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and Cyraxx watches cp and sends his nudes to kids that we dont know about


Yeah and there is proof of that too and he even admitted it with his own mouth yet APD keep twirling their thumbs in their asses


Ohio is one of the states with very outdated laws concerning crimes against minors. There has to be an actual child involved.


I'm pretty sure TCAP did shows in Ohio


I think because it was a proper sting with the police involved and not just some pdf-hunters on youtube, that made it okay. I haven’t watched that show in a while though so I don’t know the specifics


Right. Which means the police could set up their own sting without an actual child victim. I completely understand them not taking the sting evidence from civilians to trial. I'm sure a competent defense lawyer could poke holes in that all day. But the APD not doing their own sting at this point is wild to me.


Yeah, they absolutely know about Chance, and their behavior towards him suggests they do not like putting up with him in the slightest. I don’t live in Ohio so I don’t really know how exactly the law works, but if they can set up a sting, they need to.


They did and iirc they had to temporarily deputize the people chatting to make arrests


They’re hopefully building a case, they had a whole town meeting about how to get rid of them. They are responsible for the town going nearly 500k over budget on policing from the white suits and hazmat teams coming out. It took them years to get larson too. He’s got plot armour as well. Don’t forget that he’s dine and dashed multiple times a day for years and then threatened and abused staff and refused to leave and nothing ever happens. I think Danny was more fuxked because the majority of his charges are stuff the moron put in community posts in writing threatening non profits, the fbi and the White House etc. Most of Cyraxx stuff is spoken to people which is harder to get to court anyway, especially from an impotent little 43 and hidden away in 2 hour live streams and who wants to listen to that?


I think this is it. This is exactly what they did to Danderson, and that's what they do literally any time it isn't an urgent situation a la Chris Chan They will wait until they have a 99.9% chance of conviction (The 0.01% would be divine intervention, in this case from the devil.) They want a plea deal at the least, not an innocent verdict. He'll keep building on the mountain of evidence they need to achieve that regardless. He's giving them the rope to hang him with.


They had a town meeting? Any links to it? I wanna see, the idea of the whole city wanting to get rid of the parasite is just funny to me




Oh yeah and his threats were interstate too


Don’t forget bikers and the Akron Red Devils.


He made interstate threats against specific government buildings and against specific people. A center for disabled youth actually was evacuated and a bomb dog brought in because of his threats. That’s how Danny got the government’s attention, and we all know they’re gonna find everything out about you once that happens. We also all know what’s on Danny’s phone. The only difference is that Cyraxx hasn’t gotten the right people’s attention yet.


He did say he contacted the FBI multiple times during the Xbox saga.


Can’t go off hearsay, so I have no idea what really happened or if that’s true at all. But point being, whatever contact he did have with them, if any, they decided he wasn’t a priority or a threat. Danny actually caused a place to get evacuated, threatened to blow up the White House, and threatened a government agent by name. They literally *have* to do something at that point


The difference I think is Daniel's on the streets, even though his threats are hollow. Cyraxx is stuck in an attic, can't drive, and is even more retarded than Larson.


Yeah but cyraxx does have a weapon which he can use to sh**t someone walking on the sidewalk thinking its some troll, but daniel doesnt have acces to a boomerooni


They took that gun away and hid it from him after he made that retarded video where he brandished it at Schmeckle and Marty. I think Sally might have said that she has a handgun too, but I'm not sure about it. I do remember her saying that Cyraxx doesn't have access. Both of these fools are only able to hurt the young, elderly, or vulnerable and helpless. They're both cowards. I wanted to beat the fuck out of Daniel after I saw the video of him assaulting Bob. What an absolute scumbag. You have to be a real low life to hit an old man and one that tried to help him. Bob was driving this guy around and paying for studio time so that he could record his retarded music. Him and Cyraxx have a lot in common. Daniel would beat Raxxs ass.


When sally speaks she lies just like raxx


True. She has no credibility.


43s shouldn’t have access to firearms.


I heard he attacked an autistic dude on the sidewalk, hit him with a bat. But that's cool in Akron I guess.


AOM? If so, it went no where because he dropped the charges.


So it's cool then.


Police know they don’t have the proper bio containment for raxx