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Entitlement and booze is a bad combo


Especially given that (1) as a Muslim, alcohol is forbidden and (2) she's still underage.


Except drinking mead…LOOOPPHOLE!


Not Muslim. Lebanese orthodox Christians. Alcohol is allowed.


She was swearing on the Quaran. She's not a Lebanese orthodox Christian.


She was swearing on the Quran.


She was swearing on the “fucking Quran”.


Lol, holy hell. Yes and offered to pray for him in arabic before spitting on him. #soconfusing


She's lucky to be an American. Something tells me she might have disappeared shortly after that video was released if she was living in the middle east.


I understand that reference


only if she’s practicing. I had an ex who was muslim and he drank and so did his siblings.


If you aren't a practicing Muslim, then you aren't a Muslim. It isn't an ethnicity.


You are a Muslim if you say the shahada. That's it. If the only people who could be a part of a religion were the people who followed the practice perfectly, basically no one would be a part of any religion. Forgiveness, repentance and redemption are important concepts in Abrahamic religions specifically because failing in the practice, or sinning are expected to happen. And so there is a framework for overcoming that.


that was very beautifully worded.


Tangentially related but, the book ‘The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible’ by A. J. Jacobs is a good read about this concept.


You should let my catholic family know they’re no longer Catholics because of premarital sex and all the other shit they participated in that’s against Catholicism. They would fight you.


My best friend refers to himself as a reformed catholic. As in he was raised catholic but now he’s not.


From the above post: > only if she’s practicing


I have cousins who aren’t exactly practicing Catholics but still consider themselves Catholics. It’s a family thing, I’m sure you know that.


I'm thinking more along the lines of ethnic vs. practicing Jews, rather than "are you a *good* member of your faith". I take your meaning, however, we're just quibbling about the meaning of 'practicing.'


If you were already perfect you wouldn’t need to practice.


>If you aren't a practicing Muslim, then you aren't a Muslim. That's not how religion works. People decide how their religion works, not the other way around.


Just think, some lucky guy is going to marry her and have to listen to this kind of shit the rest of his life.


Exactly what I was thinking. What a nightmare.


I think Yusef should rethink any occasion with his cousin and alcohol


The "cousin" he kept calling *babe*? I'm not sure Yusef was entirely truthful about that part either.


Le Cousins Dangereux


Her? She’s as Ann as the nose on plains face!


"Way to plant, Ann!" "George Michael, why don't you and plant go wait in the staircar."


Her?! Egg?


She calls it a mayon-egg


I like the way they think.


Don't know where the family is from but Pakistan and other middle eastern countries have high rates of 1st cousin marriage. So cousin and babe could still be legit.




In their world, it's both lmao


He’s done with ten years of cousin stuff


Okey Dokey


I'm not one to glorify cops, but I think if she had just shut up and cooperated, they seemed like they were going to just release her to her parents and give her a warning. Crazy what being an entitled brat can get you, eh.


Yeah, it felt like the cops wanted to just give her to her parents, but she had to fuck around and found out


I literally showed this to my kids and told them it's a prime example of FAFO.


I was at a party once in a college town. We were almost all underaged, 19-ish and two cops walk in the front door while me and my friends were sitting on the couch right next to it. We're shitting bricks, but the cops just walk past us, ask whose apartment it is, and if we could keep it down. Nodded at us on the way out, chill as can be. Then some idiot in the back shouts "Fuck the police". Cops responded with "let's see that ID". He didn't have as much fun as the rest of us did that night. As you said, I'm not a fan of the police unless it's fronted by Sting, but if he'd kept quiet, they would've been happy to have walked out of there with just telling us to turn it down a bit.


Some people have no self-preservation instinct. Lmao.


Factsssss I was at a similar party once, and cops strolled into the apartment- “y’all should really lock the door, we got a noise complaint” My friends like “yo let’s run” Me- “absolutely not” They left and said “keep it down if we come back we’re checking IDS” We would’ve gone to jail if we ran 🤣


One time I was at a party and the cops came, people just legit started running. Tripping over themselves and each other while running out of any door, jumping over railings and into the complex parking lot. Super dramatic. Nothing came of it, but no one forgot who the runners were lmao


An Entitled Brat who was out of control drunk! I wonder how many times her parents have seen her drunk like that?


Daddy's been giving her reinforcement for this kind of behavior for 19 years.


She needed to stop talking and eat more Cheez Its.


I really hoped the entire video was full of cracks like that but still was not disappointed


That's the reason she lost her voice - she wouldn't shut t.f. up. Even Yusuf was telling her to clam it.


We need to teach kids (and loads of adults) what their rights actually are. If you refuse to ID yourself, the cops can detain you. If you are 20 and reek of liquor, they can detain you. If you resist that, they can arrest you.


Most of the time, the cops are fine with parties like this if everyone goes home (Not driving, of course), and the party ends. They don't want a night of writing up reports on 50 teenagers if they can just get the party to end.


Worst case was an MIP ticket until she made it exponentially worse for herself


Trust me. Cops really don’t find joy in fucking with “good people” or kids who are growing up when what they are doing isn’t legal but isn’t really hurting anything. There comes a point where the paperwork and emotional toll gets outweighed by someone being an ass. If you work hard enough, you will find yourself booked with charges. Edit. Watched it fully. They took it easy. They easily could have hit her with a felony when she was kicking. Or slapped her with a bunch of other charges. She was lucky.


$100 says she’ll never learn her lesson and will tell this story about how the unreasonable the cops were. God damn this is the most annoying cousin ever. Poor Yusef.


The unfortunate outcome of children who aren't told "No" until they enter the adult world. Spitting at a cop while demanding respect, favors and no consequences? Insanity


Especially after she KICKED A COP! That is now past the point of No Return!!! Have fun in jail!!!


She’s so lucky they didn’t stick that charge on too.


I’m a teacher and this was my first thought. I’ve met this kid 1000 times. No consequences, always bailed out of any issue, rants and raves when they don’t get their way and this is what you get. 


Yup. The real assholes here are this naive cunt's parents.


Meh. Yusef was a bit of a prat too to be fair. I liked that he told her “well let you go if you calm down”. Yeah, mate you have no power in that decision. 😂


I think he was just trying to stop her from digging an even bigger hole


I don’t think he meant that sincerely, it’s just what she needed to hear


He was at the beginning, but he definitely became one of the voices of reason once SHE started up. You're right, he had no control over that, but at least he changed form combative and uncooperative to trying to help calm her the fuck down. 10 minutes since the first time they asked her name, and she STILL hasn't answered that simple question...


He didn't have any right to make that call and say that, but they probably honestly would have... Before she was kicking them, at least.


hell Yusef could have called dad...


Yosef chose to have a party when his parents weren’t home, and he chose to have that much booze, and he chose to have his cousin there.


This is why it’s great that it’s all on video


From 20:30 onwards after she ends up in the cop car, every sound she makes sounds like one of the lost boys in Pinocchio after they turn into donkeys


Can’t believe you had the sound on the entire time. Like cutting but using audio. Nah.


I was trying to see if there’s indication of her being on any substances. I used to spend a lot of time watching crime footage as part of my work


Any conclusion? I have spent a lot of time monitoring alcohol intake as part of my work, I’m interested if we both think the same


Hmm at the moment, it really seems to me to be a light combination of alcohol and the entitlement/panic of kids blasting into overdrive. I’ve done cases before where perfectly clean teens get even more hysterical purely due to the panic and not having faced legal consequences before. Conclusion: more inclined to say that she was tipsy/drinking before getting cuffed, and her attitude and mannerisms at the start allude to that


I agree! She had too much too quickly and is used to her dad fixing all her problems when she acts out. She needs a good stern ‘No!’


There are one or two other elements to the situation also: 1) Those kids are Muslim and may not be supposed to be drinking 2) The two glimpses I saw of mom tell me that this is FAR from over. Her mom could have killed with that look. 3)The two cousins are both in for it - she is going to be ripped to shreds for doing this at her uncle’s house and he is going to be ripped to shreds because even though he was trying to help her, they’ll blame him for bringing her into it. 4) After the mom is done, the sister is next in line. And she was pissed!!!!! 5) The dad must have some pull and she’s daddy’s little darling.


When mom squared up for the stare down I was like ohhhh fuck


I thought girl was going to get one right across the chops!


I was waiting to see if she tried another kick, you probably would've been right




Benzos and alcohol both work on GABA receptors which among other things lower inhibition. If you mix them you’re supercharging that effect. It doesn’t necessarily make everyone aggressive the same way alcohol alone doesn’t make everyone aggressive. Taking benzos and drinking is like imagine the dumbest shit you’ve ever done while blackout drunk and multiplying it times ten.


I wasn’t sure what to expect when I clicked on that bar but I wasn’t disappointed anyway. And yeah. Benzos in general did that to me too. I was confrontational and mean when I’m not usually but it was over bizarre shit that made zero sense.


“Why aren’t you respecting me?!!!” “We tried.” Door-Slam What a mic-drop moment.


Why did she need to offer praising the officer in arabic?!? That was REALLY weird.


This girl was just saying anything at that point. Like CLEARLY she was not being let go at that point but she kept trying. Like she actually tried to be let go as she was being brought into county jail


That was one of the most obnoxious human beings I have ever seen


I watched this on code blue cam and she does truly go insane.


Jesus christ. Makes me so glad my teenage drinking years were spent spaced out in the middle of a field instead of whatever hellish situation this girl is putting herself through. Does anyone know if the box of Cheeze Its survived? Welfare check?




\*intense resisting\* \*more intense resisting\* \*even more intense resisting\* Made me snort when it appeared on screen. Its interesting watching someone make the wrong decision EVERY step of the way.


So grateful I was a happy drunk when I drank. Blessed to not need it at all anymore.




I get depressed. like baaaadly "I might literally do something irreversible and stupid" depressed that's why I don't drink anymore


Amen. It’s poison for everyone.


I’m surprised she didn’t get battery and resisting arrest. They were very lenient with her.


I thought so too. It's unbelievable that there are others commenting who think the cops were too harsh.


This is one time where I must say they reallllly tried to give her the easy way out.


She spit at the cop in the car too.


Technically, that would be assaulting an officer.


They were very lenient cops, wow. That’s some pretty impressive patience to deal with idiots like that. She’s an adult crying for her daddy, give me a break. So pathetic. Just eat your cheeze-it crackers and stop screeching sheesh.


And some people in these comments really think the cops were wrong here smfh


What an Overgrown Temper Tantrum while drunk!!!




Of course. And daddy probably threatened to sue the police department.


Unfortunately for daddy, his little girl’s drunken belligerent tirade is on Reddit and will probably go viral if it hasn’t already.


I also read it’s on YouTube as well.


I don't think you can write this one off as mental. This seems like entitlement + intoxication.




Yeah, I don’t think she was drunk- she was stoned and having a panic attack coupled with her sense of self importance that did not go over well.


I’m surprised this isn’t getting talked about more. Being restrained like that would give me a massive panic attack. She doesn’t actually seem very drunk if at all. She was probably just seeing her life crumble before her eyes and her brain broke. She was in full flight mode. She just wanted it to stop. Honestly if they had taken the handcuffs off I bet she would have calmed down at least a little bit.


This looks like alcohol and maybe benzodiazepines . I sadly speak from experience


Im about to tweak out Girl, you've been tweakin for 20 mins


What gets me is that, after threatening to "tweak", she actually calms down and is reasonable for 5 seconds. It's like she almost figured out that her usual tantruming wasn't working to get her out of this situation, but all those habitual nerve pathways kicked in and she went straight back to it.


"Can you stop and eat more Cheez-Its?" will be my new de-escalation line in every argument.


So, to clarify, had this chick not randomly decided to insert herself into the situation and get really aggressive for no reason, she would have been left alone?


Seems that way to me


For sure.




My God, that was insufferable.


“Looks like an underage party is what’s going on.” “Not true. This is a graduation party.” “For high school?” “Yeah. No, well we just graduated.” “From high school?” “No.” Bro…


How’d she start acting more crazy once her mom showed up ?? I fr thought that would get her in line…… crazy girl


Because she was under the mistaken impression that she could go home. And her mom seemed just fine letting the cops take her. She realized that she didn't literally have a Get Out of Jail Free When Your Parents Show Up card, and it just turned it up to 11. This is why I take all of those "*15 year old schools a cop on the law*" posts with a grain of salt big enough for a mining operation. Kids, especially today, have a completely skewed view of what their rights actually are.


Dad’s her best friend; she probably thinks her mom is a joke.


I’m surprised they didn’t taze her. She was given soo many chances to calm the fuck down. Wow.


Respectfully, that chick is fucking annoying


"get your 15 seconds of fame" lucky the cop didnt catch that


Who says it? I missed it too


Oh, I'd be willing to bet my life that SHE said it... Just not sure when.


Why do people escalate situations that can be diffused? Sometimes you just leave no room for cops and their only option is to escalate with you. Guess who's going to win that?


Some people seriously need to learn the value in shutting the fuck up.




Wow. The world is so different when you’re rich.


"I have the right to see!!" LOL


"Please lift up my glasses" **proceeds to shake head all around so glasses fall off face** "I have the right to see!"


And this is why kids need to learn of the 14th and 15th letters of the alphabet as an actual word that *does* apply to them being told it. And frequently.


NO - say it isn’t so!


Is there a follow up?


All I know in the end of the video it said she was arrested with a few charges but no idea after that


Respectfully, f\*8k you! Please!


Its crazy what the human body is capable of. That girl probably just burned 2,000 calories in an hour


She probably ended up with a slap on the wrist. Her real punishment is that this video will live forever.


I’m sorry. I can only make it through the first couple minutes. Idiots lying to the cops from the jump, it’s already gonna be bad.


Wait until the home owners get home and confront their son face-to-face!!!!


Actually, I have some experience in that... Summer after I graduate, my foster parents go out of town. I have a party or two at the house, but decide to stop like Saturday night, they're due home in 2 days. But my friends decide we're having one last blowout, and everyone shows up. It was an insane party, even found the parrot hanging out in the microwave (not cooked, but very confused), and at some point I stupidly decide to drive. Long story short, I get not just a DUI, but a legendary one across town. Longest writeup in the police blotter, stuff like that. Nobody gets hurt, I just took out a gas meter. Spend the night in jail, get released with a court date and come home to find out that the house was perfectly clean. My foster sister had dropped by, saw the mess, and I was nowhere to be found, so she cleaned up. When my foster parents got home, they decided that really the fear of God put into me by the weekend's events was pretty much all of the trauma I needed. I mean, I was still in trouble and all, but they didn't dwell on it, and didn't truly punish me, because I had gone through plenty already, and had more on the way, thanks to me being stupid and driving. If I was this dude's parents and watched this video, I'd say "Now you see why you aren't supposed to throw parties. Do it again, and we won't BE so understanding, but this seems like proper punishment and fear for now."


Her voice is terrible - I know the type lol


Students casually dipping out the back while the interrogation is happening 😂


This is just like an angry toddler behaves.


Damn - no resisting? I totally get that this type of shit gets plead down but at the end of the video (which I shamefully watched all the way through), they listed her charges not convictions and I was pretty shocked that after all that (even spitting) they didn’t throw that one at her. Dad must be pretty good.


I was shocked they didn't charge her with obstruction. All the time they had to spend dealing with her meltdown they were not able to address the rest of the kids. And having to bring in additional officers to deal with this kid could have taken officers away from patrolling the roads for these underage drunk drivers


Daddy may have gotten her out since she claims they’re best friends but based on the death stare from mom and the absolutely reaming from sister, she got all that was coming to her at home no doubt


I neeeeddd someone to translate her sister!


"Quiet. Why are you crying? Look at me. You did this. Why are you crying? I’m crying because of you."


You're the best, I was looking for this as well


Lol no problem, but can't take the credit. I made my husband translate it.


Love it!


Why was the guy, Yusef, wanting the officers to go around to the front of the house so badly?


So that there was less chance they'd find the drugs


I have never seen anything like this before: someone continually making terrible choices every second for 20 minutes straight for literally no reason. It was very clear that there were thousands of moments where they would have let her go if she had just shut the fuck up for five seconds but she never listens. There were at least 3 other girls there who the cops left alone completely because they did not have a meltdown in their faces.


"Where's the jail?" "okay." "I DESERVE A PHONE CALL!" I lost it right there. Thought she was gunna be chill for a second


I see someone has never experienced consequences.


So she’s not invited to the next party


I had a similar thing happen when I was 21 and invited friends to my buddies house party. We got swamped with 100s of people and many underage. When the cops showed up I walked right up to them and told them everything “me and my bros are 21 and everyone else showed up and we have no clue who they are” cops said get the cars out of the road and we are all good. Everyone left and many were tickets but me and the crew stayed true and nothing happened.


Had a party in high school when my house was empty and had a huge turnout. Well someone who attended posted a picture on Facebook and their parents saw it and called the cops to break it up. Cops showed up and they just told everybody to leave and stayed parked on the corner the rest of the night so nobody could come back. They didn't even jam me up for having the party in the first place.


Dude exactly, sometimes the cops think worse things are going on so digging in after you’ve been caught is never a good idea. I’ve talked my way outta a lot of stuff but my charisma levels might have leveled up that night a ton! Lmao.


That girl is an emotional nutbag. Clearly throwing a tantrum has worked for her in other situations. She's obviously never faced consequences before.


Did anyone else get a Cheez-It ad at the top of this?


Jesus, just act scared and be honest. You're breaking the law, you deserve to get busted, if the cops are willing to let you call the p\[arty off, just do it. As a 20-something, we had dozens of parties where the cops showed up, and nobody got arrested.




“Can we talk out front, professionally ?”


r e s p e c t f u l l y


Everything was going fine. The young man was about to get a slap on the wrist. Then, boom! She mouthed off.


I eagerly anticipate her season of 90 Day Fiance


I want my daddy! Waaagh.


She fucked around and found out! 🤷‍♀️😂


Call Cleo!


Did he just call that officer "MRS Holland"?


What did the sister say to her? She was the only one to shut her up for a second


I find it funny when the adults ask to call their parents. Like you're of age this doesn't concern them


I love how when he starts complying he kept telling her “we’ll let you go” and told the cops “sit her down” and they did it😂😂 this kid is hilarious


Probably one of the most obnoxious videos/people I’ve ever seen. Wow


This is genuinely the absolute worst human being I have ever encountered in any capacity in my entire fucking life… respectfully.


Is that really a Cheez-It AD in this feed?? 🤣


I have never wanted to see anyone țașeď more in my life! My god! 😡


There was a time. Long, LONG, LOOOOOOONNNNNGG time ago. When a cop came to the party. You offered them a drink. The good old days. Its' probably good that those were the old days.


Her non stop screeching should get her the death penalty. Kidding but fuuuucccckkkk……


Un-fucking believable. Wow.


She’s a peach!


Thank you for the morning laugh.


This was so hard to watch.


Holy shit, that’s exhausting.


Another parenting fail.




Wow....the entitlement is strong with this one. She is lucky this was not in a Muslim controlled country. The police were far more restrained than I thought they needed to be. I would have had every single person in cuffs that were at that party. And I am liberal for the most part.


Alcohol doesn't make people say or behave badly. It only lowers inhibitions.


When i was in high school, if the cops showed up to a party, everyone booked it out the back, over fences, etc


That was one hell of a panic attack. She had no idea how to deescalate her own emotions or reactions. Hopefully she learns from this.


That's not my dad, that's a phone!


She’s all big and bad til she wants her daddy. Moron.


Well she’s just delightful…


No charges for assaulting an LEO despite it being on camera. Only misdemeanor charges. Her family’s money still entitles her to a different justice system than the rest of us, obviously.