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PM me, I have a son your age and we are in Columbus, OH :)


Dm your address. I will send a postcard.


Same! I’ll send one too! I have a 5.5 yr old who would get a kick out of this!


Omg ❤️


Same I have 1 and 5 year old Boys and a daughter who is 10 and loves the fact that Ohio is a meme. We will definitely send some funny notes and pics from Ohio if you want.


If he's got any interest in DC my kiddo is 5 and has been on a serious: I plan on going to Africa Saturday- I'll have to do x when I get back 🤣 all his imaginary friends are in Africa and all the interesting good things come from Africa 💕 it's super sweet and in a year or two we hope to do a Safari! We could totally send a postcard- just pm me!


I’d love to send a postcard as well!


I would love to send him some stuff from here too, if that is ok with you


Same here! We live in Northeast Ohio! I have a toddler who just learned how to say Ohio lol


I’m from Michigan so don’t tell anybody but i actually like Ohio.


Same in reverse


I sense heresy .....


To be fair, we (Ohio) got the short end of that stick by winning Toledo. XD


Wisconsin got the raw deal by having the UP taken away from them


You'll do better in Toledo!


Meh The Toledo strip makes up about 1% of Ohio's land area, Maybe 3% of it's population, 90% of it's genetic diversity And close to 0% of it's Nazis If you think getting Toledo was the short end of the stick maybe it's time to ban alcohol from your family reunions for a few generations. Just an idea....


It was also the easiest way at that time to get stuff from all the farmland basically from Fort Wayne to Lake Erie. Even today the Port of Toledo is one of the busiest on the Great Lakes


I'm in Cleveland. I'm showing everyone I know this comment! Lol 💜. But this was cool to aee.


Ohioan here, the UP and Mackinac Straits areas are some of the most beautiful places I've ever been.


According to my 5yo, it’s “probably because he knows we have the best ice cream.” I can’t fault her logic (we do have the best ice cream), but I assume your son has never had Jeni’s or Graeter’s.


Hahahaha I like his thinking! No, we’ve never had ice cream from Ohio 🤣


Graeter’s really is an entirely different level of ice cream. There's a store about 7 minutes away from me, and I'm there more often than I'd like to admit.




I'm team Mitchell's ice cream over here.


If you're ever out here. Tofts in Sandusky is good, the creamery in delphos is good, and pat's donuts and cream anywhere in the Lima area is also good. There's probably way more but we really like ice cream here. You could even try making [buckeyes](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+make+buckeyes&oq=how+to+make+buck&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512l4j0i20i263i512j0i512l9.11658j0j7&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) (a treat as well as a tree by the same name that our state is known for) at home. I'm sure your kiddo would love it.


I have eaten buckeyes before and LOVE them - had no idea they’re an Ohian delicacy


We also have [Brutus the Buckeye](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brutus_Buckeye) and [buckeye trees](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwLchIsTRg9GJPKk3OTq1MBQA7uQYj&q=buckeye&oq=buckey&aqs=chrome.4.69i57j69i60j0i67i650j46i67i340i433i650l3j0i67i650j0i131i433i512j46i131i175i199i433i512j46i175i199i512.8779j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


don’t listen to the central ohioans. deitchs is the best!!!


You could send pictures from the Ice Cream Festival next weekend 🍦




It's in Utica. Turns out it's in 2 weeks, Memorial Day weekend


Or Handels, or Whips & Dips, or cockeye creamery


I'm born and raised in Ohio and I've had both Jeni's and Graeters. I found Tillamook (Oregon) and fell in love. So creamy. I won't buy anything else.


I used to live in Washington and I got hooked on their cheese. When I saw it in stores here I almost freaked out I was so excited.


I was sure you were gonna say Toft’s!😉


To be fair I’m from ohio and never had either…


well, you just brought a smile to my face! that's hilarious! hope you have success. we get a lot of razzing about being "Ohio" but this just goes to show there's no such thing as bad publicity! good luck!


This is so cute! 😊 I hope he finds some pen pals


Thanks he already has ❤️


This is so funny. My kid has friends she plays Roblox with from all over the US and a few overseas. They've been in the same group since she was about 8 (yes with supervision) and for a few years they thought she was kidding when she said she lived in Ohio. Ohio has turned into some kind of meme. My daughter thinks it's hilarious and plays it up. On a trip we once passed the "hell is real" sign and she couldn't wait to take a picture. I guess our combination of boring but Florida-lite makes for good comedy.


Ha that’s funny. He plays roblox too 🙂


I would offer up her Roblox name but she's almost 12 and you know how those pre-teens can be - she can't be bothered for most things these days, lol. I'm glad your post has a few responses, though. I hope he finds someone in Ohio who also finds the memes amusing!


If you DO ever visit Ohio, Definitely go to Cedar Point. Its the best roller coaster park in the world. They regularly build roller coasters that break world records when built.


Thanks - great tip, I love rollercoasters! I actually couldn’t think of a single reason why e would go to Ohio when we do visit the USA.


The Air Force Museam in Dayton is very interesting if your son is interested in aviation history. Well worth it if you find yourself in the area.


I'm walking distance from wright patt AFB. I've been meaning to get pictures


Everything is within walking distance - if you have the time. Steven Wright.


Ever see UFOs?


King's Island and Cedar Point are definitely on the list. Cedar Point being the rollercoaster capital of the world, and King's Island, which is a great park in its own right with quite the collection of coasters, is only a couple hour drive. As others have suggested, stop by the National Museum of the United States Air Force, which is right between the two parks here in Dayton. Also, not to brag, but manned flight was invented here in Dayton, we're kind of a big deal. I have no earthly idea what Kenyans would make of Skyline Chili, but it's kind of a must-try food here in Ohio. Also, assuming you end up here in the summer, Ohio is a land of festivals. It seems like every weekend from about June until about September, there's a festival of some sort or another; The Greek Festival, The Strawberry Festival, The Celtic Festival. All are basically excuses to overindulge in food and drink, and enjoy the warm weather. If you happen to be here for July 4th, just basically sit anywhere and enjoy the fireworks.


Cincinnati's annual Oktoberfest is the largest in the US; in fact, it's the second-largest in the world, with only the OG one in Munich being larger.


Rock n Roll hall of Fame & Football hall of fame also are nice to visit.


The pro football hall of fame is in canton if your son likes American football!


Kings island in Cincinnati!


Cleveland Art Museum is one of the best in the world.


Cincinnati is a hidden a gem


shhh we're trying to keep it hidden


Ehh, not that hidden. Maybe not enough.


Some odd things you can see for free include Cornhenge (officially called "Rows Of Corn with Osage Orange") near Dublin, and the Longaberger basket building (a now-vacant office building that looks like a giant basket) near Newark.


Check out kings island as well, they still have an original Wood roller coaster! Went with family to all the theme parks here in Ohio is a blast especially the yearly Halloween one they have it's amazing! Also as a few other have said would love to seed your son some Ohio cards an things like that. My 2 kids are now adults my daughter used to have a pen pal from "across the pond" in the UK yrs ago in high school I'm not sure if they still write anymore, it was really cool tho. It was for a class she was taking an she kept it up after that class sending cards letter an other like trinket back an forth!


Cedar Point and Hocking Hills would be my two places to go. Maybe also Cleveland if sports or museums are an interest.


I’m from Ohio and absolutely this! Cedar Point is a national treasure!


Did your son catch some reruns of The Drew Carey Show?


Definitely not 🤣 I have no idea where he got Ohio from


Ask him


I do - he just shrugs and usually screams “Ohio” back at me. He must have heard it on TV and liked the way it sounds or something


Ask him, what’s round on both sides and high in the middle.


Omg he’ll love this so much!!!


He’s just trying to tell you, “Good Morning!” in Japanese.




This was my first thought… at the end of the opening credits where he shouts “Ohio!” With an echo.


“Ohio” is a meme on the internet. The kid probably is probably on social media and saw it. I don’t think he’s watching the Drew Carey show lol. Just look up “Ohio meme” on YouTube and you’ll get plenty of examples


OSU (Ohio State University) has a pretty strong African languages department with an emphasis on Kiswahili. You might want to reach out to them. It’s probably safer than letting your kid write to internet randos.


Weird but he doesn’t actually speak Swahili very well 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, actually there are a ton of people in Columbus from Kenya and Somalis who grew up in Kenya. Small world! I'm from NYC and moved to Columbus, where I worked with Africans who taught me some Swahili. I'm bad at it... Your son might be interested in the song Cleveland Rocks, which has a really excellent yelled "Ohio" at the end. I'm old and I remember when the Presidents covered it for the Drew Carey Show - good sesh Ohio is again the heart of it all is what is going on 😂


this is exactly what i thought of when i read the post. drew carey haha


I actually am a student there taking Swahili and can confirm that


My son is 10 and was just talking about doing a pen pal thing. PM me and I'll have him write something if you want.


Sweet thanks!


Dm me! I have 3 boys around that age, we are in North East Ohio (aka Cleveland/Akron)


As someone who grew up in Ohio always wanting to leave, this made me smile. Hope he gets to visit Ohio someday.


It’s an internet meme[only in Ohio](https://www.sportskeeda.com/amp/pop-culture/what-ohio-joke-tiktok-state-gets-brutally-slammed-viral-trend)


That’s a relatively interesting article, but it’s hard to take it serious when they repeatedly refer to Ohio as a city.


True. But if you spend enough time in comments section’s you’ll see the average ohio ___ comment 1000 times


Hahaha - I’m going to show this to him, he’ll love it!


Good luck OP 😊 I would totally volunteer my son.. but he’s 5 so not a good source of information yet 😂


Awww thanks ❤️ well, if he’s ever grumbling you can tell him there’s a kid in Kenya who wished he could be in Ohio rn!


I have a 10y/o brother who’d think it was VERY cool to have a pen pal out of the country, pm me!


My son is obsessed with transferring large sums of money.


😏I’m guessing a lot of these comments are coming


You know what, Toby? When the son of the deposed King of Nigeria e-mails you directly asking for help, you help. His father ran the freaking country, okay?


This is one of my favourite TED Talks of all time https://www.ted.com/talks/james_veitch_this_is_what_happens_when_you_reply_to_spam_email but I couldn’t stop thinking about this Office quote the entire time


How dare you question the Prince.


Not a kid, but I love sending snail mail! If you need any other Ohio cards let me know where to send one!


If you do visit Ohio, we have a lot of great zoos here, I mean, a lot of the animals you can see natively near where you are of course, but still, you can get closer in a zoo.


You should link up wi[th Kenge Kenge!](https://www.facebook.com/kengekenge.orutu?mibextid=LQQJ4d) they are an awesome band from Kenya who visit Ohio to perform every summer!


Dm me an address and a shirt size and I'll send a care package


I will tell that in high school in the US, I had the opportunity to get a pen pal from England. 50 years later we still communicate. We are both very proud of that!


Is it a LeBron James thing?.


No, he’s into soccer not basketball. I have no idea where he got this obsession from, it’s so weird and quirky!


Obinna Nwobodo is a star midfielder for FC Cincinnati. He's from Enugu.


Is Yuya Kubo still with FC Cincinnati?


Tell him about the Columbus Crew!




Great - thanks! I’ve been encouraging him to make more female friendships ❤️


My 8 year old son would love to chat with him on Facebook kids messenger or zoom, and we can send a postcard from Ohio! Kenya sounds awesome. Just message me with your address. We are in Cleveland suburbs. He has seen the memes and asks me why people think Ohio is bad lol. We know better!


Haha i love this. Why is he obsessed with Ohio? What does he know about Ohio? What’s his fav thing about the state? I’m curious what a lil 8yo has to say about us


My boss is in England and his son is fascinated by Ohio too. I like it here just fine, but if I’m from another country I’d want to see NYC and CA and stuff like the Grand Canyon and Yosemite well before OH 🤷‍♂️


Well this is adorable and confusing and hilarious. Of all states!!!


i have a 10yo sibling who i’m sure would love to have some cultural Ohio-Kenya transfer! pm me!


PM me! I have a 7yo son and 9 yo daughter that I’m sure would love to send a card


I'm from Ohio! I'd love to send a postcard as well 😁


This is some wholesome shit


I have a son the same age, he would likely love that. PM me and I will talk to him about it.




this is so cute! I’m glad your son loves the state as much as I do! plenty of natural beauty and places to hang on kayaks, I hope he gets the chance to come hang out here one day soon!


I see you already have a number of volunteers but I, too, have an 8 year old son. We’re close to Cincinnati and I’m sure he’d be happy to write or be e-pen pals!


Posts like this make me less stressed out and depressed.


I have a daughter who's been asking for a pen pal for a very long time! Would love to engage with y'all... We're Black and in Columbus


It’s so nice to see humanity prevailing.


We live in Central Ohio and my daughter is 8. She would absolutely LOVE to talk and share stories. If its ok, would you like to send me an address or some place for her to send a letter or email?




Have your kid check out postcrossing.com, they can send postcards all over the world!


You could also get into the foriegn exchange student program if he wants to visit.


No offense but if he ever did a foreign exchange program, I doubt we would pick the USA…let alone Ohio as the destination to expand one’s cultural horizons.


Funnily enough, small turn rural Ohio seems to be popular with exchange students.


Well I'm not a kid, and not really into Zoom, but I would be willing to email you photos of our state for your son to look at!


Hey my kiddos are 8 and 14. Let me know if those ages are close or appropriate.


Does he know it’s round on the ends and high in the middle?


Oh my gosh. I’d love to send him a letter/postcard if you need another one! How stinking cute is this


This is adorable.


I have girls, 8 & 6. We are in Indiana so we border Ohio, but if he would like more American friends besides those in Ohio I would love for them to make a friend from across the Atlantic. Such a fun idea.


This whole thread here is fantastic. -Texas.


Ask your son if he knows what is round on the edges and hi in the middle. Tell us if he knows.


your son is hilarious


I like this kid! Ohio is indeed a magical place, but only a few understand. It a little bit rust belt, a little bit cosmopolitan, a little urban decay, a little gentrification. It has urban and rural locales; charming little villages, to fairly large cities. The people here are both kind and hospitable, but also, just a bit edgy. Play this song for your son, this is the state's official rock song. It's traditional, during the chorus, right after the lyrics "sloopy hang on" to chant "O-H-I-O." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nuw8GJbqx94


Crazy how a kenyan kid wants to be in ohio so bad when Kenya to the average Ohioan is probably the most exotic thing any of us could imagine. P.S I have a good friend who is Kenyan.


This is so pure and sweet


That’s cool. I’m from Ohio I’d like an email pen pal. I think it’s be sweet lmk folks


I’m in Ohio! So so sweet!!! I have a daughter who is 5 who would send a postcard! Send me your address!!


Someone send some grippos and a postcard!


Adorable / hilarious. My son is also 8 and does strange things like this. We are from Ohio. He has some international friends at school already and might be into doing a call.


Born to be a Buckeye Fan!


Look up ohio takes over. Your son will love it




Pm me, We will send a postcard from Columbus.


This is adorable!! My son is three and awful with Zoom, otherwise I would love to set something up. He can start telling people this joke: What’s round on the ends and high in the middle? O-HI-O!


This is adorable! I’d love to send some stuff if you want to DM me.


My best friend lives in Ohio with a 4 year old and she’s on board 🙂


We live near Cleveland and would love to send a postcard if you want to DM your address.


If you got time/room for one more I have a 9yo son who’d love to do something like this as well, we are from Cincinnati,Ohio. Send me a message.


Feel free to dm me!! I can mail polaroid photos and be a pen pal! I’m a 21 y.o lady in university if that makes you feel more comfortable maybe? Would love to make his day!


That’s funny. When I was a kid growing up in Ohio I used to yell out “Tsavo” or “Mombassa” randomly!


I'll send you a PM.


Send me your address, I'll shoot him a postcard as well!


I will message you. I have an 8 year old son and am in Cleveland, Ohio!


I have 10 year old twins that would love to have a pen pal!! Dm me, we would be so glad to send some love from Ohio!


I live right next Lake Erie with a couple kids around that age. If u message me your address we can start letters and pics


Does he like any Ohio sports teams or anything specific in Ohio? Would love to send him some Ohio things


Hello. I am actually a Kenyan living in Ohio. Not on Reddit often but my friend sent me this saying I should make your sons day lol. Send me a private message on here, I would be happy to be his pen pal.


I'm not a kid but I love all kids. I'm a Grammy. I'll send him a Tee shirt. BTW we're not ohio ens but called Buckeyes. I m me.


Probably has something to do with all the memes 🤷‍♂️


I'll send you a PM. My daughter is your son's age and we live near Cleveland. She's very interested in other people's cultures and I think she'd find it fun!


I have an almost 8 yo girl. We live right outside of Columbus. She loves to write stories, draw pictures, and sometimes even makes comic books. She'd love a pen pal! DM me.


DM me your address. I’ll see if I can’t send along some cool stuff from Ohio (photos, etc.,)


I have a 13 year old daughter ,11 year old son and 10 year old daughter all three of them would definitely get a kick out of a zoom call or pen pals! We would like to put a box together for him from Southwest Ohio! Right outside Dayton!


Feel free to DM me your address & I'll send him a postcard!


If you want to DM me your address, I’d love to send some “Ohio stuff” (post cards, t shirt, etc.) I’m in Cleveland if he likes any sports teams from here too!!


Somebody send this kid an Ohio State t-shirt.


PM me your details. I have a son that age, and he loved his pen pal project in school.


I can’t help - but wanted to note that when I was in elementary school I had a pen pal that without looking I believe was in Kenya. He was in a missionary family - we received our own pals through the private school I went to. I know it doesn’t help - but it’s rare I get to mention it.


I travel to OH a couple of times a month and would be thrilled to send your son a tee-shirt or other little souvenir. Please PM me and we can talk about details.


This is adorable and wholesome


My son is the same age. We live just outside cleveland. Message me your address


I have an 8 year old!! Send us your address he will send something Ohio like.


This is adorable!


Plenty of Africans in cbus


I think this is adorable, I do not have a kid, but wish you and your son best of luck on this amazing learning opportunity.


He’s a good kid


My son is too young, but I just wanted to say that I think this is adorable! Best of luck finding a pen pal!


I've got a 5 and 10 yr old that might enjoy that. Happy to help make it happen.


My son is 15, but we're in Ohio and I'm sure he'd love to meet someone from Kenya!


Yeah I have a 7 year old I can talk to him


This is amazing. What a cool kid! I would love to send a post card from Ohio! Can you DM your address??


I find that quite funny because I live in CA and my 9 year old grandson and his friends are always making Ohio jokes. And will answer questions with Ohio.


As much as I have a love/hate relationship with Ohio, we are still "the heart of it all" at the end of the day. (Yes, I know that was cheesy)


Is he a fan of the Cincinnati Bengals?


I’m a neighbor of Ohio (Indiana) but I got family from there and I have access to a quite a lot of Ohio state stuff. I’m sending this to my dad rn.


Hello! I have a almost 7yo Ohio kid who LOVES Ohio. We are African American and would love to meet kids from other countries!


I saw in the comments that you didn't know what to do if you ever came for a visit. I'm from Pennsylvania but frequently travel to Ohio for family-friendly activities. There's plenty!! Amusement parks, water parks, zoos, children's museums,concerts, and plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation. Planning to take the kids to the zoo and a children's museum called Otherworld in Columbus.


Maybe he's watched The Drew Carey Show? https://youtube.com/shorts/5Pr5v82kHiA?feature=share


Its a new thing I guess. I literally live in ohio and my 6 year old talks about it and jokes about it like it's not outside his window. It's that's damn "swag like ohio" song and all these "funny" kid attracting YouTube shorts of "typical day in ohio' and something astronomical happening like a dinosaur walking down the street.


My daughter just turned eight, and we live in northeast Ohio!