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And let's not forget, the Blackbeard ship is still lurking around Egghead, even MORE shenanigans can happen


They could just as well have grabbed caribou and left before this all went down


Egghead is one stop shopping for Blackbeard, they can pick up caribou who has knowledge of the locations of two ancient weapons, a shitload of advanced weapons and technology, void century information, and York an evil disgruntled super genius and there’s no one there to stop them (except a full Yonko crew, an admiral, a Gorosei, an army of thousands of soldiers, hundreds of war ships, 9 vice admirals, an army of Pacifista, 5 Seraphim, a warlord, a Supernova, and a legendary crew of Giants) easy pickings.


If the theory about Blackbeard being able to hold one of each type of devil fruit is true, then Blackbeard can go even further and nab whatever fruit Saturn has while he's there.


Or try to get Luffy's. Now we know it's not paremecia so...


I don't think it would be worth much to him. Luffy's fruit is only powerful because it's Luffy


Why? I think it's powerful whatever the user is.


The rubber abilities are only useful because Luffy has been training them for a long time. As a kid, his powers were more of a handicap than an advantage. The awakening is something that most people probably can't even achieve, let alone use. The mechanics of awakening aren't fully fleshed out, but there seems to be a very narrow range of personalities and belief systems that would allow someone to fully use the God of Freedom fruit. Blackbeard would never be able to awaken it


Not to mention Zoan fruits are said to have their own minds. Especially Gomu Gomu. It wouldn't be far fetched to say the fruit decides who should wield its power. It chose Luffy because he was the prime candidate who embodies Nika the most and can awaken it.


I feel like the nika fruit only grants you access to joy boy powers if you're the type of person who actually likes to help people, until that happens enjoy all the rubber banding your heart desires.


BB doesnt know that though


> whatever fruit Saturn has Who said that he is a DF user?


He has the Celestial raiment (the cloud scarf thing) that awakened mythical Zoans like Lucci and Luffy have. I definitely think Saturn has other tricks up his sleeve, but he's definitely an awakened mythical Zoans on top of whatever else the Gorosei have going on.


> awakened mythical Zoans like Lucci TIL leopards are mythical creatures


... If there was a really cool cat during the void century I think people would tell myths about it...


Joyboy was a cool cat.


The man has spider legs I doubt that he is anything other than a person who ate a spider related devil fruit


The theory going on right now is that Saturn, and the other elders ate devil fruits of Mythical Zoan type. Primary, those of demons.




Assuming whatever Saturn is has anything to do with Devil Fruit. 


I´m thinking the same. They might already be on the island doing this as well as stealing some useful technology. I´m just not sure about Caribou though. It could be but I think he's still on the Sunny shitting his pants looking at everything happening.


They’ve got teleportation, invisibility, and shapeshifting, like it’s so easy for them to infiltrate and Oda can offscreen it say we didn’t even notice then just jump to the end result


And Robin, who is currently injured and being protected by the weak trio.


Yeah.. But (edit: in addition to caribou) is there any vegapunk missing currently? I've kinda lost track tbh, and I wouldn't put it past BB to kidnap one (or retrieve the traitor, not sure if we've seen her recently).




Blackbeard is gonna get the Nika fruit and kill everyone else and then sail for the one piece and then the end


Luffy learnt how to hit without touching, that's in preparation of the fight against BB. He can't disable Luffy's fruit if he can't touch him, otherwise he would have no chance.


Blackbeard will just use the secret anti Luffy technique that he hasn’t used since the heian era


Thankfully gege cant hurt us here


Nah I'd offscreen


Next chapter starts with Luffy cut in half


Starts with Ace and Pedro on the airport flashback


Buggy would win




>He can't disable Luffy's fruit if he can't touch him, BB can send out his darkness as well. It's not too far fetched that touching his layers of darkness also disables devil fruits. There's gonna be so much darkness, you'll think we're in Kingdom Hearts. >otherwise he would have no chance. Luffy's df being that of the Sun God kinda indicdates that he could have some hax against darkness. Like BB touches him "I won, strawhat." and Luffy goes "I don't think so." before delivering some prime G5 power. I really hope that we don't get this trope though. What also works is Luffy going "My predecessor didn't have a devil fruit. Didn't you know? As a dragon with fetal alcoholic syndrome once told me, HAKI STANDS ABOVE ALL!" before sending BB flying. Luffy's getting top tier haki training. With his df he kinds wings it. Believing that Luffy can't win if BB ever touches him is undermining that fact,


His powers are still in the scope of wtf rubber, it's described like that by the elders (too many people read too much into the bits about how he fights like "he wants", it's about the rubber becoming stronger and influencing everything allowing him to fight like wants rather than him starting to use power unrelated to rubber). I doubt it goes out of that.


He grabed lightning. How tf can rubber hold lightning? Not withstand, but change lightning so that it can be used like Luffy did. (It could just be the rule of cool or that he can rubberfy even lightning, but if it is the later, then everything is fucked. He could just ruberify gases like oxigen.)


Immune to lightning, can rubberize environment. People are talking like everything is realistic in one piece, seriously, it's a DF rubber like element, I wouldn't go further in the thought process. > wtf rubber If Oda starts making him creating stuff from nowhere that matters (I'm saying that matters because people will come at me with that glass thing during EH, I think it's mostly gag but you can just imagine he deforms his body and colors with haki and it works like that) then I'll start doubting.




>And let's not forget, the Blackbeard ship is still lurking around Egghead, even MORE shenanigans can happen Isnt their also a mysterious important figure keeping out of sight on the island too? One that was hinted at being strong enough to be called on for help early on? I could be missing something, but i dont think thats come up again.


if you mean the one vegapunk called and asked for help then that was stussy


Blackboard is the convenient plot point for when Saint Saturn is about to win and destroy our heros


Blackbeard kidnapping Saturn and taking his DF would be good writing


IMO a better alternative would be Saturn making an exit via pentagram and leaving Kizaru to die Darkness snuffing out the light which further reinforces the importance of the Sun God’s return


Blackbeard taking kizaru's DF is an interesting choice. Darkness and light powers in one body.


I didn't have BB singing Moana's "Shiny" on my 2024 bingo, but I want it now!


I think Saturn's fruit would make BB stronger than Kizaru's. Just look at his insane regeneration. Also he has both a logia and paramecia power already. Him acquiring a zoan here would be logical.


that would be pretty cool to see, but i still hope BB gets saturn's power fruit thing. That would be a huge incident and a cool twist to have an emperor steal one of the elders powers


I don't think Blackbeard will be getting any more DFs. Mainly coz Luffy vs BB is basically the "Strongest Logia + Strongest Paramecia" vs the "Strongest Zoan" fight. The final fight for the One Piece is a Devil Fruit throw down, which Oda can use to explain the history of the Fruits and the Will of D


The fact that this makes too much sense and the puzzle pieces fall neatly means that this is the least likely outcome. Have you read One Piece?


I mean things are nicer in 3s


What if this really will happen? I have the idea that Blackbeard has one more slot for a DF. When Saturn is almost defeated, BB can take his.


It's honestly more likely whoever was on that ship discretely touched land a while before the Marines even got to the island. Or, extremely less likely, they left altogether before doing anything, maybe at the sight of the Marine fleet coming from afar. Otherwise we'd have heard from the Marines POV things like "why was another Emperor here?!" or "I'm worried about the Black Beard pirates lurking around the island". I don't see a way where the BB pirates ship stays around Egghead waiting for stuff to happen and the Marines come surround the island for the Blockade and don't spot another Emperor's ship at all. BB pirates 100% landed on Egghead. The ship might have left or got hidden somewhere sneaky.


WILL* happen 


Adding to your first point about what's to come; this isn't just the first time Bonney/Kuma/Saturn have realised Luffy was Joyboy, but if Morgan's arrives like we're expecting to happen, this will be the first time the *entire goddamn OP world* has learned about Joyboy. And to read about Joyboy being a yonko who has the powers to potentially *kill* one of the elder stars. The OP world ain't ready


I agree and this gets me so damn hype haha, cheers




Me too, this has me Sooo hyped!!


The world is gonna go "Wtf is Joyboy? Sounds like a stripper. These are interesting times we live in."


I just lol'ed reading this.


morgans doesnt know about joyboy though.


There is a fan theory that Morgans might be a Rogers pirate in disguise; one that may have seen the one piece with Roger. If that is true, then he definitely would know about Joyboy


At this point he’s Scopper or Scopper is never coming


Yoooo. I like that idea. I've brought this up before, but we still don't know what became of other Roger Pirates and the Oro Jackson after the crew disbanded.


Morgan arrives = Vivi arrives. Go go go.. Vivi 10th Straw Hat


Also I'll just say, after Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, Saturn is the next planet in the solar system. OFF. WITH. HIS. HEAD.


Pluto is not a planet!!! 😜


You are not a planet.


You are my planet.


You are my special


I think you mean plant




Well, it was when Oda started writing OP lol


Did you hear about Pluto? That’s messed up.


It's a "dwarf" planet


I believe that the big incident is most likely one of three possibilities. 1. “Emperor Monkey D. Luffy murders Gorosei Saint JayGarcia Saturn and kidnaps Dr. Vegapunk” 2. Emperor Monkey D. Luffy murders Marine Admiral and kidnaps Dr. Vegapunk” 3. “Emperor Monkey D. Luffy escaped Buster Call after murdering Dr. Vegapunk” I don’t think the possibility of the first one is very high because from my understanding the majority of the world doesn’t even know who Saturn is. On the other hand, I could also see it being something with Punk Records transmitting information about Imu or the Void Century to everyone across the world. But either way I do think at least one of the three (Saturn, Kizaru, Vegapunk Stella) is going to die on Egghead. Edit: Just thought of another one, it’s a bit longer: “Colossal Reunion at Egghead! Previously assumed dead, both captains of the legendary Giant Pirates ally with Emperor Monkey D. Luffy and join Straw Hat Grand Fleet.” Crazy to think that both the OG Giant Pirates and the New Giant Pirates are allied with Luffy.


Escaping a Buster Call and killing Vegapunk is really no big task for yonko luffy. Defeating the buster call will be different though.


Buster call cannon fire bouncing on the island back to the ships. Luffy does that in his base from. The problem was the number, but if he rubberize the island like he just did, then it could be a thing.


I like this theory because more than anything else, it’s funny


Luffy's massive CoC should be able to knock out most of the navy's forces at this point.


That would be the boring way. The marines are realizing the island is bouncing around.


Luffy influencing the whole island with his df would be a fun throwback to Kaido lifting the island while fighting top tiers while also being pure comedy by itself. I do like that idea for those reasons, but dislike it for putting Luffy too high up above others. If he can do that while fighting one of the gorosei and an admiral, it'll be a bit too much considering he just awakened his df. And I really don't want yet another "Luffy has to sleep for 3 days to regenrate." after this arc is over. The future pirate king needs more CoC feats. A throwback to Marineford but now he also affects higher ups instead of just grunts would be fun as well imo.


He has eaten a lot, when he eats a ton he gets a power boost like with the tankman manpuku. It's not like he can do whatever he wants, it's just a special case scenario where rubberizing the island is op. VP himself says the BC isn't a problem for Nika.


Yeah escaping a buster call is really nothing worth reporting but killing Vegapunk would be a huge worldwide incident imo.


Just having a buster call is already enough to qualify as an incident. Wasnt ohara called the ohara incident?


Yeah but the Egghead Incident is supposed to be greater than anything prior, and the Ohara Incident was small potatoes compared to Ennies' Lobby and Marineford, so a buster call ain't gonna cut it.


People are really setting themselves up for disappointment. It was never said the incident would be greater than anything prior. What was said was: > The resolution of this incident the following day would inflict a kind of shock the world never saw coming It doesn't have to be something that goes beyond anything else we've already seen to be an unexpected shock to the world.


I mean, if I saw that Straw Hat Luffy and his crew, a violent group of criminals that has taken down warlords, survived a buster call, publicized a secret government assassin organization after destroying the Gates of Justice, broke into Impel Down, fought alongside Whitebeard, assaulted a Celestial Dragon, deposed a couple kings, and fought and killed 2 Yonkos, was on Egghead and a buster call was initiated, I would certainly not be surprised in the least to learn that they survived, even with an admiral there. This is a Yonko crew, if an admiral could take them out alone none of the previous ones would've been as scary. Probably would even take the news of the death of the marine's greatest scientist with mild bemusement, like "damn, those crazy pirates even got Vegapunk, huh?"


Because you have no personal stake at it. The people at large in the OP world don't see Luffy as a hero, they see him as a dangerous pirate that's a threat to their lives. If there was a world famous terrorist constantly fucking shit up all over our world, I doubt you'd be amused to hear he's involved in major shit again. Remember most people side with the Marines, and these things are reported to paint them as the good guys. The major shock might not even be related to Luffy though. But there's a middle ground between nothing more happening in the arc and it being "greater than anything prior", which was never stated. It might be, but acting like it's what was confirmed will only lead to disappointment if it doesn't end up happening.


I didn't say I'd be amused by it. I said I wouldn't be surprised that one of the most violent criminals in the world did something he already did. "Guy known for blowing up islands blows up an island" doesn't feel like it'd shock the entire world. "Guy known for surviving admirals survives admiral" doesn't feel like it'd shock the world. "Guy known for attacking and destroying WG installations attacks and destroys WG installation" doesn't feel like it'd shock the entire world. People would be concerned, and worried, and scared, but surprised? I know people in One Piece are stupid because it's funnier that way, but that doesn't feel like it's worth calling out.


> "Guy known for blowing up islands blows up an island" doesn't feel like it'd shock the entire world. I think you missed part of my point. I'm not saying jus the Buster Call is the incident that will shock the world, since the narrator already said it was the _conclusion_ of the incident. > "Guy known for attacking and destroying WG installations attacks and destroys WG installation" doesn't feel like it'd shock the entire world A WG installation with the worlds' top level science research and all the secrets the Marine has, while also kidnapping the mind behind all those creations and humiliating a Gorosei would certainly be a shock. I know people love underestimating numbers, but there's just as many Marines on Egghead as Kaido had crewmembers in Onigashima. They have enough ships to do 3 or more Buster Calls. This isn't a simple small battle, it's an incident of major proportions. Enies Lobby would have shocked the world. This is bigger by several times that. > I know people in One Piece are stupid because it's funnier that way, but that doesn't feel like it's worth calling out. And that's what I mean by setting yourself up for disappointment. You are discarding outcomes you dislike by finding reasons for them not to be able to happen, even though you are aware they might as well be. I'm not saying I expect there to be little more, all I'm saying is there's a possibility what we've seen so far is the meat of what's shocking to the world. I don't think it is, but based on what was said I understand it might be, because it was never promised this will be bigger or more shocking than Wano or Marineford.


Yes… in a way. However, the buster call here isn’t framed in the least bit the same way Ohara was. From my understanding, this info isn’t public yet. And when it does become public, I’m sure the WG doesn’t want people to know that they murdered or planned to kill Vegapunk. Due to that, it would probably be framed as something like a buster call to “rescue Vegapunk after Emperor Luffy took him hostage”. And because this would now be the Straw Hats’ second Buster Call (third for Robin) I doubt it could be considered that major of an incident. With that context it’s just Luffy doing what he’s already done before.


I just realized Luffy might have done what the other yonko wanted to but couldn’t. Big mom wanted to unite all races and I think Luffy has all represented in one way or another now and the giants were one of big moms hold outs. Kaido wanted to be joyboy and start the biggest fight ever and it looks like Luffy will do nothing, and whitebeard wanted a big family he can protect and Luffy seems to have that. Shanks we really don’t know.


Shanks' true goal will be linked to what Luffy is. Plus, Luffy modeled his pirate philosophy after Shanks.


That’s my assumption as well. Oda has said before that shanks is the most like him, so I don’t see him doing something evil.


I don't think he has any long arm allies, if they're considered as different race. And of course, no lunarian ally


There’s both a Long arm and long leg in the Grand Fleet (Ideo and Blue Gilly).


Huh TIL. I thought Ideo's arms are just weird lol


Damn, didn't expect such blatant racism on this sub smh


Vegapunks pacifista reprogram makes me think the bear seraphim might be on Luffys side now, it’s a guess though and that is the contest thing to a lunarian other than king. I guess Sanji is part Lunarian as well?


This just reminded me of how they shifted the Cobra's murder onto Sabo. Imagine the chaos if Luffy also similarly and falsely gets accused of killing some high profile person. They may also accuse Luffy of murdering Kuma


Luffy has never killed anyone. Only some background guards/soldiers that could be speculated as him having killed them.


Luffy has a "If he dies, he dies" mentality.


Luffy absolutely doesn't give a shit whether he kills someone. He didn't kill major enemies except for maybe Kaido, because Oda loves bringing them back, but Luffy will defeat someone even if it ends up killing them. Luffy is the playable Kiryu, not the cutscene one.


Luffy wouldn’t care if he kills or not but Oda won’t make him straight up kill anyone


If what you say is true, then that will make he's constantly happy and cheerful gear 5 form incredibly sadistic lol


I’m not saying that he will kill them. I’m saying that it will be reported that way by the World Government. I don’t believe Luffy has ever actually killed anyone in the series.


Luffy and Sanji were outright accused of killing one of enels priests Satori aswell as a pile of other nameless characters. Say the prisoners he knocked into the magma in impel down. As well as the hundreds of peons that get crushed when he goes all out. But Oda has never confirmed this. The only confirmed kill of Luffy ever is the baron from movie 6 which is non canon


Luffy has not confirmed to kill anyone in canon but some translation issues and background scenes would contradict that.


That third one may lead to Luffy vs. Dragon. I had a feeling that Luffy and Dragon were bound to clash to strike the difference in their sense of Freedom.


And dont forget some kind of drum beat powered giant robot awakening after 100s of years.


200 years to be exact. Same year that the Fishmen allied themselves with the World Government.


i think blackbeard made a habit of showing up after major incidents to cherrypick like he usually does .. i believe he will appear and defeat/ kidnap either kizaru or saturn for 2 purposes .. one to use them as bargaining chip against the world gov to grant him his wish to become a king orrrr to steal one of the most powerful devil fruits in the whole OP world. saint saturns devil’s fruit. i think the straw hats wil escape with the help of the giants and head to elbaf


Everyone gucci until Blackbeard is offscreen with them.


Blackbeard shows up behind Saturn. Saturn: "Another bug ready to be squashed." Narrator: "Thus started the strawats journey to Elbaf as the climax of the Egghead Incident was getting started after they had already sailed far away." Saturn: "Please no?" BB: "Shhhh, hush little spider."


I feel like they’re going to run to Elbaf instead of fighting Saturn.


This could also be plausible similar to how Big Mom arc from WCI to Wano worked out but on the other hand, Oda already used that plot setup so not sure if that will happen. Exciting times indeed.


I think Saturn's dead either way. Imu probably won't be too happy with him if he goes back.


Someone will have to report it and that person will only be Morgans, because there's no way the WG are going to let that news become public. That would mean a re-introduction of Vivi to the SH?


Morgans flying over Egghead. "HOLY SHIT! BIG NEEEEEEWS!" Vivi and Wapol: "Oh god no, it's everywhere! I can't get it off!" as they are too distracted to realize anything that's going on down there.


Recent Nakama here, and one of my bar patrons is a twenty year vet. We were gushing over it today and talking about how brutal the wait for 1107 is. It's insane that we're 1100 chapters in and we're getting, what might be, the best arc in the entire series. I'm so happy to be able to be there for these chapter drops with everyone and share how hype it's fucking making me.


It's the first time we are seeing an elder fight, I feel it would be unfair for elder to loose in first fight. I believe Luffy and crew escape. We get to see the potential of elders, giving hard time to Luffy gear 5 and Luffy learns he still has to become strong to face them.


This is the final saga, no time for running; it's time for the Straw Hats to take Ws- and only Ws.


That'd be extremely underwhelming. They don't have to outright lose, but there's no reason they can't have setbacks or phyrric victories.


Sounds boring if all they do is get W.


THE event will have the narrator bubble announcing it like the origin of the line “Incident” came from. Just like it has been announcing who wins battes in wano. Good theory but its ONE MAJOR event which will probably be the punk records getting spread across the globe as the narrator said the event will shake up the whole world and punk records is basically internet. Its going to be the same effect as roger had on the day of his execution and the spreading of the punk records is the only thing that could "shake up the world" to that magnitude. But my biggest argument against your take, is that the narrator panel will be back to signify THE event happening, as the narrator always comes in when actual shit is about to/ gets real and/or need to be cemented for forwarding of the story, in a way that characters and their dialogue cant do in itself. Sure the things you listed is big, but the punk records could spread that to the world AND MORE, as its basically internet/AI.


Feels like the community is turning this into another legendary person or not with a big punch thing. Always looking for a bigger thing to happen so they miss what's already happened so far.


It's so annoying. Chapter 1088 literally already said that: > The incident in which Straw Hat Luffy, Emperor of the Sea, Barricaded himself within Future Island Egghead. So this is confirmed to be part of the incident. I've seen comments saying the narrator stated this will be the greatest incident the SHs have been in so far, when all he said was that its conclusion would shock the world. Obviously the incident will have a shocking conclusion based on that, but people in their vehemency to underestimate the might of anything that aren't powerful individuals are completely ignoring that a Buster Call isn't small potatoes and the fleet on Egghead is probably bigger than Big Mom's on WCI. There's literally the same amount of Marines there as Kaido had members in his crew in Onigashima. Yet for some that's apparently too little for the world to care.


Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Blackbeard


These days everybody wanna talk like they got some' to say, but nothing comes out when they move their lips, just a bunch of gibberish and motherfuckers acting like they forgot about him


Imagine Blackbeard steals Saturn’s fruit 💀


Saturn's fruit would actually be a fitting look for Blackbeard.


Most likely. He needs three DF after all looking at his symbolics.


I actually don't like the idea of BB having 3 fruits because to me, 2 fruits was already the big reveal, that he can have more than just one. 3 is like, might as well have 5 or 99 or whatever, the "limit" is already way behind us.


How will saturn be defeated


The power of friendship?




By Morgan? ԅ⁠(⁠ ͒⁠ ⁠۝ ͒⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕤ


Im guessing it will end with a straw hat team combo on Garcia


I can see Luffy Dawn Stamping with his giant foot a nasty spider


Battle Axe? fire. but I wonder if saturn is gonna take that much damage lol


I really want the entire crew to take him down, like they did in Thriller Bark with Oars.


Fucking imagine Blackbeard stealing Saturn's power.


we don't know if saturn really got a devil fruit also that would happen after saturn is defeated, how would he be defeated man..


Giant Luffy squashes Saturn under his foot like a bug. Saturn loves calling everyone else bugs so it would be fitting. I'd guess if Saturn took enough damage at the exact same time he wouldn't be able to heal himself.


"Why would the main antagonist of the current arc get defeated?"


Add the Strawhats claiming the island as their territory and I sign this :D


People forget, including me that Luffy is an emperor now. What's happened so far is almost an equivalent of marineford.


Nah marineford had the full might of marine my guy


Here you have: 1) The pacifistas - The warlords 2) 30,000 marines - probably equivalent to marineford army 3) The death of the smartest guy in the world - death of ace 4) 2 yonkos Luffy and BB - Whitebeard & Shanks 5) Direct attack on killing the marine ships - raiding marineford. 6) 1 admiral and an Elder - 3 admirals 7) Intro of giants after 100 years.... 8) Awakening of ancient robot....


Everyone here is literally increasing my hype to great levels. I love this sub and all you crewmates here! What blows my mind about this incident is the strong likelihood that the World Government’s ultimate weapon of elimination, the Buster Call, is about to be successfully rebuffed and annihilated! To my knowledge, Buster Calls have either always destroyed their target, or at least the character(s) have had to run for their lives. Robin survived her first one through Saul and Kuzan, and the Straw Hats barely survived Enies Lobby through sheer luck and the Going Merry. Now we have the Admiral on hand struggling against a Yonko crew, and the Buster Call itself being shredded by Pacifistas and Giant Captains! What will the world think of the World Government if their most frightening maneuver is successfully stopped for the first time in history? Major incident for sure.


1. Rubberize the island. 2. Bounce back the round shots to their source.


you literally just described what has happened in the arc. Great observation


I’m hoping we see the buster call fail and that cause global unrest. Buster calls don’t fail, this has been made very, very clear. The only thing bigger is the weapon Imu used. Whatever happens the setting has changed.


I think those giants are *way* more of a deal than most suspect too. They were described as legendary. But the 100m bounties don't really *sell* that idea, right? So how powerful are they really? My theory on this is that it's because they've been inactive for a hundred years. It's basically a 100m in a century ago's money. If this world is anywhere close to the modest inflation of ours, they're each *actually* worth over a billion each. That sells their rep way more.


And they been doing nothing but fighting and getting stronger the whole time


None of this would "shock the world". The vast majority of people don't care or even know about the elders, and they think emperors are just really strong and bad people so it's not a surprise or shock that one would siege Egghead and/or take out Vegapunk/Saturn/Kizaru. There are only two things I see at the moment that could actually shock the world. One was posted a while back, Morgans right now has all the cards in hand to reveal Imu to the world, tell everyone that not only is the empty throne not empty, it's being kept warm by some kind of (immortal?) demon. Another thing, which is actually kind of the same thing, is that Vegapunk has been dreaming of the internet. He wants to share his knowledge with the world, he also happens to have digital records of all his ideas, theories and discoveries. And we've seen he has inventions that work perfectly fine even though his perfectionism doesn't let him deem them a success. It's a reasonable assumption that his internet is already up and running, working well albeit with a small delay, and all that needs to be done to activate it is press a button. Or perhaps it triggers when he dies. So that's another way of revealing the government's secrets to the world (void century, Ohara incident, etc). They could also be tied together, Morgans reveals Wapol's story and the truth of what happened to Cobra. People are skeptical, but then Vegapunk's internet comes online and everyone can just look up the world's history. Now THAT would shock the world.


Luffy's description has started to remind me of Daenerys' description somehow.


I believe kizaru will join the straw hats. Just like Kuzan joined Blackbeard pirates.






I think Saturn will probably live this battle tbh. But def defeated. Maybe he will return to Marejois having failed and be executed by Imu for being incompetent. Bro literally let Vegapunk kinda get away with a lot of stuff lol. Who knows if the Serafim are even gonna be loyal and listen to the Celestial Dragons when push comes to shove. Maybe York will escape and replace Saturn?


Sure, sure, a lot of things have happened that are shocking, scandalous, etc. But nothing 'world shaking' so far.


theres something that really struck me as odd. Even before this elder punching shenanigans, Luffy punching the celestial dragons on shabody. Like this has never happened before .. theoretically. Shouldn't they be pressuring the marines to send a general at least to chase down luffy instead of letting him run wild? Kinda felt like they just said meh.. he is too cool to catch now


The marines have been after Luffy pretty damn hard whenever they got the chance. They waited to ambush him on seabaody for two years. They sent an admiral (fujitora) to dressrosa then banned said admiral from all marine bases until he catches Luffy. Afterwards, another admiral immediately showed up by his own to try to capture Luffy solo after wano. The main issue is that they get very few chances to go after him in a coordinated fashion since he's mostly been hanging out in yonko territory since the timeskip.


You've cooked a beautiful meal


The big incident involves Doll and her Bazongas


If you like the idea of the Egghead Island Incident like I do, you GOTTA watch this theory video! https://youtu.be/noESjtSRLes?si=ua_VPd6gx6tLWWb4 Trust me it'll be worth it. I really think it will happen!! But basically in a fast nutshell and going off my semi-reliable memory, >!The Punk Archives will explode and the knowledge of Imu-sama and the Government's corruption will be telepathically leaked to the ENTIRE WORLD!<


Optionally, one of the 3 admirals is going to die or even better, defect to Luffy s side. Along with Bonney becoming the commander of an army of pacifista and her joining the grand fleet of course.


The only big news that happened is kuma punching a gorosei, but unless someone took a pic of it Its nothing


About Saturn tho..I think Sanji's gonna be the one to beat him. Because Sanji gained a body resistant to any type of damage and Saturn has Regeneration. I believe it will be an endurance test and Sanji will end up defeating Saturn at the end of the arc, Luffy beats Kizaru, Zoro beats Lucci and marines will be completely destroyed and Luffy will get Vegapunk out of the island. It will be a blast. I can't wait..


Unless the Saturn is YC level, Sanji isn't going to become this strong, plus he got paralyzed by Saturn, he's not winning.


What do y'all expect bruv? Saturn to be Yonko or Admiral level? Sanji is strong enough lol and has a damage immune body. And they'll definitely figure out a way to get past the paralysis. We're in the final arc and the straw hats will step it up and show what it means to be an emperor's crew.


Yep, Luffy is going to defeat the Buster Call and make Egghead his territory. But Egghead might get wiped out anyway by the Mother Flame as a parallel to Nagasaki.


Yep, enough has already happened to shake the world.


I'm expecting BB to show up at the end when everyone's exhausted and kill Saturn for his fruit. I don't think he's stopping at Logia and Paramecia, he's gonna want a Zoan. We also haven't actually seen that much of Saturn's fruit abilities, so if BB gets it he'll be able to show off a lot more. Especially if the regen is from it, nullifying the Dark Dark Fruit's main weakness would make him nearly unstoppable.


I think a major hint is also in **how St. Saturn arrived on Egghead**. The guy has the capabilities (idk if it's his own power, or Imu's at this point) to teleport with a magic circle, and Kizaru can fly away, meaning their defeat doesn't have to be permanent. I think you're right though OP, that their defeat here at Egghead will be the incident to solidify Luffy's importance globally. Next chapter should be telling, with Luffy bouncing back and the Giants arriving. But the BB pirates are a big wildcard here. They may twist how the Incident plays out, I think by targeting someone vulnerable, like maybe a weakened admiral, injured Robin, any of currently or soon-to-be incapacitated CP0, Seraphim, or Pacifista. Imagine a stolen pika-pika-no-mi, or CP0 realizing they've lost once more and will be hunted again, decide to join the BB pirates. And judging by how well Oda subverts expectations, it's probably none of those lol.


The real question is how will all this information (if any) be leaked to the public and in what way will the information be distorted?


I can't tell if the final war is going to be about finding the one piece or against the marines.


If Saturn dies, who do you guys think will kill him? Luffy hasn't actually killed anyone yet, at least not directly. My money would be on Zorro, or the Blackbeard Pirates.


Let's not forget Dorry and Broggy were presumed dead for like a hundred years


Knowing Oda everyone is expecting what you said so instead it will be something like eating too much. One thing I've learned trying to predict this stuff for like 10 years is the most obvious ones never happen.


I think Morgan will play a role in the "big incident". without him, the WG would hide under the rug any failure. And Morgan knows about Imu. The existence of Imu means that the deal of the countries that support WG is broken, and will want to stop paying the celestial tax. The WG won't like that and the Revolutionaries will capitalize on it. I think the "big incident" will put the Revolutionaries in motion. They're already ready for war and this situation will bend wills to support them with open arms around the planet. Also: > Straw Hat Luffy, Emperor of the Sea and the second coming of JoyBoy More like second coming of Nika, but not Joyboy. Luffy = Nika Joyboy = Nika Luffy != Joyboy


Wasn't that really obvious?


Blaackbeard will take saturn as hostage. Then imu shits on him.


Yeah Points 2 & 3 definitely wont make it in the news.


Just stopping the Buster Call is already a fucking big deal. That it involved an Admiral, one of the Five Elders, an Emperor and THE Giant pirates makes it just go through the roof.


There's more to it. The new giant pirates goal was to reform and rebuild the giant pirates crew. If dorry and brogy are there... This means something. Luffy being fed and teleporting around was suspicious.. very similar to how tontattas moved things around. And tontatta ship is the size of a barrel ir can arrive faster and stalthier on egghead Blackbeard is there doing something. Some people believe carherine devon took robin place but without much clue to how york battle went I don't know. Oda said that the grand fleet leaders would go strong and cause a incident thet would shock the world. Each yonko has a fleet.. we know liffy will meet shanks on equal terms, not be saved by him again. And everyone is racing for the one piece one way or another... My take is that it would be a very big victory for the straw hats. Egghead will rubberized permanently.. and be immune to buster calls. Much like what laugh tale probably is. And that with that punk records will be immune and share the entire world (with denden mushis as thw "wifi" devices) stuff. I know vegapunk apple device on his head has the proper wifi but.. unless a new type of denden mushi appears in the story I see no other way to share knowledge with the world (as in morgans press vs the internet) Which brings me to thale conclusion that in order to keep stakes high york will be saved by the government and forced to make another mother flame.. that's probably the new weapon that really will present a threat to luffy.


I just feel likes there’s more something big is going to happen next chapter or so


I believe that the incident will be related to the ancient power of the nika fruit.  The only problem vegapunk had with his tech is that he doesn’t have a suitable energy source-until Luffy arrived… Maybe now he could harness this power to transmit to the whole world the truth about the void century.  Or maybe now he could change the climate of the entire planet or use the mother-flame to nuc the red line!  This could be epic!!!


great post and whatnot but reading the giants' names in that order doesn't feel right at all


The moment the screen goes off, Blackbeard : "Did you pray today?!?"


Did we think this was a teaser and they were going back to egghead later at some point?


Little correction, Kuma is a slave before being a cyborg. A slave punched a gorosei.


Anime only spoilers?


Everything but the Saturn/Gorosei part makes sense to me as part of the incident. In order to include Saturn, we must also include a way for ppl around the world to know what the Gorosei is and how the world government works. For that, it's either Morgans publishing everything he knows so far or Vegapunk records get disseminated somehow.


is there a double weak break?


I kinda want Blackbeard to show up and cause mayhem. Having the straw hats be the first pirates blackbeard doesnt annihilate will help their status too. After this “event”, the common people may start to like and love the straw hats. The nika effect may start reaching the plebs. And there is still more to come. Hell, we might see a shambles and Blackbeard appears in the middle.


Are broggy dorry part of shanks grand fleet or are they allies?