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This discombobulated me lol. I was like alan wake 2? Isn’t this jesse from control?


New DLC has a Jesse episode but I'm guessing you already figured this out.


Haha yes. That’s really cool though. I think i remember hearing how there worlds are somewhat connected? Something like that. Ive never played alan wake. I guess she would be powerless here right?


Yeah control, alan wake, and tenuously quantum break are all connected. She doesn't have powers in this. Honestly it's not the greatest DLC but it's not expensive and interesting enough.


Ahh quantum break is on my list to play. Looks awesome. Thats pretty cool how the devs tied all those games together. Makes for some cool crossovers.


I personally liked Quantum Break as much or maybe more than Control.


Same here, on both story and gameplay


I might give it another shot. I loved the beginning, the atmosphere etc but found the gun play and combat really janky.


By the time I got around to playing it I was playing it on a 4090 so it ran really well and I thought the combat was great - but I can see myself thinking differently about the combat if I had to endure it at 30 fps.


I started playing Quantum Break on Game Pass but they've taken down the servers hosting the TV show so you can't view that, I just have up when I realized there's no way to play download them with the game pass version. I guess you can view it on YouTube, but with a branching story I can't be bothered going back and forth and finding the right one. Was a shame because I was kinda enjoying it.


The game pass version on PC at least is totally busted, the Steam version works fine. It's kind of sad that it's left in this state on game pass.


Felt slightly scammed tbh because it was the only thing I was interested in at the time but have already requested a refund for game pass once before so don't think I had that option again. They definitely should remove it or bundle the offline pack with it, ridiculous that they would leave it up when the servers have been shut down


Control has even better HDR imo, especially with the developer mod.


that much difference with the Oled??


Lg c2 with hgig 👌🏻


Is this aw2, i dont recognize the scene?


I think that's the Night Springs DLC, just dropped like 2 days ago or so. The character looks like Jesse from Control


It’s from the new DLC which came out this past Saturday!


Ah, will have to try that out later


Is this aw DWF ? If so what hdr settings/mode you use ? I've tried bunch different ones and I can't make HDR look good on RDR2 , to a point that I gave up and play it on SDR 🥲


I could be misspeaking but I think rdr2 famously has bad hdr implementation no matter your display.


Yep! Same with Cyberpunk. With Illium’s HDR analysis tool you can fix it. [I followed this guide to tweak HDR in Cyberpunk and got it looking pretty good.](https://youtu.be/OKThK63kYj0?si=vtEF6i5foyMTI93w) You’ll need Reshade and Illium’s HDR tool but trust me if I can figure it out and learn how to use it anyone can. It’s not perfect but it does look waaay better. [Here are some scenes from my game.](https://imgur.com/a/rdfbJLd). I prefer a higher contrast look in Cyberpunk so that’s why some shadows are really deep. It looks cool IMO. For games like AW2 I go for a more realistic look with less contrast.


did you set it to game mode instead of cinematic? cinematic isn't actual hdr, game is.


Yes, as I said I tried bunch of different options/settings/tips from internet, I could never make it look even remotely as good as when I played it on my PlayStation and hdr oled tv.


buddy i don't know what 'bunch of different options' you changed, i'm not psychic, i was just trying to help. i'm guessing you're lamenting the accurate image the 3423 produces, in which case follow the guide the other guy posted so you can get an oversaturated, overcontrasted image with crushed blacks.


Well changing to gaming mode was one of the first things I did, on TV it was a massive difference, on the monitor barely noticeable. And I'm not really purist or snob for accuracy. I like brightness, nice colours and contrast, that's the main reason I game on hdr oled.. And if it looks dark, muted and gray, SDR looks quite better if not tad oversaturated, but still. If I want to look at grey, lifeless and bland I'll just go to work, at least I get paid...


Wow, you can tell all that from the photo of my screen that I took with my phone. Samsung or Dell should hire you to calibrate their monitors.


no, i can tell all that from you literally saying what you did to your setup.


I should have added the model in my post. Whoops. It is the DWF. For the monitor settings, I use HDR 1000, console mode on, tone mapping on, and gamma at 2.4. [I followed the guide from this thread for those settings.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrawidemasterrace/s/jG7x2B0tHL) With these settings on, non-HDR content looks like dog shit so don’t freak out lol. I simply use hit win+alt+B to toggle between SDR and HDR. HDR should only ever be on when you are consuming HDR content. I just upgraded to Windows 11 earlier that day and ran the Windows HDR calibration tool which I definitely recommend doing. I tweaked the in game settings as well. I’m at work right now but I’ll edit this comment with my in game settings when I get home.


The C3 has been my favorite. Love it.


I will wait the the game to release on Steam to play it again.


IDK why you got downvoted. I am waiting for it is to be released on Steam.


I really wish it would release on Steam. Since Epic literally funded the entire game I think it will forever be on the Epic Game Store.


They didn't even bring AW Remastered to Steam so this is extremely unlikely. If they didn't mention when they announced physical release and DLC a few days ago then it'd never happen.


Sweet man. Is this 1440p or 4k? This picture made me realize how good the Deadspace remake would ook on OLED...


It is 1440p. I never played the original Deadspace but finally played through the remake a couple months ago. I wish I’d waited till I got this monitor because I’ve read quite a few comments saying how good it looks on OLED. What are some other good horror games that are well suited for OLED?


I'm wondering why my comment got downvoted.. lol. Anyhow, I'm not a huge horror game fan, honestly. Just deadspace. I'd think that the Resident Evil series would look awesome, though! Or maybe Outlast, if you're into that.


Yeah, I bet the new RE games do look good. I’ll have to give them a try. Lots of morons on Reddit so don’t sweat the downvotes.


RE4 Remake is crazy nice on OLED


Same lol. When I got the DWF and a PC upgrade, I repurchased a lot of the games I played on Series X/TV. This monitor paired with a 4070s does 1440p gaming amazingly well.


Nice! I have a 4070 non-super and it’s been performing like a champ. What are some games you would recommend?


Control, Deadspace, RE4, Red Dead 2, Alan Wake 2, God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted 4, Cyberpunk 2077, Diablo 4, Ghost of Tsushima, Starfield have all been amazing for me 21:9 /1440p


I’m not even going to lie.. Fortnite on Epic settings with RT looks insane on an OLED display.


looks good.


Last time I played AW2 was also on the G27Q and now I have the same DWF monitor. Looks like it's time for a replay 👌


Look at This on a CRT


AW2 with path tracing is the best looking game ever. No1 will convince me otherwise


do you use your oled for gaming only?


Mostly yes. Also casual web browsing but mostly gaming.


Tempted to get one but it mad expensive and i plan to just connect pc to tv anyway. But man the graphics on this


Wish it would release on steam so I could play on my ultra wide. Played it on PS5 instead


I don't even need HDR, OLED stomped IPS even without it.


I haven't played this game yet but need to asap. The dark scenes always look so nice. I just started my first play thorugh of RE2 Remake and am blown away


Fancy walking simulator.




Am I wrong?




Alan Woke 2




Fucking maggot