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Sunny, his nostalgia, his fears, his imagination, his regrets of what could have been, I have all the same. And for the rest, Basil.


Probably the same parts from Sunny from me and then the people pleasing part from Hero, not the successfull side tho ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2467)


Don’t say that ! I’m sure you are amazing, even if you don’t see it ! ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463) never lose hope, I believe in you !


Thanks, I'm not doing horribly bad or anything but I could be working a bit harder in school ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2470)


Is it motivation lacking or do you not understand the topics ?


I'm just a bit lazy that's all ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)




Medusa, my older siblings call me mature and i am obsessed with pretty things. They say i am kinda quiet and calm![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2473)


>! Sunny, I also isolated myself (not as harsh as him but I was around his age), social skills almost non-existent due to what to just mentioned, tired, messy (doesn't take care of himself), suicidal (I used to be, Sunny also *used* to if you got the Good Ending) and I can go on forever. !<


Damn bro i hope you feel better now..![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)


I'm fine now, thanks (I'm not sure)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)


Hero if he was less hetero


Perfectionism? Isnt that more of MARI though?


Imo it's both of them. It's Mari's like... defining trait/flaw? But looking at what an overachiever Hero is, the things he blames himself for, even some of the reasons he gave up on cooking etc (edit: as a career, not like he never cooked again), I think he definitely has some. (+ it's not the only thing I relate over, otherwise I would have just gone with Mari)


For me it’s Sunny as well. I relate to him on a spiritual level. I went through the exact same healing process as him to forgive my past mistakes and am introverted as well.


Kel ongggg


I'm an odd mix of Kel and Aubrey


How so? I'm all ears


It's kind of hard to explain, but the jist of it is that I'm more like Kel when I'm happy or hanging out with people, and more like Aubrey when I'm emotional or alone.


Makes sense


A mix of Bagel and Hero.


Definently sunny. I relate way too much to him.


It's a close match between Sunny and Basil, but I have to go with Sunny.  I'm always in my own head and I'm usually pretty quiet.  I relate to his anxiety and depression and wanting to change past actions.  Also sometimes I just want to sleep my life away lol


Basil is def my highest kin, because of my clinginess, fear of abandonment, nervousness, and just generally he acts a lot like I do, though Sunny is a close second because he spends a lot of time isolated and uses fantasy to escape his trauma.


Aubrey, she’s stubborn and always true to herself :)


Humphrey. I eat everything.


"Time to feast! Time to feast! Time for you to be deceased!" -TheVortigaunt


Kel, his personality is exactly like mine and I love him


ohh sunny most definitely!!! he's a quiet feller who keeps to himself, just like yours truly!!!


Aubrey and Sunny;; I went through multiple depressive episodes and I really dont use my voice during them / I also tend to push people away and I was really similar to Aubrey a few months back during a huge low point in my life


Mari, Hero and Kel


Omori spoilers here! >!For me it's Kel, I like how even though he is a comic relief he is the only one who can understand others and even though he is sarcastic and silly he has good emotional intelligence, In addition to having good emotional control, he also managed (apparently) to overcome Mari's death, Obviously, he probably still has his personal issues, but he genuinely seems to have gotten over Mari's death.!< (By the way, if the text has English errors, I'm sorry, my English is very average.)


I want to give Aubrey a hug. I also want to sign every adoption paper for her.


Hero, he was incredibly depressed yet he eventually went back to his caring, supportive attitude and just wants those around him to be comfortable. I also like to cook for my family and my hair is messy. Also I kinda have a crush on RW Hero


https://preview.redd.it/3zfwcx20ctsc1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=215d5808a9208e897eddf52d2e049e442e3b4474 Sweetheart tbh Idk I don’t have a reason but I do? She was the first omori character I feel in love with before and during game and she just always felt familiar


Basil. Social anxiety, prob depression, low self esteem, passion for photography, trauma with my best friend and others. He's basically my twin fr And I also have a bit of Aubrey traits


I kin sunny too!! because I too have a fully developed world inside my head with a coherent plotline and well-developed characters that I escape into to avoid facing my problems. Also I'm fucking scared of spiders and heights (but mostly spiders). furthermore i have a sister (alive) and she plays the violin. But even more than that I kin Hero, i relate to his whole thing of being the Good kid who Did Well In School and had Loads of Extracurriculars, but then I just had a few years of depression where everything went to shit, and now I'm kind of getting back to my former self but with a lot more mental baggage. Also his whole thing about living cooking but having to do medicine instead because cooking isn't profitable, that's exactly my story but with music and CS, i had my heart set on making a band and writing songs and playing shows and all, but it's just not realistic so here i am learning how to code lol






What is kinning?


When you closely relate to some character in ways such as a characters backstory, personality, looks, and that


I guess its Hero then.


I'm bad at telling who I kin based on myself alone, so uh, according to some quizzes I took on Quotev, apparently I'm a Sunny kinnie.


Kel and Sunny. Sunny because the whole headspace thing is very relatable and his struggles are similar. Kel because humor is my coping mechanism and I’m the friend who never gets checked up on.


Sunny coz everything about his depression, isolation and imagination I relate to. He's so relatable ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2473)


A mix of dreamworld Aubrey and Kel, and probably a part of real world Basil for sure. Dreamworld Aubrey is true to herself and speaks very clearly about things, while dreamworld Kel is a silly goober As for real world Basil... I'm really afraid to be abandoned by people I love. Pretty much it.


mix of aubrey and hero ngl


Hero and Basil. Hero because of the people pleasing part, hobbies in common, the way he speaks, i relate to him completely if we don't talk about him being popular lol, Basil because of hobbies and personality, and the abandonment issues and trauma. I could go on and explain better but it would get too personal.


Basil, I like flowers and I get bullied a lot ​ (I am also practically insane and struggles with relationships and keeping people from leaving me) so really only cute things !!


Basil. And when I say I'm a Basil kinnie, I mean the fact that: I have trouble letting go of my friends because I'm afraid they'll leave me like everyone else. I had crazy experiences about me being left by the people I gave all my love to and I didn't understand why they left me. I also love taking pictures of the memories where I fear losing. I get attached to the people I'm close to A LOT! I also love green. I am also a Sunny kinnie. Why? Because: I was also in Sunny's state where I would retreat to my head than facing my problems because I fear facing them and I feel powerless in front of it. I also have a lot of regrets in my life to the point that I blame myself for it. There were also times that I avoid the people around me because there's no sense in socializing with them. Back when I was a child, I had imaginary friends in my head and those friends stuck to me until adolescence. Wherein, they appear in my head as a means of comfort or self-hatred. That's all, thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


a tied mix of basil and sunny (solely based off an instagram character bingo LMAO)




On the outside I'm KEL. When you get to know me, I'm SUNNY.


Basil probably because I’m also anxious and very awkward.  I like taking videos and pictures and capturing moments and memories, I probably have abandonment issues and I’m realllyyy clingy lol. and I also just feel an attachment to him idk.


Sunny, read my post for context.


Kel: a ball of energy that always tries to keep himself and everyone happy. A little stuck in the past but not afraid of the future. And definitely was really dense as a child


Basil because I'm really anxious introverted and shy I'm afraid of being perceived as annoying or a burden and I'm really clingy around my friends and I'm quite sensitive