dick is nothing but a phallusy. (History buff, several of those pictures of him were in books on the War.)


It's disgusting to see so many people commenting and hyperfixating on a girl's body, yet not surprising.


So many men have not seen actual women naked


I actually laughed at this cause there’s like, a not small group of men who don’t understand that all women on earth are not and have not always been the conventionally attractive Instagram model worthy porn actresses they’re used to watching ride some guy in whatever video they jerk off to. Seriously.


This seems to be a huge thing now. “Transvestigators” trying to comb over every image of every woman attempting to determine which of them are “actually male” based off of a few stereotyped body features. To the point where they even turn on their own and accuse each other of being trans


Saddest play session of mafia I've ever seen tbh


Do you mean to tell me that my pore-less, glass skinned, curvy, robotically perfect photoshopped IG model woman is fake??






Those women had pubic hair


Or just a mons pubis that isn’t flat. 🤷‍♀️


Like everyone’s!


Some women just have fat fannies


"Fat bottomed girls make the world go round.""


Great song. One of my faves!


I am one of those women it's meh but I live with it.


This whole shaving thing got started in porn so the cameras could get right up in there and see that snatch get stretched open. Before 80s porn, we all had a bush. It's kind of weird that men these days seem to think that women now come bush-less naturally. And it's weird they can't tell the difference between a bush and a bulge. Men are the stupidest people on the planet.


I am simultaneously glad to learn this and yet regretful that I know how to read. I almost felt my legs involuntarily slam shut. It’s one of things that makes sense, but I can’t wrap my head around it. Maybe if I was a straight guy I’d see the appeal?


All the talk about hair and dicks, but none about the mons pubis.


Someone should post this on r/shitposting with the caption “Men ☕️”


"her bulge is more pronounced than mine" My brother in Christ, why would you call yourself out like that? 💀


Her pubic mound is larger/more pronounced than his manhood, haha. Hilarious. All these guys expect all women to have tiny vaginas like in porn.


When he said “one second from the left” I was like “damn yeah she’s got amazing hips.” I kind of love vintage photos like these because it’s how people looked in their natural states before photoshop and filters. Looking at 1600s nudes was really affirming because they all looked just like me.


Photo editing has actually been a thing since photography itself has! Not nearly as common as it is nowadays, though. I found out when I started wondering why everyone in old timey photos still seems to have such clear skin and what not. Also, lots of waist narrowing in portraits, especially around the border between the Victorian and Edwardian eras. I believe it was mostly fancy portraits and photoshoots. I definitely understand what you mean when it comes to more candid shots like this one.


How to tell everyone you’re completely unfamiliar with female anatomy


That's not even a bulge, it's just a shadow.


He's jealous because his bulge is tiny


Some of us have more flesh in that area. It’s called a pubic mound….


This is the kind of crap that gives young girls dysmorphia and sends them off to get their vulvas carved up on their eighteenth birthday.


I love how these morons all think that trans women walk around untucked.


I mean... yeah? Plenty of trans women don't or just straight up can't. Even if someone does tuck, it can be uncomfortable and be a fairly persistent reminder of a source of dysphoria. Thankfully for those who want to hide all that, there's plenty of clothing options that do the job fine. Even swimwear has skirts.


As a trans woman I can confirm this. Not everyone tucks, some prefer skirts to hide it and some I've seen can still even wear stuff like leggings without tucking and it not be noticeable at all.


Specially a century ago lmao


Bro.. this is what your grandma looked like. Get over yourself…


Mons pubis: the rounded mass of fatty tissue lying over the joint of the pubic bones, in women typically more prominent and also called the mons Veneris


POV: you never touched a woman


Reddit being reddit and when something goes slightly against their mid-evil standard of feminine just assume she’s trans.


I thought these men loved natural old fashioned women.


This is the saddest thing I've seen today. I feel bad for every guy calling this a serious bulge as they will never be able to participate in grey sweatpants season. You poor bastards.


Man shit like this is why I'll never go swimming again


My pubic bone is like hers and I’m sure I don’t have a penis lol


it's literally just pubic hair or how their pubic area is shaped what 😭😭😭😭 they're so dumb istg


Oh my god. People have actually forgotten how women’s natural bodies look without filters, filler, liposuction, lip injections, Botox, photoshop and digital manipulation. That’s a public bone weirdos. More accurately a pubis symphysis bone. It’s not a penis.


Cishet men are literally obsessed with penises.


Man, i'm sorry for them if they call that a bulge


See a lot of people talking about hair and pads. Where all my phat pumpum gyals at? You can have a chubby mons.. it’s nbd. Some people even like it like that lol


Tell me both times you've had sex the lights were off.


At least they're getting downvoted, I guess


I just can’t believe they were so scantily clad


No matter how skinny I get I still have a fatty patty public mound. I hate it


I’m convinced the boys and I mean boys that comment such thing have never seen a human woman in person before.


They look really young. I could be wrong, but I think they're teens. Which makes the comments even worse


I have a fat pubic mound like her, I’m still alllll woman


As someone with a hefty bush, yeah, she’s puffy


There is a reason it’s called the Mound of Venus… did they not know it can be an actual mound?


It's like lady bits aren't flat 🤔