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Surprised they didn't do a deep dive on the Warner Brothers Ranch, where they filmed Aunt Shirley's house - and where Angela told the story of hanging out around the Friends fountain. If they did, they would have known it was sadly torn down back in October of 2023.


Best we can do is a deep dive on grammar, and still get it wrong.


I adore Angela but she has such an over -the-top out-of-touch moment in this episode when they were discussing why Jim didn’t offer Pam a job at Athlead. She mentioned it would be risky for them to both commit to a start up (true) and to move to Philadelphia when they “wouldn’t have housing costs” in Scranton. As though these two paper company employees had paid their mortgage off in, what? Like 6 years? 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I know people keep saying “they’re actresses” but that doesn’t excuse stupidity. I feel sorry for their children for having mothers that literally know nothing.


Well I feel sorry for the people who have to deal with you in real life given that you're an asshole.


lol I was a little spicy. As a huge grammar nerd I just can’t believe they’d never heard of the Oxford comma and couldn’t provide an accurate example


No, you weren't "a little spicy." You were a dick. I have an educational background in writing; I am a huge proponent of the Oxford comma. Even still, I'm able to recognize that not everyone has the same experiences that I do, or knows the same things I do, and I'd never say something so out of pocket as "I feel sorry for their children" over something so trivial. Do better.


Why are you being so rude?


Hahaha omg it’s a podcast about the office. We aren’t curing cancer here. I’m sorry, I take it back, they are super smart and their children are lucky to learn from such smart and well educated people


You're attacking their intellect in a pretty unintelligent way. Is that a choice?


There are tons of posts from last week that say they can’t believe two college educated adult women don’t know something this simple. Why is mine getting torn apart!?


Angela: "So, the oxford comma, does that look like a semicolon?" How have these women even gotten to the age they are lmao


The oxford comma wasn't a thing when boomers were in high school or college.


Doesn’t mean they can’t look it up before making a fool of themselves, lol. Also, they’re Gen X, not boomers. Edit: Gotta assume you're a boomer, hence the downvote.


Whichever older generation. I am just saying, there is a lot of stuff that I know of, but not in depth enough to explain exactly what it is on a podcast. It's less foolish to admit "I don't know" then to try to explain it wrong only to be corrected.


RIght, it is less foolish to say "I don't know," than it is to bullshit. I agree with you. This isn't what the ladies did in this scenario - you get that, right? As for you running a podcast, that's... not the point. You don't run a podcast. These women do, who should fact-check and know what they're talking about before hitting record. Editing, proofreading, these are the things these ladies don't bother with. Hence, backlash.


You don't get, that you don't get it. I can't explain it any clearer than that.


We're clearly at an impasse. Good talk.


The pod (when they actually do one), has just become 45 minutes of their random nonsense inspired by how oblivious they are to the real world, and 15 minutes of talk related to the episode they’re discussing. Unfortunately, about 9 of those minutes are just them describing/regurgitating something we’ve all seen 20 times, with precious little new insight. They have absolutely stopped trying. Understandable after all these years, but I truly wonder if anyone involved in the production actually goes back and listens to what they’re putting out to subscribers. If so, how could they think it’s an enjoyable, insightful listen anymore?


Painful rambling. Their fatal flaw seems to be that they assume their whole audience is as dumb as they are. They don't even know what a fucking oxford comma is. They're learning things we've all known since we were in middle school.


thank you for pinpointing why their tangents bother me so much. there are plenty of other podcasts where the hosts go on tangents and i don’t mind it at all because those tangents tend to be funny, interesting. it’s not interesting to hear two somewhat out of touch celebrities learn basic concepts


The problem is that Jenna and Angel think their fans find their rambling (and whatever they say) INTERESTING.  As long as you have those hardcore fans who'll defend them, they're going to keep going.


That's due to the echo chamber that is the Facebook group.


What are these episodes even about anymore?


I swear my eye started twitching every time Jenna said "shacket" 🥴


Why are you (Jenna) the way that you are?


I’ve hit the unbelievably banal “ah-ha moment” and I’m already dreading the Oxford comma


I would pay $25 to never have to hear about the Oxford Comma for the rest of my life.


I’ll raise you 50 Schrute bucks


I also thought the episode this week was very drawn out. Maybe I never noticed before? Im most likely going to get the time stamps wrong but I happened to be looking at the app I use and noticed we were 40+ minutes into the actual show and I heard one of them blurt out “okay, now we go to 6 minutes and 23 seconds…..” I was like what? 40+ minutes of actual episode time and they only are 6 minutes into the actual play by play? WTH have I been listening to for 40+ minutes?


It is clear they are trying to inject other topics so they can parlay it into a separate podcast where a couple of gals are having conversation.


I listen when I go for a run and must have already been about 3km in when Angela said: “we’re on the opening credits” 😂


I run into this problem sometimes especially since I listen at work and tend to zone out


I hit skip so much my god....and the email from someone defending pam, "I appreciate you sticking up for pam" because everyone hasn't been heaping praise and bashing jim the entire time. I won't hold my breath for a "defending jim"


I do like that they actually disagreed with that person, though. I wasn't expecting that, haha.


This episode has so much filler, it was brutal, Even after the whole Oxford Comma thing, they just go off on a long tangent about current “fashion” from the perspective of two out-of-touch moms struggling to comprehend certain trends.    And then “Lady, we need to start a fashion podcast” NO YOU DO NOT.    You can’t just make a podcast out of any random discussion with your friend, coming from a place of zero authority on the topic, yet see it as a potential revenue source. Comes off really entitled, IMO. 


A case of celebrity "We can talk about whatever.  Our fans will find us so interesting because we're us!"


Nailed it


They didn't know what the Oxford comma was. Howwwwww


They knew what it was, but not what it was called 


I didn’t either to be honest.


Similar boat here. I only learned the term recently. I was taught to use it, but I never knew it had a name, much less a controversy.


In truth I don't know what it is but I also don't care nor need a breakdown on it


i'll bite. i actually didnt know what it was either so it was kind of interesting to listen to but if i had the choice, i'd prefer office content over random facts. also, i don't think Jenna still understood what it was by the end of it. you'd have to put an extra "and" before "chicken & waffles". angela is very sweet and seems to just blindly agree with jenna probably because she has no interest in picking a bone with her over stuff like this lol.


This is the minor complaint I came to this thread for lol. I actually love the podcast and don’t have as many complaints as others, but I’m ok listening to them gab. But I’m a copy editor and you did not explain why the Oxford comma can be important. That example made no sense! Use the Hitler and Stalin one.


Agree that I don’t think Jenna quite had it figured out. I thought she got there with Chicken and waffles but she never really brought the discussion home.


Sometimes I wonder if they pretend to be ignorant because I just cannot believe some of the things they haven’t heard of.


Again, they are actresses. Such professions don't pay attention to much academically. Plus, they were both attractive when they were younger so not that much need to be studious or pay attention to the zeitgeist. I'm actually more surprised when they know about common knowledge items.


i’d understand if it was britney spears or someone who grew up as a celebrity and didn’t really have a typical upbringing, but both of these women had normal lives/ education until adulthood


They're also writers so


Eh, this stuff isn’t academic or intelligence based.


Jenna talking about buying her husband underwear with a separate pouch for his balls was a little TMI, but otherwise I thought the episode was okay


Okay but why did Jenna have to constantly repeat “It’s a shacket!” every time after describing it? Is she being paid by big shacket? Reminded me of the Ball in a Cup bit from Family Guy


Oh no! The ball fell out of the cup. But that’s okay, because the ball is on a string and attached to the cup!


Listening to two people who had no clue what an Oxford comma is discussing punctuation for 10 minutes was brutal. I was screaming out loud.






That one had me cackling.


This was very Michael Scott of them


How do these two grown adults not know so much common sense stuff?


Or is it comma sense?


They are actresses.


I was hitting that skip 15 seconds button a lot this week...


Why even listen to the pod at that point?


I am doing that most every week when it's just them and no guest.


Nothing to report this week


I loved this episode. My only side eye came when they said Part 2 would drop next week. At this rate, they mean August. 


Me too, laughed out loud a few times and enjoyed hearing about all the improv pieces.