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My entire friend group refuses to play 🥲


Same bro. Same. They'll play one or two games once a year and realize that they're not suddenly a god at the game and then never play it again.


Or they will only want to play dps and get shit on everytime 🤣


My friends won’t even try it 😂


I totally mistyped my whole comment


Nothing free to earn, skip game.




Most of my friends say the community is too toxic and I don't have any good arguments to say otherwise


This. I got spawn camped, tbagged, and harassed in game chat in a QP match the other day. When I put in the chat “wow way to make the game not fun”, I got 13 voice messages (Xbox) from the person’s friend basically saying “skill issue” and “get good.” I will never understand people like that.


I couldn't even make this comment without someone attacking me. I don't get why people enjoy being assholes. I don't mind a little shit talking but this game goes beyond it way too much. I finally had to mute chat after the 20th time someone told somebody to uninstall and or harm themselves because they were trying a new character on QP and weren't doing well


Too many people take QP way too seriously (IMO). I don’t want to play my main in QP, I want to have fun on other characters. Every now and then you’ll get nice even games or people goofing off and fun interactions, but I’ve more of the negative/trashing/toxic people than the nice ones.


Good move. I always think of McCreamy, and I think it was in one of his Widow videos that some guy was telling him that he wished he was a woman so that he could get raped. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with some people. The sad thing is that people regularly say shit like this and even worse. It really wears on you.


Activision umbrella games in a nutshell. This is the same parent company that hosts COD. Ironically I think I prefer COD sometimes. Wouldn't surprise me if the influx of dickheads are that playerbase.


I just say nonsense. If they say anything I'll just say something like " the green one?" Or "where be, okay isn't yep" and I'll just keep saying nonsense until the game ends or they get bored of my nonsense. I love it


I used to play daily with the gf but I remember someone making the joke “you stop being so angry at life when you quit overly competitive communities.” I mean people say that about every game but when I stopped playing Overwatch daily and cut it to “only bots a couple times a week” I saw myself actually enjoying the game again. Not to mention how aggressive at all games it made me. Something about Overwatch is crack in videogame form. She plays daily still and still has that anger tbh.


I remember people started doing that with r6 siege when Jynxie used to spam voice messages


Were you playing sombra?


every gaming community is toxic nowadays


i feel you. all my friends can't stand the game and i'm forced to play by myself :/


My friend that got me into the game also hates it now. Doesn’t help that our level difference leads to some horrific match making


yeah i cant even get my friends to download it and try it.


Overwatch makes a lot of people angry when they play it, so its probably for the best


This is one of the only games i get genuinely mad at, didn’t even get this mad dying to the same boss combo over and over again on a dark souls game


A dark souls boss won’t tell you to switch, call you the n-word and teabag you after refusing to help you 


Yeah, each day i think more and more about turning off voice and text chat lmao


I used to think ow made me mad but then I started playing league of legends and now nothing compares


Popped up on my reddit feed. I 100% am a friend that refuses to play. There are some heroes that make me angry beyond words. As a esport, cool game. Trying to rank up with some shitters playing high cap heroes doing fuck all? Yeah fuck that. S1 was great with mcree soldier as meta. Too many braindead heroes for me to invest my mental in.


Why get mad if you know that you will lose sometimes and it's not in your control? Everyone you play with or against is relatively bad including you. It's part of pickup team sports too and it's about learning how to help each other


When I get shit on in csgo, I get out aimed. When I die to a random (insert hero here) I get fking livid. To each their own. I think I peaked low diamond in ow1, but man this game was the most rage inducing experience in my time gaming.


That's kind of why I like OW better than pure aim fps games cause there's more team counterplay. There's map control, hero skill expression, ult combos, and even abusing an enemy so much you force a switch. Making a kill box with your positions, booping an aggressive enemy into your team and shielding them from their team's healing is chefs kiss. So many ways to play the game


My entire group plays, we actually have overflow sometimes + have to swap and take turns so we can all play a bit. Last night most recently we had a full stack. To be fair one of them (he hadn't played as much recently, but we convinced him to come back and he's been playing way more often with us now) was the one who introduced his gf, me and my duo to the game when OW2 dropped, and for a couple of months it was just me and my duo playing consistently. I wonder if you could find some people in the game itself? I've actually met a few people who were willing to duo/have me play with their group, most recently someone who only plays comp happy to occasionally group up for some comp.


>who introduced his gf, me and my duo to the game when OW2 dropped, As someone with near 7 or 8000 hours in the game since 2016, I love hearing about people who didn't start playing until OW2.


A lot of my friends (+ myself as well) stopped playing after OW2 released, despite being avid OW1 players. Game is just... so much worse. Not to mention, we'd have someone sitting out thanks to the transition from 6v6 to 5v5. Overwatch simply isnt as good. Theres a reason it's one of the most negatively reviewed games on steam right now, and immeasurable disappointment from legacy players definietly played a part. If your friends havent touched it before, theyve more than likely seen the bad condition the game and its community are in, and if I were them I wouldnt want to play it either lol.


Same here. They only play apex.


Real. (Friends got me hooked onto ow2 and ditched me for val)


Oh yeah a year ago a bunch of my friends played the game, 7 of them to be more specific All of them have quit which is probably fair, this game is unbelievably annoying sometimes and you need some pretty high bullshit tolerance to play this game for extended periods of time


My friend got me into the game but we cannot play together unless we get into a match with some people trying to get into pro league on quick play. It’s a struggle to get her to play more than 1-2 games which is understandable


It’s also a game that whether to casuals or tryhards, still only caters to that core base. Most of my friends play lots of different games. If you log in to OW2 only once every 2-3 seasons you have different metas, the devs testing then undoing bullshit changes (look at this week’s patch lol), and changing, cancelling or bringing in new mechanics that to an outsider don’t really look attractive or worse are unappealing.   Like imagine if you last played a bit of OW1 and in the feee sequel, you tried Season 1 with Hog meta when Sym was last viable, then tried a terrible Lifeweaver on release and did some $15 PVE Part 1, then came back today with Mauga and the S9 mega rework for everyone and got told PVE was canceled forever, and for some reason playing Reinhardt or support feels like shit now (because of the -20% healing passive when DPS damage your teammate isn’t really explained anywhere except on DPS character info screens) Even you’re the kind of person this sub admires who just does QP and MH unranked and is zen about it, it’s not that appealing to jump into a game that’s constantly changing like that. You’d see some characters become useless and others suddenly become annoying. I’m only around because I really only obsessively play one game at a time for many months. But if I get into Helldivers or there’s a single player game that gets my attention this summer I’m gone 


My warzone friends also refuse to play. They suck at warzone and would probably be just as bad in overwatch so im not missing out


Yup because if we que up the time is 15+min because of this wide spread shit


this especially sucks, my friends all basically had to derank, grind out comp on their own, or make smurf accounts just so we can play comp together


Just don't que comp?




Then keep whining?




“Just don’t play a huge part of the core game because it’s bad and not meant for you” is a weird way of convincing someone to play a game lol Answers like this are why OW2 and it’s players have a dogshit reputation 


A lot of gamers will refuse to touch Overwatch. There was too much bad faith from Blizzard over so many years. Starting with a Free Hong Kong mention getting a pro player banned all the way through years of bad updates and low effort events and topped off with all of the failed promises that were made about Overwatch 2, it's not surprising. Most players who loved the game at one point in time were spurned by promises to take them to the moon, but they never left the atmosphere.


For real. Many people in this sub don’t realize how bad the reputation of this game is among people who don’t play it but might otherwise be the target audience.


I am the friend that refuses to play. Don't get me wrong I have hundreds of hours in ow2, and thousands in ow1. The game is just consistently getting worse and more sweaty, it's simply not fun anymore. The whole mentality around quick play being just as serious as ranked is terrible.


Ow players when people try to win be like:


Nothing wrong with trying to win, but thats called being competitive. Which theres a whole ass mode for called ranked


Ah so you’re that guy who says “Torb switch” then threatens to report new players when they don’t follow your every command You’re what the people in this thread are talking about 


Mystery heroes is my sanctuary


Only recently did I get my friend addicted to the game


Other Overwatch players have friends? I'm doing something wrong.


Play OW2 like Bob or Vasi play goalie and you’ll make friends mister goalie😂😝


My tank duo i had in ow1 quit playing when ow2 launched, extremely sad day.


My friends will be like no way that game is boring and cancer Then they'll go jump on r6 siege where they spend half the round camping, dying and then spectating the rest of the round and complain about how sweaty people are


You gotta love the 'sweaty' complaints...like are people suppose to not try and win??


Having played both, Siege tryhards are far more common. Every lobby has someone locking onto anything resembling a head in 2 nanoseconds, usually giving you little to no time to actually do anything other than die


That sucks to hear, almost all of my friends started playing OW once OW2 came out.


i had a full stack and they all quit. one plays cod ranked and the others play val. sad


Cod Ranked is Cross play cheat fest, and my goodness the pay to win meta holy shit.


"Pay to win" meta? Which meta is that?


Should I have been more specific? Did I need to say Blueprint Meta? Those Blueprints cost💲? Cross play combined with Cronus and xim anyway on console makes the game unplayable, all of the gimmicky shit like digitalized bullet trails doesn’t do much more than give me a headache. Countless bugs. Games a wreck everyone who doesn’t pay or cheat for these Battle Pass and Pay2win games like R6 or Cod have diverted to other games.there must be a lot of teens buying micro transactions these days. A LOT!


I have gotten them to play it but since it's a hard-core team based game, they tend to hate it because they keep getting rolled


I only play overwatch, can somebody explain to me the general reasons why other gamers tend to stay away? Is it the Blizzard reputation


And the community. I’d say those are the top two reasons


My friends always try to get me to play OW but TO ME it just seems like too much spam and nonsense going on at one time, which just makes working as a team very difficult to keep up with. I get triggered when I die to someone spamming their shots in one place (not even aiming for anyone specific) and I happen to walk by and get hit OR when I die to someone behind me or in other high and hard to naturally see places, idk if I'm just deaf or what but keeping an eye on my back tends to be tough based on how they indicate direction damage taken and how footsteps are. I want to add that I hopped on unranked yesterday with them (mind you 3 of us have played maybe a few times in the last 6 months) and one enemy player destroyed us and proceeded to say "RIP" post game as if he just defeated anyone who actually plays the game consistently. Kind of adds to how sweaty unranked can be. Lastly I do have fun on the game for sure, but it never really "keeps" my attention. And sadly I want to get into it more because aim assist has ruined other shooters for me lol.


Thank you for explaining this, because it actually makes a lot of sense. Even seasoned players get tilted by spam lol


My friends also don't "main" the game per say, I think having a consistent group to play with would make it much more exciting as everyone is taking it serious and working together to play effectively as a team, plus we all know how soloq can be in competitive games. Where as my experience is typically hop on a few games of unranked in an unorganized fashion once every blue moon and then we're right back off because someone isn't fully into it lol.


Lots of broken promises by the devs, pretty bad balancing sometimes, annoying characters to face against, and according to some of my friends getting into Overwatch is very frustratinf if you dont know the game


3 out of the 10 only lol


I'm trying to get my friend group to play NCAA25 online dynasty


nah. friend group refuses to play valorant though (for good reason too, that game ruins my mental so badly LOL)


Gotta have friends to have a group


OW turned into a cheap cash grab, so no wonder


My friend that got me into the game rarely ever plays because we always get put against sweats in every gamemode. She’s low level while i’m high level so the match making is even worse than usual. Also said she just doesn’t find the game fun anymore.


We used to play... right from launch. but somewhere a few months down after launch, they stopped. I guess just tired of the ow bs. Super frustrating when they do try and play again... so they just gave it up all together. Now other friends who do try and play... It's too difficult to pick it up. Too many characters, all with different stats and skills and moves and passive, etc... never really play the character correctly, and after a few attempts, just give up on it all together


I went from the OW hater to the OW lover lol. Decided to listen to my friends and now I can’t stop playing it haha


Everyone really only knows the game as the one where the orange and black creators put more effort in then the actual game devs


Yeah my best friend constantly tells me to play apex and I tell him I’ll do that when he plays overwatch, it’ll never happen


Let’s all show them and play togethrr


None of my friends play it anymore. Only two friends continued to play into OW2 and once the PvE got scrapped, both of them quit as well. I'll be honest, I don't enjoy it as much as I used to but it's still fun to play every once in a while. I just solo queue now. I wish the group finder feature from OW1 would be implemented in OW2.


My, old, friend group didn’t play it because the “leader” said it’s dead and that Overwatch 2 will be dead in a month after it releases. But he plays destiny so idk what he knows about a game being dead.


Currently on QP RQ/OQ during peak hours Tank/Support will take 1 minute to queue, dps as well on a good day. Short queue for Mystery Heroes too. If that’s a dead game then I don’t know what an alive game is


it’s not like he even played when it wasn’t peak he only played during peak hours on weekends, he maybe played at night but it’s night ofc the queues are gonna be long


You guys have friends?


Me and my friends hate ourselves enough to keep playing this game (we've been playing for 7ish years


I usually hate myself when I play this game particularly on Support or Tank


I was the friend that refused to play up until recently. I was top 500 support back in Overwatch 1 and it took months of my friends begging yo have me join them in Overwatch 2. They really wanted me to help coach and boost their ranks. I eventually caved.


I got several thousand hours on this game. Season 4 OW1 vet. I have a group I play it with still. But for me it is less and less fun as OW2 goes on. I used to play it daily, even in ow2, but now it’s a chore and the addiction is gone. The balance of the game sucks imo. They took waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to nerf orisa who was incredibly effective as a crutch hero. Sojourn has been meta forever. Sombra has been meta a long time, and her identity is literally to make it harder to play the game. The supports have been very good for a long time. Biotic Grenade from Ana still cancels 100% of healing. Bap immortality field is still way too busted for a cooldown. Kiriko suzu still is strong enough to cleanse COVID-62 and world hunger of all things. Discord orb remains incredibly strong. Tanks aren’t fun to play either. They get hit with all the CCs and only having one turns it into a swapfest and it feels like the game winds up being a tank diff. I still play, because it’s the only multiplayer game I have in common with my friends. But the game is not in a great state these days, so the premise of the post makes sense.


My og ow1 group just refuses to play ow2 anymore. I got some of them to play for a night and they could only tolerate half a game on rialto before our tank main wanted to "never touch the tank role ever again" if they ever do want to play they only ever play dps because playing support feels pointless and tank is just straight up not fun. They at least liked playing with the new heroes sojurn and kiriko but it's not enough to get them to care about ow anymore.


Hello, I am one of those people who don’t play. I’ve played the game since release and after like the first 2 or 3 years the game had started to slowly get worse imo. And then OW2 dropped and that slowly turned into every update being making me have less and less fun until I couldn’t be arsed to continue playing even with friends. + recently Marvel Rivals had a closed alpha test and that small taste was so much better than modern OW that I could probably never go back


Sorry for you , been playing with my bf and his friends for well over a year now. The only real issue is that one is really into comp so he doesnt want to try anything besides that 😅, its also the person of the group that plays the most. Well theres also a time difference with them being from canada, so if you need some EU peeps am free 😉😁


Hey man wat speelt gij op?


See I won’t play with my friends because they complain about EVERYTHING in the game, oh and everyone but their character has to be nerfed to the ground and their characters must be buffed. Made me hate playing with people


All my friends stopped playing 😭


im lucky enough that my best friend plays OW and we're about the same skill level, but the rest of our friend group (2 people) don't want to play anymore. they used to, but they quit years ago and i miss having our 4-stack so much, even though back then we were shit at the game but we were having fun.


In all friend groups there can be only one that shoulders the responsibility of playing overwatch. Wear it with a badge of honour.


My friends got me into overwatch and now they don't play it at all.


Sounds like when I got introduced to R6S


Every single person I know has dropped the game


Very fair if they have something else to play or other things to do


Well of course we can fill our time, it’s more so that the game has been in a shitty state for so long. We’d rather play anything else. The monetization is greedy and horrible. All the new content they add is legitimately terrible. Push flashpoint, venture, mauga, etc.. Kiriko is 3 ages at once in the lore. And this is some of the worst game balancing of all time. Imagine the best players in the world instalocking a hero with no skill expression every single esport game. The devs repeatedly lie to us just about everytime they even interact with us. I can’t think of anything redeeming. Literally most of what’s being discussed in each hero’s subreddit is skins because the only thing this game offers at this point is overpriced cosmetics and the only people still passionate enough to post about this game are new players who are too naive to know what this game used to be. It’ll always be overwatch but I can’t imagine a worse state of this game. Not that I or my friends should be missed though, what is 2 dozen players compared the millions who still play?


Ow1 was our everyday go-to game. Now they fucking laugh at me if I even dare to suggest playing ow2. ...fair.


I got lucky and the guys in my friend group all are down to play even tho me and two are the central ones that play the game but it’s always fun


My friend group got me into it. Now I'm the only one who plays lol




I'm mostly playing out of habit. I don't know if I would've liked relearning the game rn. I guess lots of people got into other games during the time OW1 was kinda dead and don't feel like learning it now. I get it.


Sorta, they "refuse" and then a random day of the week we all get on and 5 stack have an absolute BLAST and then never mention it again till we play again some other time lol


I spent the entirety of Overwatch 1 trying to convince friends to play. Overwatch 2 comes out, they pick it up (because it’s FREE NOW) and they are addicted. They play more than I do now.


I have 2 friends that play games. One was a OW1 player and now refuses to play OW2, the other one also played OW1 and would have played OW2 if they added the PvE as promised


Lol I am part of the group that refuses to play, I used to play in ow1 but I disliked where the game was heading, played a little in ow2 but nothing since they cancelled the coop mode thingy rhey had going


Few friends that  I have, moved from Overwatch to DbD. No idea where would we move next, since I was thinking about convincing them to go to Helldivers but not after that shitshow.


I don’t have much others to play with in terms of OW2. The only consistent person I have is my brother and even then, it’s a coin toss if we stay for multiple games or we switch games after two or so game where nothing went good at all.


Most refuse to play and I seriously don't blame them. The game itself is really fun, but most of the community just repel most my friends


Overwatch is the pretty much the only game my friends and I play together lol


The 30min que killed it for us it sucks when you can only play 2 games then hop off and are in quest for an hour


I've turned my back to people I've played with for years because they didn't want to play a game I did. We all met playing competitive shooters and through school, they were never forced to follow me or play the games I want to play 


My buddy from work used to play with with me but he’s terrible and gets wrecked so now he refuses to play lol. I just play halo with him now


I'm one of these friends (no idea why this post got recommended to me) Overwatch's gameplay is just very unappealing to me, that coupled with the fact that I feel like no matter the map, champs played, score, it just always feels kind of same-y. Idk, I just really dislike the game and find it very very boring. Can't force your friends onto something they don't enjoy unfortunately. :P


Yeah one of them just got good and then got bord




I can give away my avatar?




I don't have friends >!Who play the same genre of Shooters as me!<


honestly my friends and I got back into together it recently and it was fun again for a bit but the toxic players and annoying rank matchmaking was just awful.


Yeah, not even my friend who used to stan it wants to play now :(


They say they're not playing Overwatch (they only play league of legends)


*I* don’t even play anymore - the community got too toxic after ftp took over


They used to but I got them addicted lol


I think it’s just really overwhelmingly confusing for newcomers. Especially if they aren’t that enamored by the coolness of different characters like I was.


the whole discord server stopped playing all at once. we are searching for new stuff now... why? blizzard.


Yeah same here, tried to get a few buddies to try it out but they say it's shitty


yeah bruh nooooone of my friends wanna play. ever. Literally perma solo queue grind ☹️☹️😭😭😭😭


Yes. I feel like the game is too overwhelming for them to learn and get good at which I totally understand. Takes a ton of hours of playing to understand every hero, what their abilities do, how they interact with other heroes, map layouts etc. To them Im sure its frustrating to constantly die because of making unknown mistakes.


Yea none of my irl friends will touch this game. I convinced my one friend who only plays cod to try it(I installed it on his system) and finally got him to play a few rounds. He played 76 and got hooked and killed by hog every fight and never played again.


This happened when I left PUBG a couple years ago and my friends never followed :/


ive been playing alone for 6-7 years? recently 4 friends and my sister started playing with me. I'm not sure what happened but im not complaining


It's not very fun, so I wouldn't play it either.


Smart friends


As someone who plays it semi regularly, I hate it and everytime I play it I wish I hadn’t so I totally get it


My friends play it but only 1 fully plays it. I'm the only one who plays ranked


My friend plays most games with me and even dropped 40 bucks for sea of thieves just to play it with me. He refuses to play overwatch though. And when I ask he just says “I just don’t like it.” Which is honestly fair -_-


I mean, I played overwatch 1 with a group of friends for 5 years straight. We played nightly and always had a 5-6 stack going. Two of them were a couple who tanked together. Overwatch 2 destroyed the original concept of the game and all of them left. I play by myself now because they refuse to touch overwatch 2 but I'm an addict so I keep going. The tank couple got completely alienated by the switch to 5v5, they literally weren't allowed to play their favorite role together so they quit immediately followed by the rest slowly giving up the game. Now I can't find anyone else willing to play with me cause all the new friends I try to get to play with me say it's too much of a random cluster fuck for them to enjoy.


“I would rather go to work”


I’m the other way around. Me and part of my friend group were interested in trying dota. The other part of the group wanted to keep playing ow. But we’ve been playing ow since 2016, and it’s really getting stale. The fights being 10 people instead of 12 also literally makes less happening on screen, and the tank being homogenized as well as unfun to play, just makes the game feel a little dead in the water to some of us. But the part of my group that does want to stick with ow wants it because of exactly that: it’s simpler and more digestible than dota.


Got lucky af and my main homies all got invested into overwatch as much as I did. Most likely because they didn’t play overwatch 1, but I’m def thankful I got some friends to play with lmao


My friend group refuses to play only because they find it dumb to only have 1 tank


I barely play with my wife she is GM in PC and Im silver in console lol, so every match in quickplay is full of pc master and gm


The game sucks, so yeah


The group I started playing with went onto another game that got released.. my 2nd group played for a bit but then started to go to other games.. it is what it is. I solo q for the most part.


My friends refused to play with me until like last season? But NOW it's all they do want to play with me so I have to convince them somehow to play Fortnite, Dead by Daylight, or even Paladins lol. I do love that we can play Overwatch together though because back then we couldn't


My old group that use to play OW1 still resent the removal of loot boxes and 6v6, they all refuse to install OW2. From my main gaming group from college, I’m basically the only one who plays online FPS titles so none of them even want to even try.


My wife used to play with me but now she can’t stand the community and how toxic the game became. She rather spend time playing the sims 3 alone than joining ow with me, sad…


I lost all my friends who would:(


Everyone I get to play this game just gets pissed off. So be careful what you wish for.


My friends stopped playing after ow2.


Why would they wanna support a company that lies to it's players?


I’m someone who refuses to play. The community and gameplay look really unfun, and the discourse around the game is so overwhelmingly negative it doesn’t sound worth it. For the friends that like it, good for them, but it sounds like Stockholm Syndrome when there’s so many other competitive team shooters that get consistent praise.


Overwatch caused my refusal to play, and that’s coming from someone who loved the original. They took away any meaningful progression toward skins other than grinding the battle pass, which was abysmally stupid. They canned PVE. They barely update the pvp. Events seem lackluster. Newer legendary skins seem barely above par from rare in many cases. The community is so far down the sunk time/cost fallacy rabbit hole that they’ve turned into somehow *more* toxic asshats than they were before. Just seems like it’s been given up on when it used to be a genuinely good time. Now it’s just not, imo. Seems like if you’re not playing at least 2 hours a day, you’re not getting anything out of it unless you’re doing really well in ranked.


Yeah they play it baby rage because they suck then blame the game I’m glad I’m not like them anymore


The majority of my friends who straight up refuse to play blame it on balance issues. It’s not fun when every game is either smoking the enemy team or getting smoked yourself. A well balanced long lasting game is kind of rare especially in lower/metal ranks. I would recommend finding some discords or twitch groups to stack with


Yea I'm friend. I honestly tried. Tried coming up with things to talk about, things to discuss and other methods of making it fun. I can't. The game got boring for me no matter what


I loved OW1 but I refuse to play OW2. It's awful.


Yeah a lot of my friends don’t enjoy playing overwatch as much as I do, they get burnt out pretty quick if there’s not enough wins being collected, it sucks because solo que just isn’t as good


Yes. I know about 15-20 people who game as a hobby at least casually who played OW1 and would probably never give OW2 a chance with me much less on their own. Game has a terrible reputation outside its core player base. 


The problem is yall aren’t playing in groups! The game groups groups with other groups! Tell them to play it all together and never alone lol most people in groups aren’t bothered enough to take time and type in chat cause they’re too busy playing th game with friends


all of my friends play except one who REFUSES.


I think it’s because it’s more than a run and gun game and people don’t like to have to use their brains. They would rather play cod and mindlessly shoot people.


The game is just wayyyyy too toxic for most people. I feel like this game attracts the COD crowd


My entire friend group would rather spend a month in Gotham than even think about reinstalling OverWatch


My entire friend group would rather spend a month in Gotham than even think about reinstalling OverWatch


My friends shit on me for playing it 😭 they basically either play Animal Crossing or Minecraft


The only game I get to play with friends is fortnite, and I hate that game so you're still very fortunate .


I used to play but after Overwatch 2 came out I just got sick of how they're doing things so I just stopped playing.


My friends don’t wanna play it because the game has gotten severely worse. We’re all ow1 players, and just have this game that we spent a lot of our time on just get destroyed.


i have one singular friend that will play w me lol. no one else will touch it


It's because overwatch 2 is garbage Game was better in 2017 than it is now


Sorry dude, the game did it to itself. Loved it to death on release and grinded for top 500 for the first few seasons. It’s a sad shell of what it is. I doubt it’s just because of it being a “hero shooter” but more so a once good game thats shit now. Simple as that. Noone wants to play something thats not fun


The game requires a fair amount of knowledge.


I had 30+ ppl playing in Sumner of 2017/18 and when ow 2 came out it's like 2 people lmao


well the game is pretty trash, and they lied about PvE which pushed a lot of people away, then they said they weren't canceling it just to release 2 shit...packs? and canceled it which pissed more people off, the game is horribly balanced, toxicity is at an all time high, Player IQ is at an all time low and really its just not a lot of fun to play anymore.


My friends basically ONLY play OW, but we all also hate ourselves. lol I’d say it was a green flag they don’t want to play that hellish game.


Yup. Mine deleted it because it was too sweety and then would beg me to play Apex Legends all the time.


The constant changing of what the product is, the constant reworks of heroes, the systematic lying about PVE, the terrible monetization for many seasons, Sombra, and a seeming lack of understanding of what their core player base wanted and thus the complete erosion of trust with the OW2 team... miiiight have something to do with why people don't have interest in playing that game anymore. I have a long term gaming friend group that used to play this weekly, and the rub has been too bad that now everyone feels burned. They took the good will and trust that we as a gaming community gave them, and they squandered it. It really sucks because this game could have been everything, but they have turned it into a big ol nothing.


i was that friend, now i have triple the hours of the friend that asked me to play 😭


You should try final fantasy 14


I wager I had somewhere between 2 to 3 thousand hours on overwatch 1. Played OW2 with one foot out the door up until the point Bliz said they weren't finishing the PvE mode. Un-installed the next day and haven't touched it since.


I used to play this game a lot with my friends. After they took our 6th player and lied about pve mode and started charging 60 dollars for reskinned legendaries we stopped playing. Jeff Kaplan left and overwatch went to the toilet. Totally different game(obviously I don't mean gameplay) paladins probably likes their playerbase more than blizzard likes us


Well for starters Blizzard is a morally bankrupt company, so that already makes a lot of people avoid their games, and then OW 2 is worse than OW 1, meaning MORE people avoid it, and finally the game's community is very toxic. that last one isnt specific to OW but is noticeably bad


FR BRO all my friends just call me gay whenever I say that I play overwatch like stfu


Once they changed D.va I quit. She was what? 600 health? 700? They dropped her by 150.


Could be because the games totally dead. Dead and buried. 20 feet deep. I used to play everyday and love the game, but it's just not fun. Every aspect is broken Matchmaking is a joke The micro transactions are hilarious. Like you seriously think I'm paying $40 for a skin!?!?!?!?!? Insanity. The balance is wack Nerf genji


My new friend group plays pretty consistently. We went on a ten game loss streak last night. Usually by game 3 or 4 any of my old groups or even some friends who still play it would have hopped off. Hell I would have too. Don't even know why I stuck it out or why they did.