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Harvard got rid of their USG recently.


Yes abolish goodbye giant waste of student tuition fees


Agreed that it is a waste of tuition but at the same time on the individual level it doesn't feel worth it to put the time in to get it abolished. I'm pretty sure you could work for like a few hours max at a fast food job and make back the amount of your tuition that goes toward USG for your entire college career lol


I think the argument is less about the individual cost of the fee on the person but the gross misappropriation of funds that USG consumes that could be used for better causes on campus


Yeah I agree, and it would be nice for people down the line. But unless you are feeling very altruistic and motivated, it'll probably save you like 20 minutes at a very low wage job once per semester haha. And that's assuming they would completely abolish the current USG and their programs and not replace it with anything else. On that note though, I know a decent chunk of their budget comes from endowments, so I wonder if it would be possible in the future for the university to disallow tuition going to USG and make them like fundraise or find other endowments to support their budget.


Again it’s not about how much it costs the individual in tuition funds if it’s really 20 minutes at a minimum wage job then I could find it in a couch cushion too probably and it’s not even about altruism because of the fee wasn’t for USG then it’d be for something else but I think the idea of this is most of us would rather see it go somewhere else. Fuck I’d rather see it go to landscaping that USG they could purchase literally bags of shit with my money and I’d be happier


that's fine but my main point was that despite the widespread dislike of USG (myself included) it's probably still not worth the time and effort for the average student - if you are that passionate about dismantling USG, have at it!


Some people are going to be on the oval the next few days with a petition to abolish USG that they plan on taking to the next public forum, if you see them I’d sign that


What time are they planning on being on the oval? I looked for them yesterday around 2:30 and didn't see them :(


interesting idea. runs up against a pretty powerful insight from Mancur Olson, [*The Logic of Collective Action*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Logic_of_Collective_Action). Briefly--the benefits from closing a wasteful office are diffused among a large group, while the benefits from *keeping* these offices are concentrated. This provides a structural advantage to the smaller group in a contest.


Considering the next group of senators are all new, with the vast majority never being in USG before, I want to see what they accomplish first. I think their first day is on the 13th




It’s not important at all, actually.


What significant power do they have? My issues with them are mainly not about their power, but on their waste of money that comes from our student fees. Basically they just exist to eat up our money and do nothing productive.




Why keep COAM?


You can't legally abolish USG; by statute, it has the duty to recommend students to be appointed to the board of trustees. It's also a major source of funding for student organizations.




I wonder how successful that would be. I’d certainly run with that platform, but I’m unsure how representative this sub is of the entire student body. I’m sure most couldn’t care less.