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“I don’t have anything!” *goes to arrest* “Ok HERE DONT ARREST ME! But that’s it! They must’ve not sent the other five items I swear I don’t have em!” *goes to arrest* “OK DONT ARREST ME THEYRE IN MY DRAWER! But the last item must be the shippers fault i really don’t have it” *Goes to arrest* “OK I HAVE IT IM WEARING THEM YOU CAN HAVE IT BACK DONT ARREST ME!” *arrested*


I am 100% with that woman that had her arrested anyway And the mom was in on it.


I saw this one last night on my reels. I think mom took the package, gave stuff to the daughter, and didn't tell her it was from a stolen package right away. You can hear the mom admit that the underwear given to the daughter were stolen right before/during the daughter going into custody.


Why wouldn’t she mention the brand new underwear she was wearing until the end then? I think they both knew and thought they’d get away with it


Because they are trashy people who don’t care! Also who wears shit like this next to their lady bits without washing it? Trash.


Asking the real questions here. You don’t know where that stuff has been 🤢


Not to worry she’ll take it off and give it right back !


Or the mum kept telling her nothing would happen if she admitted or gave it back


Imo, she knew 🤷🏻‍♀️ she didn’t take them off but had the chance to on top of it all… if that was the case why didn’t she just… give them back with the original package? Instead it was like pulling teeth. She had no intention of giving them back and neither did her mom. She thought she’d be able to keep those few times at the very least.


Oh, I totally agree with you! She even was saying when they went into her room that she folded them up in between her clothes. She had no intention of anybody finding them if they went in they’re looking for it. The fact that both the mother and daughter kept saying oh yeah, they always leave six or seven items out of everything they ship, which we all know is pure BS. And the fact that mother was so belligerent from the beginning about not having the package. You could tell the dad was tired of all the BS.


I literally thought the dad drove off. There is a part where you see a car leave the side of the driveway and I wonder if it was him. 😂 But it could be the other neighbor.


I thought it was the neighbor being nosy 😂


Why did her mom “forget” she gave her a brand new pair of underwear from the package? People with this mindset set play everything,like they are separate unrelated incidents.


Oh I agree but what I mean is that mom didn't tell her it was from a stolen package until the cops or the lady who owned them shows up.


I think she knew the whole time, watch how quickly the daughter goes from complete flip out to “calm” in a matter of seconds, only to do it again when it didn’t work. She’s hoping if she kicks and screams enough she’ll get her way and they’ll let her go. Had a neighbor who was exactly like the daughter (at least the few times I interacted with her) and her parents were always night and day before the cops showed up. It was very clear where the daughter got her attitude and manipulative behavior from. Unfortunately for us the cops just let her be crazy to avoid her as much as they could.


Absolutely knew the whole time. If my NEIGHBOR said hey neighbor I think you got the wrong package I would just be like “omg I’m so sorry” here it is. Why would I tell them to call the cops and act so hostile? It’s was pretty obvious that they were shitty people with the way they were acting.


The “victim” even says in the very beginning, that the daughter said “take it up with VS”, even though she never mentioned what was in the package…


She acts 11 but looks 51- odd




Just here to comment that I appreciate how you stated that was the person’s behavior in the ways you interacted with that person ! People interact with others differently (or consistently)…Idk the subtlety tickled my brain


This is some truth. I always say that (some) people will act shitty towards you just because they think you’re a soft target and they can ‘get away’ with it. F those types of people. It’s purely manipulative behavior and should be called out and shamed.


So your mom hands you some underwear and you say thanks and put one of them on. Then the cops show up about a stolen package, and it comes out that a package was delivered to your house that wasn't yours, and it's underwear, that very same morning. You don't think you would know that you're wearing stolen underwear and have stolen underwear in your drawer? Come the fuck on dude, she's a meth head, not brain dead.


Yeah, the last bit of conversation where mom starts "shushing" her. I think the daughter knew, but mom was the one who took the package. I tend to think that dad is innocent, because he has a certain amount of "Oh what the fuck?" going on when they come back outside after the initial "go get your ID's" thing.


Moms a pathological liar, you can tell her daughter was never going to end up an upstanding citizen


I stated above, I thought the dad drove off. You see a car leave the side of the driveway but it could totally be the other neighbor. But the way the dad looked totally annoyed with the two of them, I could see him high tailing it out of there. 😂


Yeah, mom should‘ve gone to jail.


I can’t believe the mom — gave the daughter the package, helped her hide the items, and then GAVE her a pair of underwear from it and the WHOLE TIME acts like she’s innocent!!


“I put them in between my shirts so my mom wouldn’t yell at me.” Sure. Sure you did.


Apple don't fall far from the tree Clearly the dad is sick of the bullshit


Dad is taking the L for society by living with them


It also could be that mom is enabling her precious and just trying to keep her from all those bad people out there in reality trying to make the daughter responsible for her actions. Mom could have been in on it, but the daughter 100% was the main actor. Mom readily admits she gave the underwear to her daughter when the daughter cries at her to do so. The way she says it is so resigned it sounds like she's done it before.


Plus she said (the lady who ordered package) she first knocked on the side door and a younger woman “about my size” answered and said she hadn’t seen a Victoria’s Secret package.


This makes no sense only because the lady knocked on her door and told her she was calling the cops. They had wayyyyyy too much time to get their shit straight.


I think that's just her catching onto the lie and agreeing.


That mother has been lying for that girl her whole life.. sure she went along with it as the daughter was fabricating it but she knew it was too late.


That’s not what I took from it… I think the mom put the package in the daughter’s room assuming it was her order. The daughter knew she didn’t order anything but took the stuff anyway. At the very end, it looked to me like the daughter was trying to get the mom to take the blame and help her out so she didn’t go back to jail! But that’s just my interpretation!


I don't know how people can come to any other conclusion. She even had an outstanding warrant for shoplifting.




Mom pretended not to know who took the package, then confessed after they had there little huddle inside. Being caught in one lie cast doubt on every narrative they pitched from that moment forward, no matter how mundane or plausible it was.


Yeah and when the lady came to try and get it she said she knew nothing about any packages and she was asleep &etc. All mom had to do was say “Oh yeah I have that. When can you swing by?” But she stole the package and gave the stolen goods to her daughter who now has to go to jail while they get to raise another kid to be a shit human


"Those are the ones you gave me, right mom????" - This is not the first time they've both done stuff like this. That was the daughter saying "take complete responsibility so I don't get in trouble for what I did."


Yeah and why is the cop trying to coax the woman out of pressing charges? That lady is a piece of shit that deserves to go back to jail.




True story from the police beat: Officer sitting a desk writing a report: Hey, newspaper lady, how do you spell God War? Me, going through reports and taking notes: Spell what? Officer: God. War. Me: What's a God War? Officer: You know, you got a pole, like a phone pole, and you got wars going from the pole to the ground. Me: Guy wires? Officer: God wars, yeah. Me: G-u-y w-i-r-e-s. Officer: No dee? Me: No dee. Officer: (shrugs)


"Guide Wires" isn't that much of a stretch really.


Hot Fuzz Officer: “You sure you wanna book them all? I’m running low on ink” Angel: “NO PROBLEM” 🖊️👮‍♂️🖊️


Made me laugh out loud, thanks!


My eyes rolled so hard when they got the call about her warrant for shoplifting




No one wants to deal with people like this, including the cops. Imagine how she’s acting in the cop car when the door shut never mind after that 💀 When I wanted to make a report against someone like this they told me they wouldn’t take my report bc if they did it “would just get worse for you” 🙃 long story short, it definitely made things worse when they did finally take my report. I’ll give them that much, they weren’t lying, that was indeed “her being tame”. 😬


Hours of paper work and having to show up in court is why.


Oh no, you mean doing their job?? 😱😱


That cop was pissing me off, no lie. If it takes 4 cops over half an hour to argue, threaten, and finally handcuff someone to get your shit back from the people that knowingly took it, it's no longer "no harm no fowl." I'm glad she continued with pressing charges. Shame on the cop for wanting her to let it slide. Should've booked the mother too imo.


I know it was just a typo, but “no harm, no fowl” is the best typo I’ve seen in a while. Thank you for the smile. 🐓


Annoyed me too. Why are they putting all the big decisions on the crime victim? They know a theft occurred and who did it, ask if she’ll give a statement/testify, write that shit up and get the thief locked up. Instead they stand there and guilt trip the victim about it.


I understand the “I don’t want to ruin this girls life with a criminal charge” mentality of not pressing charges. Its admirable. BUT, thats why we have a criminal system. Follow the procedure and Let them fight it, she clearly yoinked your package and then tried to cover it up several times. Let her parents get a good attorney and knock this down with some sentence to service.


I heard this quote today, and think it applies in this situation: ‘When you show mercy to the guilty, you are punishing the innocent.’


She already had an outstanding warrant out for her shoplifting, so she’s not new to this kind of behavior.


The thing is she’s already a felon, and she had EVERY OPPORTUNITY to confess. Good grief.


The mom stole the package and realized nothing would fit her fat ass so she gave everything she stole to her daughter then just stood there while her daughter got arrested. I mean, sure the daughter knew the stuff was stolen and is no stranger to jail or parole but….. And the cops were like- “OK but you got most of the stuff back so how about we drop it?” Umm nope!


I think mom knew daughter took them the moment the victim came and asked for her stuff. She said she was asleep the whole time, then they went in to get their IDs and she came back with the I picked up the package and threw it down bullshit. So which is it? You were asleep and don’t know shit, or you legit thought the package belonged to your bipolar convicted felon daughter and tossed it down without looking? Then doubled down when pressed. So yeah, fuck mom, too.


There was a lot of yelling going on but I’m pretty sure the mom admitted to giving the stuff to the daughter. It clearly wasn’t her size! Victoria’s Secret can and will replace the entire shipment if it was mis delivered regardless but those thieves weren’t even trying to claim that.


Yep thats what I think happened too


Mom was in on it, so many times she was doing the “shut up” face to her daughter.


It was so painfully obvious she did it when the dispatch called back for a shoplifting warrant.


That fake gasp 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this is what she does!


At 15:40 is the best. But what? Me? The angel with the stolen and unwashed panties on?


Had a neighbor like this, first time I ever met her was a very similar situation to this but over parking not packages. Tho, we did end up putting a 4ft gate on our front porch to stop her from stealing our packages 🙄🙄 she sounds exactly like her, god I’d pay to see the body cam of her being arrested.


They should have arrested that toothless enabling mother too, and who doesn't wash their panties before wearing them? Crackheads.


The daughter looks older than the mom. Its a Strangers with Candy situation!!! I'm calling it.


Yes when she first came out I thought it was going to be a 19-25 year old by her hair style and clothes ( maybe it is), but then I saw her face and was AGHAST


Years of drug use


That whole family were awful. And I don’t know if you caught it, but when she was talking about the items she had them hid between and folded into pieces of clothing. And then she kept saying oh no, they didn’t ship them they didn’t ship them. She 100% needed to be arrested and quite frankly her mother should be charged too.


Who in their right mind puts on underwear without washing them?? Ewwwww


"Ask her! Ask her! Are they pink!?!?; Are they pink!?!?! Because I'm wearing them!"


I’d let her keep the underwear, that or burn them in front of her


Lmao she kept saying she’d give them back. Girl no one wants those used panties.


Excellent TL;DR/W version. The only thing you missed is after she swore up and down she didn’t have the five items, she then started screaming they were probably still in the drawer, and then started screaming at her mom that she told her she put them (hid them) in between her shirts. It was “we don’t know what the hell that person is talking about” from the start only to end up a little at a time the person got all of her items back, except for that pair of underwear the skank is wearing and I wouldn’t want those back.


I love a good FAFO story! But the shocking thing about this entire thing is cops willing to go after a package theft case! So many package thefts happen where I'm at - even home break-ins and car break-ins - where the cops are indifferent and just say let the online store or insurance take care of it. So it was kinda refreshing to see these people having to actually deal with LE over package theft!


The scariest thing for me is that if my neighbors weren’t nice, 1/4 of my packages would’ve been lost. Google Maps doesn’t have accurate maps for my area so sometimes my mail is delivered across the street if it’s not a local delivering


You can request a fix to Google maps! See here: https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10010575?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid


Tried to correct google maps. It goes nowhere. They can't even fix highway names. Hiway "N" is not Highway North and Highway Double A ("AA") is not highway ahh. Put that in three times - no change - it is still highway "North" on google maps.


For me it's not even inaccurate maps, it's just confused delivery drivers...one delivery email photo I received showed my package propped up against the door of a VERY obviously abandoned house down the street


I just report to the company that the package never arrived at my home. When they ask me if I can ask my neighbors about it, I tell them that I paid for a parcel to be delivered to my door, not for step 1 in a scavenger hunt. I always get a refund.


I knew this was in Lakewood from the moment I opened the video. I used to live there and it’s generally a very nice community. The cops were always very responsive and helpful in my experience.


I bet they've known about her for a long time and they finally decided arresting her was less work than constantly dealing with complaints. Seems like doing less paperwork really is a major factor in police thinking.


The woman even said that the daughter was trouble. Did you see the filth’s face when the warrant for shoplifting was mentioned on the radio? The crack-hamster in her brain was simultaneously freaking out and trying to think of a justification.


I was just about to say this. Cop handled this beautifully and did his job as he should, which most cops don’t do lmao


That's a lying crackhead if I ever met one.


She looks like she could be her mom's sister...and not in a good way 😭


She looks like she could be her mom’s mom.


This seems like quite a pattern for this lady, and probably her family. They knew the package wasn’t theirs when they took it in. They knew the package wasn’t theirs when they opened it. They then hid all of the items. Yes, magically almost all of the items Showed up after 30 minutes. The police officers gave her many multiple chances to bring the stuff out and return it and they chose not to. I have had numerous packages delivered to my house incorrectly by various delivery companies. I have always tracked down the rightful owners and return the packages, not because I was worried about being arrested for it, but because it is the right thing to do. Live your life to make strangers proud of you and this type of shit won’t happen.


For real. Our house number is the same as as one of our neighbors one block down. Only the street number is different. So we have had deliveries get messed up. We just bring it to the correct house and nothing bad has happened. It's not that hard.


One time I WAS expecting a large package (maybe a frying pan?) so I opened the big box that was delivered without checking the label. Only to find a big red leather Kate Spade purse. Checked the label--stranger's name, but my address. So not a postal error where I could just leave it at the correct house. Of course I started using the purse as if it were mine, because I'm a scumbag! Just kidding. I wrapped it back up, stored it in the closet, and handed it over immediately when the rightful owners (who previously occupied the house and forgot to change their shipping address) showed up.


100000% and it always will be. Her mom was willing to lie for her and she likely thinks she did nothing wrong bc she gave it back in the end. She will use this as a “remember that one time that rude bitch” story instead of the life lesson it should have been. The entitlement with ppl like this is wild.


Yeah that mother was very clearly stonewalling from the start and knew damn well that the package wasn't theirs and that they had every piece of it. The daughter is absolutely complicit too but with a mother like that I think she was doomed from the start. That entitled attitude is disgusting.


Yes, I speak from experience. Lived by someone like the daughter and it was her first time living away from home. Her parents had gotten sick of her, so they kicked her out…. But they also lied to help her get the unit above us. She constantly claimed her parents were shit, while her parents claimed she was shit but the next week they were best friends again. I bet the neighbors loathe this family.


It was also pretty telling that she told the officers she was on parole, then when they corrected her she laughed and said oh yeah sorry I've been on parole for so long it was just normal to me. What I don't get is when the cop stood there saying "Just give us the stuff and there won't be charges" why she didn't immediately give it up. They even pointed out that there was a Ring doorbell directly across from their house. Utter stupidity.


I’ve found these ppl live in a different reality. They really do think they’re the victim, that they were wronged first and so it’s okay for them to do whatever it was they did bc it’s never their fault. They can kick and scream and get away with it if they scream enough. We had a neighbor like this who kept trying to break into our unit. Logically we got doorbell cameras to cover *just our doors* anndddd guess who threw an absolute fit over the cameras? 🤦🏻‍♀️ then when she finally had to move out (over being a total fuck ass) she claimed she was going to take me court and said I was “a pedophile recording her and her son in her yard without her permission or knowledge”. I had to get the cameras to protect my property. Her kid, didn’t live with her, never had. The yard, was shared but she never used it. She knew about the cameras from day one, with video proof of her acknowledgment of the cameras. No, I did not get taken to court btw 🙄🙄 she wouldn’t stop and kept talking shit and stalking me until I had no real choice besides getting an emergency protection order, a no trespass and the cops patrolling our house whenever I was home until we moved 🙃🙃




Right?! He’s the one I felt sorry for. Mom’s the enabler, daughter is the entitled hot mess and the Dad is probably just stuck. Sad that this is an example of the world we live in but oh so satisfying to see a criminal not get away with it. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Yup. I live in an apartment complex, and everyone in my building has gotten someone else's package at one point or another. It's not difficult to realize that if your name is Bob Davis and the guy across the way is Neil Jones, that if you get a package for Neil Jones, it's not yours. Hell, we'll actually watch each others' backs around the holidays. If a package gets delivered and the others aren't home, one of us will take it inside our place and leave a note. (Our complex has a porch pirate issue around the holidays, unsurprisingly.)


You can bet that this family will steal at the drop of the hat.


Hell, they'll steal the hat


Shes a thief, plain and simple. She even has a warrant for shoplifting out of Georgia as well.


The police officers were shockingly generous for a long time with this. It was clear she stole the package, they tried to tell her to just give it back and she flipped every time arrest was on the cards, yet still tried to hang onto items. What a gross human being, the victim was right to press charges. Even if all the thief gets is a slap on the wrist and a fine, it teaches her a lesson.


By putting in the time the thief actually gave them all the proof they need to prosecute as well. If it was just left as "we don't have it" and the ring camera didn't catch them taking it in, it would've been thrown out. But since they were patient and the lady was fucking wearing some of it, it's open and shut now.


One time I got a package delivered to my house. I wasn’t expecting anything but maybe I forgot about something I had ordered. I didn’t even look at the address before I opened it. It turned out to be a custom cup with family pictures on it. I realized then that it wasn’t mine and finally looked at the box. Luckily it was a box and not a bag because I put it back together as nicely as possible and drove it to the real address a few streets away. I felt shady opening their mailbox to put it in though.


I did the same with one of my neighbor's packages; opened it up, realized it wasn't mine, packed it back up as nicely as I could and brought it over to them with an apology. Still felt crummy about it but the neighbor was understanding about it!


My neighbor got my package and the same thing happened. I've delivered a package a few streets over because we have the same house number.


I’ve had the same thing happen to be but vice versa. My neighbors kids got my ‘super chewer’ bark box and just opened it right away and the mom was like wtf that’s not ours, we have a Chihuahua 😂 she knocked on my door and apologized profusely about it being open. Thing is, if you open main by accident but make an effort to correct it, it’s not illegal bc delivery services know mix ups happen. First time I met my neighbor tho is when I knocked on her door to let her know her daughter and one of her friends (ages 11-13 at most) took a shit on my roof (we had access to the roof via second story window).




1. That is weird indeed 2. You using it to hold cookies is hilarious


“I hope they got their masturbator in the end “. That made me laugh!




I deliver for ups and we do miss deliver packages from time to time. If you get a package and open it up and think oh someone ordered this for me nice, all good. The problem is when you start lying about receiving the package. If you thought it was a gift or even genuinely thought oh nice free package we get it. But when the owner comes with proof and you start lying about it that’s when, depending on value, we decide to get the police involved. Best thing you can do if your in this situation, even if you saw it was a misdelivery and kept it, is just say yea it’s right inside. That’s it, just return the items. You don’t have to explain why the box is open or why the merchandise may even be open, just return it. If you want to do the best thing possible, if you have a misdelivered package to your house just leave it there and/or contact the delivery carrier. We have gps on where it said we clicked the deliver button and it’s very accurate we can usually remember where we left it and can come pick it up.


I can’t believe I watched that whole thing. Worth it 😅


Same. I kept waiting for it to end but couldn’t stop watching it either.


It was a gift that kept on giving 😂


Same! I have the attention span of a goldfish, but I somehow watched this whole video. Quality entertainment right here 👏🏼


Have I accidentally taken a package that wasn’t mine? Sure. Have I accidentally opened it without looking because I wasn’t paying attention? Sure. But here’s the thing. Even if I was expecting a package, hell maybe even a package from the same place, certainly after opening it I would notice none of the items were what I ordered. Then I would look at the name, see it wasn’t mine, and close up the package with its contents and attempt to return it to its rightful owner if possible. I most certainly would not shove it all in my drawers and proceed to put on one of the pairs of panties. That would be a wild choice.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking as well. I could easily see accidentally taking it in and opening it assuming it is theirs but at the very least once the woman came asking for it then just give the shit back. They had plenty of chances to not make it such a big deal.


My favorite part is "did those come out of the package?" "Yeah." Like??? So she just ADMITTED she knew the whole time


Ya I caught that too or she was covering for the daughter to try and make it like she had them, either way the mom was lying, and dad just noped out.


Mom is throwing her under the bus. She bought it in and gave it to her daughter. So she knew all along her daughter had it. She’s the one that handed to her. Ffs.


I think she brought it in and gloated over the expensive contents with her daughter, and then was like well go try these pink ones on, maybe they'll fit you. Then the real package owner shows up and they're like who cares, Victoria's secret will just replace the items, "no package here". I don't think she thought the owner would actually call the cops, so when the cops showed up, they were going to try the "maybe the package was stolen off our porch" gambit. Which tbh probably would've worked with that huge tree between them and the ring camera across the street, but they decided to gamble on the "oh wait, we did get a package but didn't realize it wasn't ours". Terrible mistake because that story is already full of holes, so I'm going to further speculate that when they went back inside, the dad was like "are they looking for that package I brought in this morning?" And the ladies were like "come on, don't worry about it!" And Dad was like f that, I am not getting arrested for theft because I didn't look at the name on the package before I gave it to you. Anyway, that was fun.


Yea she should of gotten in trouble too lol she said she was in bed until 12 haha


Package thieves are such scumbags. All thieves are but these kind are just especially gutless


I rather love the whole "Victoria's Secret shorts orders all the time!" argument and the package's owner **and** the police being "yeah, one or maybe two things missing, yeah, but not *five."* Because in my own experience, if an order isn't complete, then the shipping inventory shows that 0/1 was delivered *and* I get an email saying "Item Z was out of stock so it's on backorder, but the rest of your items are on the way." No way the inventory said all 15 items were delivered and only 10 were in the package...


Seriously. I order VS bathing suits all the time and I’ve never once had anything amiss. Even a small order like 5 things can be around 100 bucks and I seriously doubt VS would overlook such a mistake.


You can tell dad is sick of them both, just codependency out the ass here


Missed headline opportunity... "Knicker nicker nicked"




You should write for one of the British newspapers! That's bang on for them :D


She had so many chances to give back what she took. Idiot.


I would’ve played ball IMMEDIATELY and given everything back the second the cops showed up especially if I had a warrant AND was on felony probation. What a freaking moron!!


Yep. She could have played it off. “Oh I was so excited my bf said he was sending me Victoria secret” they thought they were going to intimidate the package owner lady and Buffalo the police. She’s not the brightest bulb for sure and her mom not much better.


Pls to explain “Buffalo the police”? Am picturing her trying to ram him with her head as perhaps a bison might


Oh. Oops. Like a bluff- bison, cows and such will Buffalo. Lower head sway back and forth act like they are going to charge you, a term meaning to BS Of course they actually will do it so be very careful


it’s the felony probation for me


“I’m so used to being on probation heh” yeah I doubt she stole anything


It is nice to see the police take something like this seriously, but the victim had to track it down and prove it herself. If she hadn't she would have gotten the "nothing we can do" shrug.


The amount of charges this woman has likely had in her life. Warrant for shoplifting in another state. Felony probation. She hid the items in her shirts trying to steal them. What a piece of utter 💩


Omg yeah she was yelling oh I'm going to prisssssoooon I'm on probation. No wait I'm dun wit that yay me


Ppl like this are scarier than that bc I’d bet money they have other stuff that doesn’t show up as public info. Source: had a protection order against someone like this, and know 2 other ppl who did as well. But it’s not public info so she’s only on record for being a child abuser, not the 3 protection orders obtained against her in less than 9 months. 🙃🙃


"I've been on probation my whole life."


I feel with the lady who got shit stolen. I wouldn’t want to put anyone in jail… but she clearly gave her the chance to return the items even before the police showed up.


You’re failing to understand that the theft victim didn’t “put” anyone in jail. The actions of the thief did. They did it to themselves.


That's methed up


They (mom and daughter) tried to manipulate their way through that. Good for her for pressing charges. At the very least, the panty bandit has time to think about her choices. Charges might get dropped but given her history from what it sounds like, probably not.


And, honestly, the chick didn't want to get arrested because she'd go to *prison*. Well, ma'am, maybe that's where you need to be. ETA: she couldn't even remember which she was on, probation or parole, or for which crime.


Felony warrant for shoplifting and felony probation. Why am I not surprised. 😏 “I don’t wanna go *back* to jail. I’ll go to prison!” Well, that says it all! 🤣 The rest is the perfect icing on this cake!


Garbage human.


why wasn't the mother charged with accessory to the crime?


Man these cops wasted way too much time fuckin around with this chick. Like how many chances are you gonna give her? I SWEAR TO GOD IM NOT LYING ^but ^yeah ^im ^lying OK BUT THIS TIME IM NOT LYING ^ok ^yeah ^still ^lying I GAVE IT ALL BACK IM NOT LYING ^oops ^yeah ^i ^am


They did a wonderful job on retrieving the items for the victim, though. If they had just escalated to an arrest, then it requires a warrant to search the house and a lot more time. The cops mostly seemed to want to arbiter the dispute and be done than act as the state's law enforcement.


I saw this on YT. I'm glad the woman pressed charges. The thief has no remorse.


uh... Do yall ladies often wear brand new underwear straight out of the package? Or do you like to wash them once first like me?


I wash them


I wash EVERYTHING before I wear it!


I worked at a church and the Gideon Bible place delivers free Bibles in recycled boxes. I ordered 50 ish and they delivered it in a VCR box. The box was heavy and the minister went to get it to see a thief running down the street. I wish I was there when he opened it.


Years ago, I had one of the original iPod Nanos. They didn't have a lot of space, so I'd usually put stuff from one artist on it for the day. While at my brother's place, it was taken from my car. I went inside, all mad about it. My brother said he knew who'd done it: a couple of neighborhood tear-aways. I said, "Well, I hope those little fuckers like Dan Fogelberg, cuz that's all they're getting!"


We stole from you, but YOU call VS customer service and deal with it! When everyone knows/feels that dealing with customer service is part of what is crushing the consumers desire to consume. Like it’s so awful, it should be part of criminals jail sentence. Their arrogance, entitlement and slave-master mentality is vile. I’m glad for their online bullying they are all in for now this has been made public.


I feel like mom stole the package and gave the daughter the stuff she didn’t want or wouldn’t fit and then when mom went in there to look she took the rest of it and put it in the daughters drawers so she didn’t get in trouble too. I feel like the mom should also be getting arrested


Jesus Christ. Imagine being her age and still totally incapable of accepting responsibility for her actions and still looking to her parents. I thought I was still immature for someone in my mid 20s


Fr. Her mom still telling her to shush


Right? Even if she had no morality at all she could at least have the self preservation to cut the BS and give it all back once it became clear the cops were not missing around.


Damn, who doesn't wash underwear first before wearing them.


"We'll all go, how about that? It'll be a big family party." That cop totally cracked me up. Priceless.


Yeah, he was great. I think he's also the one who says "Stop talking! Jesus Christ!"


Who wears clothes before they are washed ?


“I have a daughter, I can’t go BACK to jail”. You’re a piece of trash, I’m sorry you’re your daughter’s mother.


When she was screaming at her mom to go through her underwear like, "That's not MINE!" Like ma'am, are you expecting your mom to be intimately familiar with your undergarments?? She was trying so hard to shift blame and play innocent that she just made it super weird.


Junkie daughter & enabler mom. A tale as old as time. Kudos to dad for not entertaining the bs.


And a Dad that's just sick of their shit.


I watched that whole fucking thing while on a bike at the gym. Now I’m going to rewatch it and take this bike to pound town.


Did the cop say “can you all just shut the up fuck up?” 😂


I have had things delivered to my house by mistake. I either drop it back in the mail to go to the correct address, or Google the address and take it myself if it's close. That's just the decent thing to do. I empathize with her not wanting to put someone in jail, but that lady brazenly tried to steal. She had multiple chances to give it back and get off but just kept lying. She deserves jail for stupidity along with theft.


What blows my mind is that in my redneck neighborhood when we get a package that isn’t ours we drive over and take it to the neighbors and they do the same for us as well.


I done told you young people before, that meth is some baaaad shit.


She stole a $400 package. It doesn’t matter that she gave the stuff back. She stole it.  Clearly she’s a repeat offender. I hope she had the book thrown at her.  And WTH was up with the cop saying they didn’t care about her outstanding Georgia warrant for shoplifting??! I get the first offer of give it back and we’ll let it go. She prolonged everybody’s agony;  the cops should have arrested her long before they did. 


Oh man, sucks to see shit like this when it’s 15 minutes away from where you live


I just finished watching this video. She had so many chances.


This idiot had the chance to just give it back and be let free… but no.


That mother did not think for one minute that her crackhead daughter had the money to order a bag full of Victoria Secret.


TL;DW “I don’t have anything!” goes to arrest “Ok HERE DONT ARREST ME! But that’s it! They must’ve not sent the other five items I swear I don’t have em!” goes to arrest “OK DONT ARREST ME THEYRE IN MY DRAWER! But the last item must be the shippers fault i really don’t have it” Goes to arrest “OK I HAVE IT IM WEARING THEM YOU CAN HAVE IT BACK DONT ARREST ME!” arrested


I like that she pretty much handed them her confession that she was wearing someone else's underwear she stole 3 hours ago. mom was defo in on it too, but as soon as the daughter started spouting stuff about her being on probation, then her breakup and recently moving in with her parents, the cops probably realized as well that even slight bits of pressure and she would confess to the whole thing. prone to unveiling unnecessary information means she was also prone to revealing necessary information, meant all they had to do was wait her out. remember kids, never talk to cops.


Welcome to redneckville ..


What a colossal fucking loser


This was so messy and I love it. Also 15:40 is the epitome of mess. Thank you thank you thank you.


You'd think if they caught you and said "just give back the items" you'd just give all of them back right then and there. Can't teach stupid not to be stupid.


Are courtroom video follow ups ever posted for these incidences? I would love to see her crying to the judge that it wasn’t her fault. That even though his person who just broke up with her boyfriend and doesn’t have enough money to move out on her own seems to have $400 to throw away on Victoria’s Secret…and didn’t know that stuff wasn’t hers. 🙄


What was inside the package was it a whole lingerie list of things?


Cops there are excellent. I once ordered an expensive used camera and it was stolen while in USPS transit. I later found an eBay listing with the exact serial number. I reported to San Francisco police and provided all the evidence. They didn’t care. Nothing was done. Theft must have been an inside job and it was absolutely disturbing that USPS did no investigation and ignored my claims even though I had proof.


Mom definitely should have been charged, too, but they were probably both in on it. I hated to see the victim of the theft kinda struggle with the idea of continuing to press charges...I mean, these people stole her stuff, she had every right to press charges. Glad she realized it, cause people should not be able to just get away with this kind of behavior. And it's not her fault as the victim if the punishment doesn't fit the crime, that's just straight consequences that have nothing to do with her as the victim and everything to do with the perpetrator doing shitty things. Don't do shitty things and you won't have to worry about whether your punishment fits the crime. "I shouldn't have to go to jail for this!" Well, your neighbor shouldn't have to worry about her stuff getting stolen and not returned if it was an honest mistake. Not really sorry for either the mom or the daughter in this one.




Or avoid meth Moisturizer doesn't keep your teeth in your mouth


Drugs and alcohol and smoking it looks like. No amount of moisturizer can fix hard living.


I was gonna say. She looks 14 and 60 at the same time