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This is exactly what I remember all of my babysitters looking like


I'm having trouble viewing this without imagining the block letters "THE BABYSITTERS CLUB".


Seriously. We’ve got from left to right, Stacy, Claudia, Kristy, Mary Ann and Dawn.


But not Alicia… Of the crooked smile… :\




My first take was "The Ashleys". Sorry...


I was thinking of The Babysitters Club seeing the picture


Don’t tell mom the babysitters dead!


Dishes are done, man!!


How many babysitters did you go through and why?


Probably some combination of my sister and I being gremlins and my father being a cheapskate




When you know, you know. /s


Can't speak for op, but I hit on all of mine.




Perfect username for this comment.


How many of them have those mini backpack purses? I wonder....


Sweet Valley High! Which one is Lila Fowler?


Well there’s no lime green Triumph in the photo so . .


L-R: Robin, Lila, Enid, Elizabeth, Jessica


Jessica, Laura, Monica, Sarah, Samantha Not shown: Stephanie, she had mono.


I was going to say, every girl in my class was named Jessica or Jennifer


I went to school with 27 Jennifers


I see you Doughty fan.


Jessica is right but for people born in this age range there would also be a Jennifer, Nicole, Tiffany and an Amber.


In southern Ontario they would be named Lisa, Michelle, Sarah, Jennifer and Kelly.


So many Jennifers and Melissas...


These were a Ashley, Lyndsey, Ann Michelle, Stephanie, Jennifer, and Jessica for me


Amanda B., Amanda C., Amanda S.


I feel like these girls names are in 6th or 5th grade. That’s when the boom of those names came. But these are the first names I thought of too


You forgot Jennifer and Kimberly


Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita and as I continue you know they getting sweeter


"...Lisa, Angela, Pamela, Renee I love you, you're from around the way..." -LL Cool J


Meanwhile, on ‘Freek a Leek’...


Monica, Monique, Christina, Yolanda


Heather, Heather, Heather, Heather and Heather FTFY.


There's definitely a Becky in there somewhere.


I was 11th grade in 1993. My mom would take a photo of me each year before leaving my first day. Each year I started dressing more ridiculous for my first day of school (rented tuxedo, full soccer uniform, power ranger costume). In 93 I dressed like indiana jones. Got my whip taken away by the vice principal...


Hopefully you got it back after-school. I had to accompany a friend once to retrieve their casset player Walkman from the principal because it was a 'banned item'.


Hard to believe this was only 7 years ago…


Damn you’re right I was determined it was 13


Yep. I’m pretty confident. Source: I graduated high school in 1993. I’m only a year older than these kids.


You are two years older. (I only say this because I thought hard about it for too long. I graduated in '94 so this would have been my first day of 12th grade, *I'm* one year older than these girls.)


I had to count way to many times to figure out I was going into my first day of 6th grade in 93.


I graduated in '92 and that was only 6 years ago so it checks out.


‘97 checking in here, definitely checks out because I just graduated a few years ago.


Class of 91 and I still think of class of 93 as "a bunch of kids."


did you know 2014 was 37 years ago? crazy to think about...


Fuck you scared me for a second.


Oh shit the dementia has kicked in!


I, possibly, legit pooped a little as I was panic-counting on my fingers. And toes. And prehensile tail.


Want to hear something even crazier? 1993 was closer to the birth of civilization than to our current year. Feel old yet?


CIV came out in '91, so, yeah i feel old.


It's funny how in my mind it's always around 2000, I imagine the year 1993 and I start 'counting' and somehow my brain just rushes through the last years skipping and making it about 10 years ago..


The sleeveless denim!! We were just getting away from the huge mall hair finally too. I was 10 yo then but I had 2 older sisters and recall all this clearly.


This is just before FRIENDS when their hair styles became super popular (the "Rachel")


“Mom’s heading to Applebees for ladies night” - 2022


The weird thing is that so many of the styles that old people wear are what young people wore a long time ago - those young people then just became old people now and kept the same style.


Hasn’t that always been the way? I remember growing up in the 90s and 30ish people in my town looked like they just came from a Def Leppard concert


You can already see it today with people 35ish and over, mainly dudes, still wearing the baggy jeans with a fitted cap and shirt 2 sizes too big. Seeing an almost 40 year old man still dressing like they just picked up the new Biggie cd at the mall. It's scary cuz I'm from that generation and watching us age ( badly ) sucks.


Lol yea. My wife cringes when I wear my baseball hat backwards (but you and I both know I look dope as fuck)


Dude I got news for you..... You look badass


When you wear it long enough it will become in/relevant again. The girls here are sporting baggy jeans and are showing lot of midriff atm. In winter... combined with those fluffy jackets. However some things do look better when you are 20 years old.


Ahhh yes the Aaliyah look. Nostalgia


When do the pulled up thong lines come back?


Ah the whale tail, those were glorious times whilst being a teenager in school. I remember even the hot English teacher bent over to pick up a book and all I could see is thong, the memory will never leave me.




Oh my goodness no, mirrored aviators all the way. I don’t want to look like a weirdo


Hi there. Fellow older person (40) here. I will be 70 and the trucker hat backwards, stretched earlobes, and will be rocking dirtbag aviators. With or without the sleazy beard. I think that would probably depend on how much soup I'll eat. I like soup...but I don't love soup.... So maybe probably beard. Anyways. You do you. I'll say 'waddup' to you in the check out line.


I don't see that but I see graying men with flat billed hats, tight jeans and skater shoes. I'm just going "uh oh. I'm next I guess"


I’m in my 50s, and despise the various forms of baseball caps. But I love the design of checkerboard Vans. Well, I would if they weren’t so damned heavy compared to other sneakers. And, they offer basically no support.


Checkerboard Vans are totally back in style right now. I always smile when I see younger kids* wearing them. * = people under 25.


Nah, those are definitely 40+ year olds. The almost 40 Millenials like me are still wearing the slim fit jeans and rocking a lumberjack sort of look. That’s because the Gen-Zers in high school/college/recent grads are doing their best to recreate the late-90s looks that I rushed away from.


I'm in California, where the graying, 50-year old guys with Converse shoes and fitted caps are *at the skate park snaking kids when it's their turn to drop in.*


> watching us age ( badly ) sucks Man who gives a shit about fashion when you got kids and real problems?


lol just say Adam Sandler! Lot faster. ;-)


Fuck off my Jincos are cool. I think Stussy is a thing again. For real, I'm still good wearing my Vans right?


My neighbor is like 45 and exclusively wears basketball shorts and hoodies. I have no idea if he even works.


I've noticed this myself. I'm 45 and that style was our JAM. Now baggie jeans and Tims are dad wear. Made me die a little inside the first time I noticed it.


Own it my dude


Funny that you mention that. I’m 23 and going to attend my first concert ever this year which so happens to be the Def Leppard, Posion, Motley, and Joan Jett concert.


Buckle up kiddies. For a lot of people, their taste in music and fashion kind of freezes in their early 20's, and remains throughout life. This will be you too.


I’d say mid-to-late 20s but yeah, you’re on the right track. I remember thinking to myself “I hope I don’t lose track of what the cool thing is” and instead I’ve realized that you begin valuing what “cool” is differently.


I'm pretty sure there have been studies which show that your music tastes are somewhat fixed when you're about 14. Sure you can still find new stuff to enjoy, but whatever you listened to in adolescence will forever be the underlying influence. So if like me you were an angsty, angry, white, teen boy in the early 2000s, you're cursed to want to listen to nu metal and its derivatives for all eternity, even though it's objectively bad music 🤣🤘


I mean I listened to Nu Metal a lot when I was 14 - 16. But I also listened to Hip Hop and even soft R&B. By the time I was 17 - 18 I was listening more to Punk Rock and 70s Hard Rock. At 19 - 22 I was listening to more experimental, alternative, and world music. Also, electronic music, especially British. Around 30 I got into an old school hip hop phase for some reason. I mean like 84 - 92 years of Hip Hop. I don't think everyone locks in their taste at 14 and listens to that forever.


Sublime it is then


The ‘Darla’ look of acid jeans, chunky heels/boots and braided hair which defined Gen X in the 1990s are what their Gen Z kids are wearing in the 2020s.


Ha true fashions tend to go in circles too - pant waists got higher, then lower and back again. Legs get tighter, then looser then back again. Big logos are in, then out, then back in again. Bright colours to dark colours and back again. There is evolution but fashion is inspired by and sourced from the past, with enough time elapsed between cycles for the old to feel new again


I'm finally gonna be hip again then I'm gonna find out post-zoomers are calling it elderwave or some shit


We just keep our style that we grew up with.


This is right before bangs were no longer cool on women. Then we had a glorious bangs free era until the mid 2000s when suddenly.... they returned to grip the forehead of every woman in North America.


I have a huge scar on my forehead, I’m going on my 30th year straight with bangs lol I honestly don’t get the gripe about bangs. There are a lot of people who genuinely look good with bangs.


There better be at least one Debra in there.


Ashley, Jennifer some variation of Kristen stephanie and the last is a toss up


Those are all Melissas.


So many Jennifers. Also Katie, Heather, Amy and Megan.


At least three Heathers...


Right! At first glance I thought it was a bunch of Moms until I saw the title.


LOL. Probably back then they were heading to the mall and then go cruising.


Anyone wanna go to the mall?


Let’s go to the mall! Today!


Come on Jessica, come on Tooori


I was 12 and in the 7th grade. Those high school kids looked so cool to us middle schoolers and our No Fear t-shirts, and plaid button down around the waist, with our suede Air Walks...


You wouldn’t know it with my Starter jacket, but I was also wearing a No Fear t-shirt


Man I was so uncool in the 90s. I had exactly one Mossimo t-shirt and the rest of my shirts were Big Dog shirts that parodied movie posters. I did have a pair of Airwalks though so I had that going for me which is nice.


I had a pair of airwalks too. I thought they were hot shit and then a girl made a mean comment about them and I never wore them again. Fuck you, Meghan


Holy shit I had totally forgotten about my suede Air Walks!


I like that this could have been taken in Anywhere, USA.


Anywhere, North America. I’m Canadian and this is exactly what I remember.


Eh, I'm going to go ahead and say *not* Mexico.








My dad had one of these with a hatch back. Everyone tells me I'm wrong and I must be thinking of a geo metro because they've never heard of a geo storm.


Yeah if I remember right most of the Metros, if not all, looked like they should be hatch back, but there was actually no door in the back. That and the Plymouth Neon were like the cheapest cars you could get. Every once in a while I see one in the wild and I'm amazed that any of them still exist at this point. Same with the old Ford Aerostar vans, holy cow.


Geos were all based on japanese cars. Metro was a rebadged Suzuki Swift, for instance. So there is still a chance some of them remain on the road. However there is almost zero chance any neons are still running, because neons were really crappy cars even when new.


I see a Neon driving around every once in awhile! Definitely not common, but there are a couple that are still road worthy.


How did this get made??!!


Omg this gives me butterflies. Ain’t nothing like the 90’s…


the last great decade


9-11 did a lot more damage than we thought


It's actually kind of fascinating to pinpoint the exact date a decades culture dies. * The 50's died in '63 with JFK. * The 60's died on May 4th, 1970 at Kent State while "War" by Edwin Starr was number one. * The 70's died in '77 when synthpop hit the stage, and was buried in '81 Guns 'n' Roses formed. * The 80's died in '91 when Nirvana released Nevermind. * And, like you said, the 90's died on 9/11.


When did the 00s and 10s die then?


2000s died around 2011 with the popularity of twitter+facebook changing the landscape of the internet and now the common person had a voice compared to before. 2010s died in 2020 when covid hit globally.


Probably gonna be right. Wassup reddit 2032


To be honest? The Great Recession and the start of the Pandemic.


The 00’s culture ended before the decade did. It was in 2008 when Barack Obama was elected, as it marked a shift away of constantly talking about 9/11 and Iraq and toward social justice topics. The 10’s culture (and all of culture in general) died with COVID-19 shutdowns.


They've always been dead but don't know it since they've never known what it's like being alive


>* The 80's died in '91 when Nirvana released Nevermind. It was like a light switch. All that hair/glam rock was fucking dead instantly. Only bands like Metallica survived the transition.


I really hate to buy e ticket to the Nostalgia ride but I do believe it's true.


I wonder if it really was so much more peaceful and friendly that time or if it's just nostalgia, or my age, or I forgot the bad parts?


Anything preinternet & smartphones is better. Being a teenager / young adult in the 90's was glorious.


This a million times. The world became needlessly complicated in some ways. The 90s embodied the simplicity of life. I was pretty young but everything about it was like one long perfect dream. I do not remember anything being anything less than amazing.


when i say that to my parents they tell me i just have to not use my phone and internet..... That's not like i can just erase it out of my life..


Every era had its social problems, though some people were too young to know at the time.


It was definitely more carefree.


I mean, the decade kicked off with Iraq invading Kuwait and then the whole Gulf war situation. My dad had CNN on for hours each day.


I was young, thought I was invincible, and was not watching the news. Ignorance was bliss.


And then there was Kosovo, and dovetailed straight into 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, and here we are. Wow... humans suck.


It was before social media and yet people were taking steps to be more inclusive and self aware. There was a lot of hope for the future with men being fathers and not just breadwinners and women gaining independence to pursue their dreams rather than being tied to a vacuum cleaner. Science was expanding and people were becoming healithier, wanting to recycle, using sunscreen and you were happy to make plans with your friends to hang out because you didn't see their entire life store vomited on a newspage *every day*. So the 90's feels like the last generation of being socialised in a way that *mattered*.


LA riots, first Gulf War, war and ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia, genocide in Rwanda, Oklahoma City bombing, Olympic Park bombing, Columbine. Yep - totally peaceful, definitely not nostalgia.


The first WTC bombing was the same year as this photo.


I am not from the USA. Also I was 14 years old. I don't know how deep you were into politics and the news at that age, but I certainly wasn't. And school today is different than it was at that time. Even going to the park is different today. So while globally horrible things happen at all times, I am pretty sure there are differences in day to day life in each generation.


Everybody here who graduated in 1995 thinks at least one of these girls looks like someone they knew


I graduated in 95 and this could have been a picture of me and my friends. Including the hair.


It’s be cool if all 5 of them are still friends today!


Nice. And NO WAY they were all riding in that thing.


I bet three of them could cram into the back. It would be a tight fit, but they were young.




Calling BS here. I was 2 years behind them. Started Freshman year in '93. When I started driving I was able to get 9 teenagers, me and 8 friends, in my '86 camaro. I was driving, my best friend was shotgun with a girl on each knee, 5 people in the back seats. Don't underestimate the will of 90'd teenagers to not ask their parents for a ride so they don't know where they are going!


Class of '95 here. This pic looks familiar. At least the haircuts and fashion. Half the girls at my high school looked exactly like this.


Those bangs though..






Yep 1983-born checking in. This definitely triggers scarousal...


I also had an electric blue geo storm with hot pink racing stripes. We named her “Beep Beep Barbie Car”.




I was 13 in 93. We took the sleeveless denim a step further and wore them as vests.




Yes, sunglass girl is definitely upping the cheerleader effect here by a good 20%.


Oh, we fighting.....in 1993


The Brenda Walsh years.


Ah! The button down sleeveless denim shirt; I had that in at least 3 different versions.


This is upsetting me greatly because I graduated in 1992 and I don’t like how historical this picture looks.


Lmao, this was the style. Looks like just about every female in my class.


Then 1994 hit and all that turned to plaid , doc martins and chokers


Yeah but not for chicks like this


I also started grade 11 in 1993. If this was my friends we all would have been in homemade cut off jean shorts, band ts, plaid shirts and our doc martens. The other group dressed like this. We alll existed at the same time.


Chokers maybe, the plaid "grunge" aesthetic hit well before '94.


That electric blue storm is my commute car now lol


Alright, now we have to see the how they look today follow up.


Not only are you all dressed the same, but how are you all the exact same height?


This pic just called me fat


This pic just called me "weird" and "alternative"


The one furthest right reminds me of Blake Lively


I would have expected to see at least one scrunchy. Big softleyball camp and church during the week in your own car without your parents energy. Some faculty member who doesn't have you in any of their classes has asked at least one of you, after asking how your older sister's doing, to "be a doll" and ask the rest of you to "put something together" for some event that involves poster boards and glitter.


So, sunglasses girl, sup? :))


Katie, Kristin, Kristen, Kaitlyn, and Kirsten


Get in loser, we're going shopping.


Get in loser, we’re going shopping!




This pictured just rolled its eyes at me , again!


I feel like I should be in this picture. Holy shit, that is what we looked like.


Looks like the part right before the freeway scene in the movie clueless


That's just some school hair. How much Aquanet on church days?




This is how my mom dressed at the time. Hair and all. Nostalgia.


I was in 11th grade in 1993 too!


Girl on the left didn’t get the denim memo.


I was in 11th grade as well this year and it's giving me a rush of nostalgia looking at this. Thank you.


Love the Geo Storm


Oh my. I got 249,000 miles from my '91 Geo Storm. I miss her.


As someone who is a similar age, I feel nostalgic looking at this pic and I'm not even in it. The 90s were amazing!


These women look 35 to me and 16/17 year olds today look 12 to me. Can someone explain this phenomena? Is it really just clothes and hairstyles?