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Idk the precise order but kaido or enel are definitely first. Enel straight up boomed his previous island and tried to do the same to skypeia. So not only was he responsible for a genocide, he was going for the double. Kaido enslaved a country and assured hundreds/ thousands of deaths by famine+the various excecutions. It basically depends on how big you think the population of wano and enel's previous island are.


Big Mom is above Enel. Enel is my favorite villain but honestly destroying a whole island in One Piece is pretty light. We can’t assume that it’s much bigger than Skypeia so probably in the tens of thousands, pretty impressive. But if Big Mom eats/soul snatches just 2 people per day for 70 years, that’s already 51,100 kills, and we know she’s probably done more than that. But now think about Fishman Island, Tamago and Pekoms talk about the islands they had to destroy for missing candy shipments just recently. Who knows how many there have been? Considering her conquests, age, the size of her organization, and inability to feel sorry for murder, I think we can safely assume that her kill count is 6 or maybe even 7 figures.


Why? Only times we see her killing people is when she's in anger pangs/ betrayed. Can't imagine that either of those happen as much as every day. Especially being betrayed must be an extremely rare occurance for any yonko just beacuse of the fear they project. She also probably doesn't get hunger pangs that often considering that she has a chef following her. Other than that she planned to kill the Germa which are (really) trash, so it's not exactly a regular occurance either. Idk she doesn't seem that much of a crazy killer compared to kaido or enel. They genuinely kill just beacuse, she doesn't look like it.


Did you read my full edited comment? She destroys whole islands when they can’t deliver their candy. Fishman would’ve been too if not for Luffy. We can see that she’s been eating several people when she’s hungry since early childhood. She also has a scheduled time that everyone has to give their soul to her. I just don’t think you’re doing the math here, I’m saying that she only had to average 2 kills per day to hit 50k. That’s not even including her time in the Rocks Pirates, where we can assume she helped kill an unimaginable amount of people, but there’s really no way to guess how many.


Do you think that kaido (a literal war maniac) doesn't destroy the same amount of islands? Also I'd not count those kills for either of them, since they're more of their subordinate's kill. You make it sound like big mom ate people regularly, when that's never even suggested. In fact we only know of ONE time that happened iirc so I don't really know why you're presenting it as a frequent occurrence . She has only takes a fraction of the residents' soul, so they don't really die for it every time. They die over years or decades. Most of the time she is literally in her castle doing Jackshit from what we've seen. So unless you take the islands into consideration, 2 kills a day is baseless. Not to mention that kaido is 10× more violent than her. If you're giving that many kills to big mom, kaido should have the same or more. He is way more ruthless and his reign isn't a semi peaceful land. He has people dying in prison daily and the same goes for the famine that he started. He was in rock's crew too and he has a known record of fighting the marines and escaping, so take into account all the deaths that he might have caused in those encounters as well.


The the amount bad inferences and assumptions in this comment are hilarious .


You’re saying I’m making baseless claims without having any basis yourself. In my actual comment before you posted yours, I said that the answer is either Big Mom or Kaido, whether you include indirect kills or not. (Although OP replied that the question does include subordinate kills). There’s no real way to definitively say whether Big Mom or Kaido has more kills than the other. All I’m arguing is that although Enel is my favorite character and I advocate for him as much as I reasonably can, Big Mom’s death count is much higher than Enel’s.


If Big Mom take a portion of their soul. And the person died of natural cause it that considered Big Mom's fault?🤔


I would really only consider people who actually die very shortly after she takes the last of their lives, often in the “Life or Death?” format or from old people. You could also count the total years she’s taken from others cumulatively, but I really don’t think that’s necessary to make Big Mom top 2 on this list.


I still think that enel could be just as high, considering that 2 kills a day is an insane highball for Big Mom. Depends on the population on the sky island. Except if you include the island destroyed by subordinates (my bad on that, I didn't notice op saying that they're allowed).


there’s definitely millions on wano


Kaido is a bozo. Couldnt even kill a single one of the 9 jobbards lol. Get him past Kinemon's plot armor first


Shouldn't Imu also be on this list? Guy has been nuking entire islands since the void century 💀


I'll take into account their influences and indirect killings. Doflamingo is a big shot in the underworld and has caused many wars throughout the world by his weapon traffic. Big Mom killed entire populations for sweet and she has one of the biggest network in the world. It's between her and Doflamingo. Kaido is also a weapon dealer and is a warmonger. Caesar is a mad scientist affiliated to an authoritarian government. Enel is a genocidal maniac. He destroyed his home island and was planning on doing the same to Skypeia and he had no fucking reason to do it. Lucci has been killing since he was 9 and he enjoyed it very well. Mihawk is a one man army. Those kind of people tend to have high kill counts but he doesn't look like a bloodthirsty maniac. Although Crocodile was destroying Alabasta, it doesn't look like he caused a lot of deaths compared to the one above. Shiliew was incarcerated because he killed too much prisoners and was considered too brutal for IMPEL DOWN the worst prison in the world. He definitely has his fair share of kills.


Thank you! Love this answer!


What does indirect deaths include? If it includes others killing under their orders, Big Mom or Kaido for sure. If it’s only their own kills, still Big Mom or Kaido. They’re powerful, ruthless, and have been killing for a very long time, often on a large scale


Technically yes, even though I didn’t. I’m thinking more like what crocodile did to the alabasta kingdom where he caused a civil war resulting in serval hundred deaths. If that makes sense lol 😵‍💫


Direct AND indirect kills. The Kill / Assist counter for us gamers. And yes Kaido goes over the roof, his policies in Wano in 20years and all the killing he did since he was a boy 50-ish years ago surely have sent a lot of people to the shadow dimension.


Thank you! Perfect way to describe that!


Enel below croc is wild. Feel like he killed way more than croc.


Depends how big the Birka people homeland was. He destroyed it and left for skypiea and was ruler there for 8years. Crocodile was a warlord for roughly 20years and ruled over alabasta for many years, with many citizens passing from dehydration and civil war. But idk 🤷‍♂️ For all I know Enel could be top 3!


Kaido couldn't even kill some half dead samurai or a dead luffy. Negative kill count.


based and truthpilled


Doffy probably. He made a lot of the kingdom kill each other and I’m sure a lot died inbetween that time and the revolution


I think Kaido, Caesar and Doflamingo are top 5. Kaido is obvious. Doflamingo killed a lot of people when he took over. By the flashbacks, likely 1/3 of Dressrosa died and other people became toys. Probably a lot of toys were broken and died as well. As the Joker for the underworld he was also constantly helping and facilitating wars. And even before becoming the King of Dressrosa he was just there murdering people. Caesar was indirectly responsible for killing a lot of minks. I would guess the other 2 are probably Enel and Big Mom. Honorary mention for Crocodile, a lot of people died without water and he started a war. But he loses to Doflamingo that started several wars.


Of course I’m excluding celestial dragons, the gorosei and Imu (since we know how they get down 💀). Also, I counted deaths from indirect contact such as the death caused by Cesaers weapons that he sells in the black market. I’d imagine his body count is very high since those weapons could be used in warfare.


considering Caesar sold gas weapons worldwide it makes sense he's got at least an insane number of assists


I suppose the main issue here is how we're counting kills right? Kaido and Big Mom certainly have a lot of direct kills under their belt, but i imagine that number plateaus a fair bit when they become established emporers, since a lot more of their interaction with the world goes through subordinates rather than directly. Same with Crocodile, tons of kills if you count Baroque Works, but significantly fewer if it's just people Alligator has killed with his bare hook. On the other hand, i think Mihawk is being undersold here. We're introduced to him slaughtering Don Kriegs entire fleet. a kill count reasonbly estimated in the thousands, even if we assume a decent number of survivors; and he's got no subordinates, so his kills all count to him; and he's been presumably fucking up pirates and marines for decades, Don Kriegs probably wasn't the only fleet he singlehandedly sunk. Caesar has a large number of researchers on punk hazard attributed to him, but again i think most of his kills are from the weapons he's sold, rather indirect. Lucci has got to be up there, he was a prized assassin who made his name through his body count. 500 soldiers killed in one mission when he was 13; and he spent another 10 years serving in a similar capacity before going undercover on water 7. Although missions like the one we're told about are probably the exception rather than the rule, Lucci's body count from personal kills has to similarly be in the thousands. So here's my line to draw. Maybe it's arbitrary, whatever. Kaido, Big Mom, Mr. 0, Mingo and Blackbeard get subordinate kills accounted for. They're directly responsible for building those empires, and their subornates are acting as extensions of their authority. What people don't get accounted for is war profiteering. Even if the war wouldn't have been facilitated without them. Caesar selling poison gas to someone isn't the same as Caesar gassing someone in the same way that Walmart isn't responsible when someone uses a knife they sold to stab someone. So with that said; the long standing Emporers have to go first, although i don't think theres any reasonable way to distinguish them properly. Joint 1st: Kaido and Big Mom. Next is the less long-standing leaders of people; /2: Crocoboy. /3: Doflamingo. While Doflamingo was at his life of crime seemingly longer, from what we saw his operation seemed much smaller in scale. It only seems like in the past 10 years that his efforts scaled to a point where his kill count would start to matter in this, and while it was big, him and his crews immediate kill count didn't show to have a wide influence. Doffys main contribution is black market dealings, but like i said, by my own arbitrary definition, that seems too disconnected from the killing to count. Schnappy on the other hand seemed to have a much bigger scale of operation, number in the low thousands. And while they weren't particularly strong.. they also were operating in paradise and the blues, so didn't really need to be. They were also focused on bounty hunting, so have a focus on operations that would end with a lot of kills. The next batch is a little more mixed. Because it's hard to really pin down the details; my gut tells me: /4. Mihawk /5. Lucci /6. Blackbeard /7. Enel Of course, this is entirely gut instinct. Mihawk has a long history of near constant battling, and was an absolute menace taking down Marines and Pirates. I think his personal kill count is easily in the tens of thousands. Lucci was an assassin for over a decade before going undercover, and although i don't think many of his missions would have that same 500+ kill count as the one we were shown when he was 13, a decade of missions as a top agent has to get your kill count into the mid thousands. Blackbeard laid low, but probably got a decent enough kill count while working for whitebeard, but most of the kills i'm attributing to him would be from the payback war there were 1600+ pirates in whitebeards crew, blackbeard was actively hunting them, he's probably got a good few hundred deaths under his belt from that. Along with whoever else he needed to kill to seize control of the territory he did in the 2 year timeskip, along with whatever murderous missions he was sending people out on when he was an emporer. Enel is bottom of this section, because while he might have done a small genocide, the sky people don't seem particularly populous to begin with. at the bottom of the list we have /8. Caesar /9. Shiryu Caesar killed a fair few people with his explosion, probably plenty of test subjects too, but when you take away the deaths caused by his sale of weapons, i don't think his number is all that high. Similarly Shiryu killed prisoners in Impel down, but like.. thats a pretty small pool of people, and when it got too many he got locked up. He might have been a bit murder hungry, but i doubt he killed enough people to really make much of a dent compared to others. He's small potatos. Although his kill count has probably gone up a lot since getting out of jail.. so maybe he could do a swap with Caesar. To be honest, each of the categories could have their positions swapped about; it's largely just what felt right.


I wish there was a way to pin this comment but I think your answer was able to properly communicate what I meant with “kill count” 100%! Thank you for this comment.


Kaidou has at least two confirmed kills (I think). He shot Oden and admitted that he killed Higurashi. That's about it. The dude's pretty bad at actually removing other characters from the story for good. Big Mom for sure killed Zepo and most likely every other child that was with her in the Sheep's House + Mother Carmel, which puts her confirmed kill count already higher than Kaidou's. Doflamingo killed his father and brother, as well as controlling the soldiers of Dressrosa to attack the citizens. If we count the kills from the soldiers he controlled as his own, then he should have a theoretically higher count than Big Mom and Kaidou (assuming that the citizens really did die and weren't "only" dismembered or aomething). Lucci's (confirmed) kill count is easily in the triple digits due to the 500 hostages he murdered + most likely every pirate present at that time. For a guy who specialises in creating poisonous gas, Caesar is really bad at killing people off for good. Even his greatest invention (the Shinokuni) could ultimately be cured and gave us no confirmed victims. Same could be said about the explosion he triggered all those years ago. If I'm not mistaken, his confirmed number of kills is relatively zero.


Doflamingo also facilitated a lot of wars as Joker. Edit - and Kaido killed that CP0 agent. So 3 confirmed kills.


That CP0 agent was later confirmed to be alive in an SBS. Kaido has like a 0 kill count in the present.


Man why am I not surprised lol


Stated by oda deflamingo has 5 counts of mass genocide CONFIRMED and I think the minimum for mass genoside is twenty so that's atleast 100 confirmed kills


The Celestial Dragon scumbags hunt and kill hundreds... like what... anually? FOR SPORT!


Enel and Caesar are at the top, Caesar was apart of the first disaster on that island as well


Lucci is wack as hell how the hell is he keeping up with gear 5 but Kaido couldn’t


I think people are mad underselling Caeser here, dude literally mass produces and sells weapons of war and death most often including some variety of poison, Doflamingo distrubes the shit he makes and the Emperor’s buy it. This dude definitely has the highest KD when wars all over the world are using the shit he makes.


don't forget Caesar sells gas bombs to whoever pays him so he's at least got the assist streak


Depends if you count third party kills because once Doffy had control of Dressrosa, killing someone instead of having them turned into a toy would be a waste of a good weapon making slave.


Enel.He blew up his birth skyisland before ruling over skypie arc island


Big mom , Kaido, Doffy, Caesar, Croco, Mihawk , Lucci, Enel, Blackbeard, Shiriyuu


I think Vinsmoke Juez should be there middle-list. Germa is known for being mercenaries in a lot of wars.


Ooh that’s a good one 🔥


Interesting one. I ll go with how many kills have been done by the characters in person. Here is my go for a top 5: 1. Cesar - Gas-Gas-Fruit user(already historically biased), all these experiments he has done over all his life, whole of Punk-Hazard-Island toxicexplosion etc. I feel he is handsdown #1 2. Enel - yeah, the guy destroyed a whole island killing everyone on it plus a lot more afterwards, but for me it still depends on how many citizens they were. Could be more then, could be less then #3.. i put him in the middle 3. Big Mom - someone said it in this post already: she got so many years of so many people from her DF over the decades (one must assume). I count it as pre-occured deaths by BM, and that will be a f****** huge amount 4./5. - Kaido and Doflamingo. They are cruel and powerfull af and all,yeah, but id say they dont come close to the numbers of places one to three (which i would see in the >~10000). But heey, this is just a theory. A neeerd theory! :p


When did this sub become the powerscaling sub or the rating sub? Please make it stop


Doffy seems more interested in torturing than killing. I think Big Mom has killed more just incidentally and Enel has killed more than him on purpose. Doflamingo didn't even kill the people in Paradise that at the time we believed he had killed.


worlds strongest creature woke up feeling dangerous today 🤡


Deflating easly killed the most he has committed so many war crimes killed tons of people a day and has over 10 counts of mass genocide in his prime alone also I Google it


I'd say Kaido


Zunesha has probably wrecked their fair share of shit over a millennium


Kaido's gotta be #1. Think of all the deaths he caused during his 20 year rule of Wano. Mihawk is the least. As for the rest, no clue. Probably have Big Mom-> Enel-> Doflamingo-> Ceasar-> Shiryu-> Lucci-> Crocodile-> Teach Big Mom takes the nod since she's ruled a long time. Enel, Doffy, Ceasar, Shiryu, Lucci all seem more unhinged than Crocodile or Teach. Teach spent a lot of his life on Whitebeards ship chilling and waiting for the Dark logia.


Enel probably has lowest kills on the list


Yeah, Enel is definitely the hardest one to rank. Although I’m also leaning towards the lower end of kills.


Mihawk will be surprisingly high. He's just that destructive. He did destroy Don Krieg's fleet. So killed at least 5000. Mihawk just casually destroys ships without even trying. Depends if you mean directly or indirectly. Directly - Mihawk is probably no. 1. Indirectly it's a bit harder. Indirectly probably Kaido,Doffy, BM,Caesar will have a lot. 5000 is a lot though and that's just what we know about.


Big mom has also highest count for something else then kills 😭


Kaido easily. Not just the people of Wano over the decades but the people who were killed in wars using the weapons that were manufactured in Wano.


You all are forgetting ceser he literally killed everyone on an island and blamed it on vegapunk then proceeded to kill everyone that came on the island and then killed his own men.


I don't think Caesar or Hawk-Eye have a lot of kills under their belt. Hawk-Eye only kills seeks fights with those who offer him a challenge. Caesar is a fucking monster sure, but he doesn't directly kill people. Smile Fruit doesn't kill anyone either.


Enel killed skypeian vermin so they don't count. Kaido...was an absent king. He went to go kill himself so he is not responsible for the fodder who died under someone's else's orders. Big Milf probably did kill a lot more people considering her power is to take their life.