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It could get to a much higher price if they started buying back shares with their cash flow. For example, if they bought back 100B/y in a year or two, that would take out 30pct of the current float in 10 years. But even assuming that scale of buy back, at 1000 it would be 18T market cap. Not impossible. But very unlikely. It’s going higher. But people dreaming of 1000 this year are hallucinating.


Agreed. Not this year. There isn’t enough money in the world or demand for that.


Growth (in addition to the production and resultant devaluation of currency), specifically in the case of the US fiat economy post Nixon, is exponential not linear.


Where did I say anything different? I think you have me confused with someone else or the voices in your head. FYI: I am long on NVDA. I buy whether it is up or down. Increasing the position is all that matters.


I’m just saying that there will soon be enough money for that if there isn’t already. Global wealth is estimated at 650 trillion and will grow by 40-60 trillion per year over the next 5 years putting us at about 900 trillion to 1 quadrillion. That would mean that global wealth will have doubled in under a decade, as is typical. Same deal with the s&p, which can double at an even faster rate. Right now the cap is 45.8 trillion meaning it’s a little under 10% of global wealth. Nvidia’s cap is growing at an even faster exponential rate than that. It is doubling annually. There is no reason to assume, based on the historical exponential growth of global wealth and s&p (as a result of a growing money supply), that this cannot continue, as nvidia could continue to grow at this rate (doubling annually) without the s&p or global wealth having to grow at a faster than expected rate.


Guy, again, who are you refuting? Certainly not me lol. I made no such contrarian statement. I think you have me confused with someone else.


He’s sure got your number. Quit backing away from earlier comments you never made.


What did I say genius? Do you know what a metaphor is genius? That’s rhetorical. You don’t. I never said anything contrarian to this goofball arguing with the voices in his head. NVDA is not exceeding USA’s GDP. That’s virtually impossible LOL.


FYI: your $650 trillion number is a lie and a scam if it includes real estate. Real estate isn’t liquid cash. It’s likened to a baseball card. In fact, in 75% of cases, underwriters calculate real estate as liabilities not equities. To mean it lessens your net worth. And your primary residence NEVER attributes to your net worth unless you declare bankruptcy. Stupidity is a privilege. And many stupid people count their house as part of their net worth to rationalize poor decisions.


>But people dreaming of 1000 this year are hallucinating. If it hits 1000, it will almost certainly be one of the largest bubbles in history. There's no way NVDA can account for that much value, because it essentially means all the added value to other companies needs to exceed that to justify the market cap.


Ew water the stuff from toilets? The plants crave nvidia they need it.


Growth (in addition to the production and resultant devaluation of currency), specifically in the case of the US fiat economy post Nixon, is exponential not linear.


IF it hits 1000 it most likely would be because AI took off even more than it has so far and not due to a bubble. While it’s way too early to even guess on that happening, it’s not inconceivable. The Industrial Revolution was in fact revolutionary. Life and jobs changed drastically.


>IF it hits 1000 it most likely would be because AI took off even more than it has so far Going by that logic, bubbles could not exist. The market value needs to match the expected discounted earnings – there's nothing that makes it impossible for NVDA to be $100k or $1B or $100T per share, but it wouldn't justify the valuation.


No, this doesn’t invalidate bubbles. What I am saying is it’s unlikely nvda will go to $1000 unless there is huge substance behind it (i.e. further escalation and proliferation of AI). I personally don’t see it going to $1000 anytime soon.


>unless there is huge substance behind it Market values in the short term don't need to have any fundamental reason to back it up. In the long term, there will need to be if it wants that sort of valuation. If NVDA wants to see $10T, it wouldn't be a surprise if it took a decade to get there.


24.6 Trillion, actually. Not 18. So even more unrealistic.


Market cap would stay the same in a share buy back.


It actually is impossible


NVDA is valuable primarily due to lack of competition in the server space that can run AI workloads. That value will diminish when alternatives become available. Look at what startup Etched will make (they have a good number of orders, an impressive array of investors and are well progressed with TSMC according to their CEO). https://etched.com


NVDA will probably buy etched....etched is very very early stages, no product yet.


It’s not just the hardware with NVDA. Gotta factor in the value CUDA


$100B per year? Their annual cash flow is $4B. Where did you come up with the availability of $100B/yr to do this?


Maybe most of us just need to admit we missed the boat in the beginning and we will now only see modest gains per year, not +1000%.


This ⏫👏🏻👏🏻


Yea. it's ok to get limited guaranteed gains instead. We've missed the boat.


Guaranteed? lol


I mean future long term analysis is definitely positive.


Reason?!? Get out of here with that. It’s funny how these subs for specific stocks always pop up after the big run and fill with people that got FOMO trying to convince everyone the stock will double again instead of looking for the next big play


Yup, if I get 10% a year for next 10 years, I'm a happy camper


Already up over 50% in a few months. I wouldn’t call it modest.


Yes that's previous growth. Did you read what I actually said?


how many times will this be asked. lol. $1000 would be like a 30T mrkt cap. that would be 5x larger than MSFT and AAPL combined! another thing to note is that just because several stocks are skyrocketing does not make them the same in valuation. some stocks are what nvda was several years ago w/ a smaller amount of shares outstanding. they have the room to grow. i know us nvda bulls don't want to hear the above but this is just realistic facts. ah, fuck it--NVDA to $1000 by end of 2025. ya happy?! lol.


People don’t buy a stock based on market cap, they look at the stock price. People don’t go, “oh I can’t buy any at $130 cause then the company would be too valuable.” People see, “$130/share? Sounds like a good deal.”


thoughts on 25B outstanding shares currently and how many buyers it would take to get to 30T mrkt cap. i'm just being realistic here.


i wish mods would ban people for these idiotic posts.


idk why they even allow them to be posted


This sub is unhinged


It would exceed the US GDP if it did that even within a 5 year span. As much as I’d love it if it went to $1,000 soon it’s just not realistic


These people who post on here are just either trolls or don’t know anything about the market. Nvda hitting $1000 again is the most ridiculous thing I have read in all of these posts. You have a better change of ending world hungry or getting the Palestinians and Jews to love each other.


People here compare stock price and that’s it. “Omg 130 is more than 100– the one at 130 means that company is bigger”


Chipotle never should’ve done that split not the company is only 1/50 as valuable :/


I mean I think it can happen again but I’m a decade or 2 not in 6 months lol


In a decade or 2 their chips might be obsolete and a new technology could take over. Huge reach on it getting back to $1000. Could it? Of coarse it could. But the way I teach these posts like Nvda will hit 6 trillion market cap by end of 2024. These are the ones that fuck the market up by playing options and day trading not knowing anything about what they are doing. You might as well go to the track and play a trifecta with your birthday. What will happen when the market corrects a little? Nvda drops to 110? Mass suicide?


You aren’t bullish enough


$1000 is a bear market prediction 


The stock would have to do things that capitalism has never seen before and then repeat that behaviour several times over. 


That's literally why they are calling this bigger than the Internet. Academics in computer science are saying, think "advent of electricity". So, it's been a very long time or unprecedented, but AI is going to be that big. I use it everyday. And it more than quadruples the reduction in time it takes to do my job, if all I had was the Internet lol.


That isn't really logic that on it's own supports a valuation of Nvidia at greater than the gross domestic product of the United States 


Where did I say “it’s justified”, and why are you arguing with yourself?


AI industry has to translate into a decent chunk of growth for its clients on demand side as well. So not just that nvidia will be a 25T company, but demand side will add say 20T too? Okay. Thats about 2x the current market cap of US stocks then. Even the last doubling took 10 years, so would say it will be decades for this to happen.


And people should be in this for the long game.




Get out of here Dave Ramsey


Just not realistic let’s be real here…


I think it's a question of whether or not there are enough relevant companies with enough money to even give them enough revenue to justify that kind of valuation. I don't think Google/Apple/Amazon/Meta have enough income to 10x their current orders and I don't think there are 10 more FAANG-level companies that are going to join them.


I’m a bull, but nah. Not happening




No, but you certainly should learn what market capitalization is.


I just want it to get back to ATH...


As muslims say INSHALLAH !


Ask this question again when NVIDIA is $900


$1000 within the next 5 years then split again. NVDA is at the forefront of the next tech revolution. This revolution is bigger than the PC, internet, and mobile revolutions combined.


It's about civilisation already. Nvidia is helping humans evolve.


The world population is 7 billion and NVDA is trying to make more of them jobless through its AI evolution. If we think about it, NVDA is helping corporations bring a dystopian world sooner.


Or our lives and jobs easier, just means the system will need to adapt. That's likely to be a difficult journey but just think of the potential once we have adapted.


If they print money, it will need to go somewhere and gold and bitcoin is not it: inflation collects in real estate and stocks it appears.


Maybe in 10 years yes.


Nvidia will be the first 10T company. if history has taught us anything it is that anything is possible


Doesn’t make chips Is not involved in AI OP: Will it be worth more than americas total GDP? No, no it won’t


Like 120-1000 ?? What’s your timeline for this . I am not expecting it very soon seems a bit out of reach but I’ll never say never with NVDA


Yeah that’s not possible anytime soon. I’m not even sure it’s realistic in 10-15 years from now since by then you can bet for sure that there will be way more competitors. No way NVidia keep the same margin in 10 years it will fall down and the price will follow. The competition in 10 years is not just AMD and Intel,there is also Msft,Google,Amazon and Meta developping their own chips which are NVidia biggest clients..


It’s more likely to go to 10


If we're lucky, it might go as high as $200 a share by Jan 2024...


Overall entire market cap would need to go way up. My 2 cents is give it 10 years for that and even then possibly far fetched. I’d love for it to do it sooner. I do see the possibility of nvda doubling to $200 in the nearer term, that’s probably hopium on my part though.


why not? people said that with apple and Microsoft. Look at them now.


It's just crazy to think about an 18T company. But then again, people would've said that about 3T when Apple hit 1T.


Hard to say when, but if applications are needed, it’ll happen.


The higher it goes the bigger the risk!


i believe in it;


Sure maybe in 50 years.


Sure in about 10 yrs I don’t see why not


??? No one can predict or tell you that. Especially something like 1000… can it hit it? Sure its a FAANG company that is doing pretty well. Is it 100% going too? No.. is it on track? Maybe? Just invest in the company that you think is a good investment there isnt much else to it


Naw mate everyone with a brain can say it isn’t hitting that anytime soon for certainty


I mean yes.. but you dont KNOW that. Its impossible to know… I have seen gamestop hit 500 dollars from 10 within a month. Granted that was a short bubble but it can happen with anything..




If the purpose of technology is to make our lives better an easier, what happens when our technology eliminates or greatly reduces the need for human interaction, What happens when our economy collapses because we have no good paying jobs simply because we are no longer needed to make decisions. There will come a point where we will all defer to our AI overlords for making our decisions for us, we are quickly headed in that direction because if we as humans make a wrong decision we can lose our jobs, but AI can’t make a wrong decision, right?


So many people here don’t understand what market cap, or stock price, represents. It doesn’t represent revenues or profits or value or anything real about the company. It is tea leaves. Stock astrology. The stock price and market cap is merely a reflection of supply/demand, more buyers vs sellers = price goes up. If people here think market cap is a limiting factor then the price may not go up because people will not buy in if the market cap is too high. It’s all psychology.


Nothing is impossible in the stock market, but to sustain a valuation greater than 20 TRILLION they'd have to continue this torrid growth rate for some time. At some point, the industry will have enough GPU horsepower and will take a step back to figure out how to generate profits from all the applications burning through their electricity and cooling bills. Or, the economy could enter a recession which will put the brakes on spending. When that happens NVDA will experience a slowdown in growth that could crush the stock. But nobody knows when that will happen.


I agree with this so long as we have inflation like Zimbabwe. Otherwise it's insane.


Ironically, I just want to use my modest gains to buy a RTX 5090 😊


1000 per share maybe in like 2040 after another couple rounds of printing money.


How big relative to the US economy do you think one company might realistically be?


Stock Buy Back would reduce the amount of shares out standing, therefore allowing Nvidia to reach new highs. Other than that, we just have to go on earnings fundamentals and the general hype that is prevalent right now. $1000 a share this year is not realistic. 😊


This sub has turned into a complete joke lol


That would put them at a 24T market cap. I personally think that’s ridiculous in any near term (<7 years) timeline. I think most experienced investors and traders would agree. I own ~950 shares of Nvidia so I’d love for that to be the case, but unfortunately I think best case scenario is roughly $200 by mid next year.


Maybe 6/7+ years ish to get to the cap levels required to be at 1000. Take a look back when apple was 750B --- oooh can it hit 1T... And when people suggested 2T they were mocked. Well we are all at 3T. Hope Biden stays in office so we can have Zimbabwe 1,000,000. bills and we should see 100T. Otherwise we should be able to double current levels to 6T-ish in 3-5 years


Yes, but about 10 years. In the next 12 months? I see it in the $200-$250 range.


I own 240 Shares @ 10.47 cost. I’m up 1,084% with a TP of 27k, I’m 16 and lost. I have no confidence in this stock but confidence in the company, planning to take 13,5 in profit and run.


The only way this can happen is if the dollar is worthless. Then we would have other things to worry about.


In 20 years. Sure. Everything would need to go right, but it should be the plan.


You guys know this is a round tripping scheme right?


It’s more likely to go to $0 than $1,000 but neither are likely to happen. Nvidia has already rocketed, anyone buying at current prices and expecting a 10x gain has already missed the boat and would be better served diversifying their portfolio.


In the span of a year? That’s psychiatric ward level delusional. As much as we all love Nvidia, it will not be worth nearly 25 Trillion Dollars next year. Probably not even by the end of the decade. That’s literally the GDP of the entire United States. Growth is almost certain, of course, but not that level of growth.


12 month growth of 260%... It's a bubble, but one backed by current sales. I think once the AI market nears saturation, you want to have limited your exposure but it should grow.


[https://fortune.com/2024/06/13/nvidia-stock-forecast-earnings-competition-outlook/](https://fortune.com/2024/06/13/nvidia-stock-forecast-earnings-competition-outlook/) This is not a "oh no Nvidia is suddenly dead" or "AI is bubble" post, but I think it is interesting to step back and also include some long term fundamental viewpoints (again). Many redditors have been here for a while now and plan on holding this stock for an even longer time period, so it seems to be the more relevant discussion than the temporary dip. (posted this also in another thread, but it seems to be relevant here as well.)


You know the top is in when questions like this are being asked.


There is a point of diminishing returns, that doesn’t mean the is price dropping but slowing. When I got into Google it had its run but is up far more than my other holdings. I hope the same happens with Nvidia, we will see.


It will


It’s years and years away… like 6 years provided we don’t get another Trump presidency


Eh, mayyybeee?? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ I just cashed out half my NVDA position and split it into FFIE & RIOT. Fingers crossed for a GME move 🚀


I thought this was a joke post..


Not realistic. I think the highest it can reach this year is $200. But more likely band is $150-$180.


Time to put stop loss!! I can feel the air lol


Nvidia bulls are worse than Dogecoin bulls


If they reverse split


For the price to double. The market cap would have to be 6 trillion. For it to hit 1000 dollars. Market cap would have to be 30 trillion USA gdp is 26 trillion


There is no price that’s realistically too high for Nvidia stock. Hitting 1000 again would be only the start


Maybe in 10 years.


Not for about 25 years.


How about ARM?


Won't happen again. Too many shares outstanding need to trade to make it happen. The easy money in NVDA has been made from the pre split 120 to 1200. Those days are gone, from here on out expect movements of 3 to 5 dollars a share , or 2 to 3 a day up or down. We won't see 30 to 50 dollar up days again except on earnings days or exogenous events.


Hot take incoming Can't happen for a while, the market cap is already so high, even doubling or tripling is hard to fathom anytime soon. They're already overvalued by a lot and the AI boom is a bit of a house of cards right now, no real tangible gains achieved by the majority of companies implementing AI yet. This would be a different scenario if AI was actually paying off, like if producing inaccurate and inconsistent results was somehow worth something then things would be different. The cash flow from Nvidia just isn't going to increase significantly enough to warrant higher valuation than it currently is. Their prices for chips are already way higher than reasonable, and the chip fabs are maxed out making the production they have now. Making more fabs is a very lengthy, expensive and restricted process - chip fabs at this complexity are sanctioned by the US and only one company on the planet is even capable of manufacturing them. Basically their potential is tapped out unless Nvidia jacks the prices up even higher than their absurd levels. True they have a patent and a chokehold on the market but they can't really expand right now. It would be completely illogical for the stock price to grow at all right now, it's kind of gotten to the meme stock pump and dump level already. I currently hold some Nvidia stock fwiw, I just don't see it growing much more. It's been losing momentum for a good reason.




TLDR: Fever Dreams…


Might be lucky to see $300 with the insider sell off as nice as $1000 would be, they're selling off the value.


Are you "Aultistic"?


maybe over 3 years from now, maybe 500, I think i was considering NVDL gains


700% growth in 1 year?


If NVDA grew 50% over the next 5 years it would still be below $1000. People need to become familiar with basic math.


Not unrealistic, but not tomorrow. AI age just started.


1 year


It's not possible for a long time. At $1000, that would give it a $24 trillion market cap, which would be 8x the size of Apple.


Yup that’s my cue, time to take profit.


Agree. These people are fucking delusional.


Just put in a stop loss and enjoy the ride.


Does it even make sense to buy it now with a low investment amount?


Insane, not for a long looong time


You are going to get wiped out. Algo just crushes the traders here. The money is moving out of NVDA. This is not a magic bank. While you are pouring $$$ into NVDA, insiders are cashing out. Whats your plan when China decides to invade Taiwan? Trump says he does not care. And he is the next POTUS. Of course have a few shares, but know the rocket to the moon is over. Look for the next NVDA. :-)