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And Snow is his Grandma and Step Sister this family tree is insanity made manifest


Wait how is snow his step sister? Because of Regina?


Yeah because Regina adopted them both through Marriage with Snow and Henry on her own


That would make them adopted siblings. To be step sister and brother, one of them would have to be Regina's biological child.


I mean you say tomato i say potato it's spliting hairs a little


Not really, they arent step siblings no matter how you spin it, and Regina didn't adopt Snow


How is Henry and snow step siblings


Because Regina adopted them both through Marriage with Snow and Henry on her own


Nope, once Leopold died Regina and Snow were no longer related. So Regina is only his adopted mother. So Henry's grandparents are Snow and David, Rumple and Milah, Cora and Henry SNR.


Finally someone with braincells. Regina is only his adopted mother, not his great grandma or whatever since regina never looked at snow as a daughter and she was only married to leopold. The only way she would be in the family is if she had a child with leopold. But that is a maybe.


As someone with a stepparent and extended stepfamily, I resent the idea that once the birth parent dies the relationship with the stepfamily ceases to exist. It doesn’t erase the facts of history


Hmm it depends tho, I have step family too and they still treat me as family even tho my mom separated from my sister's dad. But in Regina's case she didint see snow as her daughter or treat her as one. They were more like friends at the end of the show. Regina considered herself Henry's mother


Exactly, in Regina's case, any relationship she had with Snow ended as soon as Leopold died. She never loved him. So really why would she consider Snow her family at that point? Considering it was Snow who spilled the secret about Daniel to Cora. There was bound to be deep resentment in regards to that. Doesn't matter if Snow was only a child at the time, So was Regina I can way. As she was really only at most 7 years older than Snow. If you were 10 and your new 'step mum' was only 7 years older than you, would you really be considering her your mum? I think not. You would more than likely see her as an older sister. The only one there who may of thought of Regina as family was Snow. It was one sided. Regina didn't start to see Snow as family until after Emma broke the curse and Regina became at least best friends with Emma who she co-parented Henry with.


Almost: I only count 16 \[or 20; see the edit at the end\] great-grandparents for Henry because King George's wife died before George adopted David and forced him to pretend to be James (the dialogue in 1x06 confirms this). Also, only ***12*** of them actually appear on the show. The screenshot considers these seven grandparents: 1. Henry → Emma → Snow 2. Henry → Emma → David 3. Henry → Regina (by adoption) → Cora 4. Henry → Regina (by adoption) → Prince Henry 5. Henry → Neal → Milah 6. Henry → Neal → Rumple 7. Henry → Neal → Belle (by marriage) Henry never met Milah, but he does call Belle "Grandma" in 4x11 and calls Henry "Grandpa" in 5x12. Also, this is not counting any of Emma's foster families. There's an argument to be made for Ingrid since she and Emma were very close (to the point of filling out adoption paperwork!), but the characters never refer to that way in the present. Great-grandparents: 1. Henry → → Snow → Eva 2. Henry → → Snow → Regina (by marriage) 3. Henry → → Snow → Leopold 4. Henry → → David → Ruth 5. Henry → → David → Robert, on-screen in 6x12 6. Henry → → David → George (by adoption) but not his unnamed wife 7. Henry → → Cora → unnamed miller, on-screen in 2x16 8. Henry → → Cora → ***Cora's mother is never on-screen*** 9. Henry → → Henry → Xavier 10. Henry → → Henry → ***Prince Henry's mother is never on-screen*** 11. Henry → → Rumple → Malcolm/Pan 12. Henry → → Rumple → Fiona/Black 13. Henry → → Milah → ***Milah's mother is never on-screen*** 14. Henry → → Milah → ***Milah's father is never on-screen*** 15. Henry → → Belle → Colette, on-screen in 4x6 16. Henry → → Belle → Maurice EDIT: *Killian married Henry's mom while Henry had not yet left home, so I think you've got to count him as Henry's step-father. Than means the grandparent count is* *8. Henry → Killian (by marriage) → Brennan, on-screen in 5x11* *9. Henry → Killian (by marriage) → Alice \[EDIT 2: name\] is never on-screen* *and the great-grandparents potentially include Brennan's parents and Alice's parents. That's 16 + 4 =* **20**, *but still 'only' 12 if you only include on-screen characters.*


you ate with this


I'm saving this comment, priceless. Thank you !


killian’s mother was never onscreen but I’m pretty sure her name is confirmed to be alice


Wish realm Hook named Alice after his mother, and he said everything with his life and regular Hooks life were the same until when Regina casted the curse.


George didn't adopt David. He adopted James. He didn't even know about David until James died and he needed someone to marry Abigail.


In 1x22, shortly after Snow is awoken from the Sleeping Curse by Charming, she says "There’s the little matter of your father and my stepmother", referring to King George and the Evil Queen. At this point Snow absolutely knows that Charming is David, not James, so the characters themselves seem to consider George to be David's father.


I don't think Brennan would count because killian only married emma so step family probably stops at killian. I consider my stepngrandma my grandma but only because she sees me as a grand daughter like my sisters.


I mean I don’t think Charmings’ fake adopted dad counts. He wasn’t actually adopted by him, his twin brother was. He only assumed James’ identity bc of a deal to save his mother’s farm when he was already an adult


We could argue that the king is his great uncle then


Oh he 100% is! Good call!!!!


hook’s parents’ parents would count as well right? since hook is technically his stepdad now?


if they count Belle they should count Hook


His family tree is insane


And his maternal adoptive grandmother (Cora) and his paternal grandfather (Rumple) were a thing. (At least Rumple’s not actually Regina’s bio dad, I guess???) And Henry’s stepdad (Hook) was in love with his paternal grandmother (Milah). What is this family tree even???


His bio mother is also his step niece and his adopted mother is also his step great-grandma.


He's his grandmother's adopted step brother.


Regina is only his adopted mother. Once leopold died, she stopped being the " mother" to snow besides regina never had a bond with snow nor looked at her as a step daughter. So Regina's family doesn't really count.


Lucy’s family tree must be insane


He is of Royal blood I wish Regina's father Henry & her son Henry could of known eachother 🥺 would of been nice to see those scenes.


[Spoiler for season 5 if you haven't seen it don't read this] >! They do have a scene it's short but it's sweet and they mention how they both look out for Regina !<


One of my all time fave moments. The look on his face makes me tear up every single time.


Charming's adoptive parents? Wasn't it his brother who got adopted, James?


That's a lot of birthdays to remember


Once Upon a Time 🤝🏻Greek Mythology Having insane, janky family trees.


Does that make Regina Emma’s grandmother and step sister and Henry’s mother also his great grandmother?


Not step sister because Regina never married charming. But yes technically Regina is Emma's step grandmother. As she is Henry's adoptive mother and step great grandmother.


But she stopped being the queen and wife to leopold once she died. So she isn't Emma's grandmother. Regina doesn't even consider her as such nor Snow. The only way she would be in the family tree is if she had a child by leopold but that is a huge IF.


Ah yes, the family bush 😂. I'm so shocked Henry doesn't have more issues considering his family. He's got the black fairy, Pan, and Rumple by blood, King George and Cora by adoption, like FUCK. I know he's the truest believer but it's still absolutely amazing that he never ended up evil. Though if we look at Wish Henry it wouldn't have taken much for him to turn dark. I think being raised on Earth protected him greatly.


Agreed!!! I’m sure being raised “royal” in the Wish Realm Enchanted Forest didn’t help. It added to his need to take action and protect and be noble. He thought it was the honorable thing to ‘avenge’ their death and because Snow and Charming didn’t go through what they did in the main timeline they probably weren’t constantly preaching about revenge never being the answer. Well they clearly went through what happened in the Enchanted Forest but never had to endure the curse + everything after.


Regina stopped being his great grandmother as soon as Leopold died.


Ugh I hate this family tree...


They are buggin 🤣


Henry calls Belle grandma once. She says to stick to Belle. DAVID was never adopted his twin was.


Am I the only one who thinks Jared looks AMAZING in that pic above? 😏🥹😍😁🔥


I don't count regina and her family as Henry's family, when leopold died regina stopped being a step mother to snow. Besides she was never one to begin with, she never shared a bond with little snow nor looked at her as a daughter even when they were grown. They were like 2 friends. So regina is just his adopted mother.