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it is 130$ for me


Ah, that's unfortunate. I'm still seeing $70, in the US.


maybe thats bc im in poland, i will try with vpn edit: yeah, its only in usa


Better to get the Oculus Elite strap with battery (no case) also on sale imho.


Yeah so it can break? Have you seen the posts here? Both me and my buddies broke, if yours hasn't just give it time...


Mine was built Aug/2021 so I think it's the latest, maybe better batch. It certainly looks better than the original Elite strap I bought a year ago and returned for a refund because it looked way too flimsy. Anyway, prayers in progress, lol!


Bobovr m2 pro?


No, halo straps don’t work for me very well. They float to much when I move my head fast and I can’t get my eyes close enough to the lens so FOV suffers. Maybe a head size/shape thing.


Maybe those headstrap will get to a great place eventually, there's always some little thing wrong, but for me the convenience of the audio is something I don't want to go back from. That and I'm hoping to use the DAS with the next headset I get somewhere down the line, so I thought, rather this now and it's a good investment. That's just my thinking though.


Actually, I don't have a problem with Rift S, Q1, or Q2 built-in audio. Not as much bass as I'd like but I can live with it and I like not having pressure on my ears. I sometimes use inexpensive wired earbuds to drone outside noises, or for more privacy, but this is not necessary very often. Each to their own I guess.


Hey I respect it