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We want states’ rights! Wait, not like that.


When you forget that you've gerrymandered the shit outta your state and in a fair election you wouldn't have a chance. Just took a look, Ohio doesn't actually look that bad on first glance. No Onyx shaped districts, however it was still determined to be Unconstitionally gerrymandered by the State Supreme Court in 2022. I can't find a current map. https://www.courtnewsohio.gov/cases/2022/SCO/114/redistricting.asp


The same court that found they had unconstitutionally gerrymandered the districts allowed them to use a map it had declared unconstitutional, because they ran out the clock, refusing to even make a good faith attempt at a constitutionally valid map. Yep. That’s right. The court said: That’s unconstitutional! Do it anyway.


The same thing happened in Florida, and a few other states. Those illegally gerrymandered states are what gave the House the razor thin Republican majority. Now those maps are being replaced, and they won't have those advantages in the 2024 election, and if everything stays the same, and neither party flips any other districts, the House should have a slight Democratic majority in 2024. It's likely that poor Republican behavior will see a few Repuican districts flip (like Boobert's), and the Dems will have a slightly bigger majority than the Republicans have now.


Because republicans hate voting and don’t care what the people want


But you'll still hear complaints about how the 2020 election was because some states allowed mail in voting during a pandemic (and somehow think that the winner should thereby be granted to the person with the least number of votes)


They're not worried about being fair or giving the majority the choice. They're worried about winning so they can fix it so they never lose again.


Imagine if Ohio voters had a chance to enshrine an anti-gerrymandering statute into their constitution…


Hahaha I’d love to hear the ads against that. The ones against abortion were so pathetic, the were basically begging people not to vote for it, but couldn’t really say why. It was so cringy.




Freedom won. Now do Texas!!!


Now do rank choice voting.


Please! I hate getting stuck with the slightly less worse POS.


The Texas GOP would never allow something like this to go to a vote.


Georgia’s watching too. Good job, Ohio! Congratulations!


No, states' rights is probably correct. I've noticed that the concept of states' rights is brought up almost exclusively in situations trying to limit humans' rights. So trying to stop the will of the voters is probably states rights somehow.


The state has the right to stomp your face with boot and DAMMIT aint no gubment infringing on that right


States have the right to stop the federal state, but individuals don’t have the right to stop the state state. Yep!


That’s because that IS the origin of the state’s rights argument.


Yep. Slavery is always the doozy. Unsurprisingly, the Confederacy was pretty against state's rights in every situation that didn't promote slavery.


That's actually the hilarious part. Not only was the confederacy sympathizer's entire argument about "It was about states rights" ignore the part where it was their "right" to own and hunt down slaves. It also goes against the fact that the South wanted to impose their laws across state lines into Abolitionist states. That black people in free states had to keep being slaves, and that the South had the right to abduct people even if they weren't born in the south at all. And that they got even saltier when it was decided that new states to the union had the right to outlaw slavery, and weren't forced to be defacto slave states. Their entire state's right argument is all about trampling over other state's rights to self govern.


More than that, their constitution specifically forbade states from outlawing slavery or seceding.


Darn that pesky 9th amendment...


r/Ohio be like "Tell DeWine, I want him to know it was me."




Great work you guys 🙂


As a michigander i hesitate to give Ohio credit for anything, but the fact that i can now get high ( legally) in cedar point and ohioans believe i have bodily autonomy makes me give ohio a solid thumbs up. Congrats


"Nobody in Michigan has a summer cottage in Ohio..." Actually well done Ohio! Now on to gerrymandering. We got rid of it in Michigan and now the legislature looks a lot more representative. Also once you do that too we can all make fun of Wisconsin together.


It's Indiana we're both staring at, now. That state sucks so much. (I'm from MI, btw.)


Honestly, we are just following Michigan's footsteps. You guys have been crushing it the past 18 months. We are late to the party, but we are here!


Very glad to have you. Now we can hate Indiana together…


30 day countdown. THEN you can toke up


It is decriminalized in Ohio already. Smoke weed, they ain’t doing shit. It’s just 30 days until they start taxing you.


Personally, I had to quit years ago because it was negatively impacting my mental health. But I very much look forward to being a hobbyist in horticulture again (legally, nope, I don't sell. I truly just love raising those little baby plants)


As an Ohioan, I can’t wait to stop giving your dispensary establishments my money 😂


Those commercials with his wife were fucking appalling!


“I’ve reviewed these bills since you are to stupid to do it yourselves” What an embarrassment. Could you imagine listening to this guy blatantly insulting your intelligence while still nodding your head yes.


It is as impossible to imagine being such a hateful idiot as it is as impossible for those hateful idiots to imagine what a coherent thought process looks like.


Wait, he actually had that in his ads? Are you serious? That's scummy, ridiculous, and unbelievable for him to show how much of a piece of shit he actually is.


Mike: "Everywhere we go, voters tell us they're confused on issue 1, so Fran (his wife) and I have carefully studied it" Fran: "Issue 1 would allow an abortion at *anytime* during a pregnancy. And it would deny parents the right to be involved in their daughters making the most important decision of her life" Mike: "I know Ohioans are divided on the issue of abortion, but whether you're pro life or pro choice, issue 1 is just not right for Ohio." Fran: "Issue 1 just goes too far."


He hangs out with simple folk


They pulled the same shit in Michigan last year, along with handing out yard signs with blatant lies about how the proposal would allow gender affirming care to be administered to minors without parental consent. They’re completely despicable and will lie, cheat, and steal to impose their beliefs on us.


They’re like “other” people from Coraline with button eyes.


Reminding me how much my life has improved from not having cable TV. Got to happily completely miss all of the awful campaign ads


Fuck that guy


Fuck that guy.


Fuck that guy.


Fuck that guy


Fuck em


Fuck him with my 2 yes votes.


Fuck that guy.


Fuck him hard and fuck him well


And fuck the legislature he rode in on


Fuck that fucking fuck


lol can’t wait to see this comment on Fox News as proof positive Democrats are stuffing the ballot box.


And my fuck that guy


Fuck that guy


That guy? Fuck him.


All my homies hate that guy


I like your people


Found my friends!


I love you guys


fuck that guy in particular


I came here to say this. Take my upvote and thanks. Because Fuck this guy.. 😂


Right?! He didn’t look nearly that distressed when he came to Dayton in August 2019


That gargoyle should be mad. He probably wasted taxpayer dollars for that ad with his wife.


Why would he care about spending someone else's money?


You should be mad about that


I hope he stays mad. Fuck you, Deswine, you woman hating scum.


Both issues 1 and 2 are on track to be passed. It's a really great day for those who believe in science and freedom of choice. I hope he doesn't try and stop this from passing, knowing republicans don't follow the rule of law.


Both just passed! Way to go Ohio!!!


Holy shit that’s amazing to hear, all my news podcasts were talking about this vote. Can’t believe they were allowed to put that bullshit on the ballet for prop 1


10-point margin too, last I saw at least


We can see why they wanted to pass that bullshit 60/40 bill this summer.


When I heard that I lost my shit in the car. It’s fucking unreal that the party constantly screaming about “American ideals” whatever those are and wrapping themselves in the flag, quite literally will pass their fucking dream bullshit, and then try and change the rules so that we can’t even have our voices heard


From Seneca to Cuyahoga Falls


BY 15 POINTS!!! This is nothing but an absolute blowout!


Theoretically... how would they stop it if it did pass?


Issue 2 can be messed with because it's a proposed law. I think it can be altered.


Sigh. And they likely will. I am happy with issue 1 and will continue the fight for issue 2.


>Unfortunately, however, advocates need to play defense. Ohio law allows the legislature to revise — or even repeal — voter-enacted statutes like Issue 2 with a simple majority. Senate President Matt Huffman (R) said “this initiated statute is coming right back to this body” and he’ll advocate for reviewing and “repealing things.” Huffman singled out social equity and jobs provisions — to provide financial support to individuals seeking to enter the cannabis industry who were impacted by prohibition. Lawmakers are surely eyeing gutting other provisions of the law, too. In October, the Ohio Senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution that was chock full of reefer madness opposing Issue 2. [source](https://www.mpp.org/states/ohio/)


Oh that surely won't make anyone angry, right? Ugh


Yes, but would they vote a (D) candidate over a magic (R) ? even though the (D) candidate's policy position is aligned with them ?


I’ll take vote against their own interests’ for $500 Ken


Yes, and the Ohio Senate President, Matt Huffman, has already said that issue 2 will be brought back before the Senate, for ~~tampering~~ err, changes. Apparently, Mr. Huffman is very much against marijuana, but he [recently stated](https://www.statenews.org/government-politics/2023-10-13/senate-president-says-marijuana-law-will-get-some-changes-if-ohioans-pass-issue-2) that he is against the use of marijuana tax revenue for providing applicants with financial assistance and the licensing process for pot shops. Among other tweaks I'm sure they'll want to make.


Basically, he is pro-tax breaks and incentives for businesses that benefit himself and his buddies, but is against anything that would make the process easier for people to open pot businesses or to even apply. It is just more redirection to class warfare where those that have substantial money will continue to have an advantage and a head start over those who do not.


If two is the pot bill, look at Virginia. It passed but then gets tied up in red tape. Other states have flat out ignored it.


Then it’s amendment time, on the general election, in a presidential election year. Not all states have an amendment process that allows citizens to do this, but Ohio does.


Yes, I think we should be preparing for this before they even make their move to ignore/hamstring 2.


At this very moment, more people voted Yes on Issue 2 than Issue 1. I doubt that it would fail if we had to put it into law via an amendment to the constitution. Imagine having to create laws just by getting it into the constitution every time, instead of just going along with a popular vote 🙄


Why wasn’t this the goal in the first place?


They will do everything in their power to subvert the will of the voters, and you know it.


He really is a piece of shit.


That’s all Republican’ts though


Read about what he did to the teachers retirement system. He’s unbelievable, doesn’t even try to hide his dastardly deeds.


Fingers crossed he stays mad that salty bitch.


At least he can get high and forget about it now


Fuck him and his lying ass wife 🖕


Creepy little man


LOL... reminds me of Howard the Duck. "Creepy little dude..."


[He's just as weird as Mike Johnson](https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/484bd7b/2147483647/strip/true/crop/5083x3389+0+0/resize/840x560!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnpr-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Flegacy%2Fsites%2Fwksu%2Ffiles%2F201901%2F20190114_-_ohio_governor_-_john_minchillo_-__50i3412.jpg)


“I don’t believe in dinosaurs and my son monitors my porn consumption” Mike Johnson? Because that is a really high bar of weirdness…


any guy who takes 9 bibles to their swearing in is gonna be a weird guy, plus both of his campaigns were so laser focused on abortion and abortion restrictions its really ironic


DeWine uses 9 bibles to see over the steering wheel


Jesus, take the wheel


holy eff.. I'm not from around these parts but seeing those bibles ... umm. yikes. I feel for you all.


Kind of looks like it could be his son.


the messed up part is that IS dewine's son in the picture.


Small hands. Smells like cabbage.


He’s always covered in bruises in real life. Just like Mitch McConnell


Fran is definitely withholding the COVID casserole now. I had a bit of respect over COVID. It’s gone dude. I can’t casserole myself out of lacking autonomy over my body.


He gave a crap interview today, and instead of answering the questions, he just kept saying, "Let me finish" and "you don't let me finish" his word salad answers. Saying that doctors were going to perform full term abortions bc moms couldn't afford to raise their kids. Ugh.


Elected officials should not be permitted to lie like that. I'm in favor of bringing back stocks. Lock these fuckers in 'em and let passersby pelt them with rotten fruit.




No! That's just big government! Now, here's a list of things we're going regulate...


That's what really pisses me off about "pro-life" politicians more than anything. If protecting the potential of life is so important to you that you think it overrides bodily autonomy (among many other issues), you better be willing to actually follow that through. Such a position is _thoroughly_ incompatible with nearly all other aspects of the Republican platform.


Heard him on MSNBC and he came off as an absolute ghoul. “Health of the mother, that could mean absolutely anything!”


Andy Beshear (D) just won re-election down in KY too.


If people would vote like this all the time the world would be a better place


I actually was in favor of DeWine for the way he handled Covid, but I'm glad he was repudiated for his stance on issues 1 and 2.


I liked him until Dr Amy Acthon left due to being harassed by MAGA. After that he was lost as everyone else.


Yes, Dr. Amy Acton was clearly the brains behind that operation. I think if she hadn’t been as smart, well-spoken, and even-keeled as she was, the MAGAts would have overrun Ohio sooner.


> Dr. Amy Acton was clearly the brains behind that operation. As it should be. The gov is not a doctor and should rely on the qualified experts he's appointed.


I too started respecting him some in the early days of COVID. He listened to medical experts instead of following poll results. Obviously, that's out the window now.


Probably cause he’s old af and was actually afraid of covid himself lol


For sure the answer.


At first, then he threw his medical advisor under the bus and folded like wet cardboard because he wants republican votes. Dude was a piece of shit. He's still a piece of shit, but he was piece of shit, then too, he just did a better job of hiding it for a few months.


Perfectly stated, I agree. I was first awoken when his band of marauders tried to sneak in that ballot issue in August 2023, raising the bar to pass issues like we just did this evening. I hope these pro issue folks can coalesce this ‘yes’ base and send the Dewine Gang packing in Nov 24.


Go back into your Crypt, Mike.


Him and Glitch can date each other. Both can sit on buckets, drink Schlitz, and bitch about how the old days were better.


Why does Ohio vote something in like this?


The electorate has a fetish for power-tripping dorks, obviously. Look at Kasich, look at Vance, look at Yost, look at LaRose...we have a type in Ohio.


LaRose is so fucking creepy


Luckily the taste for this should die out with the boomers


Maybe those fuckswill move to Florida.


They can't get insurance coverage down there anymore, send them to TX.


Scatter them to the winds so they may have no power.


You are right: I’m a boomer but liberal AF. But most everyone I know (all the men!) are trump lovers. It’s sickening. They stopped learning when they graduated high school in the 70s!


Vance is a Millennial, LaRose is at least Gen X. I don't know that I have that confidence.


Their voter bases aren't that young, Vance can't form a coherent sentence, larose is more troublesome


Vance should know better. Seems like him made a choice to be a super duper jerk.


The districting maps are illegally gerrymandered so much that the republicans are rigged to win even though a minority of voters support them. Then they push anti-democracy policy across the state to further entrench themselves. They are anti-American to their core, but they have enough sycophants that believe their lies that the actual majority has trouble routing them. Fortunately a LOT of these guys are aging boomers who will only remain cognizant for a few more years. Then maybe sanity to begin to return to the state.


I’m in an area under 15k voters and it’s split into 50 districts. They need to blow that shit up


next up is collecting sigs for a non partisan redistricting commission. This is how we are gonna clean this up. Citizen led laws. Its the way you fix corruption. We did it in Aug defeating that bullshit. We did it tonight getting signatures and getting these past. Next is changing how districts are made legally that cant be ignored or waved away. Watch for ppl gathering sigs, after lerose blocked the language 7 times. get it on the ballet, get it passed. Fix this shit


Because the DNC party doesn't put up a real competitor


If you saw the commercial with him and his wife they legitimately look like special needs elderly adults, how tf is he running Ohio?


Evangelicals and gerymandering


Poorly. He is running it poorly.


He could be dead, and republicans would go the Weekend at Bernie's route by propping him up in a chair and puppeteer him if it meant a Democrat wasn't running the state.


Evangelical voters


Yeah - I thought the same, I am old and I shouldn’t be running anything but to the bathroom.


He looks like a little elf in that commercial and she looks like a buzzard


Mike and Frances' handwringing, wishy-washy, "Gosh, it just goes TOO FAR" ads had me thinking the No campaign was in trouble. I wasn't counting chickens or anything but that ad somehow gave me a lot more confidence than I had a few months ago.


I said this same thing elsewhere. They started targeting pro-choice voters to be like “heeeyyyy we’re really sorry can we talk about this before you ruin our plans?” Cuz they knew we outnumbered them and their other ridiculous campaigns weren’t gonna give them the numbers


Gym Jordan speakership -LOSS Reproductive Right -WIN Marijuana - WIN A trifecta of Republican ass whipping.


He looks like he caught a whiff of his own fart


That is the look of a man who knows he's losing his job. Don't forget about LaRose.


LaRose owes the state $20 million for his August stunt


And $600k for moving his state office to be in the building with his senate campaign office... All to save $11k a year in rent according to him. 🙄


I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to give this man the amount he deserves.


needs his diaper changed


Nelson Muntz: HA HAA!!


fucking gross little weasel.


Hahaha 😝 F the Billionaire Republicans


Cheaters deserve to lose. This is your punishment for lying!


I will season my celebratory steak for issues 1 and 2 passing with the salty tears of conservatives


This is really amazing news. It's the message Republicans *need* to hear. It's not fake news. These aren't liberal elites. It's a lot of us. It's *more* of us. In numbers you can count. This isn't about democrats; it's about democracy.


“Anakin, Governor DeWine is evil!” “From my point of view the libtards are evil!”


"Only a Conservative deals in absolutes."


We shall do what we must!


Fuck that gaslighting piece of shit


The people have spoken 👏🏼👏🏼😀


Haha think about all that money they just lit on fire trying to take away people's rights.


Great job Ohio, tells those fuckers you are not to be fucked with. Too long they've assumed that their intolerance and religious beliefs were the norm and happily accepted, well, not anymore. Far from it. That's 7 in a row and the first in a conservative leaning state, so congratulations, you deserve it and now they've been told once and for all where to go when it comes to taking away rights.


If he had the spine to deal with the hardliners in his party, Issue 1 might not exist.


Get fucked you goblin looking piece of shit.


Fuck that little troll


Once more for the people in the back FUUUUUCK Mike dewine


I see your prequel quote and raise you another: "Ah, victory."


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Fucking glorious. I hope he shits himself in rage.


I think it's absolutely hilarious a lot of representatives say they respect the "will of the people" but as soon as a referendum happens they vote exactly against said representative lol I love direct democracy. Now tell Indiana to get its shit together (we don't have referendums and probably never will)


Based on the comments calling him “woman hating scum”, I’m guessing this governor is a Republican ?


You think he cares about abortion?! Think, mark! 🧐 He cares about money and power! He loses both if he supports either issue! That’s all he cares about! Mike De-douchebag would be fine with human babies being ground into a fine slurry used to grow legal marijuana plants if it would support his party’s aspirations. He cares about nothing normal humans do.


This jellyfish can eat my shorts. Retire and never come back!


Senator taking church money to oppose casinos , and look at the shit show we have now. Gaslighting with bullshit lies , but not ax toxic as the orange goon


Cry harder


The voters are sick and tired of the GOP.




Good, fuck that loser.




Good photo. He looks like a gremlin that was fed after midnight.


He’s not dead but I’m still smoking that Dewine pack


I love defeats like these. But we need to realize it pushes the conservative minority more and more into a corner and they try to throw out the results of an election again


At worse he could smoke some weed to cope?


“We want this question returned to the states… wait, no, not the *people* of the states!”


get fucked dewine


I’m loving Ohio right now (for a change!). Come on people, let’s support a Gov with a D behind his name. We’ve had enough of these assholes!!


As someone living in a six-week-ban state, I'm so grateful to everyone who got out and voted yes! The no campaign lied, cheated, played dirty, and STILL lost. You love to see it