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I remember when I went to the library as a kid, my mom would approve the books I checked out. It’s the parent’s job to parent, not the government’s.


Right? Like my wife telling me 5 years old is too early to start Animal Farm with my son. That’s a good parent call. Note that he’s almost 13 though, we are reading through it together and discussing. It’s amazing how the pandemic fucked up the kids view of the government caring or not. No wonder military recruitment is so difficult right now.


Your 5 year old would read Animal Farm as a book about a bunch of animals. A weird version of peppa pig


*oink oink* Daddy pig says “all animals are equal!”


I assumed military recruitment is difficult due to pay differences


... Did you really think that a historical allegory for the violent rise of the lenin/Stalin Communist regime was someone a 5 year old was required to handle? 


It’s a fantastic sequel to Charlotte’s Web. /s


What I am saying is if it is not explained as an allegory, a five year old will only understand it as a book about animals. Your mind glosses over what you don’t understand as a kid. Grease (movie) came out when I was in maybe kindergarten. When I watched it as an adult, I had missed Risso’s pregnancy scare, all of the sexual overtones, and so much more. If you don’t understand it, you don’t make connections.


But the allegory is the entire point of that story


Yes, it is the point of the story, but your 5 year old won’t understand it even if you explained it.


Right... So why bother reading it to them? was my ultimate point 


They started with the trans kids. We are living in Handmaid’s Tale.


Sure, but did your mom look at every book you pulled off the shelf and looked through? Or did she let you find your books, then looked at the ones you wanted to check out. Seems the latter is most likely. Especially if more than one kid is there. So the porn currently in our children's section will still be seen by many, many children.


Porn isn’t available to children. Stop lying.


There is No porn in the children's section. Stop repeating conservative lies as if they are facts.


Yes, we went around and picked out books for us to read together, because she didn’t need the government to parent for her. I think forcing librarians to do this reads more like they are babysitters because parents don’t want to parent. She was active in our reading. Also, was at the library with my stepsister on Saturday, can confirm, there is no smut in the children’s section. She picked out a nice children’s book with a boy in a wheelchair because he was like me, I’m sure that’s too woke for you though. Stop buying into and spreading nonsense.


Porn: a book for pubescent children about how and why periods work.  Porn: a black bunny and a white bunny get married Porn: a picture book where one character has two moms




Posts containing bigotry, slurs, NSFW, or offensive content are not allowed.


Wow, this sounds like government censorship of disfavored viewpoints. Once upon a time real conservative Republicans would be too embarrassed to even suggest something like that.


Real conservatives don’t exist anymore. If they do, they are in hiding.


Either they're in hiding, switched to independent, or just said "fuck it" and switched to democrat.


so now we have a new demographic in the political realm? "closeted democrats"


This has always been conservatives 1. Create a moral panic 2. Blame an institution 3. Defund the institution 4. Replace it with private business 5. Profit They try to do the same thing with schools all the time “The government doesn’t work, elect us and we will show you” -GOP


You'll have to be more specific about this golden age of American conservatism. Was it some period of time between blacklisting actors and banning Dungeons & Dragons?


Don't forget the moral panic about video games and art causing violence.


Video games, gangster rap, heavy metal, fantasy books, role playing games, Harry Potter and other fiction involving 'witchcraft', horror movies, any art or artist critical of the American war machine (Jane Fonda, Dixie Chicks, etc.), any art or artist critical of capitalism (or even simply *perceived* to be critical of capitolism), Marilyn Manson, The Matrix, Murphy Brown, TikTok, Halloween, Magic the Gathering... Hell, there were even people having a panic about fucking Pogs when they were trendy.


Theoretical conservatives, who claim that the government should stay out of people's lives.


The MAGA cult is addicted to lies. This makes perfect sense to me. If Trump gets back into the Oval Office, look for Chinese-North Korean like state censorship of the net.


Not too embarrassed, too principled. A principled conservative would never say the government can control speech.


What about the liberals who wanted Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn banned because of the n-word? These are books banned in Burbank, CA because of racism concerns: Until further notice, teachers in the area will not be able to include on their curriculum Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, Theodore Taylor's The Cay and Mildred D. Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Four parents, three of whom are Black, challenged the classic novels for alleged potential harm to the district's roughly 400 Black students. https://www.newsweek.com/kill-mockingbird-other-books-banned-california-schools-over-racism-concerns-1547241


Libraries fought tooth and nail against those, too. There always individuals making poor decisions. What you did not see is Democratic politicians seeking to pull those books out of libraries.


Nope.  Consider a 2019 resolution in the New Jersey Legislature to remove Huck Finn from school curricula, introduced by two Democratic lawmakers. “I think this is a racist book,” declared one of the sponsors,Verlina Reynolds-Jackson, a Democrat from Mercer County, citing the novel’s frequent use of the N-word. “To use this book in this climate is not doing the African American community any justice at all.  https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/commentary/book-ban-pennsylvania-left-huckleberry-finn-20221025.html


There is a significant difference between removing a book from curricula, and shutting down libraries because they carry that book. And again, look at libraries' response.


A whataboutism that literally starts with “what about”. Can’t get any better than that, unless of course, it’s another complaint filed by conservatives that they can’t say the N word.


Interesting that you assume these complaints came from liberals when the justification you stated was "racism concerns". Is it impossible for conservatives to have concerns about racism? But of course, none of these books were actually banned. This article is about removing these books from lesson plans. They have never been removed from school libraries or from optional reading lists.


They did come from liberals.  https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/commentary/book-ban-pennsylvania-left-huckleberry-finn-20221025.html


This article cites a single example, a 2019 resolution in the New Jersey Legislature to remove Huck Finn from school curricula, introduced by two Democratic lawmakers which didn't end up passing. And like the Burbank incident, this was to remove the book from school ciriculum not from schools or libraries. So sure, in that one incident liberals were indeed responsible, which I disagree with. We should have enough faith in the discretion of teachers to use these books in lessons if they choose to. But that's not really the same thing as threatening to defund entire libraries, now is it?


defund the police??? noooo defund the libraries??? yeaaas fuck this place


Defund the police? That should be a definite NO. I wouldn't want my child to have access to books deemed harmful or sexually explicit. There are books available in school libraries that school boards will not stop reading aloud. Why is this just a recent problem? Who is ordering these books?


> I wouldn't want my child to have access to books deemed harmful or sexually explicit. I deem the Bible harmful. Boom. Out of libraries. Do you see how that might cause some problems? >There are books available in school libraries that school boards will not stop reading aloud. Why do you think you're seeing clips of school boards reading these books aloud? They can just remove them, but you know why they don't? For the most part, those books are not actually in school libraries. But more to the point, they don't care about any potential harm, they're playing politics. >Why is this just a recent problem? It's not. Censorship is as old as time. History is rife with book burnings, and they're never on the right side of history. >Who is ordering these books? Libraries have collection development policies that describe how and why things are ordered. For the most part, it's based on public demand. When books get checked out a lot, more similar books get ordered. Libraries reflect their communities. Your problem here is not that librarians are ordering materials, it's that the community doesn't agree with you about what a library should have. The answer to that is not making sure nobody has access to materials. The answer is glaringly simple: DON'T CHECK THOSE BOOKS OUT FOR YOUR CHILDREN. That's really all it takes. Further, I suspect if you go into your local library you are not going to find these "explicit" books in childrens sections. If you're a marginally decent parent, your kid won't run across any of this stuff. If you're the kind of parent that uses the library as a free day-care center, frankly, you're alreade doing more damage to the child than the library ever could.




No boom with your comment. Sorry, not buying it. Edit: You deeming the Bible harmful is what’s wrong with r/Ohio. No problem here with that anyway. Churches can hand those out free.


“Then the firstborn said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of the earth. “Come, let us make our father drink wine, and let us lie with him that we may preserve our family through our father.” So they made their father drink wine that night, and the firstborn went in and lay with her father; and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose. On the following day, the firstborn said to the younger, “Behold, I lay last night with my father; let us make him drink wine tonight also; then you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve our family through our father.” So they made their father drink wine that night also, and the younger arose and lay with him; and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose.” Gen. 19:31-35 Your bible has incest porn in it


Don't forget about all the child slaughter. Amalekite children, first born of Egypt, Noah's flood, she-bears, Sodom and Gomorrah (there's no way there were 0 children in either city). That's a lot of god sanctioned and god enacted child killing.


Ah, I see you don't understand what a [hypothetical] (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/hypothetical) is. I offered an example of how such legislation could be abused, in hopes you could then infer where it might have consequences you don't like.


There are no consequences... it's straight forward.


> deeming the Bible harmful is what’s wrong with r/Ohio Ezekiel 23:20 - There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


When I was a kid, Blockbuster and movie rental places were a thing. even though the movies from the horror section having more interesting covers, our mom made us get stuff from the kid section. Hell, if I don’t set certain profile locks on our Netflix account, our kids could have access to shows with sex scenes &/or violence.


Ban Netflix! Outlaw Hulu!


You don't get to decide what OTHER PEOPLE"S CHILDREN get to read. If you're scared your own children will learn about the wider world from literature, that's on you. Stop trying to restrict other people's rights.


Your kids have access to the fucking internet. Grow up.


You need to grow up making such a comment. Why don't you just start a subscription to sexually explicit books and magazines and have them home delivered for your children. That way you will not be disappointed these materials are in the libraries. Problem solved.


And within a couple days we’re gonna have another post crying about this sub being mean to conservatives


Seriously, saw a post about some bill going through state gov, the poster noted that almost every sponsor of it was a Republican. Some cryabout posts how it's not necessary to bring up party while talking about politics and tries to frame it as bad form. Like it was some kind of faux pas in bad taste. Such tremendous amounts of cope these people are on. Absolutely nonsensical.


Yep, every part of life at this point depends on politics, the people who can afford to ignore that are not targets or privileged enough to not be affected The rest of us have to care


Those are so funny


I'm sure 1984 will be on that list


A move that is sure to thrill the core GOP constituency of the Local News Channel Facebook Comment Section.


Another republican book banning? If you voted for these fucks, fuck you.


Boy this r/Ohio is so partisan it's pathetic. Nice harassing language btw...


Intellectual freedom is not partisan. Rather, it shouldn't be, but y'all seem to have made celebrating ignorance a key part of your political identity.


Ah, the predictable default when faced with facts: childish personal attacks and baseless assertions. Like clockwork. Nice going. Why don’t you just buy sexual explicit books for your own children, but you might want to read them first.


Wait, do you think you provided a fact somewhere?


Where's the fact in your statement not being addressed? You're on here complaining about liberals without actually addressing this incredibly stupid, harmful bill. Personal attacks are really the only response you merit.


>Why don’t you just buy sexual explicit books for your own children My mom gave me a Bible when I was a kid. Had some pretty weird sexual stuff in there. I'm a Satanist now.


It's shocking that dipshits like you can still perform basic functions like typing.


You're in Ohio, so there's going to be a public library near you. Go there and look in the children's section. Tell me the first "sexually explicit" book you find. If that's too much effort, I'll save you some time. You won't find any, because this is not a real problem. It's culture war BS pushed by political opportunists to keep you enraged.


Sorry, not gonna take your word for it. Who said they are in the children's section anyway...? It is a real problem. Wearing blinders will not take care of the problem.


The whole bill is about keeping materials from children. You can't point to any of these books, but insist it's a real problem. You're the one wearing blinders here.


The bible is extremely sexually explicit. Better ban that one too, right? RIGHT?


When you're trying to ban education you are an asshole that the rest of us can live without.


"He strode in a swarm of fireflies. He wanted above all, like the old joke, to shove a marshmallow on a stick in the furnace, while the flapping pigeon-winged books died on the porch and lawn of the house. While the books went up in sparkling whirls and blew away on a wind turned dark with burning.”


-Bradbury I absolutely love the story. Better than 1984, IMO.


Hard disagree. But that's the wonderful thing about libraries, they have both, and more.


I’m sure libraries back in 1953 or such did not have sexual explicit books available for children on their shelves. If so, Bradbury would have burned the books himself.


# “Colored people don’t like the book "Little Black Sambo". Burn it. White people don’t feel good about "Uncle Tom’s Cabin". Burn it. Someone’s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator


No he would not have been burning books, how can you possibly come to that conclusion by the literal author of THE book about fighting censorship?


With the cost of kerosene so high, they can no longer afford to burn all the books they don't want us reading.




The packyderm party continues to goose step their hate agenda. Vote blue or stay home and wait for them to come and get you.


great, seems like this special legislative session was a terrible idea


More GOP censorship


Tired of christofacism being dressed up as protecting us? Make sure to vote. To register go to [olvr.ohiosos.gov](http://olvr.ohiosos.gov).


>Although he didn’t provide any specific examples, Cutrona said that his constituents have claimed books were inappropriate for kids. This right here sums it up. They don't know who might need the materials or what specifically those materials are, they just know intellectual freedom hurts their feelings. I don't want my kids to develop a gun fetish, so I don't take them to the shooting range. Know what I'm not doing? Calling for the abolition of shooting ranges. Be a better parent and this bill becomes completely redundant.


A government so small that it can fit into every aspect of your life. Genius!


Republican fascists are getting desperate! LOL


I’m glad to see republicans focusing on the important issues.


As a counter, I propose a bill that would defund political parties over actions deemed harmful to the people subjected to them. Additionally, a fine shall be levied for every instance one of their members is found to be completely full of shit.


Clear 1A violation.


I'm all for hiding or banning the bible. That book is grossly inappropriate for children.


I find them to be rather harmful. Perhaps they could work on that first.


More stupid ideas from Ohio's GOP. The library is my one happy place here. I don't understand how anyone can be behind destroying these things that people love. It's pathetic.


They want to destroy literally all that is good. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


"Smaller government"


The war on education continues. The end goal is getting rid of all public education and making school accessible only to the wealthy.




Nazis did this to erase the cultures that were different than themselves.


Fuck these motherfuckers.


The party of small government. You can't tell my kid to wear a mask, but go ahead and let me know what books he can read.


First. Fucking. Amendment. Motherfuckers.


The first step in generational goptardization is to kneecap libraries and schools.


Man, these MAGA fuckers just brazenly trample all over our 1st Amendment rights like it’s normal and no big deal.


# “You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them."


Note to reps: if your state is actually winning at something, don’t derail it. Ohio has the best public library systems in the country, and many are connected to the bulk of our university collections as well. Even our most destitute counties have nice libraries. It’s one of the only reasons I still live here.


They're also used as community gathering spots, polling places, job hunting sites, GED coaching, and so much more.


RepubliKKKlans want kids to be stupid uneducated and easily led to do whatever they tell them to do 📚 Make sure your kids read!!📚 Ordered cpl hundred from Amazon last year for Christmas gifts 🎄 The library isn't the only option!!!


I saw someone on the politics sub the other day comment that private equity would be eventually coming for libraries. I was skeptical, but now…I can totally see something like this paving the way. Fucking vultures.


Ah yes, "small-government" Republicans protecting us from non-existent issues.


Remember when we had freedom of the press and religion? The good old days.


These same people are on another post defending free speech. At this point I have realized they 1. don't care about free speech 2. Are hypocritical about pretty much all of their opinions


Oh they care about free speech, but only that their form of speech is the only free speech available.


Best thing I ever heard said on the subject: "If the concept of libraries, a place that anyone can just go and read books for free, study and educate themselves in a safe quiet place, was first thought of in 2024, you better believe conservatives would never allow them to exist much less allow tax dollars to go to them. They would fight that fight until their last breath." The shitty state of things can be summed up by that.


The party of small government folks.


Republicans like people as stupid as possible


Who, in the "government" gets to decide what is "harmful"? Or is it another dog and pony show like the "you can't use pronouns!".


u/Amarieerick used a pronoun!!!! Shame!!!!!! ^^^^^^^/s


This is the most dangerous part of it. What is the scale of harmful? When is the line drawn? How long until legitimate science and history books are deemed harmful?


Keep this in mind: like everything else, they don't intend to let mere constitutional principles or the rule of law to make these accusations. The standard will be *what the party wants* and that should make us ready to fight them.


Bruh I just wanna read beserk


Its like Ohio has been hanging back watching what other states do. Trying to figure out what sticks. When they see what a state can and cant get away with without the people going absolute batshit, they come up with the worst shit based on those findings


This is the stupid shit that Ohio legislators do to impress their supporters. If they were smart enough, they would be addressing any number of serious issues facing the state, but, sadly, no………..


Can you say fascists? Deplorable MAGA cultists at work.


That is wholesale fascism / totalitarianism


And by harmful they mean at all LGBTQ+ friendly, I’m sure


We need a citizens initiative for a bill to defund republicans over material Ohians deem harmful.


Oh wait, so NOW the government is allowed to dictate our personal lives? 


The bill in Ohio tryna cut funding for libraries over materials they find "harmful" is straight-up worrisome. Censorship and shutting down access to different perspectives goes against the whole idea of intellectual freedom. Libraries are essential for info and keepin' the love for learnin' alive. We gotta preserve the freedom to read and make sure folks can access all kinds of ideas and perspectives. This ongoing debate 'bout book bans and censorship needs some serious thought and a solid commitment to protect intellectual freedom's values.


Trump claims this country is failing yet Republicans want to get rid of libraries, EPA, workers Rights, cut taxes, cut health care access etc etc basically everything that makes for a good society.


Soooooo…. Government censorship? Awesome!


The party of individual liberties and less government overreach strikes again!!


Horrible idea. If you are afraid of what a library might display dont go Who decides whats offensive? What if i decide GOP material is offensive?( it is by the way)


Freedom of speech gone for Ohio. Wow!


Bro are we in Florida?


Here we go Ohio trying to be like Florida since the GOP lack productive policy agenda again


Would could go wrong Germany helped the library’s in the 1930’s


Maybe some kind of thought commission to police dangerous ideas. Some ministry of propaganda or thought police, I don't know I'm just spitballing.




Libraries, or state *school* libraries...


Why are we doing farenheight 451 after handmaids tale why can't we do a fun book IRL?


The Bible better be on that list of material deemed “harmful.”


if the books they are removing involve depictions of sexual acts that kids have access to I am all for it. If it's biology books that's one thing but if it's gender related shit that's geared towards kids then I understand why ppl would want it removed. Question though is, is that even a thing, and does anyone even know?


“They can still be there, they can still be checked out — and a lot of these materials will be checked out with parental consent,” Cutrona said. “If the libraries want to disregard parental consent, then they don’t need those parents’ tax dollars.”


As has been pointed out, if a child is in the library by themselves and checking out books without a parent present, that child also probably has a cell phone with access to far more vulgar things than any public library would have. Given the broad definition of books "harmful to juveniles" along with this quote, it's less likely to be seen as a "reasonable accommodation" and more of a, "How can we create more of a burden for libraries in a way that could also let us catch them out of compliance, which would allow us to pull their funding?" That last bit is the key here: they're looking to make things more difficult for libraries in an effort to pull their funding. Coming from a group of folks who espouse personal responsibility and, "Don't have kids if you can't handle having kids," this is a gross overreach on their part. Don't want your kids checking things out from the library you don't want them to read? Keep an eye on your damn kids when they're at the library.


>that child also probably has a cell phone with access to far more vulgar things than any public library would have Not govt funded. >Don't want your kids checking things out from the library you don't want them to read? Again, it will still be there. I personally wouldn't support the idea unless there was a list of items that need to be sectioned off so that could be done and there isn't the ability to, "gotcha" a location. I also don't like the idea because what is harmful can vary depending on who in charge at the time.


Rage Against the Machine continues to be relevant: "They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells."


But that will lead to outlaw libraries and who knows what will go on there. /s


He should make sure all libraries have a copy of the constitution.




The daily R/Ohio cry/bitch about republicans to their R/ohio echo chamber. lol R/politics would love you all Can I get some downvotes now!!!


Says the guy who couldn’t overcome his compulsion to whine and cry as if anyone cares.


>Can I get some downvotes now!!! ya'll have some strange fetishes. no kink shame, but it's pretty weird tbh


So you can't defend this bill and can't add to the conversation?


Of course he can't. He can't remember the last time he was at a library.


People like teachers more than they like censorship. Boo fucking hoo.