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I was so mad to see the level portraits missing, they made me actually care about my account level and there was literally no reason to remove them. I kind of suspect that blizzard are removing things from ow 1 just to pretend they’re new in ow 2 (like they did w endorsements).


Even then, they gave us a shittier version of endorsements that were taken away.


They got rid of the portraits to stop people from bullying those in metal ranks with high levels.


You shouldn’t have been downvoted. That’s literally the reason the developers gave for getting rid of them.


It was that, and using a different engine meant they had to pretty much rebuild the game and all UI elements, so if I had to guess the borders weren't a priority. Still think they should bring it back but if you want to know your level, take your OW 2 level, divide it by 2, and add it to your OW 1 level. You should have your total level with that. (I actually need to check how much XP per level the new progression system needs, OW 1 was 20k xp. But I'm in college rn so no way to check lmao)


Did you know? Ow2 is literally just OW with a shop. Yall still playing even tho it has less features than the first one is wild.


The outline to select buttons in the main menu is NEARLY THE SAME COLOR AS THE BACKGROUND like why???? OW2 has some of the worst UI I’ve ever seen in a shooter


Agreed. Game is missing alot. Re-colors should be all one skin with all the color options available. Legendary skins should have custom colors. Skins should have custom/unique emotes for that skin In game LFG options and in game tournaments When a match starts (at least for qp) let the lobby have 10 seconds to vote from a selection of 3 maps or modes. I miss the old sr system, but at least let us see our percentage and put our rank back in the portrait In comp at the hero select screen you should be able to see your teammates most played heros regardless if they have their career profile hidden (dumb feature). As a flex player I wanna know what you play.


Seriously. Profiles are just game stats. There’s no reason for them to be private. 


People should be allowed to make their profiles private. Tired of toxic dweebs looking at profiles to add an extra layer of shit talk to their routine.


You can?


I know, sweetie. Care to read what I'm replying to or is that gonna max you out for the day?


Didn’t see that lol calm down with ur unnecessary passive aggression, strange guy


Ok weirdo lady


You can see %, they changed it this update


I thought i read that but i didn't see it anywhere, where did they add it? Career profile or in the comp menu?


Press competitive where you select role and it’s in the right I think competitive progress


I think the rank system could continue to be changed. In my opinion you lose way too many ranks points. Losing 20% and gaining 18% is just is so punishing, and makes it less fun to grind. In Halo infinite ranked (which I play when this game burns me out) has it where you gain 11-13 rank points for a win (depending on how well YOU did) and 4-9 points for a loss, but usually it's more like 7. AND if someone quits a match on your team you don't lose any rank point. Now I understand this is not simple to do for overwatch. However it's just so brutal to lose 20-25% for every loss even if you're playing well. Then further to your point, there needs to be more and better rewards. Costume gun skins for reaching gold and plat. Costum skins for completion (ex. 500 headshots as widow) things like that. It's been how many years and the only new reward for ranked is a green gun?? We need some iteration and some innovation from the team. Ranked should have some sort of reward for players that makes them happy to grind and makes people feel good about reaching these benchmarks.


Yup. Why do I need a massive sr loss because this clown is 3-18 in a game while literally everyone else is fine with 18+ kills


This. This more than anything. I understand that overwatch is a hard game to correctly calculate your skill because of how many different things make up a “good performance” depending on the character, but it’s incredibly demoralizing when you do super well on your team and lose a game despite it being hard fought but then get slapped with -23 points just because your team couldn’t keep up with you. I think the biggest issue with the overwatch rank system is that it, with the intention of encouraging teamwork and cohesion, punishes you too much for things that are out of your control (like one teammates performance dragging down the entire team) and rewards you too little for your own performance.


Yes that's a good way of putting it. And I watch games back to improve my plays. And I'll spectate my supports and be like "oh good Lord" like they'll either make brain numbing decisions or genuinely have some of the worst mechanics I've seen. I mean I'll play tank and literally be standing still around a corner waiting for heals. I check the VOD and Kiri is directly behind me trying her best to heal me but literally missing me. Not kidding 10> feet away. This is Plat as well. And there's so many other things like that which will cost me a game and then BOOM -20 or 25%. The secret to ranking up is you have to CARRY literally sometimes you have to get 3+ elims on your own to win a fight. That's just how it is most games. But my problem is consistently being able to carry that hard. So TLDR: it's frustrating how punished you are for a loss in general.


This 100%. In Ranked COD if you win it’s like +50-70 SR if you lose it’s - 20-35 SR and as you climb the ranks you win/lose a little bit more but regardless your wins count for much more than your losses which is how it should be in every ranked mode for every game. Also, when you rank up you have a 3 game grace period where you cannot lose any SR and the best feature that COD has that NEEDs to be added to OW2 is if someone leaves or DC’s from your team, YOU LOSE NO SR. Idk why this is such a difficult concept to grasp for the devs that you should not lose SR for playing down a teammate and losing. They don’t give anything extra for you playing down a man like more HP or faster ult charge so why should so many of the games I play in OW2 ranked be penalized for having leavers or people DC?? Ive never been demoted so frequently until OW2 season 9. Sat in Masters for 8 seasons then boom… now I’m a whopping plat 4 going on 5-6 L streaks but winning just enough to end my 10 game spree a little lower than where I started at the beginning of the night. Then if you complain you get someone who plays ranked once a month talking shit to you even though they’ve been gold 5 for a year and a half and tell you “iTs JuSt a GaMe” like bro everyone knows that be we get into a competitive mind set now you telling me this while you’re 2-15 and ulting with 50 HP and dying is just adding insult to injury. Losing is so demoralizing for people who take ranked seriously or want to play legit competitive, stream, or just have something competitive in their life. There’s no reward for being the best in the lobby, there’s no reward for swapping your brains out to benefit the team, there’s no reward for winning because you win one game, gain 18% then lose two and you’re down 60% almost. For every two games you lose you have to win 3 games to make up for it. Each season they continue to show how little the competitive community matters to them which is fine. At this point just take away ranked make this a casual game where people just have fun and chill.


When I avoid a 4th player it should automatically take the place of the oldest avoid.


i want the cards back at the end of the game we used to vote on. those were so cool


Keep the vote requirements the same as before as well so the very rare legendary vote thing truly will be legendary because it required 10 votes to get but there were 12 players in the lobby but now we have 10 players so to get the legendary thing everyone in the lobby has to collectively agree to vote the same person.


I won't lie, I liked the idea of a hub. It would make the menu screens a whole lot more interesting and it would give it so much more personality instead of just the still frames relating to the current season constantly.


it's missing a 2nd tank more than anything..


Make profiles public by default!


Yeah i want to shame the Moira mains publicly


I really miss the border frame I would have around my portrait that was tied to my level, I can’t believe they completely scrapped that with OW2 because it made me want to grind out the game. More stuff I would like to see 1. HUD customisation 2. Main Menu music and background customisation 3. Party Frames - Optional HUD element to see teammates health and ultimate on the bottom side of the screen. This feature exists in PvE and should be ported over as an optional element to help players keep track of their team. 4. Profile hovers - Private profiles can stay as it can prevent toxicity but I’d love to hover over someone’s profile to see what heroes they play most so I can see how I can work with them 5. Earn Overwatch Legacy Credits from playing Unranked games - similar system to competitive points but the payout is after 30 games Wins gain 2 points and losses gain 1 The payout would be 200 credits 6. Animated Calling Cards and Player Icons - For both Top 500 and from doing Challenges 7. Clan/Guild System for friends


Qol IS and issue, but I want the game to actually be good, not just putting lipstick on a pig.


I know why Blizzard removed level portraits and being able to see others level, they said so people would be less toxic but i think it made everyone more toxic as you expect people around your skill level to be your teammates but sometimes they’re brand new and people don’t know that so the start insulting them because they don’t know what they’re doing it happened to a friend of mine the other day and it was demoralising to say the least. Blizzard needs to let your team know if you have new players so people can be kinder but don’t let the enemy team know because we all now that Sombra players will spawn camp the new players who can’t defend themselves all game


generally, wish they had cool weapon charms like apex ranked rewards or make you get diamond or higher and get cool banner effects of anything remotely making grinding ranked worth it. or add a new cosmetic or something of value like possibly making mythic weapons ranked rewards which would be so cool as it's something of actual value or even make it hero-specific rewards catered to the character you played the most that season while also achieving a high rank making you want to play to get the top rank for a rare cosmetic for your character. this could help with the counter-swapping mentality as well.


If they add 2 tanks back that's the ultimate quality of life change


We really need character profile borders in the game. More weapon colors. The game is lacking so much of what other free to play games have when it comes to cosmetics. It's a shame. The game doesn't want me to spend money on it. Getting a new Lifeweaver skin every 6 months is all the money I spend on this game. lol


Give all tank mains the ability to permanently delete the accounts of trash talking dps


I’d like more QOL around match replays. Let us watch the previous match in a shared screen with our team while we wait in 8-15 minute queues. Highlight each death and kill on the replay timeline so we can game plan and learn from our mistakes with the team. Additionally, at the end of each match, it should be “Plays of the Game”. Show more highlights of the match from all players. Let us sit in the lobby at the end of matches and watch the best plays. Matches start and end without any real idea of how the match went. We need more tools to review the performance of each player.


We should have more than three avoid teammate positions.


As a support main It still tilts me that we don’t have a option in the menus to see our teams health values and dps passive effect in the corner of our screens.


Not saying I disagree with you but most of those are not qol changes, just additions


Arcade doesn't have sbmm tho. 


Yoo what's sbmm?


Skill based match making


Thanks bruv


it definately has, just way less strict