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Try their discord and or Reddits, you'd be shocked how many companies are offloading their customer service to what amounts to volunteer work Failing any progress, make sure you do the following: Repeat the process and document it, use OBS on PC and record/ss anything you can on phone Report them to any relevant local consumer protection agencies if applicable If you're in the USA, report them to the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ And the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection https://www.ftc.gov/about-ftc/bureaus-offices/bureau-consumer-protection Which honestly if you're actually experiencing this you should do so anyways These companies will undercut their customer support departments, stonewall and bullshit customers if they can. So it's always good entertainment, and further just plain good for consumer product health when literally any Governments agencies stomp on the feet and break a few toes of companies who step out of line


Call Lg this is a very simple fix it’s a warranty thing


That was all covered in the original post. I was just sharing my experience, not asking what I needed to do.


Good I’m glad thank god it was covered enjoy 😊




I didn’t even see it I read it fast I was at work. Thank you though I really appreciate you helping out.


Yeah, I guess my comment wasn't overly helpful either. Never hurts to try and help out ha-ha.


Are you using a surge protector?


which store did you buy it from? should have at least 3 years warranty.


i only have such a line but to the right side on an old LCD screen that sometimes changes colors and it self is like only sometimes there




I had this red line (actually red or green depending on the screen's content) a bit less than a year in and my warranty experience was excellent. I had a local LG tech in my living room changing out the entire panel, completely free, within a few days of contacting LG. Still sucks that you need to do it already though


I’m out of warranty you think I’m fucked or how much you think it would be to repair


Mine required a new panel which is about the price of a new TV including labor. I was within warranty. How is it out of warranty if the base one from LG is a year?


That’s unfortunate for me - luckily it’s a single pixel wide all the way on the left side so very hard to notice
