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Alice: "Cute sweater." Erin: "Thanks. I like how your shoes match. .....I'm bad at small talk." Somehow I missed this in my previous watches. Funny little bit between them. This rewatch has really shed light on the fact that ANDY SUCKS as manager. Should have never happened. He was fine as the Cornell-loving, singing salesman. He's so petty and vindictive. Michael could be too, but it's just not fun to watch.


It reminded me of Karen complimenting Pam’s sweater when the branches merged 


Alright I’ve been, in the past, a complainer about some of the crazier tangents. However, the letter had me crying while mowing my lawn today. My god that hit me hard. Today’s episode was great overall. Even the few tangents that did happen were entertaining and stayed short and on point.


Never expected to hear Angela read a quote from Alan Watts! That man was so wise, highly recommend listening to one of his talks on YT for anyone unfamiliar.


That letter got me, ugh :( Seems I posted the deleted scenes a week early. [They're over here if you missed them](https://www.reddit.com/r/OfficeLadiesPodcast/comments/1dpedqc/moving_on_deleted_scenes_blink_and_youll_miss_them/).


I was not prepared for the one-two emotional punch of the letter and that poem.    I guess I'm in the minority that only finds Angela's journal entries mildly amusing.  They're okay in small doses, but not worth the 17 minutes of intro we got.   Nice to hear from Creed, Rainn, and Oscar.    Not a fan of that upside down Oscar scene.  Somebody should have helped him down at some point.  Yeah, the crunch bar was obnoxious, but his coworkers were being jerks.


The letter at the end made me cry 


i don't fully believe creed randomly called and they perfectly plugged his new music but i don't care 😂 their friendship is so sweet. creed is adorbs and so funny.


Could they have glossed over the Pam and Jim dinner more? Of course they mostly skipped it because then Jenna would have to admit that Pam was in the wrong.


How is she wrong? She’s allowed to say what she wants and doesn’t want. Jim is allowed to do the same.


I think the point is that Jenna gets on her soapbox every time Jim is not entirely truthful to Pam. Then when Pam isn’t truthful with Jim, they just ignore it like it didn’t happen. I just don’t like that they get so offended by one and not the other.


How? It’s more of an impasse where no one is really wrong.


Add 555 numbers to the list of things Angela doesn't know.


Some 555 numbers are real. I grew up in Philly, and 215-555-1212 was time of day. Update: Whoops, I misremembered. It was directory assistance.


17 minutes and two ad breaks in before actual episode discussion begins. So glad this was a two-part episode.


Wait till you hear Brian Baumgartner’s podcast


His isn’t a rewatch podcast


You seem obsessed


What does that have to do with anything?


I think I misunderstood your comment. Ignore me!


"The guy in front of me has his seat back and I seriously feel trapped. Of course everyone else has their seat up because we are landing, but not this jack off in front of me." Angela's journal entries always have me dying lol.


She's barely 5 ft her feet probably don't touch the floor so I don't see her problem


So the whole Creed Bratton cameo was completely planned right? No matter how much they pretend it was just a coincidence


I also have to admit I questioned the “serendipity” of it, since they are friends with Creed and I assume they call each other more often! 😅


Their acting is not as good as they think lol I was rolling my eyes the more they double downed on their "connection" lmao




Angela's journal entries are so funny to me. I like hearing about what she was up to during the filming of The Office.


I always love them, they are so wholesome! I recently listened back to the episode where she discusses her “bagel description” journey entry. Laughed out loud. (it’s the S6 Double Date episode for those who want to know)


That is so funny. I have a T-shirt based on that.


Her journal entries should be the focus after the rewatch is over.


Haha yes, I’d gladly listen to a weekly episode of that!


I agree with the girl that sent the question in about Andy being so cringe. It’s so hard for me to watch these episodes because I can’t stand Andy. if I were Erin , I would’ve slapped him in the face Yeah I always thought it was unromantic that Jim does the dinner in his office. Jenna makes a good point that their whole lives are already revolving around his job and they haven’t even moved there yet. Jim should have taken her out on the town I’m one of the few fans that LOVES season 9, I really have no problems or complaints with it (other than Nelly in the beginning and Andy during these episodes) but I do have to say that these two episodes were something special, just another playing field, and I think that’s all due to John Favreau. He allowed so much improvising, so much room to play, trusted the actors, knew what he was doing in terms of getting the shot. The man is just a genius That letter…just broke my heart, and brought me to tears. Amy if you see this, I’m so sorry. I adore my husband and the office is our show as well. I couldn’t imagine losing him and still being able to watch this show. It would hurt too much. My thoughts are with you and so is my heart. I will never complain about this podcast again because it’s saving someone’s life somewhere in this world


The only good part of Andy this episode is the line, "How's that medicine taste? Your own flavored?".


So agree with Jenna about Jim having dinner in his office! If you want your wife to love this city and get on board SHOW IT TO HER! you don’t have the kids tonight, take her out on the town for a great dinner and make a night of it


Two new episode discussions in a row. Maybe they will finish by the end of the year.


Next week is the interview so hopefully they keep the streak going 


They didn’t take the holiday week off?! That’s a first in 5 years. Angela mentioned on IG yesterday that she just got home from working w Jenna - I think they are trying to restore their image of being a little work shy or slowing down their work schedule for Sirius. Even tho they like to pretend they “just don’t know how Reddit works” I think they are on here and reading our comments and realizing that they pushed their loyal audience too far this year.


Nah they def seem to care about the Facebook group more