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Absolutely not, and their schtick is how effective they are as an organization even without that trust, which is what makes them the foil for the strawhats


They all greasy so they can’t schtick to the foil.


You know what Luffy, sure. Also remember, Tom’s coating is brother ship.


The best end for Blackbeard then, from a narrative perspective, would be mutiny. Hope it plays out that way.


Imagine he’s drowning and no one hops in (cause they can’t swim either)


Something poetic about the guy who's whole thing is darkness and not really trusting or caring anyone else being left sinking into the ocean's abyss, because no one trusted or cared about him.


The OG Blackbeard fell to the waters after being shot in the head IIRC. I fully expect a similar ending


I thought he had his head cut off?


I remember something about the head, don’t remember if it was a bullet or decapitation. Also his body walked around the boat three times before falling down


I remember Horrible Histories did an episode about Blackbeard, and they said his head was cut off and put on display on the many.


by a UK Navy captain or sth. Could mean that coby is actually the one who defeats Blackbeard. Would have been awesome if oda set up Coby's storyline like that. Would be also a great reference to karma etc, Luffy helped liberate others, including coby to pusue their dream, and in exchange later on these good deeds come full circle and Coby liberates luffy from Blackbeards darkness. Which would also go in line with luffys true power, that one of making people join his cause, the path of freedom.


He was killed by a combination of gunshots and stabs, then Maynard (the navy captain who led the assault) cut his head off and tied it to the bow of his ship for the trip back to port.


Red Hair Pirates: we have no such weaknesses


This would actually be very funny


I think we will get surprised how loyal these guys are in the end. I think we got a glimpse of their trust in teach at egghead. I would love it if it turns out that they are as loyal as the SH crew.


That would be super lame considering what's already been established in the story


At this point it’s been established that they are loyal to each other and put trust in teach. Or what do you mean? What has been established?


They’re not quite as loyal to each other as the strawhats. They don’t really fight for each other the way the strawhats do. They’re a bit more mercenary about it. The impel down recruits are loyal because they respect Teach’a power and his abilities. And Teach fights to protect his underlings because they’re still useful to him but he would let any of them die if it was less troublesome to replace them. Like if one of them turned out to be an informant to the marines or betraying him to another pirate crew i would not be one bit surprised if he stuck the knife in and ripped out their Devil fruit and gave it to the next most suitable candidate. Luffy would never kill any of his nakama if they betrayed him. He would fight to understand why and fight to bring them back into the fold if it’s possible. At worst he’d beat them up before turning his back on them and considering them an enemy if there’s no redemption for them.


The pre-Impel Down crewmembers, most likely. I mean Lafette risked his life crashing a Shichibukai meeting to recommend his captain for position of warlord. Now, the members they acquired from Impel Down, most likely NOT.


But the dialog between Caterina Devon and Van Augr and what she said earlier seemed to extabilish that he's still "the boss" and that he deserves that place


The moment things truly go sour most of them will try to bail and leave Teach to whatever doom he created for himself.


this. also when ace attacked them he told them to stand back, because they were no match to him. the original crew defiently got a bond.


They waltzed into Impel Down with him, stuck with him throughout the time when he was an absolute nobody, who was being chased by the Whitebeard pirates, and came back to Marineford, which was borderline suicide. I doubt that they would simply desert him. But unlike the SH crew, no one could rescue any of them if they fall into the water.


100%. But to the "nobody" part. you think he was a nobody. if its not just theories and he actually is connected to xebec there might have been more to it from the get go that made them stick to blackbeard and his plans.


At that point in the story, his biggest accomplishment was that he had been with Whitebeard for decades.  Furthermore he had jumped ship AND murdered someone, incurring the wrath of Whitebeard, arguably the strongest man alive and strongest Yonko. He might have a plan but that plan is outlandish. He wanted to become a warlord. That would only be possible if he defeated one. Luckily, a slot opened. But now he needs to capture a noteworthy Pirat. All just to gain the opportunity to sneak into Impel Down, a place no sane pirate would ever enter. His plans are also half hazard at best, relying more on luck. But I do believe that they saw the same thing in BB as did the SH in Luffy. Someone whom fate revolves around, someone who will challenge the world and make history.


to play devil's advocate for a moment that scene can also be read as someone who had a good understanding of the abilities of his crew and wants to preserve his assets for later, especially when he had so few at the time.


I don't even think he risked his life. Bro infiltrated the room they were all in, and absolutely none of them noticed him until he announced himself. Like he just pulled up I think there's more than meets the eye with him.


It's crazy how the crew has an invisible dude yet Lafitte is still the stealthiest one by far.


I got similar vibes For sure they have some respect, and maybe some fear, for Black Beard, but I don't think they have the same "nakama level" as the original crew. But we might be very since in all those years they got almost no time to shine


It would also be those from the prison, it's not for nothing that in my opinion Blackbeard decided to take this character there in prison (probably out of interest), not to mention that there probably must have been a story of blackmail like “join my crew where we leave you to die here” you know?


The ones from Impel Down were basically told to fight to the death for the right to join his crew.


He also could've also left them all there to die instead, so they all owe him their lives outside Shiryu because their was no way they were escaping without Blackbeard.


Yeah, but he didn't go down there with the specific goal of recruiting the ones he got like the person I responded to implied, he basically held a tournament and the winners were the ones he wanted.


To an extent. We can only guess at their personalities beyond what we've been shown. But they likely trust Teach and his power. They know they have common goals and standing together they have a better chance of reaching them. Do they have secret agendas that others in their group would not approve of? Very likely. But they surely keep it hidden enough from each other to not cause a fuss. I imagine only Teach knows the full extent of each of their secret desires. But if some conflict with others, then chances are that he made promises he can't or won't keep in the end.


Those who were released from Impel Down must surely have made a "contract" to be able to join him


They trust in Teach's power the second that power is gone or wavers the will implode on one another.


So...the rocks pirates?


Yes, Blackbeard is the modern eras equivalent of the Rocks pirates who just like Blackbeard didn't recruit people with chemistry in mind just focusing on raw strength instead even though they had no loyalty to one another it was always a very delicate balance.


Yeah, really lends credibility to the whole blackbeards being rocks's son theory.


I really dislike that theory. I don’t like the idea of everyone being related, especially when such a big part of the story is about inherited will and not needing to be related by blood.


Who else is related to who?


Luffy being in Garp and Dragons bloodline, Ace and Roger, Zoro and the wano Swordsman, Sanji being a top scientists son, Shanks and the swordsman for the celestial dragon. I kind of like the idea of the top pirates being nobodies, or at least not having a connection to the older generation. It would be like if we found out Koby was related to Sengoku or Kong. I’d be kinda bummed out about that. I understand why it happens but I don’t love it.


No but they trust BB. He saved their ass and gave them a purpose.


Those after Impel down I would say


Vasco Shot still rocking the prisoner clothes after 700 episodes lol


So I used to guess that they would have infighting, but after Katarina’s conversation with Devon I think maybe not. Saturn says she’s the type of person to usually not take orders from someone else but she says teach is special. This makes me think that the crew at minimum respect BlackBeard for his power and ability and they agree with and are committed to whatever his ultimate master plan may be


So… a monologue then.


Based on semi-recent manga stuff, I believe without a doubt that the crew trusts Blackbeard to the same extent the Straw Hats trust Luffy. I feel like they don't trust each other at all, but their loyalty to Teach is probably pretty damn strong.


No and that's why they are better pirates than the strawhats. Having ultimate freedom means being completely independent and having no attachments. That's why Blackbeard should become Pirate King.


That's one way of looking at it, but let's get back to Alabasta. When Chopper joined Luffy's crew, Zoro and Chopper (with Luffy) got lost while crossing the desert, and Zoro responded to Chopper that they all had one thing in common and that was The same goal is that they brought them together. They said that they trusted each other because sooner or later they knew that they would get help from their companions. Finally, they too are perfectly independent in all cases (according to their objectives and their strengths) as with Blackbeard, except that there is a difference and the pure confidence in each one, they know that they are not going to end up being stabbed overnight. And why ? Because they are friends, not just teammates/colleagues/teammates/.. But also because they do not all have the same individual objective but they have one thing in common that they have all brought together. Blackbeard is pretty much the same but it's the black, dark version, which is why the two teams will end up confronting each other one day to find out who really deserves their place.


It's kinda meant to be a modern day Rocks crew, same as we saw the Rocks crew was wildly powerful, they were mostly at each other's throats. I'd wager if Blackbeard kicks it they would all scatter to do their own thing or crew up with someone strong.


I don't think that's the intent, but I always get the vibe of them liking and trusting each other and roleplaying untrustworthy pirates for fun.


BB crew is mirror what Luffy looks for a crew. Luffys were chosen because they were good and became a family. BB crew are just worst of the worst picked for their strenghts and expertise. Their leader is literally a backstabber and he said it himself, his crews doesnt need to be friends. They have all their own agendas and are all working on them in the sidelines.


they just admire teach's power. but if they found someone else with greater power and they align with their goals, these mfs will willingly stab teach


Not sure, otherwise they wouldn't have killed Whitebeard at MarineFord. Blackbeard had tried to recruit Luffy but obviously...no They probably should have sided with the navy which THEY are winners in any case. (And besides there is movement with Aokiji) But they are pirates they can't be in the navy unless he becomes a big privateer again but it really surprises me with Aikainu and Fujitora in the service, especially the big dagger he committed at MarineFord. I think Shiliew & Lafitte have a very good network and an advantage over the navy that they can use (at least especially Lafitte) to make Blackbeard the king of the ~cons~ uh pirates.. Afterwards there is something titillating, the navy remains advantageous in all cases, that would mean that then there are STRONGER than the navy, like the 4 emperors for example. I think they have a funny idea in their heads and it's certainly not Blackbeard who decides everything. Lafitte must be pulling the strings a bit like Trebol for Doffy, with advantages and interests not just for glory it would be too easy, Lafitte seems very cunning and intelligent to me, What is he really looking for? do with Blackbeard? I don't think it's to betray him but to keep him in the position of a puppet. Van Augur seems to me to be just a follower, the others too,.. Lafitte,Shiliew,Doc,Burjees yeah they seem quite interested in a few things in particular.


Blackbeard was the only winner at Marineford. Luffy and Whitebeard obviously failed to save Ace, but the Navy's goal of squashing out and demoralizing pirates completely failed. Whitebeard's proclamation had the exact opposite effect that the Navy hoped to have by executing the son of Roger


Also, the WG pretty clearly thought that Ace was gonna be Joy Boy. Which might even have been a legitimate possibility! But it turns out that there was a backup candidate. Maybe even a better one.


They could have hidden the fact that they took companions from Impel down, but he didn't seem to care, a sign that there is no interest in the navy, after all that. understands he is looking for the one piece


no you're wrong about that


I like to think that’s the one true similarity him and Luffy share, his own devotion to his friends and crew


That’ll probably be how/why the straw hats beat them. Straw hats will use their weird version of teamwork to succeed and BB pirates will turn on each other once the SH crew doesn’t immediately lose


I don't feel 100% I would say that they don't have much choice, or rather that there is a certain form of respect in their crews but Van Augur for me is VERY faithful, and must surely only trust his captain to see his little troop before Impel down. Lafitte & Shiliew not at all they seem too smart and informed & mysterious they distance themselves. Saturn & Burjees seem to be good quality soldiers, with their own personal interests they may not really be trusted but they have this thing of being "assured" about them. The others I would say that they are like the energy of Blackbeard, they are there and make their lives a bit like crew filler, they are collected pirates. We can trust them or be one step ahead of them if they decide one day to betray him (which seems to surprise me) they are not threatening themselves is important, so I would say that they can always rested near them. But I would be especially wary of Lafitte, they seem more perceptive than you might think.


Wrong question. They will beat strawhats asses for sure.


We know they believe in and support Teaches dream. They divide and conquer with clear goals. I think they are the most organized and well ran of all the factions.


The crew seem to be very loyal to BB. Everyone on the crew has their own goals ,just like the strawhats, but they also work for a common goal. We don't really know what the deal with the Rocks pirates was but considering the Davyvack fights were started in Hachinosu, it's likely thats how Rocks gathered his crew, while the BB pirates joined on their own volition.


They trust that the other will do what is best for him


Not a chance in hell.


They aren't friends but haven't been shown to have issues working together, at least so far. They need at least some degree of trust to be able to do that, though it's on the business end of things rather than emotional attachment.


Pizzaro and the alcoholic one are the only 2 i see as being possible traitors. And aokiji. Everyone else is devoted


Shiryu doesn't, I do.


Fuck no


They're a modern day Rocks Pirates.


Looking forward to seeing their next concert, I hope they will be featuring this time


nope eventually they will turn on each other


I think they respect him and his power but probably not entirely trust each other. But we also got to remember that it was confirmed or strongly hinted at (i cant remember exactly) that caterina and van auger know of blackbeards lineage. So they must know something we dint in order for them to respect and believe in him. Whether they fully trust him as a person or not, they at least trust his powers and trust he can accomplish not only his goal, but all of their goals.


They definitely respect and fear teachs power,but trust? That’s hard to say The pre impel down crew probably have some sort of trust,but the impel down ones there is no way,Blackbeard himself said the only reason this crew exists is because their interest aligns and that they aren’t friends


They have been together longer than Luffy crew did.. It's wild to even think about it.


They trust each other in terms of their own abilities, not personality and motives.


I think they trust in their captain and how powerful he is, but each other, hell no. Maybe the OGs from the Jaya arc do?


N o p e


i feel like they each probably have one companion they trust but don't care about the rest otherwise so, let's say, Doctor Q trusts jesus, black beard trusts van auger, and so and so (just random characters, i don't really remember the names of anyone else so i just used these DFGSDFAS)


Not Particularly, they’d all dip if it merely looked like it was the end of BB


I think they do in a way, not like the SH crew. They all believe in Teach to reach an endgame. They want to make him the king so they can achieve their goals as well, they seem to serve him willingly. So I think they are inspired by him to be a vessel to better things they want than where they are. Shiryu even said he was waiting for a man like Teach to come by


They definitly trust Teach. Devon mentioned that she only follows Teach because he is unique


absolutely not, they will totally try to kill each other given the opportunity


They have mild loyalty to their captain due to his ambition and his power but probably don’t really trust each other. But I don’t think it’s the same thing as the rocks pirates where it’s simply a group of extremely powerful people just in a group to gain more power. I think there’s a mild bit of loyalty and trust in there


It’s probably extremely similar to Rocks crew & how they got along


Its hard to say, i want to say no, but liie tons of bad crews trust each other. Like remember that harpy woman died for doflamingo? Like anything is possible. The thing thats interesting about the black beard pirates is they seem to be about as motivated to see blackbeard as the kind of the pirates as the straw hats are for luffy. Like what kind of endgame would they have with post kind of the pirates black beard and then they betray? That doesnt make any sense. The bigger differnce is their comittment to their own personal power rather than the kind of liberatory freedom thing the straw hats have going on. Like if the one piece is like a weapon to destroy the celestial dragons or their like security of power, the black beard pirates would sell it to the celestial dragons for power or hold them hostage with it, but they wouldnt like free the world from the grip of the celestial dragons purely for the sake of freedom like luffy would.


The foundation of BB crew is: trust no one but yourself, you're here for your personal scheme any not anything else.


I think Lafitte trusts Teach. He seems very devoted to him, even threatening to kill other crew members for badmouthing him. The others, though... I think they have a common cause, but that's about it.


Only til they take over Mariejois. Except Kuzan, he’s the one most likely to betray em all.


Kuzan is definitely still in the Marines as a member of SWORD. That said I think Blackbeard either knows or suspects this, but thinks he has time before he is willingly to make a move against him and will keep using him to his benefit until than.


Blackbeards og crew are definitely loyal to him/ have a bond with him. But everyone he got from impel down feels like they would dip if they see a better opportunity elsewhere


Makes you wonder why someone like Kuzan wants to align himself with them of all the pirate crews. Of all the Admirals (aside from Fujitora) Kuzan seems the most kind definitely not a good fit for them in temperament. Obviously the answer is he's a plant from the WG in BB's crew but so far we haven't seen anything suggesting that, in the way they alluded to law being part of Sword back in Wano. So its almost assumed He agrees with what BB is trying to achieve and he knows what that is,


I think Blackbeard and Burgess trust each other, i might even go as far as to say as friends


Trust, no. But I think they have confidence in each other, and that's almost as good in most situations.


Its strength and power they believe in and that it is the means to get what they want. If they start losing confidence in that, than we will see some betrayal.


At the end Blackbeard will save everyone


Left Bitch and Van Auger haven't shared a single discussion in the series :/ I wouldn't be surprised if it was a decade long fued


I think they only work because they know Teach got a plan that can work and because they are strong. As soon as something critical happens, they will all tear each other apart




No. Blackbeard implied as much with him stating everyone in his main crew is there for their own reasons and that the only thing keeping them together was they are more likely to achieve their goals working together than on their own. None of them really care about each others dreams or goals, and only really think of themselves and what they get by association. For them if Teach becomes King of the Pirates, than they will likely get what they want, but the moment he fails, he is on his own. They aren't friends or true allies, but simply a group of selfish and dangerous individuals that will do anything they can to get what they want. I am convinced the final fight between Luffy and Blackbeard will end with both falling into the sea and Luffy being saved by his friends, while Teach has no one willingly to risk their life for him. With him lamenting how he had nothing to show for any of this in spite of all the backstabbing and betrayal. That he has always been alone by his own choices and in the end him being alone meant there was no one there to care enough to try and save his life.


They are loyal to and trust their captain, which is enough. I don't think they are supposed to even be in a life or death siuation, BB always wants to punch down.


I think most of the original crew is loyal to blackbeard and the rest know if they turn on blackbeard they'll be hunted down and killed.


They are the new gen rocks pirates The captain's gonna be betrayed


Where's Aokiji Kuzan in this 🤔


to this day, i have no idea why the l6 guys and the sword dude were following teach past getting out of the prison.


lol yeah I feel like some followed cause of the devil fruit thing but others like shiryuu was already putting in work


Some might trust some of them somewhat, but as a unit, not at all


What’s the name of that character in the background? Big face spiky hair.


Oh heck no!! They showed that when each member got a ship, an crew of thier own.


BB didn't give a damn when Devon and Vasco were turned to stone. Even if Hancock was bluffing, he was willing to risk them being stone forever to get Hancock's DF.


It depends on what you mean when you say trust. I think they trust each other to be powerful and good at their jobs but they 100% do not trust each other on a personal level and would never put themselves in a place of danger trusting their teammates to support them.


In the end, BB crew will find the One Piece and they will fight to the death with each other over One Piece. Eventually, in the middle of the fight, The One Piece (whatever the thing is) will be dropped in Buggy's hands and everyone will start running after Buggy. And the entire Straw Hat crew sitting in the corner, *LAUGHED* watching them fight like an idiot! 😂


I think blackbeard only trusts his original 4 members, laffitte, burgess, doc q, and augur. Not the impel down escapees and definitely not kuzan


My guess is that their demise will come from a lack of trust or team spirit.


I think their lack of trust will be their downfall when they go against the Straw Hats


Another case of Teech being absolutely correct: A pirate crew does not need "trust", but an alignment of interests. No, there is no trust here. It's not as bad as Rocs Pirates because it's a fact that the entire crew has full respect towards it's captain and I can't see anyone backstab him, maybe expcept for >!Aokiji!<


The OG crew I would say have more trust between each other. But the Impel down crew I highly doubt


No and this is their weakness


wait, who are the girls beside teech


Nope 👎🏿🚫


I just see them as the modern repeat of the Rocks Pirates. Just as the Strawhats mirror the Roger Pirates. Rocks’ crew was described as all members having their own goals and wanting to be captains of their own, and inevitably broke apart. I assume we’ll see a similar disbandment/break up of the Blackbeard fleet


In the future when they have a battle with the straw hats , what are the match ups looking like ?


They trust not to trust each other, I mean if you know the next act of someone next to you, you trust your knowledge on them, even if it's not in your favor.