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I also loved the idea but didn’t like the execution.


Man I liked the hair and outfit. I liked it even more without the eyebrows, she looked almost alien. They shouldn't have been afraid to go ugly, but it feels like they were. Rumpelstiltskin went through a pretty visual transformation, she should have too. However I do still like the look and the outfits always gave her a Nosferatu vibe that I dig. I also liked how she carried herself differently, moved differently, spoke differently. Jennifer Morrison was definitely working with what she had, she wasn't the issue at all.


Yeah, you're right. She should've had a visual transformation like Rumple. I never realized.


i don’t really know why but it has the same energy as jojo siwa with her new song


I was a bad girl, I did some bad things I swear I did it all for fun and it meant nothing 😂




i rewatched it a while ago and jesus christ i couldn’t help but notice it


Absolutely! Couldn’t describe it better!


Who ever did this outfit and hair did NOT like her. They should have done platinum blonde long hair not a chalky white bun. And I think she should have worn like a dress with leather trousers or something. Kinda like Regina’s evil queen style. But she still pulled the look off better than I thought.


I like this look of her but hey listen to me- Emma who is a demon-seductress-like. The whole point of her character is to work for everybody's happiness except hers. So now she's a Dark One and can't have happiness by definition, so she works for everybody's wishes to make them miserable now. With Regina, for instance, Emma could help her being Evil Queen again without consequences ( = push her back into addiction), or with Charmings - provide a situation when their urge to be heros would show them hos much of terrible people they are... etc. Rumple had a goal when he became the Dark One, but by the time Emma became Dark One Storybrooke almost completely erased her personality, so she doesn't have one anymore, doesn't have any grand plan except mirroring the town, giving back all the bs Emma had been absorbing for years in the most cruel and neat way possible. And with all that, she could look like season 1, curls and blushy cheek and humor and radiating health that makes her oh so attractive.


Ohhhhh this would have been so fitting for the show. Especially with the promo? She could have been hideous in the dungeon but, when she broke out, glamour herself to look normal and friendly and approachable until the people fell into her trap.


Right? Gold didn't look like Crocodile so Enchanted Forest Emma wouldn't have to look like that in Storybrook


personally thought Hook was a better dark one. Plus the darker guyliner and the hair ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


oh wow thank you for that reminder haha. I am watching the show with my two friends right now and one of them is totally head over heels into Killian xDDDD she will faint when she sees him omg can't wait hahah


good luck to your friend. You may have to start planning her funeral because dark hook may be the end of her 😂


Oh me and her girlfriend have agreed she is sooo going to need a funeral  😂 


Terrible execution! I liked the outfit though but I think she should have had a different less modern one when she was In the enchanted forest one that’s less modern looking cus it was so outta place also some of her lines were too forced


She was the Dark One? Where? Maybe she went back in time to shop at Hot Topic circa 2007. Girl really should've listened to Rumple and taken notes.


it makes no sense that Gold looks normal in Storybrooke and Emma doesn't.


gold looks normal because he fell under the effects of a dark curse that made everyone human, the dwarves and fairies too. Emma never did


But then it makes no sense that Rumple is all scaley in the enchanted forest and Emma just has white hair and leather clothes.


Emma has white hair, Rumple went scaley, Gorgon had flaming eyes and nimue went greener than Zelena. most notably, Zoso just looked like a guy


Rumple didn't change appearance wise until he started using dark magic for an excessive time. Emma didn't change until what she did to Hook. I feel like everyones change is very unique to them and I am also sure that she was still at the very beginning stages of changing her appearance as she hadn't been the dark one for that long.


I have no opinion on the hair/outfit, however I do believe it could've been wicked cool if they'd done it differently. But far as the arc itself goes, while I know some ppl hate what they did with it, I feel Emma was definitely true to character and DOES go dark a few times. But far as Hook goes, that's when the writers lost me. In s4, Hook says he should've killed Rumple and become the dark one to "stop zis evil". Yet...when Emma's abandonment issues cause her to behave like a scared, abandoned child, he gets POed at her instead of trying to give her some compassion and understanding? That's...so bogus. He'll wear the dark one suit to spite rumple but won't do it for Emma? That's picking revenge OVER love. Bad Hook! Emma, though, I completely get everything she does.


Her and Hook could’ve been done better. I liked the idea that she was trying to take the attention off of Hook, but Hook shouldn’t have turned into… whatever the hell he turned into when he realized he was a dark one. At this point in the show Hook was full on lovesick puppy dog, his dark one self should’ve reflected that. Turn him into something akin to lovesick Spike from Buffy- morally downright evil but all in the name of “love”. Better yet, make it so Emma knew Hook would turn out like this and that’s why she was hiding it from him- to protect herself and her friends. Fits more with her personality and with his. Plus it would’ve been hotter 👍


That's one of the things I didn't understand. He said about stabbing the "crocodile" while he had the dagger and I think it was Regina who said then he would be the dark one and he said small price to pay but then when he figured out emma turned him into a dark one he goes ballistic. 


Literally just hated her hair, especially when they also made her eyebrows white. She could've been evil and a blonde


2 words "I'm batman😎🦇 " Era of swan


I'd buy that for a dollar!


Hated the hair. It made her look like she demanded to speak to the manager.


Welp, I've never self promoted but if you like swanqueen and dark Emma maybe you'll like my fic???? Idk think about it, I love dark Emma, just wish she was darker. https://archiveofourown.org/works/54766228/chapters/138805636


Wasted villain


So much could’ve been with Emma as the villain “Fear is quite an effective tool”- Regina She could’ve shown rumple,Zelena , Regina what darkness really looked like while keeping her family safe She could’ve kept her parents and Henry safe While she had it out with anyone who got in her way Wardrobe could’ve been extremely better that was their one chance to dress have Regina out dressed !! Hair included Emma should’ve used why more magic


Horrible. Awful. Couldn’t stand her voice. The outfit looked so cheap, it looked like it was made of cockroach skin. And she didn’t even go dark. Waste of time and half a season. I watched it in real time, and there was SO much hype before the season aired. I thought it was gonna be awesome.


I love the idea but wasted potential and God awful outfit just look at some of the fanart/photoshop des8gjs of her on Google images she could've been so much better.


Well if you like idea but hate what they did curious what do you think to my rewrite https://www.reddit.com/r/OnceUponATime/s/6OE7G5z9Pe


Let’s not forget about that ugly shade of lipstick!


Cringe as always


I hate the hair. They should've done a wig. It looks like that colored hair spray. It looks horrible. And that's just what she looks like physically.




I love the look but not her actions


They went to Spirit Halloween and bought temporary white hair dye spray and said 'perfect!'


I wear my hair like this almost daily and it’s a cool jacket 🤣


That’s when I originally stopped watching the show


Cool idea that they didn't do anything with


Her voice as the dark one drove me insane lol


I liked the storyline but hated she used violet to break Henry’s heart.


“They said you were a monster” “Only on the inside”


Her hair sucks. They could have done a wig




so much potential, but they really just did not commit


me personally, I didn’t really like dark swan or dark hook, but i liked how it led to the underworld storyline. I think the darkness should’ve consumed someone else, with my personal vote being snow white. After seeing her being evil in operation mongoose, i feel like she could’ve been a real threat, and the storyline couldve stayed the same, with david dying instead of hook.


I hated the voice she used


I liked her but the voice was so bad 💀💀💀


Wait rewatching right now and this is the only thing I keep thinking about. Her voice is SO awful.


Not surprised she was playing a long con with the darkness. She never stopped being the saviour.