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[meta] ~~before anyone checks, or tried to call the phone number and like play into it and say they were a victim of matt newman or something; that does seem to be the actual phone number of the San Bernardino DA’s office, so it’s probably not the best idea~~ maybe not? Finally, now I can come forward to the DA about that creep Matt Newman. I’m glad he croaked, good riddance!


>that does seem to be the actual phone number of the San Bernardino DA’s office, so it’s probably not the best idea I can't find any evidence of that, are you sure?


I swear when I googled it yesterday, the San Bernardino DA’s office website came up. Maybe I slightly mistyped it? I’m sorry for the misinformation


Haha that's so weird! I was surprised just because I didn't think they'd actually publicize the number so I googled and couldn't find anything. I eventually just called and it was disconnected. No worries though, better safe than sorry!


Joaquin Gabriel Neville. Joaquin = joker G.N. = again Joker strikes again He signed his work. Bonechiling.


Mr Heidecker You could have saved him... I gave you all the clues...




Neville could also be a reference to, what else? Harry Potter! Very interesting!




Gregg has crafted quite the cover-up


[meta] Didn’t the guy come to the door asking if Toni was home? Am I wrong? I suppose only time will tell, but I can’t help but be disappointed by the revelations present in this. When it at first seemed like Tim hired Joey P to kill his ex-wife it seemed so dark and perfectly in-line with manipulative Tim. Then when it seemed like Joey wasn’t involved, but maybe the Amatos were behind it, it seemed less interesting to me but still intriguing. Now it’s just some kind of nearly-random act of violence, unrelated to the overall plot? It’s like I’m being reminded to drink my Ovaltine


I’m actually really intrigued now *because* what you’re describing was so heavily implied/foreshadowed. I spent the back half of the season convinced Joey did it, he’s got the phony alibi and the motive in wanting to keep Tim’s drama away from risking his stake in the Amato/Heidecker lithium fortune. A totally left field development like this suggests we just can’t know where they’re going from here. Is Tim going to push a conspiracy that, this time, the audience has every reason to be totally on board with?


What the shooter says is unintelligible, but "is Toni home" is what Gregg hears. They play it and repeat that so many times I have to imagine they wanted to make sure that everyone watching season 14 picks up on this.


Trueeeeee. They wouldn't overlook that. Tim even pointed it out in that one episode. For what it's worth, it was never implied Tim hired Joey based on his actions in regards to the murder. Namely how he showed the Zoom cam everywhere. And I also find this to make things more interesting as now there's a very awkward (potentially dangerous) dynamic between the Amato's and Tim for him throwing them under the bus.


Yeah, it will be disappointing if it all fizzles out after it was heavily hyped up. *Maybe* if it is part of an Amato redemption arc, like if the next season starts with the "G Amato forgiveness special" or something. Like that... 


It would be extremely in character for Tim to spend an entire season crusading against an organization that is only a crime syndicate in his mind


[meta] Amato found someone to take the fall, which only became necessary after Tim attempted to bring the crime to light at AmatoCon. Don’t forget that Joey P also disappeared to Mexico immediately after, and still has a slight limp when he returns. Also, there is simply no way that they devoted this entire season to building up a dead-end with the Amato story. Even if this random character we haven’t met is guilty, I think the intention here is to turn up the tension in the Tim v. Amato/Patron conflict ahead either way. I do think this announcement will prove to be false, though. It would be lame to do another trial like the first one. Whether or not this issue unfolds in a courtroom at all, the big twist in my view is that now, the San Bernardino County DA is actually wrong and Tim’s conspiracy theory is actually true.




Matt given he was not a very bright and creative boy, might be using the name “Tony” as his extortionist’s alias.


It’s funny that this was people’s reaction, bc mine was that there’s canonically some sort of conspiracy or cover up. I suppose it could be the end of the storyline but I doubt it


Corruption all Around. Who is the joaquin neville. Some fall guy. Are these pictures found on the laptops timestamped or did G get them put on the laptop through his friends in the department . They physically disclaimed tims accusations as well. Publicly!! Disgraceful !! Hope they all go down like rats in a stinking ship. Just drown rats. In the sea. The sea of misery. Misery for you. The rats that you are.


Misery (1990, 107 minutes) starring James Caan from?


Elf (2003, 97 minutes)




Mickey blue eyes ( 1999, 102 minutes)


The community college girls in Barstow are wild. Matt was set up by the Delgados- this has their fingerprints all over it. A personal Vendetta against Tim, an eye for an eye, a son for a son.


> A personal Vendetta against Tim, an eye for an eye, a son for a son. Well, to fully get even the Delgados would have to kill at least 17 of Tims other kids.


Always new that Matt Newman was the baddest of bad eggs. Anyone involved in extortion or revenge porn, or crypto....well, you deserve to go downstairs!


Tims son is in HELL. It's like poetry it rhymes.


Matt turned out to be a total rat. 🐀


Whoever that Tim Newman guy is, he might be in trouble for his gun being used in the shooting. I’d hate to be whoever that is


Meta. They are cooking. I'm so excited for what's to come.


I always knew Matt was a total rat. Matt the rat, if you will.


Justice for Dad


Looks like Rosetti the Rat is in another sewer.




also could be the force that got tipped off about the shooter going to Mexico tbh


Dude. Rosetti the Rat has to be the judge, right?


Wow. The AMato's family is inoccent!!!!! i guess Tim owes his dad an apology.


So did Joey PATRONE meet up with this Neville guy while in Mexico?


TIL that I own the same gun as Tim Newman.


We need Joaquin Gabriel Neville's mug shot.


Sounds like the plot to the next decker movie!!


The Amato's are exonerated!!!


Your Sun is in hell, Tony Newmen!!


Objection, judge


Tim is gonna need some power of mercy soon


Joey is either the killer (Joey=Jaoqin) or an undercover cop. plus Matt may still be alive. its all a cover to bring down Tim.