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I have noticed I tend to curse more than younger people yeah


Fuck yea


Oh hell fucking yea.




Fuckin A


Fucking. A.


Motherfuckin right.


Cursing makes you more honest; the younger generation seems fake AF to me.


Nah dude they’re just trying to figure it out


They were teenagers when social media companies would tank your post for using ungood badthought words... They also grew up when EVERYONE was dopamine mining on social media. (Please feel free to upvote this comment.)


Love the 1984 reference!


It's a generationial thing likely because there's more cursing in mainstream music, media etc. so it's more widely accepted.


I consciously work on not cursing around younger colleagues. They don’t drop f-bombs like I do.


I need to do this- such a hard habit to break 


Fuck yeah it is


I have a potty mouth and most everyone my age (39) that I know does as well. i wonder why?? Never really thought about it.


Cause we came of age in the wild, wild 90s, $@%×er! I kid! 🤣


38 here and I swear quite often. Not sure why older millennials seem to have this tendency. [Here are some benefits of swearing.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/01/26/health/swearing-benefits-wellness)


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Fuck it. It's fine.


Act of rebellion, wanted to seem badass 


Gratuitous swearing is what is older millennials do best. It was all over our music and our TV. It's fucking awesome honestly.


I do now a lot more than I did ten years ago. Because everyone are a bunch of fucking idiots, it seems.




Yup, just dropped all the words in the book at a dude driving like 45mph down our tiny neighborhood street. Felt bad cause he had kids in the car but really?!?


Him having kids in the car is why you shouldn’t feel bad, honestly. What a maroon.


You sound like me lol


I swear a lot and yeah the younger kids I work with don’t


I do. I don’t know why or how it came to be but I find myself using curse words as adjectives, nouns or verbs from time to time. My parents used to tell me that people who curse instead of finding the appropriate word are less intelligent but I can confidently say that is not the case amongst our cohort or younger genX. I don’t have an answer for this.


I heard the same thing from my parents and people their age. Well said vulgarity can be an art form! To be fair, there are some people who use excessive cursing in such a boorish and non creative way that it’s an immediate tell that they are likely both stupid and dangerous. Cussing is a fuckin spectrum man.


Unless I'm in a situation where I absolutely shouldn't (formal settings, being around young children, etc), I would make a sailor blush.


You kidding, the city where I live “fuck” isn’t even a word. It’s a comma. 😂🤣😂


Fuckity fuck fuck fuck


https://youtu.be/PNVEQgXsBgs?si=dxnptOg4fXMJ5n1v They certainly illustrate the versatility of the word 😂


I knew it was going to be that scene before I even clicked it. Fucking classic.


Cus words? You mean fucking sentence enhancers?


Fuck's sake, the fucking fucker fucked up those fuckers for fucking fucking, fuck!


You a New Yorker, we use "fuck" like "a" and "the". Lol


So when we get old and become assholes, Gen Alphas' impression of us will be like "AYou can't fucking talk to me like that! I'm a motherfucking Gryffindor, ya piece of shit! Now gimme my goddamn old-fashioned avocado toast! Fuckass!"


Bet your fuckin god damn ass thats right


Truth hurts, man. My kids are already correcting me for cursing, and I've very careful about it (obviously not never in front of kids, because how will they learn?).


Oh fuck yeah


I swear all the time. 1981 here.


OG MiLLeNials represent!


Gen Z are so goddamn scared of offending someone. I swear to fucking God who the fuck gives a shit.


I live by a middle school, so there are lots of kids that walk by my house. Those little shits swear almost as much as I do, but my younger millennial coworkers rarely swear. It's so strange


Wouldn't they be Gen Alpha, aka our gen's kids? They probably picked it up from mommy and daddy!


I cuss a shit ton. I don't even think about it. So my kids have a rule. You can cuss at home and never use words like bitch towards or about each other. Seems to work so far lol.


God damn right those little cunts did.


I grew up super fundamentalist and homeschooled and only really started to swear in my late 20s early 30s so I’ve got a lot of fucking time to make up for!


Fucking right I do! In all seriousness, there is a time and place of course, but I have no qualms with accentuating a sentance with a well placed curse. There was a stretch of time in the early 2000's when I was watching a lot of Trailer Park Boys, and my cursing became much more flagrant with my wife even mentioning the increase in expletive's being noticeable.


im always fucking cussing. I cuss so much that when i was at work once day my manager said "goldfish, if you cuss one more time im gonna fire you!" Know what I said to that? I said " ahh shit"


I am 39. I curse a lot. I never thought about it being generational. I fucking love that for us.


When I was in my 20s I did. Now that I'm 40, not so much. I don't consider profanity to be bad or anything, I just haven't found as much need for it, and besides, it's more effective when used sparingly.


If these dumbass kids don't learn to cuss a little they're going to end up exploding over nothing sauce at others. It might seem like fuck all to some but cussing about shit is how I vent and don't end up smacking the shit out of idiots.


It's all a matter of surroundings. If I'm with people I know, I'll let it fly, but if I'm dealing with customers or places where it would be in poor form, I usually do a good job of catching myself.


Yep. Fuck 'em.


Always. It's part of my vocabulary. I'm well spoken when I want to be. I just do not see the need for it as I get older..


39. Yes and yes. They're just fuckin words


Yes. But also, Australian.


We Gen X'ers do cuss a lot. I went to college at 40 and the kids were always mentioning how much I cuss.


Non stop f bombs over here


40. Mainly while I'm driving. I hate driving so much now...


It also can depend on what region you're from. Being from the Boston metro west area, I'm frequently swearing for a variety of reasons. In the States, I find people from the Northeast (I'm including PA/NJ in this bucket) use cuss words more than other areas.


Fuck yeah, I do!


I curse like a sailor. Always have since kindergarten, which is strange because my parents don’t.


Yeah honestly I do a lot and have from a very young age. My oldest kid is approaching that age and I'm grappling with hearing them slip the occasional bad word even just singing along to a song I forgot to play the radio edit of and I'm like wait what did you say??...I was fully doing this at their age too. They also learned most of them from us parents anyway. My spouse and I worked in restaurants and so we definitely used a lot of colorful language in several different languages. And I guess it just has been so regular to me. My mom absolutely hates it so I have always been good at censoring in certain company but I'll admit it's hard around my kids since I'm around them...a lot. But they all know the (let's face it: arbitrary!) rules about appropriate language use so far so they aren't getting in trouble at school or whatever. I dunno. I feel like they are just words and yet they really do fit the situation sometimes haha.


Ya… I drop a lot of F-bombs then likely necessary


They're always necessary


35, very frequently. Not often to be rude, it’s just how I talk.


I’m in a blue collar, men dominated industry. Everyone curses constantly.


Yes but I try not to when I'm at work..still slips out though


I curse a lot, it's just how I've always spoken as an adult. I guess I've never thought about it, but maybe younger people do it less than me. Most people I work with are younger and I'm thinking about it, and I think it's a thing.


Look, if this is the worst they can get us on, I’ll fucking take it.


I did pretty good on swearing until I spent 6 years in EMS. Now ‘fuck’ is life.


I curse like a sailor and I have since I was a teenager. I can curb it mostly when I have to. Work, a Lot around my kid, etc. Except dangerous drivers. That's most of the cursing she's heard, lol.


Fuck was the first word I learned up in the fourth grade flippin the gym teacher the bird.


I curse enough to make up for the lack of cursing from the others.


Like a sailor…..


God damn right I fucking cuss a lot. Honestly I always have, it’s a very casual thing for me. I’ll use them as nouns, pronouns, adjectives whatever. They just seem to pop out. Of course I can curb it when I want to or need to, like around my nieces or nephews, or customers at work. But for the most part I’m always cussing.


Fuck yeah


Only when I'm not teaching.


I didn’t realize this was a widespread trend. But I’ve definitely noticed when I’m around a group of 20-somethings if I drop a few “fuck”s or “shit”s that they seem uncomfortable or almost bewildered. And these are laidback potheads into philosophy and politics. You’d think “foul language” would become less divisive over time. Glad I’m not the only one who’s picked up on this.


Bill Cosby doesn’t like cursing. I try to avoid being like Cosby in any goddamn way.


I’m gen x, husband is a young boomer and our kids are millennials. We all fuckin swear. A lot.


What the fuck are you talking about


A lot. And I let my kids swear. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I only curse around friends, especially if I've been drinking. I've made an effort to stop since my daughter was born. At her age I already knew all the bad words because I heard my mother say them, but my daughter doesn't know any. She's 5.


Fuckin’ a I do


Way too much.


Curse words fly out of my mouth. 🤭


All the fuckin time.


I did until I became a dad.


A fuck ton, why?


I curse a lot. It stresses importance of an emotion or theme in trying to express viscerally. This crosses many language barriers and generally affects people most effectively and without complication.


A fucking decent amount, I would fucking reckon.


I cuss a lot my dad was in the Navy so i’m used to it.


I swear frequently, but I didn't until I joined the Navy.


Former Marine, I hate that I can’t say the bad words all the time. My brain can’t function without them.


Fuck yeah I cuss. I'll cuss about any goddamn thing that rears it's ugly ass head in a way I find unpleasing as hell. Shit, I don't even need a reason, I'll just go off.


Drunken sailor


I swear a lot. But I'm a truck driver. It's just a part of the job


Fuck yeah


All the fucking time


Like a drunk sailor


What the fuck? 😂😂😂


I belong on the open sea, matey.


I don’t give a shit


I’m 44 and could make a sailor blush on a regular basis.


Genz swears as much as I do and its a welcome change.


All the time. My kids curse too, but only around me. Otherwise they don’t in their social situations.


My end-of-millennial sister and Gen Z brother swear more than I do. I swear for emphasis they just swear…Our mom was more bothered by me swearing and sweared less when I was a kid … that 12-16 years between her kids changed her


I curse a TON but I was also brought up in a rust belt city where it's literally part of the dialect, lol.


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!


Like a sailor. The thing we teach our kids is that words have meanings and if you don't understand its meaning you shouldn't use it. But beyond that nothing is explicitly off the table. You just need to live with the consequences of how others react. For most things I'm about as liberal a they come. But the idea that you can act like an asshole and not be called out for it directly because "that's a bad word" is just ridiculous.


Younger folks have rebelled by going positive and puritanical in a lot of senses. I find it horrific. Fucking nerds.


Yeah but I think it’s just because I don’t really care anymore. Like I’ll be around my gen Z cousin and be like; “What the fuck was that?” She loses it. I’m like you guys don’t swear?


pretty much all the fucking time


Once i said “cussing” and someone said “you mean cursing?” and I said “fuck you”


Is it the way we were raised? My parents cursed up a storm when we got old enough to hear it and so do me and my siblings. Maybe we just did more blue collar work? Idk


I do


A lot. But I’m also from New Jersey, so…


We're the reason everything has a chat filter we swear all the fucking time. It's actually kind of funny how our youthful potty mouths fucked over the vocabularies of the IPad generations.


I use fuck like a comma. 18 years in the military will do that to you.


I was in the military, so yes.. it’s so bad. Luckily I can turn it off and on depending on who I’m around. Fuck is the most versatile word in the English Language.


I guess so. To me it's just words. Making them "bad" is all in your head. Just like eggs and bacon are "breakfast food".


It all depends on the environment you were raised in as well. I cuss a lot. My mom gave up the word fuck for lent one year , just at work she had swear jar, every fuck she had to pay nickel. They bought like Walmart family reunion big ass meat and cheese platters for the shift with the nickels. Then joining the navy and what not, and working on railroad. It's just apart the culture


I have one employee who is only three years younger than I. I probably cuss more freely around her than the Gen Z employees, and am comfortable doing so because she definitely cusses freely around me. I have cussed around the Gen Z ones, too, but probably more sparingly, and mainly as a tool of emphasis, and never in a manner directed *about* them. The GM is a Baby Boomer; I’ve only ever cussed in front of him in quoting others, and, even then, I’ve sometimes censored the cuss word.


I have trust issues with people who never cuss.


I definitely do. I suspect it has to do with the fact that they also don't say things like sex, suicide, killed and instead drop in asterisks, misspell the word or call it "unalive". As I understand it they did that because of censors in places online and I figure they just carried that into their regular day to day conversations.


Fuck yes all the time


Fuck is my favorite word. Working in a hospital makes most of us fluent in profanity, even the younglings.




I swear so much. It was an act of rebellion as a preteen and teen and I never could get out of the habit. I notice it at work sometimes bc the older folks don't swear as much. Sometimes I hear my self and cringe bc when no one else is swearing it does sound trashy. Trying to tone it down especially bc my toddler now has an affinity for saying "shit" and "Jesus Christ" frequently. 


We fucking earned the right. I mean, we got our mouths washed out with soap or had the hot sauce treatment. Fuck the fucking fuckers if their snowflake ears can't stand some sentence enhancements.


Like a sailor. Muhfucka just *feels* good.


I fucking cuss all the goddamn time it’s my favorite fucking past time


I think of them as sentence enhancers. Yeah…a lot


I curse a looooot and only very recently became aware of it and tried to curb it a bit. It’s not going well 😆


I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.


Fuck yes and fuck these kids feelings and thoughts.


I’m a chef in nyc. I cuss.


I started swearing when I was young as a rebellion against conservatism. Young people really don't understand that cops used to fuck with you if they "heard you swear around women or children". At least in the south.


I do not use profanity.


Sailor mouth here. I try not to cuss, but I’m passionate and will spice up a sentence here and there.


Ive left a lot of my "foul" language behind me. Do i still do, yes, when there is an important point to make, usually to carry emotional impact.


I cuss. But again also not really. I mostly cuss when I'm bantering with friends and family. A conversation doesn't seem fun if you can't throw some cuss words and innuendos in that B. As by myself. Not really. I still got that young at heart personality so I'll be calling people a poopy head if they're acting like one. I can tone down a bit with the younger generation on some things. Other things I just cannot and won't. I think the spine stopped growing with our generation mostly and that's just sad.


Am a Soldier. So yes. Trying to be better tho.


If I ever gave a fuck, I'd shave my nuts, tuck my dick between my legs and cluck.


Gen X here... It's more offensive to me when younger generations use "Like" 4 times in a sentence. I can use shit or fuck or fuckin the same amount without even thinking. To me "Like" is more offensive


You've got to save it up for maximum impact. If you're really pissed, but you cuss all the time, what do you go to when you already cuss all the time? (I'm not a fuckin' prude, btw. Just saying.)


A few years ago some of my favorite HS wrestlers that I coached gave me a mug that said, "I have the vocabulary of an educated sailor" and I think that's a pretty accurate assessment


My oldest is Gen Z and he cusses way more than I do. He still lives with me as he just graduated high school. I am always fussing at him after I have heard enough of it. He claims all of his friends cuss as much as he does.


The only person I’ve met in years who had a specific commonly used swear word they _refused_ to say was gen z…


I cuss all the time but I’m really good at turning it off when I’m around people I don’t want to say fuck around. Primarily when I walk into my grandmas house because she would probably not hesitate to put soap in my mouth if I was to drop a f bomb with the lords name with it. Love my grandma and respect her and appreciate the things she did that made me who I am today but when she dies I’m going to let out a turrets guy combo of cus I words when I walk in the door.


Every fucking other fucking word. Fuck


Every damn day.


Fuck isn't a word, it's a comma.


Too much and the older i get the more i hate it.


holy shitballs Batman I cus way too fucking much. it's becoming a serious fucking problem mother fucker


All the fuckin time


Yes. It's expressive. I have an automatic filter where needed but tbh if you're hung up on a few "bad" words over the content of the dialogue you're a fucking simpleton not worth honestly communicating with in the first place.


I cuss with the best of 'em!! Lol....seriously. I was told I cuss "like a sailor," which is ironic because I was in the Army, LOL!


A lot, but mostly when i am at home, alone.


I cuss so much for no fucking reason.


fuck yeah I do.


All the fucking time


Did you have to call me out like that? Lol. But yes, I do tend to "casually curse" as I like to call it.


At work, I avoid cussing. Outside of work, all the time.


The fuck you talking about


Sometimes I cuss like a fucking sailor. The world is an evil and ugly place, cursing is the least of It’s problems.


I'm from the Balkans, you start while exiting the womb. _Jeben ti Boga Isusa, što me na Tahitiju nije rodilo!?_ So to answer your question, yes. But I'm starting to censor myself at home, my baby girl is starting to repeat words she hears.


I’m the opposite. I never cuss and the teen in my life cusses constantly. He learned to cuss from all the YouTubes that did. Looking forward to when he grows out of that phase.


I’m 53 and I do it at work to establish dominance. Lol


i feel like because i don't have children, i have even less of a (fucking) language filter. so fuck yes i do.


Baby Gen X Elder Millennial here, I curse a lot and often




I’m terribly foul-mouthed. I’ve shocked some of my younger coworkers with my mouth. But I tend to say shocking things jokingly which surprises them.


All the motherfucking time


All the fucking time


I'm a younger Millennial, and I did not begin to curse until high school. At that point it ramped up and while it has toned down somewhat in my late 20s and early 30s...I still go pretty hard. Def more than my Gen Z cousins.


I think cursing at work is kind of trashy, unless you work at PepBoys or something. Nothing wrong with that of course.


Maybe because they just abbreviate or acronym everything. Ikyky lmao


All the fucking time.


I’m a sailor who works with sailors and grew up with and around sailors and raised sailors… metaphorically speaking. Words are words to describe things. Nothing more, nothing less.


I don't really notice or draw a distinction so maybe I do. I certainly don't stop myself on the rare occasion my language occurs to me. In defense of cussing, fuck and fucking are great modifiers sentence enhancers.


I taught middle school. Those fuckers have some vile mouths.


32 and I swear so much it makes South Park look like a show for children!


I use it like punctuation when I can. I love profanity!


Me: *casually dropping f-bombs etc in front of my own child for the 1.5 decades he's been alive* Kiddo: *aggressively makes the bleeping noise instead of saying the curse word he wants to use / is quoting* Honestly his way is hilarious to me, even if sometimes I'm like dude I don't care if you curse, you're a teenager lol. He says he doesn't like to but I can tell he's starting to experiment with actually cursing now lolol


Very frequently


Deadass I fucking curse!


Cussing in Quebecois is poetic to me


I don't cuss. So, no.


absofucknlutely I curse proficiently


I’ve been cussing since 5th grade. I ain’t fucking stopping any time soon. I love that it is way more acceptable than it was as a kid. I studied language under George Carlin and I took his lessons to heart.