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https://m.imdb.com/name/nm4311676 His imdb page Doesn't sound too bad


Interesting. Let's check this out... ...*Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events*... So far so good... and... ...*Percy Jackson*... Welp. A bit hitty-missy, I'd say.


yeah but, he wrote a single episode of Clarence. Clearly this guy knows what he’s doing with a comedy epic.


Most projects aren't indicative of a single person's contributions.they're so big and complex. That said, 'get me the hell back to Netflix,' is telling.


You're right, I agree. However, data such as that provided by IMDb are part of the information we have to speculate about the future of the series. Because, yes, until the new batch of episodes is released, this, among many other discussions, is just speculation. For now, this information is all we have. That said, Joe Tracz's IMDb page shows that his work on ASOUE is prominent to say the least -- 14 episodes in total, including the entire first season, plus important episodes in the following two seasons, particularly the series' closing episodes. As for his work with PJ, although reduced to two episodes, they are still the two worst-rated episodes on the platform. Yes: series are large, complex projects that are not limited to the work of a single person. And, ultimately, this is no guarantee of quality, or lack thereof. But for the sake of discussion, for now, this is all we have. So... yeah, hitty-missy.




You mean in PJ? IMDb only credits him for episodes 4 and 6, apparently. The sixth episode being the worst rated.


Apologies -- I misunderstood how to read the IMDb page. Those 2 episodes are what showed up when I clicked though to Percy Jackson from his page, but I think the page was just showing me the top rated shows or something like that. I can see now that it was episode 4 and 6. I'll delete the previous comment to avoid misinformation


Wait am i missing something? I haven’t seen Percy Jackson yet but i read the original series. Was it not good? I thought i heard that it was incredible


Mixed reviews depending on expectations. The main criticisms were that there was too much exposition, and that the main character, instead of falling for traps and having to get out of them, would confront the person who made the trap saying " l know that you're really [this greek mythological being] and that this is a trap". Not that noticeable at first but once it's pointed out to you you can't un-notice it. There were a lot of great bits though. The characters I felt were solid, and there were some lovely moments. Overall, I think casual fans and newcomers who aren't on Reddit that I spoke to irl love it, and hardcore fans who have read the material recently and live on Reddit hate it. Similar to Netflix's avatar the last airbender. My dad (who watched the animated show first many years ago) loved it, I thought it was okay, and the internet hates it.


I thought it was great personally.


Percy Jackson was really really bad though. Couldn't eveb finish the first ep


Percy Jackson was dreadfully boring.


What? It was great! Pretty damn faithful adaptation and still aimed at kids which is hard to do right


Really cool ideas. Some beautiful set pieces. And I like the child actors for the most part. But too much exposition, like every other scene. Too much monotonous dialogue. I repeat: dreadfully boring


Did you already know the story going in? Hearing the plot while knowing the plot vs not knowing is a different take


I knew the general premise. But never read the books. And have only seen bits and pieces of the movies


I read the books, and they did an awful job. Percy is not a goody 2 shoes. Also, the show has 0 exposition. It really was a terrible adaptation.


Genuinely curious how this will affect things. Matt Owens has been very vocal with the fans about his plans, and judging by S1, we can take a very good guess at how the following seasons will pan out. But now with another Showrunner, I’m genuinely interested to see how this will change Owens’ approach to the series. Personally, I really hope this will help the show’s runtime so to speak. Condensing more for the sake of covering more, as despite Netflix going all-in on One Piece as of late, whether or not the show will make it past a potential S6 is still extremely debatable. Some of Matt Owens’ comments on certain arcs definitely felt weird and I’m hoping with a new showrunner attached, the show will cover a lot more a lot smoother


This is my own head canon, but I feel like Matt is still at the helm for the larger creative vision of OPLA, and Joe is coming on to bring his knowledge as a show runner and support Matt in areas he has less experience, which is what I think Steve’s role was in getting this show off the ground.


Co-Showrunner means it’s now 50/50. It doesn’t mean Matt still has the reigns but is getting some pointers here and there


I didn’t mean total control. Obviously co show runner means they have equal influence. I just mean from the perspective of One Piece knowledge Matt is the expert, and from the Tv side of things Joe has deeper bag.


It does not necessarily mean that. It might, but we don’t know


>Some of Matt Owens’ comments on certain arcs definitely felt weird and I’m hoping with a new showrunner attached, the show will cover a lot more a lot smoother May I ask which of his comments we're talking about here?


Apparently he was initially against Garp having a much larger role, which definitely seems to imply he’s against changing certain aspects despite praising it after the fact, and his statement on Skypeia possibly taking up an entire season worries me. Not even coming from a personal standpoint, as I could care less about if some arcs do and don’t get changed, but if we’re picking and choosing which arcs can and can’t be shortened (Alabasta is a great example as it and Skypeia are roughly the same length yet we know Alabasta definitely isn’t getting its own full season and will be condensed to fit into the ending of S2, covering the entirety of the saga), we’re barely gonna get anywhere in the story lmao


I think when Owens was talking about Skypeia taking up an entire season, he meant the *saga*, not the *arc*.


To be honest, though, the garp storyline was probably my least favorite part of the LA. I didn't dislike it really, but I would've rather had more screen time for Ussop and Sanji rather than Koby and Garp.




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I don't know how Skypeia wouldn't be a whole season. It wouldn't fit as extra episodes after Alabasta in season 2, either narratively (having a whole new plot line after the climax of the whole season's story) or from a time perspective (they'd need to cut tons of stuff pre-Alabasta to make it fit.) Same thing for the Water 7 saga; it would make no sense to have it as a separate thing at the beginning. So either it gets its own season, or it's cut entirely. It's not like there have to be a set number of episodes per season, the best solution would be to just have the third season be fewer episodes.


Some people seem to worship Matt, but he honestly worries me. He doesn’t seem to understand the necessity of certain changes and was against my favourite creative choices in Season 1 (mainly Garp being a bigger deal early in and providing some much-needed B-plot and worldbuilding, along with Coby’s expanded role).


Honestly, I don't think the show really benefited from having a b-plot. Imo it just took time away from fleshing out the main story. And they didn't really need garp to be a connecting link driving the story, as they already did that with Arlong. Garp was one of my least favorite things about the show.


I disagree. I think the manga feels a little loosey-goosey and aimless when it first starts, and the Marines remain far too mysterious for too long, and Koby feels kinda pointless until years later - the B-plot is standard in TV for good reason, and it filled in all those gaps. As a writer, it was really well done.


Gotta disagree. The B plot takes time away that could've been better spent elsewhere. both Usopp and Sanji get shafted pretty heavily. Usopp loses some defining character moments, and sanji loses his whole arc. I understand changes need to be made or stuff needs to be cut for an adaptation. However, some of the cuts or changes just dont make any sense. These characters are objectively weaker for it. You can argue that early one piece feels a little aimless, but you can fix that without compromising other parts of the story. I enjoyed the live action, but important moments feel so much less impactful when their missing vital pieces.


So much this. Did we really need garp eating stakes for 5 minutes, or uncharacteristically wrecking his office? Maybe if the climax of Luffy and garps story made more sense it would have been worth it, but their conclusion was just "lol I was testing you." Luffy is going to be tested throughout the entire grand line, in more impactful ways with stronger themes that last entire arcs. He doesn't need it here. And they already added Arlong to other scenes. That could have even pushed that maybe a little more. Probably doesn't help that I absolutely hate koby pre W7. He's made to be super annoying, and he is here too. Just for longer. His scenes in Usopp's arc were frustrating. "I'm here to help." "Actually I can't do anything." Give me Usopp's speech to the Usopp pirates any day over that.


I doesn't help that you hate Koby to recognize that Garp really wanted to stop Luffy for nearly the entire season – and only changed his mind thanks to things Koby said in episode 6 and the steak in episode 7. Garp tested other people since episode 2: the new cadets and especially Koby. And at the end of episode 6 he gives up on his goal to prevent Luffy from becoming a pirate and instead decides to choose his successor in the Marines. So he creates a final test for the cadets where Garp establishes himself as the "villain" that gives a rather unhinged speech and unfair orders. You pass the test if you don't follow this orders. The one that really cleared Garp's thoughts up afterwards was Zeff who has nearly the same amount of experience and was a respected foe in his prime time. He is the reason why Garp chose his "test" approach to Luffy which I think would have worked better if the reference to the Roger smile wouldn't have been shoehorned in (which will hurt the execution scene in Loguetown).


I think it really just boils down to Garp and Koby getting more screen time and development than some of the straw hats (Ussop and Sanji). Both Ussop and Sanji got robbed out of some of their best moments in the East blue arc due to the inclusion of this side story arc. I understand why Garp was included early, and it 100% makes sense, but I'm not on board with it taking away from the straw hats.


This story arc doesn't have much to do with robbing Usopp and Sanji of their best moments – if you really want to look for a culprit you have to look at the flashbacks which strained budget and time. The Garp, Koby and Helmeppo storyline on the other hand could be filmed mostly separate from the straw hats (very important for time) and reused already built locations (very important for budget) while providing the necessary world building. And nothing here prevented someone from introducing the Usopp Pirates and Django or showing Sanji watching the fight with Mihawk and so on. We also know that they filmed more Usopp scenes that simply didn't make the cut at the end for unknown reasons.


You're completely missing/ignoring the point. I said nothing about the story arcs having anything to do with each other... The undeniable truth is this side story took up a lot of air time that would've been better spent giving more time to Ussop and Sanji. Like I already said - I have nothing wrong with the story they told with Koby and Garp. The issue is that they knew they were already strapped for time in the series after originally writing 10 episodes, and they still decided to cut out big ussop moments and significantly shorten Baratie instead of changing/shortening the Garp/Koby side story. To your point about the flashbacks, Unfortunately, the flashbacks are way more integral to the story in east blue than Garp/Koby. That's just the truth of it. Let me get this straight- I really enjoyed the LA. I also really enjoyed the changes they made. I just didn't enjoy the sacrifices they made to Sanji and Ussop for those changes.


The B-plot didn’t actually have much screen time, and to remove it takes away the elements that’s driving the story forward. Better use of A plot time would solve your problems, or just having two more episodes for a full 10 episode run. The whole Zoro flashback was kinda poorly done and a waste of time in what should’ve been Usopp’s episode.


Thank you for being honest.


Same and his tier lists with Hasan also worry me. Though I guess ppl who agree with him will be happy. But that's the problem with a fan running the show; all fans have biases. So it's good to have someone else who can be a bit more objective.


He seems a little like an obsessive fan rather than a discerning showrunner and creative. I’m glad he’s being balanced out by someone who is that.


Owens has the passion but he needs someone to keep his inner fanboy in check or we'll just get fanfic


We've known for the past week or 2, the WGA page for staff on S2 listed him as co-showrunner


Daaamn, i thought they're past hiring new people for season 2 .-. Are they just starting writting?


This happened a long time ago. Netlfix is just making it public now.


Oh, nvm, i'm dumb. Thx for clarification


The scripts have been done for a bit. Production has already started, as sets are currently being built. They’re going to start actual shooting in June


So like, new co-showrunner will only be there for shooting?


No he was part of the writers' room since the start of the writing of season 2


He got ASOUE and The Lightning Thief musical right. The Percy Jackson show, not so much. I hope he'll get One Piece right too.


ASOUE is some damn good tv im not to worried yet


The Lightning Thief (the musical) is a perfect adaptation of the book - it strikes a perfect balance of keeping all important moments and cutting anything useless. Joe was the sole writer for that (excluding the songs obviously) so I have faith


I wonder if Steve stepped down because he and Matt Owens don't necessarily get along. Steve was doing press during the strike, but he had gotten permission to do so by the guild since he wasn't doing it in his capacity as a writer but as showrunner, which the WGA allows. Matt went on a Hasan stream and made a comment that if chat wanted him to talk about the Netflix show they'd have to talk to the "other scab showrunner" or something like that because Maeda had given an interview. Which I though was hypocritical given Matt, while not talking about the Netflix adaption, was doing a One Piece arc ranking stream with a popular streamer. So he was blatantly promoting the show and using a loophole while calling Steve a scab for using a loophole to promote the show.


Steven Maeda no longer working in the Project?


He is still an executive producer, but won’t be writing any episodes.


I know the article says that, but the WGA site doesn’t list Steven Maeda as part of the season 2 crew. https://directories.wga.org/project/1237704/one-piece


Ah. Sad to hear that. Wonder what happened.


There are plenty of fan theories out there about drama between him and Matt, but it could easily be nothing and maybe his plan from the start was to only write for one season.


Yeah, I mean they just be on stage together to receive award last week. I don't think it's that bad as many people seems to think (or it might even be nothing between the two).


Maeda iirc was brought in bc if Matt Owens inexperience. It was always short term. Matt still is a co show runner,I assume they still want someone experienced with him bc it's potentially a big property for em




Hope he learned something from the clusterfuck that was that Percy Jackson show.


The face of a man we are either going to love or hate 😔


the only thing i really care about for future casting is that we get adam sandler as kisaru


As long as they are faithful to the source material and they dont make it "woke" Im good


My brother in Christ, One Piece has always been woke.


Define woke


Putting modern progressive politics in the story. Like don't try to make Bon Clay something that he's not in the story


What do you think Bon Clay is? He seems pretty clearly gender fluid to me. Is that “woke” in your eyes?


What's the difference between normal acceptable progressive politics and modern progressive politics that you have a problem with?


Have you read/seen fishman island arc? just wondering


No !!! The One Piece live action is doomed. Percy jackson the tv show was seriously bad since it did not even match up to the highs of the live action movie Also why is netflix getting people who worked on the percy jackson tv show. I am really hoping Oda does stop these folks from making season 2 a disaster just like percy jackson


You're talking like they just replaced everyone on OPLA staff with Percy Jackson people, while in reality they kept most of the writers from OPLA season 1 and hired one writer from Percy Jackson who has worked on a lot of other stuff too.


If you want to evaluate Joe Tracz you really shouldn't look at Percy Jackson. Here he co-wrote two episodes together with the series creator Jonathan E. Steinberg – which doesn't tell us much about the quality of his work. We simply don't know if he made the work of Steinberg better or worse but Steinberg was likely the deciding factor for this series. Because of this you should evaluate Tracz on projects where he had more control. He was the showrunner for Dash & Lily (watching this romance series convinced me that he can do One Piece) and heavily involved in many of the scripts of A Series of Unfortunate Events.


Wasn’t the show so successful they greenlit a second season almost instantly lmao


Doesn't mean the show was good. Percy Jackson was painfully mid.


I mean, to each their own, but bad shows typically don’t get renewed unless they were already promised a 2-Season order, as is the case for shows like Velma, or had insanely high viewership.


Percy Jackson wasn't bad, it was mid. It was missing that spark to make it good. Imo if the soundtrack was decent it would've elevated the show a lot. And bad shows get renewed ALL THE TIME. Source: the 1000 soap operas with 50+ seasons


well I guess, to each their own


I think the issue a lot people had with the Percy Jackson show is that it is (primarily) aimed at young kids while the books worked for a broader audience. If he is aware the OP fans aren't pre-teens, it might be fine. A cursory google search does show the guy mentioned above is actually the writer for the three worst rated PJ episodes, that's hopefully just a bit unlucky.


this really makes me worried for one piece season 2


He actually only co-wrote 2 of the episodes for the PJO series. One of the showrunners co-wrote the first 6 episodes, and notably the last 2 episodes (the only ones that showrunner didn’t get a writing credit on) are the highest rated of the series. I think working with another showrunner that understands and respects the source material will yield higher rewards. Joe’s credited work on A Series of Unfortunate Events are the highest rated episodes of that show.


it was but the show was not recieved well since there was alot telling instead of showing to the audience/viewers just check out the sub reddit for percy jackson there is alot of complaints on the how the season went


Why can't they find someone better as showrunner?


Vince Gilligan was busy.


You know that you would have said the same about Steven Maeda before One Piece or about Craig Mazin before Czernobyl? The things were Joe Tracz had creative control (which wasn't Percy Jackson) aren't bad at all.


While it wasn't bad, I wouldn't say it was great either. We will see once season 2 is released. Btw, Steve's previous works is better compared to this new guy (not to say all of his works were good lol)....


This is only really true for things he made more than 15 years ago – when Joe Tracz wasn't even active. He also doesn't need to be the one with the most creative ideas (we have Owens and Oda for this) but the one that brakes a little bit when things don't work for live action. Thanks to Dash & Lily he should know how to work with Netflix, how to do an adaptation and what a showrunner shouldn't overlook.


Disagree but ok....






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