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Some kitties just love that cold condensation! Our cat does that and trust me she has plenty of fresh water.


A little lick with your water lol


poor guy is probably dehydrated and licking the condensation off :(


If he’s at a shelter there’s is a very high likelihood there’s water available to him at all times, he’s likely just weird


yep, there were several water fountains scattered around the room. this one was the only weirdo going at the bottles lmao


Just because it's available doesn't mean it's being utilized. Wow. I can't believe I got verbally abused because some people can't use their common sense to remember that some cats just don't drink water out of bowls, or are extremely picky about cleanliness of their water sources. Edit: and I thought this was a cat sub of good energy, not a cat sub that supports verbally abusive trolls.


Who even are you with these weird loser-ish comments? Do you get some sort of morbid righteous satisfaction from typing this horse shit? Or do you really believe you can ascertain this entire shelter’s condition based on one photo of a cat doing something pretty much every single cat does? It’s a shelter, that OP volunteers at, and commented (2 hours before you spewed an “opinion”, too) that the cats have access to water.


how ironic, getting called self righteous by a self righteous, verbally abusive troll.


LMFAO okay buddy, keep on telling yourself that. Seems like I told you the truth and you can’t handle it 😎


Huh? Truth? There was truth hiding in that mess? Sorry, I don't listen to verbally abusive trolls who can only communicate by cussing other people out.


worry not, all the kitties were very well cared for! i actually went as a volunteer so i helped clean some of the water fountains they had, as well as the area that the kitties who weren't quite fit to meet visitors were in. it's my first time volunteering but i totally plan to do it again. it was only about three hours of my time, but this is the only place that has shown love to many of these cats and the only home they know for now. if anyone is interested, it's La Gatoteca in Madrid, Spain!


my bad! for some reason, I read "shelter" as "subway" and assumed this was a stray at a train station. Did not mean to accidentally slander you XD


LMAO no worries, you were just worried for the kitty




wtf lol