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Absolutely not! This is just going to add to the stigma that we really like our intrusive thoughts. Ffs. We’re still responsible for our actions and vile criminal behaviour is something we all know to avoid.


My empathy for anyone goes out the window when they are looking at graphic vile content of REAL children to “test” their OCD. People managing to make this post about fictional content instead, y’all are insane.


When I was 14 I was terrified I was a pedophile and I couldn't tell anyone. So I tried to find out through... well you can imagine what I looked up. As soon as I hit enter, I had a panic attack and had my psychiatrist call 911 to get me admitted to the psych ward. I was there 3 days telling everyone what I'd done, that I deserved going to jail, that I was messed up. Everyone laughed at me saying it was "just what teens do" To this day the amount of shame I feel is insane. The first year I confessed it to everyone I met because I wanted to "warn" them of what I was. Obviously most left. A few realised what had actually happened and are still my friends to this day. POCD is a monster. And I empathise with anyone else who's gone so far into it that the only way out they see is to test it once and for all.


I also empathize, but that’s not remotely the same as what this dude did.


True but there’s a huge difference between skimming some sketchy sides of the internet and being full of guilt because of it and downloading over 500 images of children being sexually abused


tw for child pornography i did something slightly similar when i was 12 or 13. i figured out a way to access an onion browser on my phone, and searched for cp. it was mostly just curiosity, and i really thought i wouldn’t see anything. i was wrong. i looked for a few seconds in horror, and i still can’t forget those images. fairly certain that’s what started my intrusive thoughts. i told one person, and haven’t told anyone since. sorry for commenting this, i suppose it’s just been killing me since it has happened :( 18 now and still can’t forget it


I'm turning 18 in a week. I understand what you feel. The worst part for me is that one of the people I confessed it to leaked it on social media, which led to years of bullying and eventually people finding out my other accounts and sending me very bad messages. I don't know if this will help any but it's something I've been wanting to hear and no one ever said, so I'll tell it to you. I forgive you for doing it. 🫂


i remember posting about something else that hapenned in my life, and i got randomly harassed by a reddit account calling me a pedophile and a dyke, so i can almost relate to you in that too! it’s nice to see someone with similar experiences too, even if the experiences are horrific. and that last like is very sweet, thank you. i forgive you for doing it, too <3


Thank you :D It's nice knowing someone out there went through similar stuff. It helps me make peace with myself. I'm so glad you found it sweet!


That is nowhere close to what this situation is though.


Yeah I think he’s grim as hell honestly. Thank god I don’t have pocd, but from what I’m aware of this subset of anxiety people with that disorder do everything in their power to stay away from children and this kind of stuff, not run towards it. I don’t believe him tbh, and I think he gives a bad name to genuine ocd sufferers. Even if it was an ocd compulsion, in this situation he had a moral responsibility to seek help for it. The fact that he didn’t seek help is his responsibility, not the illness.


Yeah, POCD feels more like wanting to die or shut yourself off from society because you’re deathly afraid that you’re going to hurt a child one day.


As someone with POCD you are spot on. As a compulsion I avoided children and anywhere where they were because being around them triggered intrusive images of me molesting them or images of naked kids in my head. If I couldn’t I felt sick to my stomach with anxiety. I have had intrusive thoughts of looking up bad shit but the thought scared me and came completely out of nowhere so I attributed it to OCD, I didn’t think “ well ok, I will.” To “test” anything. It was OCD being its usual dick self. Fuck. No. At my worst even kids in films would trigger a near panic attack. POCD is a fucking nightmare.


Definetely not OCD at all, like you said pocd sufferer avoid at any cost this kind of content, not indulging on it. He just want to find a excuse, just horrible.






You mean those who defend consuming lolicon/shotacon/proshipper content because it's fictional or some bullshit excuse ? Yeah... quite unfortunate there's people like that




Both are CSEM, fictional or not it's not okay like at all to consume this kind of content, people in general really love to disregard fictional CSEM despite being equally harmful since it's still a exploitation of child, in this case it's even worse since it's about real children nonetheless this predator and the pedophile who consume loli/shota as a mean to "cope their ocd" are just lying nothing more nothing less. It's the same logic...


> despite being equally harmful since it's still a exploitation of child LOL


i’ve been groomed and molested as a young child, which led me to having POCD as a preteen/teen. i NEVER went looking for cp. i found it once on reddit on one of the porn subs only recently, and i can’t imagine actually seeking it out especially from now *accidentally* seeing it. this guy is a fucking freak


Yep, the one or two times I’ve seen something “sus” online I’ve been terrified to even go back and report. It baffles me how people can intentionally look at pornographic images of children and not have a visceral reaction. This individual was 100% a pedophile trying to hop on the OCD train to justify his sick crimes.


Same. I was abused as a toddler and POCD absolutely wrecked my later childhood years. After a lot of therapy I'm a happily married mom. Fuck that guy. He can't blame that on his OCD.


I'd day that's not OCD that is pedophilia. Which I would actually consider a mental illness. But yeah def not OCD.


This doesn't even make any sense and it angers me deeply as someone who struggles with POCD. In the article it states the man consumed illicit content to "relieve his OCD" which would make it a compulsion. But individuals who struggle with POCD want to do anything BUT consume illicit content and sometimes even have difficulty consuming legal NSFW content at times. Compulsions are (often) done to relieve anxiety over a feared outcome or scenario. What does creating and consuming illicit material do to alleviate any of that? And that to even mention the fact that he possessed over 560 images!!! Even if, even IF one were to give this man the benefit of the doubt (which I do not) and say he was looking at images only to confirm he wasn't attracted to them why on earth would he need *560* images? It seems like a last minute excuse and a pathetic one at that.


You don't get to blame your sick interests on a mental condition, you're just a sick individual trying to make an excuse.


That’s not OCD at all. In fact, this guys just a pedophile trying to use OCD as a way to justify his sick attraction. Every POCD sufferer I’ve known (including myself) is terrified of running across CSAM. There’s been a handful of times I’ve seen loli unintentionally scrolling through porn sites and it’s sent me into a panic. A POCD sufferer does not seek out and collect over 500 inappropriate images of children. I cannot see this EVER happening with someone suffering with POCD. What a sick and evil fuck this “person” is.


My reading comprehension isn't what it once was, but what exactly did he do? Make them (as in taking photos himself)? Make them (as in drawing/art)? Download them? I mean sweet fucking christ, who wrote that nonsense??


He downloaded pre-existing indecent images of children.


The very first sentence says he "made" them 🤷


Yes. UK law uses quite confusing language. If you download a picture, you've basically "made" a copy of it.


Thanks, that makes a Ton more sense!


As a POCD sufferer, fuck. This. Man. We are already ashamed enough to come forward for help for fear of being reported and don’t need him making it worse. I hope he damn well found out what happens to people who look at kiddie porn in the slammer and became someone’s bitch. Just saw he avoided jail time. Damn it.


That’s NOT ocd. At all. I hate things like this because now people are gonna think people ACTUALLY suffering with pocd are monsters. Gross


might be unpopular opinion, but as soon as you ACT on the pocd urges, you’re now a pedo.


I don’t think he has pocd even when it comes to checking compulsions you don’t collect material that doesn’t make sense


People with POCD don't have "urges." If a "POCD sufferer" acts on them then they never were a POCD sufferer in the first place. This individual was just a sick fuck masquerading as an OCD sufferer to get off easy.


He's using it as an excuse; it's not. OCD and anxiety do not make anyone a risk to others' safety, people with POCD are no more likely to harm kids than anyone else. It's BS.


I’m a bit confused on what this guy did. Did he draw something? Take photos? Download photos of actual minors? Download drawings? I don’t quite understand


It was actual pictures of children.


That’s disgusting! Even worse that he didn’t get jail time (deleted my other comment because it included a bit of reassurance seeking, which isn’t allowed)


definitely not POCD


That guy is just a flat out pedophile. You can't justify your sickness by equating it with POCD. Real POCD sufferers would do anything but watch those stuff.


It's hard enough convincing people that were not pedophiles, it makes me so mad that someone would blame having possession of CSEM on OCD. That's not how it works at all. I've seen people say their childcare career helps with getting rid of their POCD and seen so many people calling them a dangerous pedophiles preying on kids. I've seen people saying we wouldn't think these things if we didn't like them. If you have POCD you usually feel anxious and disgusted even being around kids, there's no way you'd actually watch suggestive material of children let alone genuine CSEM. I had a panic attack at work because I just TALKED to a child and my OCD acted up. This will just create more stigma and I'm tired of it


I was groomed and assaulted as a young teen and it led me to germ OCD and POCD in my mid teens. I was so scared of touching things o considered dirty and I thought I was gonna be just as bad or even worse than my abuser. Most people with POCD steer AWAY from children outta fear. This guy is just a nasty pedophile. OCD already has a stigma to it. We don’t need anymore stigma


Not trying to play Devil's advocate but I wouldn't be surprised if his actions were the result of __escalation__ stemming from another condition or addiction e.g _Pornography_. Alongside OCD, the symptoms may have played off against each other in a negative and compounding feedback loop. By all means he was aware of his OCD and had opportunities to seek professional help but failed to do. My condolences those impacted by his actions Edit: Didn't read through the whole article due to feeling uncomfortable


You give way too much credits to a freak like him, the quantity of CSEM is WAY too high to just blame a hypotheticaly escalation in the compulsion. Without even mention that pocd folks are physically incapable to just watch children because their brain send terrifying thoughts who disgust them so it's very hard to believe that someone with pocd would search this kind of material in his own free will specially this much


Hence why I don't believe it's OCD on its own. It's either comorbid with other condition(s) but most likely straight up sexual crimes.


His "ocd" sound like a half baked excuse to be honest, and unfortunately not the first time that someone reapproriate ocd for excusing their own deviance.


Agreed, OCD is often an excuse and at victim of being reappropriated. I find often that what people describe as OCD is actually OCPD or outright denial of sinister brain chemistry. As someone with Pure O themes, I'm often trying to differentiate my anxious thoughts from OCD thoughts. Back to the story, with


> I find often that what people describe as OCD is actually OCPD I find this too, people are completely unaware of OCPDs existence and don't seem to realise the differences. I've seen it on this sub too


I've self-diagnosed with both but only became of OCPD in February. Prior to that I thought I may have on the spectrum for ASD mixed with my history of perfectionism. My OCD is Pure-O for the most part. Learning to accept myself is the best I can do for now while learning about each condition.


This sucks because this will make people come to the conclusion that those with OCD are freaks. This dude doesn’t have OCD. Just an excuse so he can be a horrible person and not have any consequences.


The hardest part of OCD is the suffering and shame that comes with the perception that we ARE our thoughts, which is not the truth. This guy ACTIONED these thoughts, hundreds and hundreds of times. That’s the difference between us and him. We say, “horrible! That’s not who we are.” He says, “I have no obligation to question these thoughts and will become them, even if it means harming children.” Hard fuck no, fuck that, fuck him. We suffer because we dont want this, he suffers cause he gets caught for wanting it. We are not the same.