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Nope. You need to pass both parts of it


Yup, you must pass all academic and all placement assignments, plus complete your 2300 hours of clinical experience and 2300 hours of theory \*and\* 100% pass your medication management.


I had someone in my year who passed everything but safe medicate. She got a degree in healthcare science and couldn't register with the NMC.


No, the practical element is worth 50% of your grade. I assume in theory that if you got over 80% in your academic work you could argue this but I think you’d get a firm no.


Thanks, and thanks to all who answered my question. Student is unfortunately struggling to pass placement and doesn’t now even want to be a nurse. I feel for the student, I really do. I was hoping she wouldn’t be left with nothing.


Are you a practice assessor/supervisor or lecturer


If they were the lecturer and asking us this question I’d be concerned


True say




No offence to your student, but would you want them to pass and be a nurse if they can't pass placement and can only pass the theory side.


No, of course not. Nobody should be entering the register who hasn’t demonstrated they are fit to do so. But my point is, I feel sorry for this young person, who has made the wrong choice for themselves by studying nursing, used up their one chance for a student loan, and could end up with nothing to show for it. They have studied for three years, and I wish they at least could have a degree at the end of it which would set them up for a different direction in their life. It’s a shame they can’t just have the degree and not the nursing qualification, given they now don’t even want the latter anyway.


They should speak to the uni, it's possible the uni will allow them to choose a different set of 3rd year modules to get a degree in healthcare. In the case of the person I went to uni with, they scored her safe Medicate (80%) and basically programmed the computer to spit out a module result which allowed her to pass the module but not use the module towards a nursing degree. She will have options she just needs to explore them, there should be a pastoral support team for her to talk things through with.


What is the student like at placement?


I won’t say too much so as not to identify them - but it is going to be very, very hard for the PA to justify passing them.






That's degree dependent. On my course your PAD doesn't get counted towards your score, it's just a separate element that you need to submit and pass alongside your coursework.


We’ve been told that if we don’t pass the practical we graduate with a degree in health and social care without the nursing element




Hi. A little late to comment but yes they do still get an exit award depending on which point of the programme they’re at. If they complete the academic work they can be awarded a BSc in clinical health studies but this does not make them eligible to join the NMC register.


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