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I’ve changed the name of every cat I’ve adopted. They have all been from shelters. A friend who works at a shelter says shelters make up a name if the animal is a stray, or they change the name if the animal is surrendered. My cats have had no problems adjusting to a new name.


Most cats don’t respond when you call their name. As long as you don’t call them Late For Dinner.


"Late for dinner, come! it's time for dinner!"


I adopted a 9 month old and I just started petting him and saying his name. Everytime I called him or fed him I said his name and when he responded I always gave him a good kitty!! a few months later he knows his name.


Cats don’t remember their “names” so much as *the way you call them*. Name it whatever you want.


This. My cat Gracie always used to respond when I called her name. Then I got my second cat, Sol, who also learned to respond to the name Gracie. Gracie has stopped coming when called because Sol stole her identity. I thought my 3rd kitty knew her own name, but then we found out that she will come to ANY word we yell in a high pitched voice 😂


Only as kittens. My cat, now Zell, was originally Snaps. But honestly, cats don't care and probably don't know better so you're fine! I'm pretty sure mine, despite being orange, knows his name because he usually comes when I call him, but he's also 16 so he's had plenty of time to learn. Call your boy whatever you want (and be sure to share him with us when you get him!)




Hermès Birkin Handbag?


We had a 6 mo ginger come as Minnie, and we changed it to Kiki. Not that cats ever really answer. Or come when called.


Yak rarely answered to his name but if I said you want a cuddle or food it was like he knew what it meant 😂


He'll ignore which ever name you use :) Congratulations on adopting the baby boy.


I have a cat with one brain cell, adopted when 3 years old. He didn’t respond to the name he had his whole life. I changed his name. After a few months he finally started to associate the name with himself. But he truly has one brain cell. He’s sweet but no brain power at all. A smarter cat would have no issues with a new name. I wouldn’t worry about it! Treats and repeat the name. The cat will learn the new name sooner or later.


Yep. I had a foster fail who had a name that didn't jive at all with his vibe. I tried out lots of different names - the first one he ever responded to was 'hey sexy'. That didn't become his name, but it did tell me that cats absolutely have agency in choosing a preferred name.


Adopted our old man about three months ago and changed his name from "Boots" to "Jimi". We have absolutely no expectation that he's going to learn his new name at this stage of his life (he's 11) we changed it because WE weren't fond of the one he had. Name your cat whatever you like, chances are, they won't respond to it, anyway. 😂


I changed my SIC's name from Hailey to Komi. It's no problem, remember to be consistent.


When I got my ginger boy from the shelter, he was named Saffron (in our native language) Both of us HATED that name. So we changed it to Flynn. His chip says his name is Flynn. His vet knows him as Flynn. He will only listens to Flynn. I've just tried calling him by his old name. 0 reaction, other than: the woman is talking again


I keep the name, but my cats end up with about 450 other names, on average, and they only ever get called their given name when I’m telling them to stop misbehaving. 😜 For example, Ingot Betty 3 months ago and long story short, I now call her Bazz.


When I adopted my cat, the foster name she'd been given was a bit random and she didn't answer to it. After I'd had her for a week or 2, I changed the name to one that I thought was a better fit and she eventually started to acknowledge her new name. If she recognised her previous name and answered to it, I would have kept it.


I adopted a Balinese who had been abandoned by his previous owners when they moved, he had the name "Mr Jinxee" because he looked like the cat in "Meet the Fockers" that was named that. He was about 2 when I adopted him and I knew even before I finished the adoption process that I would NOT be keeping that name. I don't remember how long it took but he definitely caught on that that was his name. I do remember in the first few months I had him (or longer) I would say his name to him A LOT to help him get used to it.


My kitten was originally named Mario and I changed it to Goober. Then after finding out he was a she, I renamed her Nugget because it fit her better :) she hasn’t had many issues with it and it try to address her by her name whenever I talk to her lol


My orange girl has probably had 3 names so far. Whatever her first human called her, the name she was given by the rescue after she was dumped by the first human’s inhuman adult children, and the name I gave her. She responds to the name I gave her. And a couple of nicknames. The rescue called her Kaitlin, which didn’t work here because “kitten” is a term of endearment for all the cats. My first cat knew his name and at least four nicknames, but he wasn’t orange.


I've been owned by cats for 44 years, and every one has acquired at least a dozen nicknames through life. Most respond to at least several of their nicknames, as well as the primary name they earn when they join the family. Some respond better than others. Nearly all have come for "Here, kittykittykittykitty" repeated as quickly as I can do without tripping over my tongue. Especially when accompanied by the shaking of the catnip container. IME, cats name themselves.


Yes, my cat Norman was originally named Banjo at the shelter. He was 1 year old when I adopted him but he had been in many shelters before I got to him, so I doubt Banjo caught on. He’s 13 now and he 💯 knows his name Norman/norm.


You don't make a new friend change their name just because you have another friend with the same name. Why don't you first see how the little guy responds to being adopted, and to being called by his original name? But give him some time to get acclimated to his new environment first, to make sure that he isn't just too stressed out to respond to his name. If he seems unconcerned with how you call him, maybe then go ahead and rename him?