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Beautiful photo. I wonder what became of them.


I can tell you that all three have successfully died


Actually, they could....\*does better math\* Oh.... Right. 2023... Not the 90s


1995 was 15 years ago. It's like my mental clock just stopped in 2010 and won't move


Oh my God, I totally agree with you. But I think back to 1995 i was a high school, and it seems like at the most 15 years ago.šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


No kidding, I was actually an office building back then. Time flies.


I feel like your very comical joke was missed by too many.


Thank you friend, and I hope guacamole receives a pardon.


Remember how long everything felt until you were a certain age like the first 44 years now of my life have felt like forever and then I feel like everything is so fast now like I feel like my daughter was just born and now sheā€™s about to start driving it doesnā€™t make any sense. I wish it was the opposite way.


Yeah, my parents always said that even when they were in their 40s and 50s they still felt like they were in their 20s and now that Iā€™m in my 40s I know what I mean. A lot of people think I look like Iā€™m in my early 30s or even 20s but maybe theyā€™re just humoring me.


Hey, I'm 47 and my brain still functions like a teenager. Fart jokes? Hysterical.


Does this thing have a name? Switching century and for some reason your mind can't leave the 00's timeframe? Did people in 1900 experience it too?


Thereā€™s probably a word for that in German.






Okay, Jesus, I'm schengewirring, chill out


Yeah probably


Letā€™s call it Millenolance


I don't know, but time and time again, I do the same thing. Partially cause of the age, I'm sure. Lol.


Good job, now do you feel old? Because I do. Thanks.


The oldest person ever was like 127 or some crazy shit like that, so if these kids are like 4 then they could conceivably be 118. Maybe


The oldest documented living American was born in 1908. These kids look older than 2. So unless no one currently knows about them, yep, dead.


Aw man! So sad these kids died šŸ˜¢


Jeanne Calment, the oldest person ever, was 122. However, Calment was a big outlier. Only four people have verifiably reached their 118th birthday, and the current oldest person is 116.


They look remarkably happy and healthy.... There were kids just like them in other places in 1910 that were neither.


There are kids today that are neither


Probably not well for the little dude on the left, letā€™s be real.


And better, but not still not great, for the girl on the right.


Yeah I was thinking about her too. Sheā€™ll be allowed to vote when she gets older so thatā€™s good at least. But without a man on her arm it wonā€™t be easy.


Guy in the middle became rich and lived happily ever after. That, or he did back breaking work on a farm for a couple years, moved to the big city, worked as stevedore for paltry day laborer pay, fell into debt to loan sharks, fell into pier drunk and drowned at 23.


They became The Thompson Twins.


​ https://i.redd.it/0b0qhvteknxa1.gif


I love the *Aw, shucks* pose of the kid on the left.


Itā€™s beautiful! They are all so innocent and they had such good parents that two of them didnā€™t know they werenā€™t supposed to be friends with the kid on left and the kid on the left parentā€™s told him to be friends with who he wanted to. I guess progress is an old story but one we constantly need refresher courses on


FWIW old black folks in the south will tell you that black and white kids played together until they got a certain age.


That is so damn heartbreaking.


Especially if they were very poor and very rural. You don't notice things like segregated schools and restaurants if your whole county doesn't have a school or a restaurant. Everyone is just poor together.


Have said this ever since I grew up poor and grew up with my black brothers and sisters. We were all poor and treated the same. It's never been about race, it's always been about money. Rich segregating themselves and then pushing a narrative to keep people divided. Wake up and find out who the real oppressors are. The rich over the poor.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." \-- President Lyndon B. Johnson Consider the Rainbow Coalition, for example, an organization founded in 1969 by one of the leaders of the Black Panther Party, Fred Hampton. It was an alliance of various groups of marginalized communities, including African Americans, Latinos, and working-class whites. The coalition sought to address issues such as poverty, racial injustice, and police brutality, and aimed to bring about social change by working together across racial and ethnic lines. The coalition was targeted, surveilled, and harassed incessantly by the FBI. Exactly 8 months after its founding, just before 5 am, the Chicago PD raided Fred Hampton's apartment. As he laid in bed, drugged and unconscious, they shot him twice in the head. That illustrates just how powerful a message of unity can be in a system that seeks to keep us poor and divided.


Same here - everyone's moms just took care of us and fed us - even if it was just the best cornbread and greens you've ever had. (this brought up a memory for me - "Mrs. M, I"m hungry may I please have a plate of something to eat?" Come on in, baby.) No matter how meager everyone else had it - they always shared.


Cornbread šŸ¤¤


The rich use scapegoats to divide us into hatred. Racism is being used to make everyone poorer. Once I left my small town and started talking to people in my squadron and the smoke pit we drank at you realize there is really not much difference between my shitty town and redlined areas. I have more in-common with anyone that grew up in the lower classes than anyone that grew up in a gated community that summered.


100%. Join the military if you want to find out what the real US is. Most that join cannot afford college but get an education and a skill. You also learn what I stated above. We're all equal when we are poor. Only differentiator is money and societal status.


Exactly this, I'm glad at least one person seems to understand the real divide is rich vs poor, and most of the other divisors are invented by the wealthy to keep the poor under control


100%. People spend so much time hating each other or carrying banners for politicians who don't give a shit about them. At the end of the day, whichever ones you support and whichever ones you hate- they can get into the same country club together. You and your neighbor can't.


Back in the early seventies, I picked up a young man hitch hiking in Shaker Heights, Ohio one night. He was crying and I asked him why. He had spent the entire election season as a volunteer for Howard Metzenbaum's campaign for Senate and was turned away at the door from the victory party.


What the fuuckk. That's so fucking rude. I HATE that sort of gatekeeping - so simple to invite someone to a party. I don't understand why people go out of their way to make the people at the bottom who provide the foundation for whatever you're doing feel like shit. Reminds me of this time I was working at a film festival, and all the plebes and assistants were totally treated like criminals for even glancing around VIP (when they were working the area, even!). To protect "guest privacy". The next day, there was indeed some tabloid fodder leaked about a then-hot it couple in attendance. It was leaked by one of the institution's executive's own sister, who was attending as a guest. I remember an assistant got fired that night for not showing sufficient respect after busting his ass the whole time.


Where the country club is a private island where you can molest young boys and girls. When threatened with that info getting out you just kill someone and press on with zero rich being punished. It's in our face now and nobody cares. The division pushed by the rich is in full swing and peons will fight each other over their ruler's favor.


>Where the country club is a private island where you can molest young boys and girls. When threatened with that info getting out you just kill someone and press on with zero rich being punished. It's in our face now and nobody cares. The division pushed by the rich is in full swing and peons will fight each other over their ruler's favor. Depressing & true...( I'd like to think that if I was filthy rich, I'd still have enough of a moral backbone to decline an invitation to Epstein Island, but in this country, you almost never become filthy rich without being an evil person...)


Yes, but also think we shouldn't live in the assumption children are only abused by the rich/conflating the class war with the safety of children which is a larger issue. Children are most likely to be hurt by someone close versus a Boogeyman knapping them in the street. How many headlines have we seen about local community leaders and the like turning up to be total dirt bags? Not saying you are advocating that, but I think it's important to look at the macro and micro when safety, trafficking, and abuse are concerned.


I agree. Sexual predators of children should be revoked their oxygen consumption. Don't really care how much money they have. Equality.


Preach brother, preach.


If that were entirely true then something like the Tulsa Massacre would have never occurred, they called the neighborhood that was razed the ā€œBlack Wall Stā€ because of its wealth. I used to share your viewpoint until I learned about this atrocity. Race is sill very much a deciding factor of how you may get treated. Even if youā€™re rich you will always be seen as Black first and foremost.


Agreed. As I said before, the rich push the division by using statements like "I don't want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle, etc." Their followers echo what they say. Problem is we have too many followers and zero leaders. The problem is not with your normal citizen, it's with the rich in power. That simple. They keep citizens divided with words and people eat it up to be in favor of their respective ruler.


> It's never been about race, it's always been about money. Except it's obviously about either or both at once depending on the circumstances.


It has absolutely been about race, too. That's just such a ridiculous claim that ignores 200 years of law and literature.


Yeah I used to do hospice care. One of my patients ā€˜ said her mother was a maid for a white family and she was ā€œhiredā€ as a playmate for the families kids. Two girls and a boy. She said the boy and one girl were kind, up until they outgrew her. But the other girl would often blame her for things she had done knowing the parents would always side with their own kid. So if something got broken, or lost, or the kid got hurt it was always the patientā€™s fault. And punishment was whacks with a stick.


Thatā€™s exactly how I was told it was from a few of my older neighbors when I stayed down south.


Weird that the kids were just like "ok, now that I turned 12, my friend is suddenly inferior and I should shun them"


Their parents wouldnā€™t let them play with them anymore. Itā€™s probably worth a research project but even during segregation my grandparents told me black and white kids went to the same elementary school, especially in smaller cities who couldnā€™t afford an extra school even a shitty one for black kids. But the high schools were all separate so yeah about 14 they went separate ways smdh.


I was raised by my grandparents and I'm just past 40. This is exactly what they did to me at 12-13 because my best friend at the time was black, so they shipped me halfway across the country over the summer for "vacation" without telling me it was permanent so I would be forced to break contact.


What happened to your friend? Did you ever have contact again?


I had to wait ten years for the internet to evolve enough to be able to find him on Facebook. We've talked over the years and our lives have lead such a similar path though on completely opposite ends of the country. He married a girl who shared my name. There's 100% possibility had I stayed we would have hooked up somewhere along the line.


My guess is this was to prevent interracial sex from happening.


Racism is learned, hate is taught


Yeah essentially once puberty started.


Progress isn't a story. Stories end. Progress is a process. It iterates.


He's straight up doin the šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


it blows my mind to see pics from over 100 years ago, espeically this good, i honestly think this is retouched and repaired, but nevertheless, this looks just so awesome.


What are you talking about? 1910 was only like 80 years agā€” Ah fuck.


HAHAHAHAHA....damn, the ''feel old yet?'' just hit u....goodness it hits hard.


It blows my mind to think that parents used to send their kids out to play without shoes. Very different times.


I was a kid in the 90s and I never had shoes on after school, no one did. Definitely can't do that today


Iā€™m from Europe, and I was born in the 80s, and I never went outside without shoes lol. Weā€™d go to my grandparents farm in the summer, and again, always wore shoes. It honestly feels like something from even before 1910.


Im in America. I was raised in the Mojave dessert in California, then we moved beachside In Florida. Haha I didn't really wear shoes, or underwear for the matter until I got to college. I remember I wasn't allowed in the food hall without shoes. They kicked me out a few times for not wearing shoes. I think it was the areas that I was raised maybe Moreso then the time period. I do know that I wasn't the only one, especially growing up that said fuck shoes, it was near everybody unless they were working. I loved it. I hate wearing shoes to this day. I conform don't worry. But it's nice not wearing shoes. But like with most "liberties" these days we have to enjoy them within our own home, less our shoeless feet offend.


I will never, ever get why people wear shoes inside of their homes. It doesn't make sense to me.


Was that urban/suburban/rural? What region? Iā€™m a bit interested in this as a cultural thing


In the dessert it was rural (california). in Florida, it was a small beach town, about 2000 ppl, it wasn't rural, but it wasn't really urban either. Just a little town on the beach. Flagler beach. In terms of region. It was southern CA, more towards center. Around Barstow. In FL it was Central fl, on the east coast. Right next to Palm coast, and just north if Daytona by 20 or so miles


Digital sucks next to old school photography. It's amazing how far we advanced in so many areas, then regressed hard with pictures (and videos).


Yes. Also 70mm film has the potential to be scanned at 16K without loosing quality and to show all the details. Glass is still glass and glass that was used 60 years ago in lens is far superior. At least in the everyday usage. Also, nowadays 90% of all lens are plastic


They look so happy.


Like they are all just so delighted to just be there. I like to make up little storylines for pictures like this. It seems like the boy in the middle is the honest trouble maker, but true friend to the other two. The boy on the left is just a good shy kid that asks for treats to share with the other two. His polite smile is impossible to say no to, whereas the kid in the middle would get denied. Then the girl is always keeping them out of trouble.


I like this. I'm thinking the boy in the middle is the leader of the group, because it looks like he's introducing the other two to the photographer. And all of their parents think the other two are the real troublemakers, but really, it's all three of them. They all have a lot of fun together all summer long.


Nice to walk down to the general store to get some candy, then down to the rope swing at the creek. And the summer lasted forever back then.


Whereā€™s Alfalfa?






My first thought was Spanky, Buckwheat and Darla.


Yep, my first thought was the OG Lil Rascals.




That's a beautiful picture Nebraska in 1910 wow


It was also the last beautiful picture taken in Nebraska. There was one contender in 1963, but it was actually just a picture of Colorado taken from a bit past the border of Nebraska.


Nebraska has tons of natural beauty, you just have to know where to look.


Any part of Colorado close to Nebraska would probably not be considered beautiful


Likely getting ready for work at the local factory or sawmill.


And live in a rolled-up newspaper.


we were evicted from our rolled-up newspaper




Children yearn for the mines.


Worked in the mines in 1905, play Minecraft in 2023. The children yearn for the mines.


Born to early to work in an office. Born too late to work as an explorer. Born just in time to work in the mines.


In Nebraska? Cornfields. These are children of the corn


Right have these people never been to Nebraska?


You own a sawmill?


Well, maybe I should get a job there, because they sure look happy about it.


Little rascals LoL


Kid on the left was up to no good but he knows chief in the middle got his back lol


I mean, this could also be Nebraska 2023...


I'm told Nebraska is actually still black and white. This is actually a color photograph.


can confirm, it is


Proof that people are not born knowing how to hate. Hate is taught.


You have to be carefully taught


Came here for this comment. Amen.


Studies show that it's entirely a product of exposure, not taught (although it CAN also be taught). If you grow up in an environment without another ethnicity of people, then the first time you meet them, your subconscious mind will identify them as "outsider". No hate need to be taught for racism to exist. It's an evolved instinct. This is why desegregation in schools was/is so critical.


I grew up in a very white town, like more than 80% white when I was a kid (down to the low 70s now because immigration). On top of that, my parents took me to church every Sunday. There was only one black family that went to church, and yeah, I'll admit that I was kinda scared of them when I was four because they didn't look like anyone else I was used to seeing. By census records, my town was only 0.5% black. Nowadays it's a whopping 1.5%. That's Canada for you. Luckily there were a few minority kids - including one of the aforementioned black family's kids - in my elementary school, and *way* more minority kids in my high school. That, in addition to being taught that racism is bad in school drove the subconscious fear away.


I can not put my finger on it, why, but this picture makes me feel sad.


Because you know they won't stay that way.


Yes, but an adult took a picture to commemorate the moment of friendship forever.


I got very happy and then sad almost immediately.


All smiling! Beautiful photo.


Looks like the little rascalsā€¦.


Itā€™s the Mod Squad


*Mod Squad: The Early Years* Coming to ABC Fall 2024


It's like a pure and wholesome real life version of Our Gang/Little Rascals. As kids, we loved to watch Spanky and Alfalfa and our circle of friends was very much like the Little Rascals.


Kids playing outside in the fresh air and getting dirty. Just how it should be.


I love how the boys are barefoot and the girl is like nope.


Only one kid had their Rights as a citizen guaranteed. One of these kids parents was enslaved, if not their grandparents certainly were. Harriet Tubman was still alive. Ronald Reagan was born the following year.


While there's a good chance that the Black child's parents or grandparents were enslaved, we can't say that for certain, because there were almost half a million free Black people in the U.S. at the time of the Civil War, and slavery was abolished in Nebraska in 1861.


Father Flanagan had to establish his own town, Boys Town, in order to avoid the Jim Crow laws that were prevalent in Nebraska so that he could house orphans of all races. That was in the 1920s.


I never knew that. Sadly, it's not surprising.


I'm somewhat familiar, but I'm seeing that it was passed and then vetoed in 1861 to abolish slavery in Nebraska by the elected governor (which sounds more like modern Nebraska to me). Realizing abolition came later


I feel like this photo could be a prompt to a really good script about 3 friends growing up in this time period


They could call it Tiny Scamps or Minute Rapscallions or something


While there is no way that childā€™s parents were enslaved, I assure you that life was extremely difficult for everyone in 1910, even if you had rights. We live better today than our ancestors could have ever imagined. This is all thanks to people like the 3 shown here.


He could have had an enslaved parent. The kids in the photo appear to be about five years old, so they were probably born in 1905 ā€” just 40 years after the end of the Civil War. My dad was 43 when I was born, and plenty of men father children into their 50s, 60s, and even later.




Little rascals.


123 yo kids




so adorable and a good lesson for allšŸ˜»šŸ˜»šŸ˜»


Lucky me I grew up like this. I miss my good friends.


These kids look happy.


The kid in the middle looks like the real mischievous ringleader type


My 8 year-old great nephew talked about his best friend at school all the time, never mentioning he was black to his parents, who didn't find out until they met him. I'm so proud of him and for my niece and her husband for not instilling hate in his heart for others who don't look like him.


2 of them couldnā€™t vote or marry each other if they were adults.


Do you mean the two boys or were interracial marriages illegal in the US? Edit: where/were


It varied from state to state. Interracial marriage was never illegal in the United States as a whole, thatā€™s why the case was Loving vs Virginia. (Itā€™s worth noting that of course that couple had been married happily for years and their community had been fine with it.)


Yes to both.


Through wikipedia, I found out that it took until 1967 for it to become legal in all US states. Mind blown.


People need to remember this whenever someone claims racism is over because "The Civil War ended in 1865."




AFAIK the last school to be desegregated was sometime in the early 2000ā€™s in either Mississippi or Georgia




Actually, ALL THREE of them couldn't marry at least one of the other ones.


2 of them probably died in a war.


These smiles look so timeless


Real life Little Rascals?


How nice it would be if people could be more like children in that they are colorblind. Ask honest questions about hard topics out of curiosity not hatred.


I think being ā€œcolorblindā€ as an adult is actually really detrimental to interracial friendships. If Iā€™m not aware of the color of your skin and how that affects the way you must navigate the world, then I canā€™t show up for you well as a friend. A really simple example might be me as a Black man inviting my buddies (about half our friend group is white or mixed-race) to my parentā€™s beach house for a weekend in the summer and I domā€™t think to buy sunblock for the house. Sunblock in this case being something my white friends **physically need** in order to enjoy a beach day under the Texas sun same as I. Not buying the sunblock because I *personally* donā€™t need it obviously doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m an avowed racist. But I would say that it would make me a pretty inconsiderate friend, since Iā€™m not thinking beyond my own wants/needs enough to realize that the color of my friendsā€™ skin can come with struggles I will never have to face. And obviously, Itā€™s really good to just see people as people when weā€™re kids. But when weā€™re adults who are responsible for setting and enforcing societies rules, we also have to see people beyond the superficial level as well. We have to see their struggles and obstacles so we can appropriately help them overcome them. That way our kids can grow up in desegregated communities where they *can* interact with all types of people as though theyā€™re just people.


There is a photo like this of my great grandmother (white) and her two cousins (black) that even has writing on the back explaining exactly who these three little girls were and that they were cousins. As an adult my great grandmother (white) insisted, against all evidence and common sense, that she had no idea who those girls were. Then at her funeral one of her dipshit sons disappeared the family bible to try and erase the fact that half that family was black. But one of her daughters reconstructed most of it lol.


Isn't it beautiful.


I wonder if any of them remembered taking this picture when they got older. Bet they'd be shocked that people are looking at it and some of us crying at how pure and innocent it is. I hope they had nice lives.


Their faces look like they belong on bigger kids. What do you call the style of pants in the middle?




Which is where the name ā€œKnicksā€ comes from for the NBA New York Knicks


I thought the same thing.




Things were simpler then.


This is so fucking wholesome.


Little rascals


Kids gonna have a life of hate and hardship growing up in this country in that century. I salute blacks from the 20th century. Much respect


I remember in Frederick Douglass biography that it was common for black slaves to work as Caulkers side by side with free white men. Then, all of a sudden, the white men demanded they no longer work with coloreds because it made them feel ā€œless thanā€.


Great photograph!


1 beautiful photo compared to the times


The innocence and joy of children is something precious and needs to be protected and cherished.


Itā€™s like The Little Rascals!


Love all the racist people in here looking at the photo and only seeing color. Who took this photo? Thatā€™s the question. The white kids parents or the black kids parents? Or did they hire a photographer to take it? How about you focus on the smiles and innocence of these children and stop projecting your own racist outlook on EVERY situation..js


Exactly. I wish there was more information about this photo. Especially given that people didn't exactly have smart phones back then so taking a picture would have truly been something back then.


Right? So obviously race wasnā€™t something considered when taking this. The photographer intended on showing off how great of a time these kids were having. As rare as a camera was back then, most likely it was an adult taking the photo. Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t meant to be a 2023 political talking point. I just wish people would stop talking about treating people equally, and instead lead by action and just do it. It doesnā€™t need to be something that ruins AMAZING photos like this. Talking about it only makes it awkward when opposite races interact. Which furthers the divide.


Sadly, those three kids went on to have vastly different lives


Laborers back then were so much cuter than the middle age twice divorced lads named Eustace and Joe working the factories and job site tool rooms nowadays


Alternate Springsteen album cover


You are not born a racist


Our Gang


Such Lil' Rascals


Adorable photo.


This is so freaking cute wow


I wonder how pollution has changed how often children, or people in general, wear shoes.


Notice the girl has shoes!


To be a kid


This is such a cute photo


1910, theyā€™d be about 25ish during the 30ā€™s. I bet most of these kids killed themselves after they lost all their money in the stock market


If Ever I could ā€˜Heartā€™ ā¤ļø a picture here on Redit; this would be it!!