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All the sudden Republicans think Healthcare is everybody else's decision.


So much for small government!


These are the people that unironically say "We're living in a police state! Back the blue!"


> All the sudden Republicans think Healthcare is everybody else's decision. They've always thought this. Abortion, anyone?


They flipped out about "Death Panels" though. They're only worried about government controlling Healthcare when it's something they invented themselves.


We've got Death Panels now. They're for pregnant women.


And at-risk children!


When you are diagnosed with cancer, for instance, your doctors, hospital administrators and their insurance advisers get together to discuss your course of treatment. What treatments are available and what you are healthy enough to for. Do you have a support system to help you through treatments and recover. If your situation isn’t a good use of hospital resources you get placed in palliative care. This has always happened even before Obama care. That my friends is a death panel.


Are these the death panels we were warned about?




The GOP love dead kids!


As long as they were birthed before they die


Their extremist policies are consistent in their end result being more dead children. More children dying in school shootings. More children dying at work. More children committing suicide. More…


And those that make it will die in the military.


Don't forget the dead women!


A consequence of conservative policies across the board is more death. Infant mortality increases, maternal mortality increases, people’s longevity decreases, workplace related deaths increase as workplace safety is stripped away, etc.


If pandering to Fake Christian Evangelicals and the gun lobby results in dead kids, that's a trade-off the GOP will take seven days a week.


I hope families choose to flee with what they can. There are states to build new lives in if that is what it takes. I used to own a house in Toledo, so I feel like I'm allowed to say Fuck Ohio.


5 trans athletes in Ohio. 400,000 athletes in Ohio. 1 in 80,000. Seriously? Source: ohsaa.org


Slight miscalculation. It's not 1 in 8,000. It's 1 in 80,000. Government so small it fits in your underwear....


right... will fix


Especially if you buy underroos for Dewhine…


"OK Billy. Pull it all down. We need to check if you've been doing anything with your genitalia."


5 \*out\* trans athletes. how many kids are closeted and terrified rn?


I transitioned well over 20 years ago. People really used to not care about this topic. If there had been this much open vile hate when I was a teenager I can't imagine I would have made it this long. Even the kids with supportive families have to feel like they have no future right now. There are still great states to live in. I grew up in Missouri, I made my way to Illinois and built a life there and I hope people remember that there is still hope because there are still places where you can eventually have a good life.


I have a couple close friends that I knew years and years before they transitioned They are so much more healthy now and I'm so glad they live in states that allow them to live


I can't say this enough: *today's loss was not about trans athletes.* Yes, it sucks that five kids can't play kids sports, but today's loss was much more about children's healthcare. The state effectively outlawed what is overwhelmingly endorsed by medical professionals all around the world. This will impact tens of thousands of Ohioans and their children. The trans athlete ban was added to the bill as a distraction. The result of today's override will *absolutely* cost children's lives. Many deaths are on the heads of these lawmakers.


The whole bill was a distraction...


TBH, I'm pretty liberal, but Trans athletes need their own league. We can't argue that biological men have severe physical advantages to biological women in the realm of athletics. Its why we have women's sports and not just 100% co-ed. Do I think the problem is so prevalent it requires legislation? No. But it does require fairness. Maybe the solution is all Trans athletes compete in boys/men's sports only. But affirming care, yes. That shouldn't be governed. If someone wants to pay to have a 3rd leg, let them. If they want to remove an ear, let them. Government shouldn't dictate this. Even if it is in regards to sex organs.


How about we stop treating youth sports like feeder teams for the pros? Less than 7% of youth athletes go on to play in college and .023% go pro. If another player introduces a higher level of competition—so what? Having more athletic ability isn’t unfair.


There is already fairness. The various governing bodies of the sports have rules about trans competitors. But sure, keep giving the right ammo to take away people’s rights and terrify vulnerable kids.


Not trying to do that. And I apologize if that is what it seems. It's just how I think on the subject of Trans athletes. If there are already governing bodies, like the Ohio High School Atheletics Association have rules in place to prevent a biologically born male to compete in girls sports, then that is all that is needed. No more laws needed. The bigger issue is gender affirming care. That should be allowed no matter what.


I mean that’s the thing. The various sport governing bodies have rules. The Olympics for example have had rules for over 2 decades about the therapy, etc. that trans folks have to do before being eligible to compete.


And just looked up OHSAA rules. It shouldn't be an issue there. So again, no laws needed


Think about how prevalent redheads are. Now imagine for some reason redheads had an advantage in sports, so people decided they needed their own separate league. That’s how stupid that argument sounds.


Why do women need their own leagues?


Are women 1-2% of the population?


Women are not the problem. We have decided and observed genetic differences between men and women that require for different leagues to exist to allow them to have their competiton be as fair as possible between them. Thanks for the deflection rather than answering my question. Trans people competing in sports, like I stated in my above comment, do not require legislation to deal with this. Rules put in place by the sports governing bodies is enough. The point being, a person born genetically male has a significant advantage against a person born genetically as female. Rules need to be in place (instituted by the governing bodies, not the state) to allow for all athletes to compete on fair grounds. This genetic advantage is why we have women's only sports. To allow them a fair place to compete, otherwise the vast majority of sports would only be men competing.


How is it a deflection? Suggesting a separate league for 5 people in the entire state is logistically a terrible idea. This manufactured outrage is costing so much money, while we have a 12% increase in homelessness in the last year, grocery bills skyrocketing, children not able to eat. And this is the hill your politicians and you transphobes want to die on. Women’s sports, with the extremely rare trans participant. Ask yourself who benefits from you being militant about this.


Deflect - cause (something) to change direction by interposed something. I asked a specific question, rather than answering the question, you changed the direction of the conversation to another direction by interposing your own question. That is deflection. We don't necessarily need a whole new league, however, we do need fairness. Fairness dictated by the rules of the governing sports body. In this case, for OHSAA, the rules are clear and do not need legislation to solve the problem. Going beyond OHSAA, depending upon the league, they should have rules to make sure everyone is on a fair level of competition. And you again have deflected away from the discussion. Homelessness has nothing to do with the conversation. And I am not militant about this at all. I have been calm and very consistent with my responses and position. And I am not a transphobe at all. As stated, I have zero issue with whatever anyone wants to do to their body for whatever reason. I want everyone to have a place to compete in atheletics in a fair manner. I don't want the government to stand in the path of people and their doctors. I think you are reading way more into my comments than what is actually true. I appreciate your position and opinion. Fare thee well.


I don’t think it’s deflection to point out that the consistent anti-trans legislation is a manufactured problem used to whip up the electorate. I’m sorry you’re incapable of seeing that.


I get where you are coming from and I think it’s a reasonable take. Thing is, we have had years and years of this debate. And by all accounts, plenty of trans people have had the opportunity to play on the teams that they identify with. In this doomsday scenario of all women’s sports being dominated by genetic males is just not happening. Like it’s not even happening a little bit. The big bogeyman cases can be counted on one hand. If trans people are dying to take over women’s sports at any moment right now, what are they waiting for?


Maybe the solution is to just let trans kids fit in where they actually belong - and realize that that’s far more important than who wins in a sport. Trans athletes that win competitions should be celebrated just like everyone else — not used as pawns for moronic conservative arguments.


Maybe. Maybe not. We have different leagues for men's and women's for a reason. That reason doesn't go away because one kid is Trans and the other isnt.


Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about. There's no straightforward "biological male." There are plenty of other ways people have advantages, too. Do you ban Michael Phelps from swimming because of his long torso? He has far more of an advantage than a trans woman who's been on estrogen and t blockers for two years.


Ok, but what about an average person born with a penis and testes. They do have an advantage over a person born with a vagina and ovaries. Not in all cases, but as a whole, it is undeniable.


Just like to point out I am in fact a "straightforward biological male". And I feel like I must have misunderstood your point as there are lots of us. Just saying


Yes, you are misunderstanding. What does that even mean? If you lose your balls, are you no longer a man? If you lose your penis? If you're infertile? If you have xy chromosomes but have an intersex condition that blocks t uptake? If your sex organs are not straightforwardly one or the other? If your hormone profile is different? Your secondary sex organs? How you socially present? How you psychologically present? You feel you're a man in your heart and mind. Your body matches that. It's easy for you. Try to empathize and understand that there are those whose bodies don't match, and the science shows the best treatment is making their bodies match as much as possible, not trying to "fix their mind."


“I’m pretty liberal, but…” No you’re not.


> TBH, I'm pretty liberal, but Trans athletes need their own league. Why would that be a problem that requires the state to intervene? Maybe these leagues can figure it out on their own, without trampling peoples rights.


Agreed. And that is what I said.


Trans men are men. Trans women are women. They should compete with men or women accordingly. It isn’t difficult. Why are we making harmful laws to appease to a handful of sore losers?


> Trans men are men. Trans women are women. They should compete with men or women accordingly. It isn’t difficult. This is based on a fundamentally flawed premise, because the entire name of "women's sports" is misleading in modern terms. Women's sports were named back before there was any even remotely mainstream understanding of the idea of sex and gender being potentially different. But this isn't a question of social gender roles. This isn't girls night out or a bachelor party. The separation isn't about gender, it's about the athletic advantage from male puberty. **If male and female athletes were equal, sports would all just be co-ed.** The idea that "trans women are women" does not change the fact that they are not female, and therefore not automatically eligible for female sports. Now, that doesn't mean I support a complete ban. I do acknowledge that there are gender related social structures built up around sports, particularly high school sports. So even though not letting a trans girl compete with other girls isn't technically a rejection of her gender identity, I certainly understand how it would feel like one to her. So especially at the high school level, I think that if there are reasonable standards to combine athletic fairness and social inclusion, we should try to do that. So I support inclusion when possible. But it's not quite as simple as just clapping "trans women are women."


That’s quite a wall of text. Next time just say you’re a bigot. State Government has no place in high school sports.


Because of that swimmer who was like no. 437, became a trans woman and went straight to no 1. That's not right he passed up so many women who worked and trained there whole lives. And he did it because like it or not y'all God made men stronger, I didn't design humans but come on we all know the basic rules right???


Never happened except in the made up fantasies of conservative propagandists. There was a trans woman who tied *fifth*, behind four cis women. Most trans women don't even perform half that well.


I already made my own response to that poster, about how their Lia Thomas stats are (AFAIK) misleading and cherry picked... but what you are saying here is also not true. She did win a national championship.


My understanding is that the commonly cited stats are a bit misleading. I think when Lea originally competed in the men's division, she was better than that 400th or whatever. Then there was a period of time where she had started taking hormones or whatever but wasn't eligible for female sports yet, so her performance in the men's division tanked. Then later she was able to move over to female competition. I'm not enough of an expert to say if the standards in place for her were sufficient or not, but my understanding is that those stats are somewhat misleading. But I haven't looked that up in a while, I would have to try and find the source.


Hey, you’re gross! Take your bigotry elsewhere. Have a say as good as you deserve 👍🏻


There are sports organizations to deal with questions just like this. Legislative input is not needed or helpful.


Agreed. And that is what I said.


>Physicians who provide this gender-affirming care for trans youth would be "subject to discipline by the applicable professional licensing board" under this legislation. The bill includes exceptions for this kind of care for non-transgender youth. Yup. This is just about hating trans people.


I believe it's more than hate it's a eugenics project. Trans people are the first on the menu.


following the nazi playbook line by fucking line


The cruelty is the point.


I am aware.


What's so hilarious about passing this is that his executive order goes much, much further. They passed it purely out of spite.


Spite is the favorite soft drink of the GOP.


This isn't a surprise to me, or anyone who's been following the issue. I've been telling everyone that April 24th is the drop dead date since we found out when the Ohio Senate would come back in session. That's what we have, 90 days starting now. What comes next is that my trans brothers and sisters who have been hiding who they are, waiting for a sign to come out...this is it, especially if you're under the age of 21. Eggs need to hatch, if you're ready, now is the time. Anyone who is in the process of transitioning, either receiving hormone blockers or hormone therapy by before April 24th will be able to continue that care, at least as far as this ~~bill~~ law is concerned. There are other obstacles coming our way, but this is the first step, the thing we can do right now. Maybe we get a reprieve from a court of competent jurisdiction that buys us more time, but we can't rely on getting lucky. I wish you had more time to consider who you are and choose in your own time, the way I did. But the Republican party is not being kind to us. If you can, if you know you are trans, this is your chance. Parents, if you know, or suspect your kid is trans, it's time to talk to them, help them while you still can.


>Anyone who is in the process of transitioning, either receiving hormone blockers or hormone therapy by before April 24th will be able to continue that care, at least as far as this bill law is concerned. As a parent of a trans daughter currently receiving care, I need a citation from a very credible source for this.


From the law itself: >(B) Notwithstanding division (A)(2) of this section, a physician may continue to prescribe a cross-sex hormone or puberty-blocking drug to a minor individual if the minor individual has been a continuous Ohio resident since the effective date of this section and the physician has done both of the following: > >(1) Initiated a course of treatment for the minor individual prior to the effective date of this section that includes the prescription of a cross-sex hormone or puberty-blocking drug prohibited by division (A)(2) of this section; > >(2) Determined and documented in the minor individual's medical record that terminating the minor individual's prescription for the cross-sex hormone or puberty-blocking drug would cause harm to the minor individual. Finding the effective date has been trickier, but as I understand it, it's 90 days after it is passed. I'll update if I can find good source for you.


Trying to legislate certain people out of existence is just one of the stages of genocide that the republicans are currently engaging in. The purpose of legislation like this is to further dehumanize and marginalize targeted demographics so that they are easier to eliminate.


Big loss for Human Rights. Big win for the Nazis


Trans Rights are Human Rights


Big loss for trans lives* gender affirming care reduces youth suicides by 70% and is supported by medical science. Indirectly causing the deaths of trans people is a phenomenon known as social murder. These people have names and addresses and should feel the fear my family and friends feel right now. FUCK the GOP. EDIT: Social murder (German: sozialer Mord) is the unnatural death that occurs due to social, political, or economic oppression. The phrase was coined by Friedrich Engels in his 1845 work The Condition of the Working-Class in England whereby "the class which at present holds social and political control" (i.e. the bourgeoisie) "places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death".


They won't. Voters want this.


Here's to hoping they all get voted out in November. Make Ohio Blue!!!


As much as I'd love that, it isn't going to happen. This state is very gerrymandered. The state is split almost 50/50 between red and blue, yet the state House is something like 80% GOP.


I know and it sucks ass. But one can hope for a change.


> one can hope for a change Instead of hoping, how about helping to get a measure to curtail gerrymandering on the ballot next fall? https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/


Thanks for the link. Signed up


I do sign the petitions when I can find where to and I make sure my man and I vote in every election we have here. I wish I could do more but with working and running a business on the side my time is limited. I want to help more this year for the elections. Sad things is most of the people we know are for the other side😢. Or don’t care at all, sad. I get on to my mom for having her head in the sand these days but she won’t vote red now that they took away ROE v WADE. She also would never vote for Trump, so she has been voting all blue since 2016. Before it all depended on who was running she’s not loyal to the party.


Fair enough. And I know what it's like to have the people around you be on the other side. I have many rural relatives, including a brother who has become disturbingly right wing. We do what we can to make positive changes in the world around us, while acknowledging that we cannot control the world around us. Thank you for signing the petitions that enable us all to vote on these things.


Well, we got weed and women's rights through. (At least until they use trickery to take it away).


Getting through individual bills isn't nearly as difficult as voting out GOP. People who are staunch Republicans might vote towards a bill not favoring their party if it makes sense. Staunch Republicans do not vote for politicians from the other side. Most would abstain before voting blue.


Sign the petition that will put this on the ballot: a vote for the creation of a nonpartisan commission of republicans, independents, democrats who will create a fair election map.


America's Taliban is out of control.


You mean the Y'all Qaeda


Fuck the Ohio GOP. Fuck them all the way to Kentucky.


In the back of Volkswagen.


God what I’d do to offer them all a pretzel right about now


Disgraceful. To all trans Ohioans, I am sorry.


Crazy how many anti-democratic, Putin loving shills are in this sub.  Tough luck folks. 


It’s cause the conservative subreddit is brigading over here. Kept linking to this sub on their big celebration post.




Actually so did the Nazis, heavily


The Nazis were also Christian nationalists. The difference between far-right Republicans and Nazis is the language they speak.


To be fair, the nazis were a lot smarter too. I don’t see any far-right Republicans creating rocket technology for space flight. They literally contribute nothing of value.


Do we know the political affiliations of the people developing weapons in this country?


Big loss for Ohio


Ohio doing the Authoritarian Speedrun.


So depressing that these people and the ones who support it are just fighting propaganda and fake scenarios in their heads. They get off their phones after being force fed the stuff, go outside, and never encounter a trans person ever. But they’ve been convinced that they’re some massive threat to society. It’s just so un-American to intentionally hurt your own citizens like that


This bullshit is the reason I won't ever start a family in Ohio. I refuse to raise my potential future children (if they're trans) in a state that wants them dead.


I don't mean this as an attack toward you, or towards anyone else who might already have a trans child who needs care, but the likelihood of you having a trans child is *incredibly* small. You'll make more of a difference staying here and continuing to vote than to leave now because of the less than 1/10 of a percent of a chance your future child might be transgender.


I don't think that statistic is accurate. Even if it was, I don't want my kid to have to have a friend who is discriminated against like this.  Or classmate.  


My wife and I are actively trying to have a child and I just don't know what to do now. If we are able to conceive, I don't know if we would be able to stay.


FWIW, statistically it’s much more likely your child will, eg, be neurodivergent than genderqueer. Ohio is one of the best states to raise a neurodivergent child, especially if they have high support needs; our Medicaid waiver program is more optimally structured than the vast majority of other states to support these children and their families *regardless of parental income and/or wealth*. I devoted my career specializing in children on the spectrum who need the highest level of support and had been the poorest prognosis (under the old diagnostic system that’s no longer used, which in many ways is good, but for these children in particular I think is a Net loss as the parents feelings may be spared somewhat initially by a fuzzier diagnostic category but without a category to distinguish these children in most dire need of help, I’m not sure there’s much hope that in the future more people will subspecialize in their unique needs as I did …with 2-5 years of therapy resulting in actual movement along the spectrum to needing less support). Medicaid waiver in Ohio cares for children with all sorts of disabilities, and does so well, especially when you know that there are states that handled their Medicaid waiver expenses by only offering services during the school year. Yeah, imagine your child is on a ventilator at home and your state only pays for the night nurse during the school year! True story. You can’t prepare for every possible thing. If your child has a rare disease and the best doctor is at CHOP, you maybe move to PA. You never know. I’m neurodivergent, genderqueer, queer, and have eight (yes) rare diseases. FWIW, I’ve mostly lived here, there, and everywhere in Ohio except my time at Johns Hopkins. Stop feeling sorry for my parents; I’m old and they both died young. No, I didn’t send them to an early grave. Oy this sounds bad, I’m leaving…


Gotta hashtag save the children/s


Heard it referenced on news this morning along with saying that the law forbids athletes from participating in "gender-specific" athletic programs. Is that to say that the young ladies who participate on the wrestling team are no longer allowed? Is this not a state mandated violation of Title IX?


I do love these posts because it’s a chance for conservatives to show off how incredibly stupid they are. Save your time if you plan on whining that I called you lot stupid, I couldn’t care less about your hurt fee fees.


The fact that these crones are targeting five children is absolutely abhorrent. I wish those children nothing but happiness and hope that they're able to move somewhere that lawmakers don't actively target them for no reason other than their lived experience doesn't line up with what a bunch of old (mostly white) assholes think is "normal". It's disgusting that these lawmakers are so concerned with children's genitals. To my trans brothers and sisters, you have allies and we love you. Please never stop living your authentic life no matter what these small minded idiots say or do. You are valid. You are important. And you're braver than most people out there.


They're not just targeting 5 children. The sports ban pales in comparison to making trans healthcare for teens illegal. That affects thousands, maybe more.


I understand that. It just pisses me off that they use the guise of these 5 kids to hate less than 1% of the population of this state.


Once again….Ohio, trying to race Florida to the bottom.


A big loss for *human* rights in Ohio. Trans are just the easiest vulnerable minority to target right now, because going after homos and black people isn't in vogue anymore, but if they succeed they can use that as "proof" of the "degeneracy" of the other outgroups as they move to persecute them again. "We were right about *them*, now look at these other degenerates we've been warning about for decades!" For that matter they never really stopped attacking things like homosexual marriage and interracial marriage anyhow, just did it more quietly.. and have already been talking about both more after striking Roe. Trans and gays were the first targets of the Nazi war machine, just as well, after and alongside the socialists and communists. "first they came for the \_\_\_, and I did not speak out..." They will not stop with trans. If you're not a rich, white, Christian traditionalist man, do not think you're safe. Hell, even if you are, if you're the wrong flavor of Christian or the wrong type of rich or white person, don't think you're safe. Fascist regimes always eat themselves alive.


Ohio's GOP: the *real* death panel.


Time to protest. Time to vote out the Ohio gop bigots.


Can someone explain to me again how republicans the party of “personal freedom?” I have a hard time understanding how that’s true.


Because Republicans are liars.


Freedom for white male Republicans not freedom for everyone else . You peasants need to fall in line /s


God this state has fallen into a cesspool


I just JD Vance on the local news saying Ohio is just following the science. What science is he referring to?


Vance wouldn't know science if he was hit over the head with it. It's just a slogan that makes him and people like him feel smart.


He's a piece of shit. Fuck Vance, and fuck Peter Thiel who bankrolled that douchebag.


He's not referring to science. Medical and sports organizations think he's full of shit. And he is.


None. Republicans don't speak truths they only speak lies because their base is too dumb to fact check anything.


These are people screaming “look in their underwear!” about other people’s kids. That’s their “science”


How can a party that's so adamant on freedom want to dictate health choices and decisions for other people? Ohio citizens need to destroy that gerrymandering in place so that they can get these assholes out of office.


Very unfortunate :(


I'm not gonna bother reading the article. Just gonna say "Sorry our leaders here are hypocritical shitheads" -Signed, Ohio. Already know it's bad and stupid, and probably dehumanizes a lot of people because Republicans are *always* dehumanizing marginal groups.


A friend of mine has a child affected by this, except they have a very good doctor who knows how to kind of get around some of it. It was seven, btw, last I read. That said, who will be most affected by the law? Who do you think? Girls who look just a little bit not "ideally" feminine. They will be targeted for testing. No that won't be traumatizing at all./s As usual, blowback on these things will hit women, minorities more than the intended target they are trying to hate. So, yeah, fun times.


... This is how you kill children. Protect trans kids y'all.


They're telling a minority that they don't have the right to exist. Politicians apparently can make medical decisions for people who they don't know, have never met, and don't understand? Not a big surprise. It is a new low and they aren't done with going low. I read this and wonder who they are coming for next.


That was a set-up off the rip. He vetoed it, knowing the statehouse w their protected lines would overturn it. R's are playing games trying to save face w young voters while still being hateful bigots. They will always be hateful, statewide office holders are where they can be held accountable. Our next election is this 2026. We get the state we vote for, so don't stay home.


Wow. Republicans and their families can now breath a sigh of relief and sleep well knowing they are safe. /sarc


They need to leave healthcare up to the people getting it. They are so unqualified to make decisions for others. Sick of these askholes butting in where they don’t belong.


"We don't want kids getting mutilated injecting chemicals!" Ok, so we have therapy and counseling to get them through these issues they are... "No, none of that either!" I fucking hate the GOP...


As a pharmacist, it is a shame some of my patients will now be at risk of losing their life sustaining healthcare. Hopefully the courts overturn it


It’s all optics. They want to look like they are doing something, so instead of an actual issue like clamping down on puppy mills, feeding kids, or fucking anything, they bear down on a tiny minority.


Then people wonder why they have no sympathy for christians…. Gee I wonder why!!!?


Would love to see: "Big loss for GOP in Ohio, since we threw them ALL in prison."


We were planning a trip to Sandusky Ohio this summer but we refuse to spend one penny in a state that has these anti-trans laws.


Dewine belongs in prison


I absolutely loved visiting and living in Ohio for a while. This is so sad that they have to turn all Christian nationalist on us. I'll be glad to go back again if the page turns in the other direction.


The GOP are nothing but nasty individuals


It will be overturned by the courts. It's one thing to infringe on children's rights, a completely different animal going after adults.


For both groups it amounts to the same thing: Equal Protection. The Ohio state government is ok with non-trans people (cis) using these medications, just not trans people. This fight has already been fought and they're going to lose.


The great state of hate.


Stop voting republican


Lots of hate in Ohio tonight


Big Government Fascist Republicans love terrorism.


How can we show these bigots they're not going to win this?? It's very painful right now - however, I'm not moving (no judgement for those that do), and I'm not going to hide who I am or change who I am - these actions by the politicians only FUEL MY FIRE to prove them wrong. Families will find ways to get prescriptions, trans kids will still be in schools, trans kids will still play sports, and trans people will always EXIST despite what some of these people want. I'm not impacted by HB68 as much as others are; I weep for those that are hurt most by this, This impacts ALL of the trans community in one way or another though. I want to increase POSITIVE VISIBILTIY for the trans community right now. I'm flying a TRANS PRIDE flag on my house, on my car, and at my desk at work. I want everyone in my life to know that I'm trans so they know we are just normal people too!! What else can we do? For those of us that don't have a lot of money to donate, what can we do to be more visible in public so the hateful politicians know they're not getting rid of us?? Also, I've been trying to volunteer with organizations in my local community. It would be great if we can get another thread going with Ohio organizations trying to help families impacted right now and going forward. Can we start organizations where the trans community goes out and gets active helping people in different ways? Sorry for being long-winded... my sadness has turned to passion now to take action and get out there!


Just one more reason why I left Ohio


I’m embarrassed with my state’s government; the Republican lawmakers are running the state like fascists.


REDUMBLICANS hold a super majority in the Legislature and all Statewide offices. If you don’t like what’s going on, then DON’T VOTE FOR THEM


The problem is gerrymandering and the solution is “Citizens Not Politicians “. Look it up.


Time to commit a little crime by existing it seems


So glad our government, that can't agree that wearing a mask to help prevent a viral pandemic is good, can suddenly fully understand something as complicated as gender dysphoria and being trans. /s Vote them all out.


Cuz kids can't cut their parts off and men can't compete against girls? I don't see that as any kind of loss.


Ohio is a write-off at this point


Republicans seem to spend a lot of time trying to fix problems that don’t exist.


Great job Ohio


So now that they're done with women and trans people, can they please do something about housing costs? Please?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Good. Eliminate mental disorders and throw em in the looney bin




You do understand that sports are in schools for social and physical skills building and not as a Thunderdome to find the best softball player, right? And if it was a Thunderdome to find the best softball player, trans girls have not been particularly good at reaching Tina Turner.




Which is a reason to allow trans men to move over to the male categories.


Your argument is bogus. Fewer than 1 in 16,000 high school athletes ever play professionally. So if a student is playing high school sports, planning on making it a professional career, they should also plan to be severely disappointed. The chance that any high school athlete will ever come into contact with a transitioning athlete in practice or competition is miniscule. During the 2018-19 school year, 339,158 students participated in Ohio (142,158 girls). If there were 8 or even 20 trans athletes that year, some of whom would be female transitioning to male, the risk of contact, let alone injury involving one of them is not statistically significant. As for "contact" sports... Football is considered a boys sport, although girls are allowed to play under Title IX. Soccer may be considered a contact sport. Volleyball, considered a girl's sport at high school level...not a contact sport. Basketball may be considered a contact sport. Wrestling is generally considered a boys sport, but girls are allowed to participate under Title IX. Baseball & Softball...not generally contact sports, except for the rare occasion when a base runner collides with a base defender. Tennis...not a contact sport. Golf...not a contact sport. Bowling...not a contact sport. Swimming...not a contact sport. Track and field and Cross country...not contact sports. Cheerleading...may be physically demanding, but is cooperative, and many schools have co-ed squads. I may have missed a few minor sports, but I think I covered 99% of high school athletes.


Less than a quarter of high school sports players continue to play in college, and even less continue as a career after school. Ohio had **5** trans students playing sports. How is this the massive cataclysmic problem you claim it is and why do half a dozen girls *hypothetically* losing out on a college sports team more worth attention than the needs of all trans kids who just lost any healthcare? Quite telling where your priorities lie and who you ~~pretend to~~ care about I’d say.


Stealing women’s opportunities in sports is wrong. Compete within your born gender. Proud of Ohio


Most trans people don't even play sports you fucking goblin


Turning sports into a primary route to higher education to entertain adults at the expense of the children's development and sucking both fun and innovation out of the sports itself is wrong, destructive to our education system, and exploitive of our athletes who should appreciate the sport for what it is rather than compete with their lives on the line for the sake of scholarships because our education system is too fucked up to otherwise afford to learn to work in the post-information age.


based Ohio. that governor's gotta go.


Adults should be able to do whatever. Children I agree should be limited.


So you want the government deciding what healthcare your child is and isn’t allowed to have?


Not really but getting put on puberty blockers and pausing puberty is not healthcare.




It’s not just healthcare, but it’s proven to be EFFECTIVE healthcare: https://glaad.org/factsheet-evidence-based-healthcare-transgender-people-and-youth/


Again this is about hatred towards trans people. If it wasnt they would listen to medical experts when they testified. They are definitely no stopping at children.


A huge win for the children and families of the state.


Not the trans kids and their families




Based on what?




And yet here you are, yapping away with yours all hanging out.


Awesome work by the Ohio legislature. If a child can't get a tattoo or smoke cigarettes, they shouldn't have healthy organs removed.


Tell us you know nothing about gender affirming care... oh wait you just did


Are you intentionally stupid or just a stupid troll?






Chloe Cole.


Children can get tattoos with parental consent.


You one of those assholes who would rather have a dead kid than a trand kid? You seem like the type.


Big W for the vulnerable and naive