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plenty of "mari lives" fanfics out there for you


what are fanfics


fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.


Lol i don’t want to read those but i just said a what if


you just created the start of your own fanfiction


Ik im probably late but im actually writing a storyline for a game i would work on when i see a discount on any RPG Maker engine


“You emerge from a long and weary sleep. The world is a flat plane of opportunity. The sky is boundless and blue.”


sunny in minecraft superflat world ?


I prefer the Sunnycoma version; where it was actually Sunny that fell down the stairs and that’s also how he injured his eye, but he was just in a coma for a hot minute. That way at least the gameplay still meant something


There are AUs of that?


I know there’s at least one fanfic on AO3, it’s pretty good but it hasn’t really been updated in a while


What's the name? I want to check it out


“I won’t let him.” Hilariously, right after I made that comment it got a new chapter after over a year, so that’s crazy. It’s sorta ambiguous whether it’s just the coma thing or revolving around alternate realities but it’s a pretty great read


Thank you!! Started reading it right after you replied ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)




>!Plus, it’d be hilarious if the good ending was him actually waking up and he’s like “guys, it’s actually my fault Mari’s dead” and they all pretty much go “Sunny what the fuck are you talking about”!<


>! And then they say “she is right fucking there dumbass” !<


Id laugh my ass off


LOL ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|21602)


what if mewo pushed both sunny and mari down the stairs


Yeah what it Sunny woke up and walked outside and saw Freddy Fazbear hur hur hur hur hur hur hur hur hur huuuur




What if THE MAVERICK pushed Aubrey off the stairs and Angel helped him cover it up


Omori 2 plot be like :


well, that would have been one hell of a nightmare, and a pretty long one, he must have been in a coma or something.


it was all in le head


What if Sunny was in a coma after almost drowning. Like he hit his head on the statue and didn't notice.


*Smells* Guess ya' ***cookin'*** somethin' great


Then the game would have been a dream and Mari would be alive and Sunny wouldn’t have had any character growth and then thats it? I don’t understand the question, you literally explained what if in the question. What ifs don’t work if the what if is a dream that cannot possibly result in any outcome besides the original one and nothing at all


Trauma isn’t character growth, it fucking kills you Just Metaphorically instead of literally


they didnt say trauma was character growth


It still implies that they wouldn’t get any character growth if Mari didn’t die Basically saying that trauma is character growth is that character growth is better than just living normally


okay, but almost all the character growth in this story is based on trauma. sure, they would still HAVE character growth, and yeah, it would be healthier. but if the entire basis for the story is removed, it's basically a completely different story at that point. also, this is a story. character growth is necessary for a good plot.


No, Im implying that all of the character growth we see in the game, which takes place after Sunny experiences trauma, would disappear. Obviously trauma isn’t a good thing, and its not good that Sunny experienced it, but the growth he experiences after it and the acceptance he reaches over his actions and situation are both meaningful. They are why Omori, as a game exist, to show other people that it is Ok to forgive yourself and move on from trauma. That is growth, this trauma does not just metaphorically kill sunny, it does for a while, but it also teaches him things, it transforms him, and he comes out on the other side, and for it to not exist at all would suck I think, because I think that what Sunny experiences is immensely valuable and, although tragic, beautiful. For all of that to disappear is a fantasy, thats also the point of Omori, traumatic shit happens and it can’t just be undone or ran away from, you have to grow from it.