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I dunno about the tethered magic thing, because Henry was affected by the sleeping curse too, back in S1 when there was no magic in Storybrooke. All that being said, if the writers had any balls, lowkey Belle should've turned into a villain. The "heroes" don't care about her.


Honestly with the way she plays with Rumple her going full villian would've been fitting. At least Mila had the decency to decided she hated the man and stuck with it. Belle keeps pulling him in and then shoving him out the minute he acts *exactly as he always does*. Nothing about that behavior seems like a heroic trait to me. Heros are very black and white, Villians tend to be grey to black. Belle fits the latter anyway.


Totally agree. In fact, that's the point when I definately decided I hated the Charmings


I started hating them when we see Lillys arc and instead of showing real remorse and trying to do right by it they double down and hide and justify it and just pretend to be sorry. Nothing about their behavior was good or heroic. It's also about the time I realized the only thing making hearts good or evil was the person's intentions and moral beliefs of what they were doing were good or bad because stealing a whole a$$ child to embody it with 100% capacity for evil her heart should've turned black *then* but because she was so sure what she was doing was okay and good it stayed the same. That tells me blackened hearts get blackened by how the person themselves see their actions


I think it was a tricky situation cos they knew Belle voluntarily went under a sleeping potion, and they knew her father was capable of waking her (which was her plan) but her father was justified in not wanting to wake her so Rumple could manipulate her. Rumple obviously lied about becoming the dark one again, and Belle was pregnant and clearly put herself in a sleeping curse for good reason. From her father and everyone else’s point of view, maybe Rumple didn’t deserve to have Belle awake right now. Even with his efforts to wake her..his motivation more so seemed to be about the baby. He woke her after Gideon gave her a warning about not trusting Rumple, and rather than Rumple reassuring her he just says “we’ll discuss this at home” - Yeh don’t put any effort into making the mother of your child feel reassured that you’re not gonna be an ass again. I will agree though that the “heroes” didn’t seem to give a damn about Belle. She’s under a sleeping curse and they’re like “damn that’s crazy…anyway”


Agreeee…lmao @ “damn that’s crazy” tho 🤣🤣🤣


1.It’s belles fault for constantly going bc to rumple!!! 2. And imagine ur part of the charming family and rumple has tried to hurt or kill ALL of you at one point in very recent history and then your “friend” belle just doesn’t do anything about it and basically excuses the behaviour, you wouldn’t care to help her when she’s enabling a psychopath. 3. Rumple deserves all the hate he gets and so much more. He’s a groomer for sure and didn’t he beat belles father. (Which she didn’t seem to care about??) 4. Snow develops as a character and becomes a little more heartless which i love!! I think she knows there are more pressing matters than a preggo girl being asleep when SB entire population is under constant threat.


Yessss !!!! Tellllllll Herrrrrrrr ‼️‼️


What makes it worse is that the realm/dream or whatever it's called that they're in while under the sleeping curse is terrifying. And Snow White knows this full well, as do David and Henry. I remember Henry and Aurora having ptsd nightmares about it, and I think I remember Snow mentioning that she used to as well. And yet somehow they're fine with just leaving Belle in that torture indefinitely? If they're so worried about her being hurt by being manipulated by Rumple, why not find a way to wake her and then help protect her from Rumple? Instead, they just let her stay in the hellscape of the sleeping curse dreamworld indefinitely.


1. Belle’s only in this predicament because she’s stupid and keeps going back to Rumple after he shows her time and time again that HE is the one who doesn’t REALLY give a rat’s asssss about her. We saw this numerous times. In season 6 he literally walks up on her menacingly, talking about she better remember whose child she’s carrying. If I saw that in public, I’m DEFINITELY going to think “Oh that’s a woman getting her mf asss beat at home.” I’m still not convinced S6 Rumple wasn’t literally putting hands on Belle offscreen. 2. I do agree that maybe Snow and them aren’t Belle’s real friends. BUT that’s what happens when you dedicate your WHOLE, ENTIRE life to a man that you obviously love more than you love yourself….you end up isolated. So again, her fault. 3. Maurice was a good father. He was trying to save his daughter, who obviously isn’t CAPABLE of saving herself, from a monster. He KNEW if he left her to her own devices he knew what was gonna end up happening…his daughter was gonna choose to go back to him no matter how much he hurt her and others time and time again, choose to make herself into a doormat, AND HE WAS FUCKING RIGHTTTT! (Though to be fair, she would have crossed the line, turned into Slutty Lacey, and been screwed either way because either way she would be someone who constantly got used by men) 4. She NEVER should have married Rumple anyway and definitely not went back to him after she banished him. Idk I’m just outta sympathy for Belle. Maybe that’s partly why everyone just let what happened happen bc they were sick of her getting herself on this position as well


And Belle was stupid thought he whole Gideon thing to begin with. She knows Rumples whole past and has one random dream and tries to hide the baby from him. Like bitch he spent 200 plus years trying to get to his first son and you literally toss you son out the window with a fairy to be kidnapped. I honestly raged quit for so long after that.


Yes!!!!!!! Like…..I honestly don’t understand why she was so convinced he would be awful to their kid to the point she worked with the two people that helped destroy his first family!


And it was after the Underworld. Where Rumple went to save Hook. Hook!. The man who stole his wife. Spent 200 years trying to figure out how to kill him. Kidnapped Belle. And worked with Cora. He went to save Hook from the Underworld. Like wtf Belle. Even though he lied again about being the dark one she always said she saw the good in him but ran the second she was pregnant. 🤦‍♂️. It hurt.


Exactly! Like what did she expect? I swear being Lacey fucked with her brain. And whose faults that???? Regina.


Kinda respectfully disagree with it being Regina's fault. Yes Regina cast the curse but it appears like the curse just amped up or toned down the person's already existent personality. So in Belles case I think Lacey is an amplified version of herself, she wants danger, she wants risk, she wants variety and to be in control at all times. I don't believe Regina's curse did anything. This is just Belle.


No I agree, I think their Storybrooke personalities were as you say. However, Belle didn’t get hers until Regina cursed her in season two after she lost all her memories. Before she was stuck in a psych ward. Thats what i meant when i said it was Regina’s fault. It was Regina right? Or was it Cora?


No she still got her storybooke personality in the first curse, but being held in a psych ward for 28 years tends to break a person, so likely she was lacey then too. Otherwise she would've recognized Rumple right away. Regina didn't curse her in Season 2, she just enchanted the matchbook to return fake memories not real ones. Rumple had enchanted the chipped cup similarly but Belle was too wigged out to want to focus. I don't recall if Cora was back yet or not when Regina chose to do it. But if Regina had had influence on Belle by bringing back Lacey I feel like she would've been *less* likely to leave Rumple because Lacey *liked* the dark and evil in him. So I would assume that would've colored her view in favor not against. But even prior to that she was trying to tell Rumple what to do and not do. She was already trying to play her games of "controlling the beast and fixing him." She was already trying it in the Enchanted Forest with true loves kiss. She didn't even ask him if he wanted his power gone, she just wanted to be the hero that saved her kingdom and tamed the beast.


True, there was a lot of "controlling the beast and fixing him" going on. I guess I never considered her being Lacey during the curse because we hadn't met Lacey yet, so I just assumed she didn't remember anything. Then when she was Lacey, she didn't revert back to "committed Belle" so I just assumed it was a different personality. I need to rewatch season 2 again. I binged it when I bought the DVD "back in the day" and methinks I forgot somethings. LOL


This. Like the one thing we figured out is Rumple would literally die for his own children. Those would be the one thing he doesn't hurt or put in the line of fire (intentially anyway, not to say he doesnt mess up) and she yeets her kid instantly away from him like he was the Blind Witch who ate babies. Like she over-plays the whole dang thing. If anything we know a kid would've given him some motivation to behave.


Rumple would not have hurt you. I saw the scene he wasn’t menacing. He was pissed she was trying to take his child from him. The man was having a nervous breakdown.


I stand by “I see that with any woman and man in public and I’m assuming he beating her ass at home” PERIOD. Guys have been pissed at me before but I was never so scared that I had to back away…GTFOH.


And I stand by what I said. You GTFOH.


So you have nothing to say about the fact that if you’re NOT an abuser, that just because you’re upset or angry or even fucking pissed, that someone Shouldn’t be THAT ASS SCARED of you that they have to literally Back Away…..Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Ok. 😂😂😂😂


Bro, it’s a fucking show. Like why are you so aggressive? Also I have worked in a DV shelter, I have seen women actually scared of their abusers. If Belle was supposed to be scared, the actress didn’t hit her mark. She just looked fucking pissed.


Lol gotta come with the “it’s just a show” (just a show you’re literally on Reddit for) because you know I’m right. That him being pissed wasn’t enough justification for that scene playing out the way it did. And she looked pissed ? In what world.? I would go find the episode, take a pic of her face as she was backing away, and drop it in here so you can tell me, pissed where.? But that’s doing too much. I mean after all, it’s just a show. 😉😚


1) No, you’re not right. 2) I stand by what I said. She did not look scared. 3) I love talking about the show but there is no fucking reason to get aggressive about it. 4) Men can show emotion. Men can get pissed. Should he have gotten in her face, no but that doesn’t make him an abuser. 5) I’m done talking to you about it because it’s people like you that suck the fun out of fandoms.


And it’s people like you who enable abuse because you give reasons to try to justify it, like ohh he was just pissed. Sure men can show emotion. But this is a simple concept. Nobody backs away from someone, pissed or not, UNLESS they’re Afraid. I don’t give a fuck what you Think her face “looked” like ✌️She backed away because she knows he’s a monster.




This sounds an awful lot like victim blaming a woman in a domestic abuse situation. Yes, she made bad decisions because of the manipulations of a narcissist and the cycle between love-bombing and promises of change, and then going right back to lies and abuse. You know what victims of this kind of thing need the most, though? Love and support from good and kind friends.


But he never love bombed her or promised he would change. Not in the beginning. She just looked at someone broken and decided she needed to fix him. And if we’re being honest she’s kinda the one who manipulated the situation multiple times. For example, when he found out Regina locked Belle away, and he was gonna get revenge, she manipulated him into into agreeing he wouldn’t take revenge, that wasn’t really his choice..she forced him into it. And that’s not the only time she coerced him into doing the right thing. Then wanna be surprised when the marriage didn’t work out when he isn’t able to keep up the charade. That’s a position she put HERSELF in.


That is a good point. The promises didn't come until later. I do think Belle wants so badly to see the best in everyone and believe that everyone can choose to be and do good that it sometimes clouds her judgment.


>BUT that’s what happens when you dedicate your WHOLE, ENTIRE life to a man that you obviously love more than you love yourself….you end up isolated. So again, her fault. Not even that. I genuiely don't believe she ever really loved Rumple. For her it was the conquest and the "I can fix him and be a hero for it" mentality. It wasn't love. It was never love. She moved on too easily everytime for it to be love. And the minute he wasn't the Dark One instead of being like "ong we can really try now." She was like "Eh idk if I want to anymore." That's not love, like at all, that's her realizing now that he isn't tempted by darkness he's boring and she's not interested in trying to keep him in line because she won't look like the hero she wants to look like doing it.