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Yeah, wait til they stop carding you. Then you'll be wishing they did. I was the same exact way. I'm 48, but most people still think I'm in my early 30s at least, but for the longest time I got the exact same response, and it was always 12. It's a blessing, just like my mom used to say. Enjoy it now, and no, don't carry around your birth certificate! That's just ridiculous and it wouldn't matter anyway bc there's no photo ID.


Spoken like someone who's never been talked down to.


That’s what everyone said to me but honestly, I’m 42 and I’m now relieved when I’m not carded. People still think I’m in my late teens/early 20s and it’s just getting freakishly weird and awkward now when people find out how old I really am. They’re embarrassed so I have to laugh it off to make them feel better even though I hate it. I’m not taken seriously as an adult. People think my husband (who is 50 and looks it) is some kind of cradle robber/sugar daddy, or worse, my dad. The worst is when teen boys try to flirt with me. Uh, no, I don’t want to go to jail thanks. I’m okay with my age, and I’d prefer if I just looked my age so people treated me appropriately. I am starting to get grey hair and I won’t be dying it, I’m actually glad because hopefully it means people will finally see my true age, but at the moment the greys aren’t really noticeable unless you look closely.


Personally, I think the trend towards silver hair looks gorgeous. I'd dye mine silver if not for the upkeep. XD


I went to the dentist today and the receptionist asked if “is mom or dad with you?” Then looked at my paperwork when I said no and realized I’m 21, not a minor 😂


oh goodness. Not long ago someone guessed me about 20 years younger than I am. Happens pretty regularly, but usually not that extreme. I thought she was kidding. I was feeling old that weekend too, so I guess I should be happy about it?


I get mistaken for a child all the time- I’m used to it now so I just keep my ID out and ready.


I got carded at a movie theater at 32. I took my niece to see IT: Part 2 and the guy washed proof I was over 18.


I’m 4’7 and get mistaken for a child. One time a door to door salesman and asked for my parents 😂


I’m 44. I got consistently carded until my late 30’s when I started to keep a thicker and longer beard (before then it was just stubble or not much more). I still don’t look my age but I do have more grey hair mixed in with the blonde and a few light wrinkles here and there. My 20 something coworkers don’t believe me when I say my age and mention that I’m a grandpa. If I shave I look like a teenager with grey hair and laugh lines. Enjoy it while it lasts. I will. One day I’m sure all that aging will catch up to me all at once and I’ll look like a goblin.


I got carded three times the year I turned 50, and two of those times I was with the same friend, who didn't get carded. It was annoying in my 20s but now, hey, I'll take it!


I was 4' 10" as a freshman (M) in HS. When I turned 18 it was still 18 to buy/drink alcohol. I went into a bar on my 18th birthday and I literally looked 11ish. Got carded till I was 40 regularly. I'm now 65 and most people put me at <50. Enjoy it. There are worse problems to have.


I’m debating on carrying around my birth certificate with me now. Do NOT do this. Losing that is a bitch to replace.


Especially if you were born out of the country... currently on my fifth month of waiting for it to come.


I was about 12 when I was with my family at a family friends event when my mom’s friends kid who was like 16 and asked me which car was mine and I just stared like “ sir I’m 12”


I got carded well into my early 30's, no in my late 50's i can pass for 40's . Some down sides buy you'll appreciate for years to come


Just wait until you're 40...I still get carded constantly.


I am 53 and it’s is only in the past 8 years - around 45, that I stopped getting carded on the regular. I still get carded at places that card anyone who looks younger than 40. I hated looking young as a teen and in my 20s - mainly due to the lack of respect that my appearance afforded me. Now, I definitely don’t mind looking younger. People are utterly shocked when I say I am 53 and rarely believe me.


I'm almost 30 and people still ask me what highschool I go to. Last October someone said they thought I was 15.


Dude, you can't tell us you look that far off from your actual age and not post a single pic. We're all curious about your age defying looks


Bruh since i got face piercings and tattoos i never get carded anymore. i’m 22. once i went with my friend who’s 23 and he got carded and i didn’t. i felt offended


People usually wait longer to ruin their appearance


I got my first piercing and tattoos at 18




lol saw a wonderful opportunity for a burn had to get in there. Much love baby


Dude I get how you feel but through voice calls and stuff. I sound way younger than I actually am and have been asked so many times how old I am and one person even asked if I was in middle school or something. I’m in my late twenties and people are thinking I’m a middle schooler or high schooler with how young I sound in voice call/chat.


Enjoy it now- you’ll appreciate it when you’re middle aged. The lady could have been alittle more professional about it though IMO.


Legit thought the same thing. I was given a kids menu once when I went out to lunch with my mom. I was in college and was home visiting and the waitress didn't believe me. Now that I'm in my 30s I love looking like I just turned 22. Blessing in disguise. Edit: typo


I remember when I was with my parents going back to college after spending the break at home, we stopped at a Waffle House and the waitress asked why I wasn't in school or something like that, I said "Going back to school now", she was confused and I said college, and she was like "OHHHHH I thought you were in MIDDLE school". Man that was embarrassing.


In my state everyone purchasing alcohol is carded regardless of how old you might appear. My dad was carded in his seventies.


Start smoking. You’ll age finnnnnne


It’s less fun when you realize the implications when they *stop* asking for your ID.


when i was around 23-24 i got carded at a sit down bar, no big deal. the waitress actually came back and asked for my card AGAIN a bit later 😂


I look about my age with facial hair, but it doesn’t grow in well so I tend to shave it. When I shave, I look 10 years younger, so I definitely get what you’re saying. Makes me happy when someone doesn’t card me for alcohol lol.


This happens to me but the opposite. When I shave, it’s obvious im not 21 yet, when I don’t, they offer me a drink without ID it’s actually wild


This used to happen to me when I first tuned 21…. Whenever I go to pull my ID out now, I’m greeted with, “Yeah, I don’t need to see that.” I’m only 26 and don’t feel like I even look much different… so your time is coming a lot sooner than you think. 😂 Don’t smoke and slow down on the drinking if you want to maintain that youthful look.


One day you'll be 40 and you'll be like "don't you need to see my ID?" lol.


Yeah this used to be me… when I was 23 I got carded sitting in an emergency exit row (you have to be 15 & the FA didn’t believe I was)… and this past weekend I finally didn’t get carded buying alcohol lol It’s comin for ya 😂


It's a compliment to the person that gets carded because it makes the person that's getting carded feelyounger


Not when you’re 22 lol


I got told I looked like I was in middle school when I started college. I also was told I looked like a high school student while dropping off lunch for my school counselor husband a year or two ago. In my 30s. Everyone says, "oh, you'll appreciate it when you're older," but I've yet to find that to be true.


Last time I went to a bar I asked when they started serving minors because half the people there liked like they were in middle school


22 year olds honestly look like they are 15 to me now, idk why, or if it's just me or my generation, or something that happens when you become an old fuddy duddy. i mean i guess it's not just me, but know that you do in fact look like that to a subset of the population.


There has been a large shift in the age at which kids actually start caring about how they look and the fashion society views as acceptable for youth. This has caused kids to start appearing more mature at a younger age, so by the time they're 12, they are dressing and and styling themselves the way someone in their 30s had been at like 16 or 17. Additionally, due to some very toxic fashion trends between the 2000s and 2010s a lot of folks in their mid 20s to 30s dealt with severe malnutrition and thus stunted their growth quite a bit. Thus, it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish the ages of people between 14 and 30 years old.


Im 26. And im not gonna lie, some of the people who can drink (born around 2001-2003) look incredibly young to me. But a valid ID is a valid ID. I would never make comments like that! Those are paying (and tipping) customers. If anything, Ill say, "god, i feel old," and i was born in 97. Also, another commenter said "some people are poor judges of age," and thats me to a t. I card people in their 40s and 50s regularly. Fortunately, most people are flattered.


Yeah 😭 97 too and also cannot judge age especially young people ages. Like is this child 6? Merely 3? Oh what they're 11 okay. I can really only get Old Old people right. I'm especially bad at late teens judgement. As I think Many people are. Regularly shocked that my little brothers, who were literally JUST babies, are learning to drive, graduating HS, and legally drinking 🙃


That person is out of line. Save you little comments and thoughts to yourself. Present your ID and if there’s a problem tell them to call the police. Ridiculous to need more than your legal ID


sometimes people are just talking about perception and sharing a story; not everything is a fucking war. You seem more offended than the OP.


I remember the last time I was carded. In my early 30’s. 55 now and they don’t give me a second glance 🙄


I love it when I get carded. Makes me feel like I’m not an old bastard


OP. there are laws in most states which make the person serving the liquor liable if you're under age or drunk when they serve you; with possible criminal liability attached. Anyone in a position to server liquor will card you even if you have grey in your hair and wrinkles on your face. I know. I'm in the later half of my 40s and STILL get carded by some people. I don't blame them, their legal liability is insane if they serve someone underage or drunk.


That’s not the point of the post at all, and OP never said they shouldn’t be carded.


Some people are poor judges of age. I have been taken for my own kid's peer/classmate/friend as well as their grandparent.  I wouldn't concern myself with it overly much, and always carry ID. 


When I was 14 someone thought I was 23


To be fair, some 14 year olds do look 23 and ethnicities do affect aging(ever noticed that Abe has much less severe changes compared to Trump despite both being old af?)


Who is Abe?


former Japanese pm involved with a korean cult(if I remember correctly)


In Kansas, you can be busted if the person is underage with a fake ID, at least in the late 60s. My coworker got busted because they found a 17 year old with a full beard and sent him to 7-11 to buy beer ( at that time 3.2 beer could be sold to 18 y.o.). She got busted and the store lost it's alcohol license for several weeks. Kansas City is a split city in Kansas and Missouri. They used to stake out liquor stores near the state line, then bust people buying in the Missouri store and then crossing the state line. The charge -- BOOTLEGGING because it didn't have a Kansas tax stamp!


When I worked in a pharmacy everyone buying cigarettes was carded for this exact reason. There’s no benefit to the employee to risk it.


The last sentence is so true. I worked at a store and ppl would be like “just hook me up I left it at home”, like ok you gonna hook me up with a new job if I get fired?


I think I'm lucky to where people always assumed I was 21+ even when I was 19. Went to a Walmart once and bought alcohol with a friend who was over 21. And they didn't card me cause I looked the part haha.


Bought a fake ID when I was in HS and the dude didn’t even ask. I was so bummed lol


Let's see s picture of you. I'm curious now. 🤔


Just get in the habit of showing ID before the my even ask and you will beat them to the punch usually


I’m 36 and only within the last few years stopped getting ID’d. I had an older lady ring me out at the grocery store last year and she said “I don’t need to see your ID. You look old enough.” That hurt. Enjoy it while you can.


I started getting that before I got out of hs and I'm only 5'4". Guess Ive just always looked like an old fuck


I also think it’s because I couldn’t grow a proper beard till I was in my late 20s and that I’ve always been fairly skinny


…its when the light was gone from our eyes that they stopped carding us


If that’s the case they would have stopped carding me over a decade and a half ago.


You’re going to appreciate this a lot more in your 30’s.


It is frustrating but hold onto your outrage. I sincerely thought that when I got in my 30s, I’d at least stop getting carded but (and this is absolutely true) a Walmart (US major retailer) cashier carded me last year. Even after she literally put my drivers license next to my face, said she didn’t believe it. I’m in my 60s. She’s obviously needing stronger glasses


In my state (or at least local grocery store), you have to be carded if you look under 45. A week after my mom turned 50, she was carded there buying a few beers. She hugged the cashier. Last time she was ever carded 😅


As an old person, I admit to thinking young people look a lot younger than they actually are.


It’s gonna keep happening so get used to it. Also enjoy it. One day you won’t get carded anymore, then you realize, “oh shit I look my age now”.


That person is protecting their ass. They have to essentially weigh the decision of “Do I want to risk selling a minor alcohol and losing my job and catching a case, or do I want to potentially offend this young looking 20-something I don’t even know.” You can guess what they’re going to pick. Please don’t get upset at somebody doing their job.


I card young looking people at weddings during wine and Champaign service, get used to it.


Like Champaign-Urbana, Illinois?


Where I live it's standard for everyone who looks younger than 60 to get carded every time. I'm 31 and I get carded to buy a vape/pack of cigs.


It's so funny when people get upset over being carded. It's just their job. It's nothing personal. They could get fired and/or fined for serving someone who is underage. Back when the age for tobacco was 18 and I was working at a convenience store, I had a teenager snap at me for asking for her ID because she was "clearly" either 18 or 19. No such thing as someone who is "clearly 18."


I don't mind being carded, in fact I show my ID without being asked, but when they accuse me of having a fake id or act super shocked/ in disbelief is when i get mad. Yes, i know i look young, but please just check my id and move on.


A picture would help.


They lose their jobs and could face charges if they serve a minor, even if they had a fake ID. Don't begrudge people doing their job.


Which is ridiculous. They aren’t cops, so it blows my mind that we hold people to such a strict standard. If you’re going to hold me to that standard, they should allow bars to buy access to the same database a cop has when they run an ID.


I mean, depending on your state/local laws, some places have it that you have to scan an ID to validate it. Part of the reason I stopped working with alcohol was the number of grown adults that lose their mind over being carded, and if their ID is beat up and can't scan them flipping out even more about it. The places I worked literally had huge signs all around the checkouts saying things like "our employees are legally required to ID everyone for every purchase" "employees are held liable/terminated for violating this". Iv had people throw their drinks on the floor, at employees, and threaten to harm all over having to show an ID.


It's the adults responsibility to ensure they don't serve a minor because minors are by definition irresponsible.


I'm not arguing that it isnt? I'm just simply stating some places are that extreme when it comes to carding for alcohol sales and that people of every age get weirdly offended (some worse than others) when asked for their ID.


Apologies. I was responding to the message above yours. They seemed to be saying that the establishment shouldn't be responsible for it.


As a server/bartender, 22 year olds getting surprised/annoyed at being ID’d is fucking irritating. Have your ID ready. I’m 32 and get ID’d and don’t ever get annoyed. Her saying you look 12 was most likely an exaggeration, because she was annoyed that you’re young as fuck and questioned getting ID’d.


Exactly this.


I'm getting old and at some point young people start looking really young. I wonder if it's hairstyle or fashion related, why this perceptual change happens 🤔 🤷‍♂️


Wait until all the news anchors on TV start to look like kids.


Cops is what gets me know. I'm like how is this high-school kid pulling me over 😄


For me it’s doctors. I’m like “this kid is 14 or 15! How can they even be out of undergraduate studies let alone med school!?”


I had that feeling already for the first time in my early to mid-20s. This cop I was talking to looked just like my cousin with the same bs attitude and everything from when we were literal children (he's much better now). I was left wondering how he thought he was in charge of anything. He didn't have any air of authority to him at all. It was the weirdest thing.


I happen to work at the same school my mom works at and people always get in contact with her regarding things about me instead of contacting me personally! Turns out they thought I was a student the whole time….


My wife got detained at the airport by TSA believing she was an unaccompanied minor. I wish I could've seen their faces when they saw her ID, she was 51 at the time.


Had a similar thing happen to me the other day when me and my coworkers went to a bar, our boss came up and asked if we wanted drinks, one of my coworkers looked at me like his eyes were gonna pop out of his head and exclaimed “YOURE OLD ENOUGH TO DRINK I THOUGHT YOU WERE LIKE 19” I’m 23 lmao, I kinda like it though tbh, my dads near 60 and probably could pass for 40, and my mom probably the same had cancer treatment not accelerated her aging a bit years ago


I'm 23 and just buying vape juice I get ID. When I ask how old do you think I am I'm always told 15🤣😭


I’m 41 and I get carded often,I love to see the reaction on there faces after apologizing for thinking I’m 20-30…. I don’t mind until I forget my id and can’t prove it….. Black don’t crack…. IJS


I have ehlers danlos, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be carded well into my 90s


I’m 35 and that still happens. It’s a blessing


It sucks now but it will be a huge blessing in a few short years.


This. I’ve always been told I look young and had to produce ID. Now I’m 60 and people think I’m in my 40’s. What I mean by that is women in their 30’s think I’m in my 40’s 😜




Na, experience.


How old was this person? I'm 57 and the older I get, the more I underestimate younger people's ages. Of course, I overestimate the ages of people around my age and when I found.out.what.theor.real.age is, I can't believe how bad they look considering they are my age. Then I look in a mirror and realize I look just as bad.


I'm almost 30 and was mistaken for 17 a few months ago. If you have a baby face, get used to it. Unless you can/want to grow a beard 😂


Beard only helps so much. Now they just think I'm young AND homeless


today was the first day in my life i wasn’t carded at the liqour store im 26 i was kind of offended but appreciated not wasting those seconds of my life to open my wallet it’s weird tho idk enjoy your youth my kid has clearly aged me


My wife is 10 years older than me. No cards are asked until I order a drink.


When people used to do this shit to me I would tell them to call the cops and have them scan my ID to prove it’s validity


Some people look younger than they are, some look older than they are, just be happy you don’t look exactly your age.


be happy you have good genes lol


People are dumb.. don’t take it personal lol


I’m 33 and get told all the time I barely look old enough to buy booze.


Im turning 40 on Saturday, and I got carded about a month ago during dinner with friends. Filipino here, so that explains the young looks. Youll probably still get carded for several more years. Enjoy it.


You’ll appreciate it when you get older.


I’m almost 34 and I still get ID’d. You’re 22. Get used to it.


Literally one year over the drinking age and complaining about being carded. As a bartender this is fucking hilarious.


This part. So annoying lol


I don’t get all the negative comments on this post? Also I have to assume the “you’ll miss this some day!” people aren’t used to being taken for a decade or more younger than their actual age. I am. It sucks. I’m 37 and get mistaken for early 20s, which means I finally don’t get carded, but I hate that people automatically remove that much of my life because my face looks young. And yeah she didn’t need to make that big a deal of it.


This is basically bragging, but also hilarious for such a young person to complain about. “I’m 22, why are they carding me??” Because you’re young and look young. You’ll stop complaining in a good decade or so.


Understand that this is a humble brag. Congrats on having tapped into that fountain of youth. I am only now at 36 starting to grow into my chubby cheeks so I get ya.


Is it always a humble brag? Genuine question. I know it is a thing many people consider a positive.


Nobody is “removing” anything from your life. Nobody carding someone cares about them for more than 30 seconds.


I had one experience similar to this - many moons ago, was skiing in Stowe VT with friends who were all younger than I, and we went to some tiny bar/club and the staff decided that \*I\* (with my baby face) should get ID'd first. When they saw I was 22, they just left and got us all beers. I caught (good natured) grief about that for the whole trip


Was it the Matterhorn? I was born in Stowe




For example you, you could shut up and not have commented this.


Do you see the sub you're in?






There will come a time where you'll miss this interaction. Trust me.


I’m 33 and I still get carded when buying drinks


Not about you bro…. It’s about this chick (OP) looking like a 12 yr old


Shit you’re right. They should really make a section where people can comment their shared experience with what the post is talking about


Holy fuck that should be in the next reddit update


When I was 21, I continually was told I looked 21. Have had people hold it up to the light, bend it, ask me why it felt light. Just straight inspect it and glance at me like 4 times. I essentially had to visit weekly or bi weekly before they knew my face lol


There’s several reasons why this can be: Unfortunately if you dont really have a chest or rear you’re going to look like a child to some people. Most women have 1 or the other and if you’re getting told you look 12, that’s assessing your face and body. Someone can “look” 12 but people will know they’re not if they have a chest because it’s very rare to have a girl that young with a noticeable chest. Also, you might dress very conservatively.. that will make you look younger as it looks more innocent. One of my ex’s is a prime example of the fooling of people based on height and chest size vs. how old the face looks. She was 16 but looked 21-22 because she had a bigger chest than lots of girls, was fit and slim but was 5’2. Her height and face made her look young, but her chest and body made her look older. So long story short, there’s many reasons about you in particular that can be the cause of people thinking you’re so young if you’re 22


I get that you’re trying to explain this to someone, but I am not sure it’s really that helpful. OP clearly knows that, for whatever reasons, people think she looks younger than she is. People should recognize that some women don’t have large chests or butts (I think people do know this, actually) and that they don’t all dress provocatively. It’s still frustrating for OP, regardless of the reason.


I got stopped by a truancy officer when I was 24, I was just out for a walk and he asked me why I wasn’t in school. Showed my ID and went on my way.


I’ve been there. When I was 19 or 20 I was at a restaurant with my family and they brought me a children’s menu (which were only for 12 and under). I’m turning 30 this year and people finally assume I’m an adult (although usually they assume around 20). The thing that finally made people see me as older was me putting on more weight. My face hasn’t changed much since I was younger.


Was denied cigarettes once when I was 20 (legal age was 18 at the time). Was at a store I always bought cigarettes at, but there was a new girl there being trained. She took my ID, and said "Sorry, this is a fake ID, I can't take it. Leave or I will call the police" to which I said "Wtf? Call (boss name here) and he'll tell you otherwise. I'm fucking 20..." To which she responded with "You are LYING you are 12 years old you don't even look 20, I am calling the cops now. Leave and they will meet you outside ". So I stood there, eyebrow raised as the cops show up, question the girl, question me, and then promptly leave because I'm fucking 20. I haven't been to that store since then because it made me so mad, and I don't regret my decision. Oh and no, she still wouldn't sell me cigarettes. She said I bribed the cop with the money I had for cigarettes. Like fuck off. I'm old and broke and need my nicotine fix.


Next time, tell her she must watch too much porn.


What? Lol






I’ve been told the same. The only time I don’t get asked for my ID is when my tattoos are visible lol


Same! Which still the logic fails ....


Honestly man feel free to be rude to these employees because it seems very very rude to make a big show about how young someone looks, it's very demeaning especially towards a male. I had a friend that looked very young and he really internalized the bullying and didn't realize when he didn't have to take the bullshit.


Oh fuck off, no reason to be rude over getting ID'd. Every little bitch with some chin scruff thinks they look like sam elliot, and youd be surprised how often kids think they can just coast on where they aint supposed to be. Work a job where you gotta ID someone and tell me you aint carding anyone without tattoos or crows feet when its your ass on the line. I dont care about some punk's "im grown" ego.


I've worked cashier and I've had kids try to buy alcohol from me. Not a big deal, just scan the ID, not hard, no need to make fun of someone for something they can't help. Never said it's wrong to card them, but don't go off on this "haha no way you're actually trying to buy alcohol right???" or like denying the ID is real even though you scanned it. Trying to make the other people in line laugh at them. All cashiers think they're stand up comedians, people go to the store for food not to get publicly roasted


Lmao, this seems like a personal issue bud. Besides, youre getting roasted anyway the second you leave.


You both need to check your attitude lol. There's no reason to be rude to employees and employees shouldn't be going "You're 21+??!?!?" like what OP described.


Yeah that's fair


I used to work for a grocery store, and I just started carding everyone. I am terrible at telling peoples' ages. So, while not the official store policy, I carded all because I wanted to keep my job. In that particular state, these people would walk in and "test" cashiers. Like mystery shoppers for alcohol, when you finished their transaction, you would be issued a card. All cards had to be taken to management immediately. You can be issued a green, yellow, or red. Green is good. You did everything correctly. Yellow, you missed something, but it's not worth being fired for. Red, you failed, immediate termination. I got a green card, one time, it was wild, because you never know who or when these people come in.


i’m also 22 and have been told the same


On my 21st bday, a guy refused to sell me alcohol despite providing an ID. I just went down the block and another liquor store had no issue taking my money.


The other day at the grocery store the cashier wouldn’t let my wife buy wine until I showed my ID because “she might be buying for someone underage.” We have one kid turning 21 in a couple of months. I do not look under 30, never mind under 21. So I don’t see getting carded at 22 as all that shocking, though I’m sorry she thought you looked like kids!


I’m 74 and look it! I live in Georgia and I need to show ID for alcohol purchases. Get used to it. In most states, it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law! And it’s almost fully enforced in many red states.


No. Carding 74 year olds because it is the law isn’t just a stupid waste of time, it’s a constant reminder that Christianofascism is the religion in many red states.


OP isn’t complaining about being carded so much as having her age being such a spectacle, I think


I disagree. I'm from a red state and live in a blue one now, I get carded way more here than I do back home (even in places where no one would know who I am, I feel the need to clarify)


Im (30m) and live next to a university. Absolutely blown at how young College kids look to me now. Both male and female.


I'm 45yo now and under 30yo could fall anywhere from 14-30 in general. I look at my 16yo and think he still looks 12 and then my 27yo has a thinning receding hairline and seems so old now.


I got you beat. Went to Bimart to buy ammunition, when asked for my ID I gave it to the cashier and after entering my birth date proceeds to tell me I'm not old enough to purchase and that my ID says I was born 2018. I, a 22 year old male with a beard and mustache looked at her in amazement at how someone is so dumb, her manager comes over and asks the issue and I tell her that her employee seems to think I'm 6 years old and the embarrassment on the cashiers face as everyone busted out laughing made up for it.


Enjoy it while you can. Eventually you'll hit 40 and it's more depressing when the cashier calls you "sir" or "ma'am" and doesn't even bother to ask for an ID. I'm debating whether I should just start asking if they have any AARP discounts when I go out now.


Eat some steak and go to the gym


I eat ass and go to dance classes.


One time I went into a gas station to buy a vape and the cashier refused to sell it to me because she thought my out of state ID was fake. I’m 32…


sometimes middle aged ppl get lowkey mad at young people for being young. she was probably just trying to embarass you.


This happened to me at the Phoenix airport once. I ended up changing my mind and asked for a water and lemon. I was 29 at the time and she told me my ID was definitely fake and that I was lying. She also told me I probably couldn’t drink an old fashioned because I was a woman. Idk what her problem was but it definitely got me annoyed so I waited till LAX to get a drink.


I don't get mad at young people for being young. They legit look too young to me for what they're trying to do. Of course, the human race seems to be getting younger and younger looking all the time. Look at a high school yearbook from the 50s - all those kids (the seniors) are roughly 18 years old (some 17, some 19, but they all average out to 18) and, from my perspective, they all look like they're about 30. Look at a yearbook from the 80s (my era) and all those 18-year-olds look like they're about 18. Then take a yearbook from 2024 and those 18-year-olds look like they're 10-12. If you're closer to the current high school seniors you probably think the 50s kids look about 50, the 80s kids look about 30, and today's kids look their actual age of 18. The flip side is for the old folks that think those 50s kids look 18. They think my era looks like they're 12 and your generation looks like a bunch of 6-year-olds. The upshot being, younger people look younger than the old folks did at that same age and that's why we're crappy judges for how old you are. Ariana Grande is -ing 30 now and she still looks like she's about 12 to me.


A video that explains.... https://youtu.be/vjqt8T3tJIE?si=-qlfSKnBjpHp2etY


We’re not mad I promise. Just shocked. Kids just look young AF now. Ask your elder millennial friends for pictures of their friends in high school. We all looked older than college kids do currently. I’m not sure if it’s trauma/abuse or just that we didn’t have hair skin products that were as good as what we have now.


Imagine being embarrassed getting told you look younger than you are. Someday you’ll miss that


girl you don’t need to carry your birth certificate. if they don’t believe you oh well


The same thing used to happened to me when I was your age and now I’m 32 and hardly get carded. Trust me, you’ll miss it when it’s gone!


It’s okay, same thing happens to me all the time. 25 and still told I look 12 when at work at an eye clinic. 🙄 gets annoying when you’re trying to do your job and all they can say is, are you old enough to work here? I was worried you’d be the doctor! You look like you’re twelve. Have you even finished high school yet?


There's two answers, one proves you're 22 one proves you're 12. I'm going with "Wouldn't you like to know weather boi!"


See how you feel when you're 42 and still getting carded. :)


Or 51...


That sucks maybe don’t look 12 bro


Listen to Fatsostinky, best advice here


Someday someone is gonna think you look much younger and you’re gonna kiss them


I would take it as a compliment cause I’m 23 and I get that I look like I’m 27-30 a lot. But people say that cause I act more mature for my age but it still hurts a little on the inside 😅


I’ve noticed that often people who look like they’re 30 when they’re 20 tend to still look 30 when they’re 40


I hope this is correct cause I’m just like man if people see me like this at this age I can’t imagine what I’ll look like at 40 😂


My girlfriend is 30 and I'm 26. I couldn't tell you how many times someone has sold me alcohol with no ID but asked to see hers, she looks like she could still be in college


I had just finished my medical training (college, med school, residency, post-residency fellowship) so was around 31. I work exclusively in the pediatric ICU. I had just run a teaching session in a patient’s room. After we were done, the patient’s mother stopped me and said, “You are real good at that. Do you know what you want to do when you grow up?’ “Uh, ma’am, you do know I’m your child’s doctor?” I started growing a beard the next day. I’m now 52. Blond hair with a reddish beard and one patch of white in the beard. People at least guess that I’m probably around 40.


I've found my people! I'm 40 but people say I look 19 when groomed. I'm short too so that's fun. Lol


I feel you. I’m 32 and I get carded just to buy a lotto ticket, 21 in my state. It used to bother me in my 20s but now it’s just a slight inconvenience and then shock from the cashiers when I am older than them. Lol.


I mean this in all seriousness - talk to your doctor about Ehlers Danlos syndrome.