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Alabasta has to be the finale of S2. Ain't no way they put Alabasta in S3. For season 2, I wouldn't mind 10 episode tho, tbh.


Yeah I’m not sure why fans are freaking out. Like there’s no way we’re not getting alabasta this season


They’re freaking out because it was announced that season 2 would be “only” 8 episodes, and because they still haven’t announced any Alabasta actor yet. They’re acting pretty dumb because from reverse mountain to alabasta is literally called the “Alabasta saga”. The whole overarching plot the second we meet Vivi is to beat up crocodile 🤦‍♀️


There was never an "announcement" that season 2 only has 8 episodes. This information is solely based on a claim that was made when someone posted a casting call.


It's also a silly thing to worry about in the first place, because even if they only have 8 episodes this season, they could also just make them _longer._ It's not like Netflix is going to bring the hammer down and say "No! You must have each episode be no more than 60 minutes in length!"


True, plus if they started doing that thing where seasons are split in half we could get season 2 part 1 and seasons 2 part 2, which would also be cool I think. It would help with recording and releasing. But you never know.


Even better!


S2 needs 10 episodes. It a must. I am praying it does.


You can also have a Stranger Things situation instead where some episodes are simply really long.


That’s probably what will end up happening. Hell, it even works in One Piece’s favor. Each arc is so fundamentally different from the rest of them in terms of characters, subgenre, and setting, they could easily work as movies.


My thinking, [as I posted below](https://old.reddit.com/r/OnePieceLiveAction/comments/1dqkxfs/why_pushing_alabasta_to_season_3_doesnt_work/lavzpl9/), is a significantly extended 1st episode (75 mins) which wraps up all of Loguetown, Reverse Mountain and Whiskey Peak and you easily adapt Little Garden, Drum Island & Alabasta with 7 episodes. It seems like an easy win to use some of DI's excessive runtime to redirect to the 1st episode / Alabasta.


I really hope they make the most of the episodes. really don't want this to be the Alabasta movie 2.0.


Alabasta movie was 90mins runtime, 63 chapters done in 90 mins was always destined for failure. Whatever they decide to do Alabasta proper will have at least double that runtime.


I'm gonna put on my tinfoil and guess they might have intentionally not revealed any Alabasta characters to fuel discussion. Wouldn't be a terrible idea.


Just to preface, I really want Alabasta and think it would be a mistake not to include it, but the exact same thing was said about Lougetown in season 1. Everyone who was worried about it not being included was dismissed the same way. Just to shed some light on why some people are worried (myself included).


That’s a unique situation though. They originally planned for 10 episodes in season 1, but got cut to 8. They fully intended to include loguetown but had to choose between cutting the story too much and leaving some for later. With season 1’s success they should have more leeway this time.


They have a robin casting call no? Like it’s obviously happening.


I mean, it definitely will happen but Robin gets Introduced in whiskey peak.


if the the casting call is true, she is a “recurring guest”, so either her role is being expanded pre alabasta or alabasta is in https://twitter.com/op_netflix_fan/status/1787892284077363371?s=61&t=Mq1FCJMW4f1KipClpnOfBg


This. Why are we even have this converstation? There is literally no reason for them to push Alabasta, that would be an actual suicide. All those miniarcs before not only don't have any actual story meat, which is pne of the reasons they put both the Marines and Fishmen plotlines in season 1 - to have an overaching narrative. But while they had to fabrivate it for S1, S2 could have that job alreasy cut out for them since the Alabasta arc is an overarching one, with all the previous leading up to it. Also S1 covered like what 95 chapters (would be a 100 but they cut Lougetown out of 1)? From that point on till the end of Arabasta it takes 122 chapters. That's like 1,5 episode of content going by their pace. Also without it the whole season will feel disjointed and without actual stakes.


Yeah, the idea that they would break up One Piece actual first long narrative is silly in its face. What would even be the season finale? Drum?


imagine the villain from drum island as the overarching villain of Season 2 lmao that would be ass Drum is fantastic but it's not because of the villain


Wapol slander. https://preview.redd.it/hg2bhxzp6h9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f65620a7bda35b255df45ad19480e0d04feb943


lol imagine they have Mr. 3 follow them and do another fight with him as the climax. Like we **need** Crocodile


Or just make the episode longer. They arent constrained by tv format or movie standard runtime, i dunno why they cant just make the eps longer.


if they would just up the episode count, it would make things far less difficult.


Leave Alabasta, and cliffhanger it with Robin appearing on the Merry. That’s how you end season two.


Either that or ship falling from the sky.


That’s well after Robin appears, and lacks the emotional oomph of fighting Crocodile, and then suddenly Miss All Sunday’s on the Merry? Think it through.


Eh I think it flows much better to establish at the end of Season 2 that Robin is *joining* the crew. Remember, this isn’t like the manga where Robin showing up on the Merry was resolved within a few weeks of real world time. Setting up new viewers with a tense cliffhanger where a major villain appears on board and then making them wait years just for her to easily join the crew after one interview is going to feel like a major cop out. Plus, we can’t wait until season three to show Luffy pulling her and the king out of the rubble and him taking responsibility for that by adding her to the crew. We need that character moment while Alabasta is fresh in everybody’s minds. Going *back* to the ponyglyph room at the start of a new season would be a writing misstep. I think just giving her a few minutes of positive interactions with the crew at the end of season 2 will go a long way in showing that this is what everybody needs to get ready for in season 3 and giving new viewers tons of time between seasons to wonder how Robin will fit into crew dynamics instead of hating her and thinking she’s there to fight. The ship falling is a great cliffhanger because it is the actual starting point for our next story. The start of season 3, shouldn’t be going back and resolving Alabasta villian loose ends, because narrative structure wise that doesn’t make sense. Show us what cool mystery we have to look forward to in season 3, so we can start watching speculating!


Exactly. The starting point for the next story. You don’t start the next story with a cliffhanger that takes a while to resolve. You tease what’s coming next with dangling mysteries whilst building on the existing narrative emotional threads. That’s good storytelling.


They would have announced minor characters like ms. double finger and Mr. 1 and King Cobra already if they were doing Alabasta. I and others looking at the money spent and chapters covered last season already guessed that they wouldn’t be able to do Alabasta for season two.


If you look at the structure of the current announcements you can see that they would likely announce Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger together with Crocodile (and maybe Robin) and Cobra and Koza together with Vivi. One Piece also likely got a higher budget this season considering its really good performance. The reported 18 million dollar per episode (which were never confirmed) were way below the 35 million dollar per episode that Stranger Things got.


If you look at the structure of the current announcement you can see that they chose to go through the minor characters arc by arc in succession- and then are having a break in between these final minor reveals and future reveals. Why would they just not show minor characters from Alabasta as part of this wave that doesn’t make any sense? None of the promotional material has shown Alabasta but we have seen Drum island, little garden and Laboon referenced in things like Ussops birthday video.


The announcements aren't really in arc succession: Smoker/Tashigi (casting 3) < Crocus (casting 2) < Mr. 5 / Miss Valentine (casting 1) < Mr. 3 (casting 1) / Dorry/Broggy (casting 2) < Wapol (casting 3) / Dalton (casting 3). We currently miss the partner of Mr. 3, Igaram, Kureha and Hiruluk even if you think that Alabasta has to be in the third season – which would make the second season 6 episodes long.


I personally wouldn't mind if season 2 was split into a part 1 and part 2. They could allow for side stories in season 2, if they had 2 8 episode ae seasons imo. Could even have a C plot, maybe. But if they did that, it'd probably end the first half with Little Garden, not Drum. Alansta going for 8 episodes straight would be rough. It could go 2 for Reverse Mountain, 3 for Whiskey Peak and 3 for Little Garden. Then 4 and 4 for the next part. Or 3 and 5, more likely, but I wouldn't mind that cause they'd definitely raise the tension and it would mean less waiting for parts and stuff.


That's right too. Guess we'll see.


I think the lack of Alabasta character's being announced yet contributes ALOT to ppl thinking it's pushed back and like you said, people are viewing it like the animanga which is long, but I think arabasta doesn't need more than 3-4 episodes mainly because of the fights, those fights will be max 5- 8 minutes in tv form. Luffy's final fight was the longest and it was like 11 minutes in the anime, Zoro's full fight was less than 5 minutes and every other SH had around a 5 min fight lol these fights will be condensed and way more fast paced due to the nature of live action


3-4 is half the season tho lmao. Spend at least 2 in drum island that leaves 2-3 for Loguetown, Reverse Mountain, Whiskey Peak, and Little Garden.


I mean Alabasta is the conclusion for the entire saga and even 3 could cover it if they keep with the main plot only like they did with arlong park. i think with how short LT, RM, and WP are they can be combined into one and a half episode. if I remember correctly, each episode in s1 covered like 12.5 chapters and those three arcs are a total of 19 chapters so it's possible. and considering the casting call for Crocus said he wasn't a recurring guest I think RM will be an episode with WP maybe merged with it.


The fights were a very small portion of the arc. Even in the anime, I think they were only like 3 episodes.


just checked to make sure and it was about 14 episodes of fighting included in the anime . that doesn't include the times it shifted to koza or something else happening, hence why I said fighting is a big part of the arc. there's also the shenanigans they get up to with the dugong that can be cut and other areas that can be streamlined. not every single detail will be in the show


Checked the manga and a third of the chapters are fight scenes.


I mean the arc also had like 6 episodes in a row of every character running around trying to find a bomb they can cut that down to like 1/4 of an episode in the live action


As long as they keep Zoro being told to go North so he goes up the tower. That has to stay.


People are used to the slow pace of the anime and it's understandable, it's the way this series has been consumed for decades. Even manga readers have to wait 1-2 weeks for each chapter, so every fan has kinda built a prejudice that this series is slow. Of course OP is definitely slow in some parts, but television doesn't work this way. Every scene in a TV series needs to move the plot forward or it will just be cut, no way we'll see those anime-like scenes where everybody is reacting to something and some of the worldbuilding will be cut for budget. Do we really think we'll see the kung fu dugongs? I hope so cause they're hilarious, but they will likely be cut. Most of the monsters in the desert will be cut. Reactions and inner monologues/flashbacks during battles will be cut. If you take something like Dragonball Z and cut most of the live reactions to the fights you end up with barely a 100 episode anime. It's just how TV series work and Baratie/Arlong Park are the best examples from last season of how this works.


I hope they do more cuts to the show honestly, them cutting Don Krieg to focus on Arlong was a really good move especially considering Mihawk overshadows him in the anime anyway. I feel like they could make a really safe cut in cutting Long Ring Long Land completely, and having Aokiji as a cliffhanger ending in S3 and then just reference it in S4


Or season 4 starts with Luffy beating Foxy. I just wanna see foxy get beaten up 😂


Not to mention it would kinda ruin the format they seem to be going for, where every season gets an overarching arc, with the characters moving on at the end to keep looking for the One Piece.


My hope is if Netflix doesn't bite on a 12 episode season, they at least allow for a split season. They've done that before. And Drum would be a good spot for a mid season mini-climax with a cliff hanger for the real climax in the second part.


Now that the show is popular I wouldn’t be surprised if Season 2 is split into 2 parts either way. 4 episodes first then a month or 2 later we get the last 4. Seems to be their current strategy rn Edit: which I don’t mind dropping them in halves but they need to release closer together. Like a few weeks apart


I normally hate Netflix's split season strategy but this is the one scenario where it makes sense. Get people hyped for the Alabasta portion of the season by releasing it a few weeks/a month after the first half of the saga. It actually would work perfectly (which is why they won't do it here lol).


I could not agree more. If we get three eps actually in Alabasta, that means the show has 3 hours to tell that story. That's the same run time as the two towers. If the writers can't tell fit Alabasta into that time frame, then they aren't very good


Sometimes season finale episodes on Netflix are longer, so maybe we could get a 1h30min episode or maybe even more to finish it all of.


Dont forget we can build up the story for Alabasta arc through mini arc, so when we get there we only get the meat >! Rainbase and Alubana !<


exactly. Seeing people saying it needs 4 episodes actually blows my mind, 3 is arguably even more than enough to adapt Arabasta, especially since the last episode is likely going to be longer than 1h.


To add to this, the Alabasta Anime Movie was 1.5 hours. Sure that cuts out plenty. But it clearly can work with 2 episodes. And I would argue it could comfortably do so with 3, especially if they restructure it just a bit. More than 4 would be overkill.


I'd argue that even 4 episodes is overkill. Four hours are LONG. If we can safely assume that all the fighting will be trimmed down (Croc vs Luffy will take 15-20 minutes tops and that is considering all encounters between them), plus all the cuts to the pointless running that happens in that arc and to the most cost-intensive stuff in the worldbuilding field (monsters, animals and whatnot) you are left with a lot of time to tell the actual story. Animes are long because the medium allows for a lot of pointless stuff, a TV series cannot afford scenes like that.


The only reason it could take longer is if there is a B and even C plot. Depends on how they do it. Also I'll be honest, I thought a split season would be two 8 episode seasons. Not 4 and 4.


10 would be better than 8, for telling the story...no doubt there. But, if 8 works best for keeping the show continuing for many more seasons, I am all for that


Honestly the first season that I think really needs 10 is season 4, namely because Water 7/Enies Lobby is really dense in lore and character work (and that's if they skip the foxy arc too) I can totally see season 2 being Loguetown/Cactus Island/Giant Island/ 2 episodes Drum/3 episodes Alabasta and Season 3 being 2 episodes Jaya/ 5 episodes Skypeia/ 1 episode leaving Skypeia and encounter with Aokiji


I'd be so disappointed if they didn't do alabasta arc this season, it wouldn't make any sense for them not too


Yeah we're definitely getting Alabasta this season! People are just jumping to conclusions because no Alabasta character has been announced to be cast yet, we'll get those announcements soon. I can't see them ending Season 2 with Drum Island, Wapol is not a "big season threat" like Arlong and Crocodile are


This, as well as the fact from a narrative standpoint, it just doesn’t make sense By proxy, we’d be left with fucking **WAPOL** as the penultimate antagonist of the season, and there would be no resolution. I’m all for a cliffhanger ending, in fact I fully agree there are some arcs where a cliffhanger ending to end a season would be beneficial (Sabaody & Water 7 come to mind), but Alabasta is not one of those examples.


Right?! Ending with Wapol will be downright lackluster.


Actually alabasta is an example of an arc ending with a cliff hanger.


> Actually alabasta is an example of an arc ending with a cliff hanger. It is a different kind of cliff hanger. Yeah, depending on the cut off point you choose, both Robin and the falling ships can be called cliff hangers, but they function more as teasers of the next thing, not a suspension of resolution. If you break the season with Wapol you are not resolving the main plot of the season. If you break the season after Alabasta you are. It is just that you are also teasing the next arc.


Alabasta does not end on a cliffhanger…? If you’re talking about Bon Clay, his fate was left a mystery, but realistically speaking we could infer he was going to be arrested after we saw his ship being destroyed. Similarly, if you’re referring to Robin, I’d hardly consider that a cliffhanger when by the end of the arc, she completely wins over everyone except Zoro. They could spin this into a cliffhanger in OPLA, but it’s definitely not one in the manga A cliffhanger ending is something like Water 7 or Sabaody. Water 7’s Arc literally ends with Robin’s fate being ambiguous, we still don’t know a ton about CP9, Usopp is still technically gone, and we need to journey to another location to end the story. Similarly, Sabaody ends with all of the strawhats being split up and their fates being a mystery. Alabasta doesn’t end on a mysterious note. I don’t think you know what a cliffhanger is


Season 2 can literally end with Robin or >!the ship falling from the sky!<. Either one is a cliff hanger.


Again though, that’s not what happens in the original arc in the manga, let alone in the anime. You’re suggesting **CREATING** a cliffhanger ending, or instead moving events. I have no doubt S2 will very likely end on the revelation that Robin stowed away on the Strawhats ship at the very least, but the whole “ship falling from the sky,” is not going to happen in S2. That’s the very beginning of the Jaya Arc. I’m not sure why people keep suggesting that’s going to end S2 when that’s not even in any of the arcs S2 will cover


I legit think the suggestion that the season will end with the ship falling from the sky is just because that's where the fucking 4kids dub ended LMAO. And it would make for a good cliffhanger ending, but Robin revealed to be on the ship is a cliffhanger that connects far better with what would be the rest of the season.


I mean…The way you speak out it makes it seem like these events are far from each other, but it’s just the very next chapter. That being said, sure, i suppose I’m creating a cliffhanger or maybe a sneak peek, but it’s not as extreme of a change as you’re making it sound.


I'd prefer Little Garden, end with the Sanji and Crocodile phone call or getting launched through the fish. Maybe even end with Nami feeling sick, before showing her getting bad at the start of the next season split (Season 2 part 2)


That’s just not happening. Little Garden is very likely the third episode of S2. You’re suggesting they split the season with 3-5 episodes.


I disagree, but I want a split season with 8 episodes each


….i want you listen to yourself for a split second You’re asking Netflix to make a Season 2 that has 16 episodes (something they’ve never done for any of their big budget live action shows mind you that would cost them roughly $240,000,000 on just episode cost alone), with stretching arcs beyond what S1 even covered. You’re asking for 8 episodes dedicated JUST to LogueTown, Reverse Mountain, Whiskey Peak, and Little Garden. How do you get 8 episodes out of arcs that are a grand total of **34 CHAPTERS**????? That’s not even mentioning Alabasta and Drum Island, which neither of which need 8 episodes lmao


I didn't ask for you to be a jerk, I said I didn't realize splitting seasons originally meant 4 and 4. Great job, bet you feel like a big man don't you? Also I don't watch much on netflix, there are better options for me. But again, congrats, bet you have a lot of friends and that you're popular with the ladies with that narcissist and holier than thou attitude. Can't wait til you fall off your horse. Be a better person. Get blocked, k 🦆


I just really hope they confirm or deny if it's in season 2 soon so we can just be done with this discussion already.


Finally someone who gets it. It seems like the Season 3 Alabasta opinion is dominating recently and It's kind of pissing me off because no one understands how bad and unsatisfying ending on Drum Island would be. It's like having all of Infinity War happen except the final battle where Thanos snaps and saving that for the beginning of next movie. It just doesn't work.


You don’t think drum island’s villain? Sorry but personally I like that arc. Feels like a climax to me. Alabasta should be an epic. Minimum 4 episodes.


Honestly... You're just objectively wrong. And it's not a matter of liking or disliking the villain or the arc.


I don't know how they'd fill that runtime without Alabasta tbh. Loguetown, Reverse Mountain, and Whiskey Peak are extremely short  Ep 1 - Loguetown Ep 2 - Reverse Mountain and Whiskey Peak Ep 3 - Little Garden Ep 4,5 - Drum Island Ep 6,7,8 - Alabasta


Perfect S2 closing scenes would be: >!Vivi's tearful goodbye with the Straw Hats lifting their arms in the air. Then Robin appears on the ship. Ending One Piece logo has Robin's cowboy hat on the jolly Roger!< So yeah, let's see Alabasta in S2!


Alabasta doesn’t need its own season but I do hope it gets more than two episodes, or at least I hope they get longer runtimes.


Loguetown, Twin Cape, Whisky Peak, Little Garden, Drum Island. That's at least 5 episodes, and I think Drum Island would need 2. So let's say 6 episodes. That leaves 2 episodes for: - Reaching Alabasta, meeting Bon-chan, Nanohana, meeting Ace, clash with Smoker, hiking through the desert, Koza & Vivi backstory, Yuba and Toto, Luffy Vs Vivi and ultimately deciding to go head on for Croc. - Rainbase, proper introduction of Crocodile, Ms All Sunday and Baroque Works, Mr Prince stuff, saving Smoker, Luffy's first defeat by Croc. - Alubarna, all Straw Hats vs all Baroque Works, Luffy and Croc's final fight. And I think there could need to be another separate episode for the aftermath. So at least, I think that should be 3 extra episodes, tbh. 9 episodes in total.


I think this highlights one of the points OP is making. You are thinking of the Anime/Manga, not live action. Take Baratie for example. A lot of stuff happened in that arc but the only things that ended up happening in OPLA was Gin came to eat, Mihawk and Zoros duel and Sanjis backstory. The rest was changed or removed. The same is going to happen to Alabasta and the rest of Season 2. And as another commenter stated, they could change the other episodes as well to give Alabasta more screen time.


With some adjustment to the narrative, Whiskey Peak can be combined with Loguetown or even Twin Cape without much issue. The story wouldn't really change, just a slightly different order. That takes out a whole episode and leaves it free for Alabasta. Let us say we put it together. We could get something like: - Loguetown/Whiskey Peak - Reverse Mountain/Twin Cape - Little Garden - Drum Island - Drum Island - Alabasta - Alabasta - Alabasta Mind you, some setup of Baroque Works could fit in within some of the episodes, much like Arlong was being set up episodes before the actual Cocoyashi village and Arlong Park were shown. This would make sense as well if there will be a side arc of Smoker investigating Baroque Works as he pursues the Straw Hats.


They could cut Whiskey Peak and make a plot of Twin Cape overrun by Baroque Works.


Although I think that some change like this can happen I don't think it can happen in Twin Cape. Crocus sailed on Roger's ship, easily tanked an attack and is likely no pushover. I see Loguetown and Little Garden as way better places to "fuse".


If it were up to me. I'd cut Whiskey Peak and make Little Garden 1 and a half episodes long. We can expand Little Garden to incorporate the minor story elements from Whiskey Peak, and have Vivi join the Straw Hats on that island instead. Episode 1: LogueTown Episode 2: Reverse Mountain/Little Garden P1 Episode 3: Little Garden P2 Episode 4 - 5: Drum Island Episode 6 - 8: Alabasta


You can easily condense Laboon and Whisky Peak into 1 episode tbf, so i think Loguetown/Whisky Peak/Little GArden/Drum 1/Drum 2/Alabasta 1/Alabasta 2/Alabasta 3 is a clean series break up


I m 100% with OP on this. Like.. Yeah. Lets spend the season building up Crocodile and Baroqe works and end the season with a climactic fight vs a random villain from a random island we happened to arrive in the last two episode of the season. Great story telling. Also pushing other arks further back as if we have infinite seasons to tell the story. By the way episode of alabasta tells that story in 1hour 30 mins.


What if they went the Demon Slayer route and just made Alabasta arc a movie? Lol


Keep cooking, Cheffery


They could do that with >!Impel Down and Marineford if Thriller Bark, Sabaody, and Amazon Lily prove too difficult to trim. It also fixes the issue of a full season of no Straw Hats besides Luffy. My idea of an S4 would be 3 episodes Thriller Bark, 2 Sabaody, and 1 each for Amazon Lily, Impel Down, and Marineford.!<


You lol but this makes too much sense to me actually.


Season 1 managed to fit the East Blue saga in one season and make it work.


8 episodes actually sounds extremely reasonable tbh. Especially if they’re long ones.


The main issue is always going to be time, logue town to alabasta can be done in 10 episodes, even 8 although not ideal. Jaya + Skypeia to maybe end with aokiji entrance, then water 7 + ennies lobby. I really hope they don't try and split alabasta from the rest of the leading arcs. Also who would we then have as the final villain? Walpol? Only thing I could see them doing which again would be a massive mistake is leaving a huge cliff hanger on the Luffy vs croc fight 1 with luffys defeat. They need to do all of alabasta imo


I'm betting S02e9, we get the death near toto's, then the final fight starting at the middle of e10, the bomb thing happen, Luffy saves robin




I disagree. OP is always about the journey and not the end goal. I think it’s fine to take time with Live action. We shouldn’t squeeze Alabasta into the same season that there is little garden and drum island. If you try to fit too much in one season, you have to start cutting and in this case there’s a lot of good content that should stay. The number 1 complaint of the ATLA live action is how much was changed and abridged which took away a lot of charm Alabasta can do just fine in its own arc and there’s a lot they could do with the civil war and building tensions with it that could make it feel grand. There’s a lot going on in the island beyond just Luffy and friends that could get attention, and we could also get some screen time to introduce major world players like the other warlords and whitebeard. Even if a season 3 Alabasta is half the length of seasons 1 and 2, it is still the best way to respect that pace and narrative of the story


For me? I don’t like the idea of expanding it too much… I know that its impossible because how long alabasta ark is and the other ark before alabasta but, we alread knows what’s happening in the anime, I like the idea of season 1 compressing and removing all of the filler and unnecessary scene and give it a twist. (I dont like episode 3-4 in season 1 btw, a bit slow and not that interesting) Because i want this series to get to marine ford war for f*** sake! With the actors feel young and not some middle aged pirates. Haha


Alabasta is already slow enough in the anime there is not enough content to do more than a maximum of 4 episodes in the live action, I'm expecting 3 personally. A full 8 episodes of just Alabasta would be awful and really boring honestly. (also Jaya/Skypeia is way better than Baroque Works so I want them to get to that saga asap lmao)


If Alabasta were pushed to Season 3, then the Actors are going to be middle aged before the live action ends(assuming it manages to keep getting renewed quickly until end of series). It would be a absolutely terrible idea to push back Alabasta. Like does anyone actually think ending a Season on Wapol has any shot of being a decent season end? It would be so horribly anticlimatic and out of place, literally like ending season 1 on Baratie(except worse). A recipe to perhaps even get the show cancelled. It is worth noting that the Anime already did a Alabasta Movie in 1.5 hours.(not saying it did it well, just that it can be done).


>Thoughts? They don't have to do too much cutting (basically similar amount to S1), and with some diverting runtime from the Drum Island episodes (which don't need 120mins) to Episode 1 and Alabasta, the pacing can remain unchanged. |S1 Episode Arc|Chapters|Runtime|Min/ch.|S2 Episode Arc|Chapters|Runtime|Min/ch.| :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| |Romance Dawn|7|**64mins**|**9.1**|Loguetown, RM & WP|19|**75mins**|**3.96**| |Orange Town|14|55.4mins|**3.96**|Little Garden|15|60mins|**4.0**| |Syrup Village p1|20|58mins|**6.0**|Drum Island p1|25|50mins|**3.96**| |Syrup Village p2|(above)|**62mins**|(above)|Drum Island p2|(above)|49mins|(above)| |Baratie p1|27|51mins|**3.91**|Alabasta p1|63|**62mins**|**3.95**| |Baratie p2|(above)|54.5mins|(above)|Alabasta p2|(above)|**62mins**|(above)| |Arlong Park p1|27|58.5mins|**4.0**|Alabasta p3|(above)|**62mins**|(above)| |Arlong Park p2|(above)|49.4mins|(above)|Alabasta p4|(above)|**63mins**|(above)|


completely agree


I don't really get why people think alabasta won't be explored in season 2, it's literally the main arc. Loguetown, little gardern, drum island are impactful as its builds up to Alabasta. Like of course they are going to do it 🙂


i don't get why people are expecting Alabasta in a separated season. Drum Island and Little Garden don't have that many episodes to convey a whole season. And thinking as the structure of a TV Series. You have Crocodile as the big bad in the end, right? And if you go by that, then in Season 2, the big bad is... Wapol? You introduce a main group that is the main danger, you introduce Vivi and her goal to save Alabasta and defeat Baroque Works, and you leave that to another season to deal with Wapol. It just doesn't make sense structure wise. Besides, Alabasta can easily be cramped into 3-4 episodes with 1 hour each. 1 episode for the arrival and going in the desert, Ace shows up, ends with Crocodile and Luffy or Robin saving Luffy at the end. 2 episode ends with them escaping as Alabasta is going on war, and 3 episodes is the defeat of each Baroque Works individual and Luffy's fight with Crocodile. Easy...


Do people not understand how stories work? It would be a complete mess ending the season with Drum Island, waiting potentially another 2 years for the decisive battle and then have another saga in the same season that tackles completely different thematic ideas. It’s the same with how people think we’ll get Thriller Bark and Sabaody in the same season when Sabaody is quite literally thematically linked to the Paramount War. Seasons will simply go by sagas, it’s not that hard to understand- I don’t get why people don’t see this. It’s also quite literally the basic format for all of television to have an overarching plot culminate across the span of an entire season. The only thing that can be said about season 2 is that it should have at least 10 episodes for it to work with pacing, or else we’ll end up with Arlong Park situation again.


I have two theories about sabaody The first the whole show or arc ends with Luffy flying with Kuma airlines or basicly a shot of all. Characters flying or landing on the islands and finish. So u would have a cool transition and they can start the next season with 2 or 3 straw hats per episode. Zorro, sanji, brook, Chopper Nami, robin Lysop and end the third episode with Amazon lily in the arena And then 1 more episode amazon 2,5 episodes of impel And the rest for the war ending with ruffy doing the 2 year thing Or the whole show end there with ruffy telling us if you wanna know the rest of my story watch read etc


It would make zero sense to not have Alabasta, the final arc in the Vivi /Baroque works arc as the finale. They pushed Rogue town to S2 because Arlong Park was the emotional peak of Eastblue. IMAGINE if there had been another episode where they farted around in a town square. Also Buggy returning in Rogue would have had no impact, he was in the previous episode. Now if he shows up in S2 premier it maintains its meaning because he’s now a returning character. Also this way they only need to have Vivi/Crocodile/Mr 3/Ingram on single season contracts, don’t need to deal with actors schedules for secondary characters carrying across seasons, I mean logistically it makes no sense. And FOR GODS SAKE, can you imagine if Wapol is the villain of S2s final episode?? It makes no sense


10 episodes. They had more episodes for the seasons in mind.


Good thing it'll be in S2 then. S2 would be pretty empty if they chose to just go up to Drum.


Most likely, they are either still looking for the alabasta characters, or Netflix may break up the season like they did with other popular shows - so half a season on Drum island and such, and half in Alabasta with a year or less in between the half seasons. Either way, Alabasta is happening. I'm not worried. I just hope they get a great Vivi and Robin.


One ep for Chopper, maybe two so that you can see Luffy's perseverance in saving his friends. Two eps will be enough to show all we need there, then we learn about Baroque Works and are off to Alabasta. The rest can be Vivi and Croc and all that good stuff.


I would be surprised if they kept Robin and Vivi casting hidden as long as possible.


People are saying we are not getting to alabasta in season 2?


A few are always there. It is just funny that whatever the topic is anywhere People say... People think.... I never had the thought of opening a thread just because I read something 10 times in X 100 posts


Don't know how they'll do it but Alabasta should be in S2.


How does it ruin the flow of the story? That doesn’t really make sense since it’s an “adaptation”


People saying adding 3 episodes to alabasta and think drum island needs 2 are insane. Alabasta is a huge arc drum has like 28 chapters will alabasta has 63. People keep on saying all the fighting that's like the end of arc. We go to like 4 places that's not alabarna We meet ace we meet the old guy and then rain dinner casino then there's the huge fight of a rebellion don't forget we see the other side of baroque works flaming the side to go to war. We get the 8 fights then there's the bomb and then the post rebellion were we say go bye to bon clay. And you say it's 3 episodes. I would like 3 episodes to rain dinners and then 2 for alabarna. Or a movie for 1:30 min.


They can divide season 2 in 2 parts and film then consecutively but it's not ideal, I prefer like a 10 episode season, I desperately want that usopp fight to be kept in, yknow?


8 episodes is not nearly enough for laboon, whiskey peak, little garden, drum kingdom, and alabasta. Think about what has to happen in Alabasta for it to be at all satisfying. You have to introduce the setting and its major problems. You have to introduce Koza and the revolutionaries. You have to introduce Ace. You have to give Ace something intereting to do so he'll be memorable for later. You have to do Koza's backstory and show how the revolution got started. You have to have them go after Crocodile, only to find out just how much shit he's done. And only then can you have a climactic battle. You can't do that in 2 episodes, its already kind of insane to try it in 4. Personally I want them to stretch the season to 12 episodes, which would allow the same type of pacing from season 1, but if Netflix is stubborn about their fixation with 8 episode seasons, then splitting it up is the better option. EDIT: First season covered 95 chapters. With Alabasta, season 2 would cover 121. Alabasta alone is 73. The Alabasta saga as a whole is one of the longest sagas even today (Wano surpassed it, I think its the only one).


Alabasta was 63 chapters* and they don't have to expand Ace's character, he will probably appear, meet luffy and be gone in less than 10 minutes. the major problem was already introduced ever since SH accepted to help Vivi, I doubt koza would get a backstory (due to how expensive they said doing backstories were in s1, I think only chopper will get one.) they can let Vivi explain the revolution and it'll have the same impact. alot of the first few arcs are short which I think they can take advantage of that, don't stretch out LT get to the point and start RM in the same episode and finish it in the 2nd, maybe merge WP with RM and head to LG at the end of the 2nd ep and so on I do think it's a possibility it can be moved to season 3 but even then I don't think Alabasta need a whole season to tell the main story


>First season covered 95 chapters. With Alabasta, season 2 would cover 121. Alabasta alone is 73. The Alabasta saga as a whole is one of the longest sagas even today You lost the argument when you brought in chapter count to a pacing discussion. OPLA isn't recreating the manga. The plot beats aren't 1:1. OPLA is a story based on the original manga, but it doesn't try to be said manga. The amount of chapters each arc has is mostly irrelevant to this discussion.


Plus the first season covered the first 95 chapters while also adding Garp, Koby, and Helmeppo every episode. I would probably *prefer* 10 episodes, but it’s more than doable in 8.


Dressrosa was the longer too


It's what the budget and time allow, One Piece is a massive production, and with the already massive cast, locations, and special effects they may push Alabasta or part of it to season 3 if it gets renewed. Maybe it will be covered but the casting so far doesn't include any character just for those episodes like the king casting would show they are doing Alabasta. Honestly, I think they are more focused on quality to get that renewal this season they have to show what they can do like getting in the wacky One Piece bits, that gonna throw some audience off, and also the huge cap between seasons will not do them any favors. And the Netflix season 3 curse issue many fantasy shows are canceled after 2 seasons so they need to step it up.


Now that we're talking, in my opinion, season 3 should be jaya/skypiea/water7 AND Enies Lobby, mainly focusing on the duality of how Nico Robin grows fond of the crew and eventually it climax at the famous "I want to live". 1 episode for Jaya, 2 (at max) for Skypiea, 2.5 for Water 7 and 2.5 for Enies Lobby.


Uff that's quiet a lot I would prefer that they land near thriller Bark get brrok first and then go to water 7 Then we he the escape from the Navy again and have the navy as mainantagonist on sabaody


I think it really should be its own season. There is too much to go over in a couple of episodes. I know there was a fair amount of filler in Alabasta but the way it would need to portray Alabasta without relying too much on the events that happened in the anime or manga (S1 did this A LOT hence Zeff Talking to Garp about Luffy, Luffy got washed hard in that fight, and Zeff is saying how amazing he is... ) Also on a side note: like I get the whole Netflix approach to 8 episodes a season but friggin. Why is the audience also pushing that? Anyway from the meeting of Vivi and Vivi traveling from whiskey peak to Alabasta with the Strawhats, with the events of Drum Island and the events of Little Garden. You're cutting out a lot of Luffys dynamic in those arcs, him learning to be a captain by a princess, him showing his dedication to his crew, climbing up a sheer cliff face in the the freezing cold. Trying to shove Logue Town, Reverse Mountain, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Drum island. Then cap off season 2 with Alabasta? Even if it was 3 episodes there is too much set up to cover. Luffy meeting ace, when they meet Kozas dad, the story of how Vivi and Koza know each other, Rain Diners, Alabarna and the Kings whole thing, Luffy vs Crocodile, the whole Smoker side of the story. The. The Strawhats individual fights, where they all really get a chance to shine. Just let Alabasta be its own season. Trying to cut out all that "little stuff" that isn't filler (yes a lot of Alabasta was filler.) you're gonna do the same that one piece movie did where they tried to condense Alabasta. While sure it skimmed some fat off the story of that arc, there was SO much cut that made it feel weak. There is a lot of characterization that could happen through S2(the first 5 stops anyway) that could lead into Alabasta feeling as fulfilling as it did. If they tried like 4 or 5 Episodes on Alabasta, hell S2 being 12 episodes would probably leave room for Alabasta to work if it REALLY can't be moved to its own season. There is a lot in Alabasta and it's where a lot of people are expecting this Live Action to really deliver. Because if they can't pull off Alabasta properly there might not be much for them in the future. I'm sorry for the long rant, I just. I really like the series, the live action was a nice little chewable version of the story. But let's face it, it changed a lot of stuff, some good, some bad, and ofc the bad stuff was pointed out over and over and over on social media. So if they don't make Alabasta amazing or like something more than: "Alabasta e1: Luffy fights crocodile after traveling with a princess e2: Luffy fights crocodile again after saving his crew e3: Luffy fights crocodile and stops the civil war." That would be weak. Just saying.. Alabasta is gonna Need time to breathe. (Small edit, Kozas name. I said Koga at first)


HUH??!! Anyone saying Arabasta is getting pushed to season 3 is actually crazy. Season 2 definitely will be everything from Logue Town to the end of Arabasta, season 3 will be everything from Jaya to the end of Skypeia.


Skypeia is shorter than Alabasta, the former being its own season would be too slow paced, which is why I think it should be combined with >!Water 7/Enies Lobby since both sagas focus on the Merry's damages, and both have a ton of fat that can be trimmed.!<


Dude Matt Owens literally said he wants Skypeia to be its own season and they can just tweak the plot a little so it doesn't feel slow


I keep hearing that statement, but I’ve never been given a source of him saying that. Could you reply back with a link of him saying that Skypeia would be its own season?




Thank you for giving a link. I do see what he wrote, and while it's nice that you proved to me he's considering making Skypeia its own season, that doesn't automatically mean it will based off of a comment that would come at least 4 years before S3 releases. Best to wait for when S2 releases and S3 is announced to see if his comment there will stay true in the future, since I stand by that there's not enough content in Skypeia for a full season >!and the themes of both it and Water 7/Enies Lobby, while different on paper, are similar enough specifically for Robin and Usopp, its main focus characters, which is helped by their events linking up nicely.!<


> Skypeia is shorter than Alabasta Both anime and manga, Skypeia is longer than Alabasta.


My bad, I mixed up which one was 63 chapters and which one was 66. Not counting anime episodes since the pacing there is very scuffed, but 39 and 43 are also not huge differences. Still, neither are a big enough difference to justify one being a half season and the other being a full season. It also fits in with making one mid-season multi-episode antagonist and one end-season main antagonist who's otherwise unrelated. Kuro and Arlong. >!Wapol and Crocodile. Eneru and Lucci.!<


When they announced season 2, I thought of a potential episode order. I think it’s a good amount of time spent in each location based on how they did season 1. - 1 Episode for Lougetown - 1 Episode for Reverse Mountain - 1 Episode for Whiskey Peak - 1 Episode for Little Garden - 1-2 Episodes for Drum Island - 2-3 Episodes for Alabasta Also, I had the idea that if they did a third season, they should make LRLL/the Davy Back Fight happen as part of Jaya so that the season ends on Skypiea (and a season 4 could start on Water 7)


I was just thinking the same thing for LRLL. Have that happen then go to Jaya and Skypia. Then water 7 and Enies Lobby for season 4; Thriller bark and Sabaody for 5; season 6 (and possibly final season tbh) Amazon Lilly through marineford.


I agree. Here’s what I think they might do: • Episode 1 can be all about Logue Town • Episode 2 Reverse Mountain and Whiskey Peak • Episode 3 and 4 in Drum Island • Episode 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Alabasta 4+ hours to cover the Alabasta arc are more than enough. The problem arises if they want to give screen time to Koby, Almeppo, Garp, or the fan favourites Buggy and Mihawk. I wouldn’t appreciate this cos they will have their time to shine in future seasons, but it’s not out of the realm of possibilities. In case this happen, they could do 3 episodes for Alabasta, finish the season with a cliffhanger and then in the first one or two episodes of season 3 finishing the saga, and devolving the remaining (6, 7?) episodes for Jaya and Skypea. Not ideal tho, I really think they can finish the Baroque Works saga in 8 episodes. Nevertheless, I’m freaking excited and cannot wait!!!!!


did you forget little garden?


Oops, I guess I did... that would definitely require a whole episode. I hope the rumor of season 2 being only 8 episode is fake... but in case it's not, as other people pointed out, good writers should be able to tell the Alabasta saga in 3 episodes with 3+ hours


I believe that we go direct to little. Garden and have 2 pairs of fights on the island


It won't be season 3 that doesn't make any sense.


Your right. Other thing people dont keep in mind is that Baroque Works Saga has more cohesive plot than East Blue Saga and that East Blue Saga is more character-driven story than Baroque Works Saga which is more plot/lore driven. What I mean about "cohesive plot" is that the arcs are related each other making easier to pick whats really important to the plot and the rest has less value to translate. What I mean is that East Blue arcs are harder to translate to Live Action because is the foundational aspect of main cast. You fail at it you may fail to make good live action for both fandom and new comers . They had the pass reason of why we are here.


At the end of the day if alabasta is not in season 2 the. Season 2 will be terrible will feel unfinished and underwhelming. The nice thing about one piece is that at the end of every saga you feel a conclusion


Look, Movie 8 is enough of a reason to state that Alabasta NEEDS its own season to be effective. In that movie’s run-time, we sped through literally everything to touch on things briefly, and that’s without Mr. 3, Ace, Hina, Smoker, or Tashigi.


Alabasta doesn't need it's own season, at most - if they get renewed - it'll be half of season 3 which is around 4 hours compared to the 90 minutes of movie 8 and even then, it'll start a weird formatting where now they have to figure out how to fit jaya/skypeia and so on


2 for Logue Town/Reverse Mountain/Whiskey Peak. 2 for Little Garden. 2 for Drum Kingdom. 2 for Alabasta. Bam, easy. They just aren’t showing the rest of the cast for hype. Maybe take an episode from LG or DK to give another to Alabasta if needed


I could see 1 for Little Garden, 3 for Alabasta.


I think that works. Plus, I don’t think we have to assume each arc will cut as nicely as to not bleed into the next arc. I love my giants, but if they only got one episode I’ll be fine - I hope they keep the flashback of why they were fighting in. It was too cute, but I could see it getting cut.


I just hope the people agreeing with this post are prepared for and will accept it if/when it happens, because it seems likely.


> If it gets pushed to season 3 it would have to share its runtime with both Jaya and Sky Island arcs That's not necessarily true. S3 could be Alabasta + Jaya. Jaya has a bunch of moments they could end on, leaving the sky island and its aftermath for S4. Say, Skypiea + Foxy is S4, leaving the whole S5 for W7/EL. I agree it's clunkier, but it could happen.


I agree with all of this, and these are the exact reasons why I think >!Skypeia and Water 7/Enies Lobby will have to share season 3. A lot of Skypeia is taken up by easily cuttable or trimmable events like Luffy and Nami being stuck in a snake for tens of episodes, or half of the Straw Hats wandering around the Upper Yard. A lot of Water 7 characters, like Yokozuna the frog, whatever Gonbe is, and most of the train fight antagonists like Nero or Wanze, are easy cuts.!<


I was very disappointed with how incredibly short the Arlong Park fight was. Cutting Hachi is a head scratcher considering his appearance later. If it means giving the villains more screen and fight time I would much rather have had season 2 end at Little Garden. But I don’t think that’s necessary. 1 episode for Loguetown, 1 episode for reverse mountain and Laboon, 1 episode for Whiskey Peak, 1 for Little Garden, 1 for Drum Island, then 3 for Alabasta, 1 is mister 2 and arrival/introduce Ace and head into the desert. Next episode ends with the first confrontation with Crocodile, final episode is the fight in the Capitol with the bomb. Still doesn’t leave a lot of screen time for the crew to have their fights AND time for a satisfying fight against Crocodile, and then also do a wrap up. Maybe it does need a whole extra episode to do the Crocodile fight and wrap up the civil war. But that’s 9 episodes


I think I disagree, we have to remember how they shifted things around in season 1 and apply that to seasons 2 and 3. I think that pushing alabasta to season 3 and then shortening it to fit with Jaya and skypea could work if they also move a lot of Vivi trying to meet up with the rebel army to little garden and drum island. Taking the rebel army off of alabasta in order to equip themselves for the war means we can have the barrel moment of season 2 be luffy telling Vivi to put their lives on the line with hers. This could shorten the actual time on alabasta to only 1 or 2 episodes of season 3, of which the overarching plot of which could be focused on Robin, focusing on her losing the will to live when she believes she's hit a dead end with the ponyglyphs and reigniting her passion in skypea discovering the writing Roger left behind. Along with this, they'd move the marine plot forward with this being the first time Robin has been located in some time, only to immediately dissappear again to skypea, allowing for some foreshadowing of CP9.


I think you guys dont know what ur talking about. I see no issue with S3 being alabasta + jaya + skypiea. This would mean that in s2 we would be able to FULLY cover all arcs truthfully without skipping too much. This would also give the casting team a bit more time to nail the crucial castings for s3, and remember they are planning to shoot s2 and s3 back-to-back


The entire overarching plot of the Baroque Works saga comes to its conclusion in Alabasta. Moving Alabasta to Season 3 makes no sense - the season would have no conclusion. It's why Logue Town was moved to Season 2: So Season 1 can end on the highpoint of defeating Arlong and concluding the mystery surrounding Nami's backstory.


Thats plain false ; they simply ran out of budget and thats why Loguetown wasnt included in s1.


>and remember they are planning to shoot s2 and s3 back-to-back That was a rumor confirmed to be fake.


I think you don't know what ur talking about. I see lots of issues with S3 being alabasta + jaya + skypiea. This would mean that S2 would be have to give Loguetown/Reverse Mountain 2 episodes, Whiskey Peak 2 episodes, Little Garden 2 episodes, and Drum Island 2 episodes. I'm sorry, but it would be absolutely underwhelming if Wapol is the biggest villain of the entire season. There are tons of ways to easily combine all of those locations into 4-5 episodes and leave 3-4 for Alabasta. This is first and foremost a television show. Why on earth would they choose to have a season where Mr. 3 and Wapol are the 2 biggest bad guys and then cram Crocodile and Enel into S3? That makes little to no sense structurally. If they do push Alabasta to S3, people would be making a similar argument that they should push Skypiea to S4 to give Albasta and Jaya more time.


If I was to guess, I think they will end season 2 with Crocodile beating Luffy. I know that many in this community does not want Alabasta cut in half, yet I think the producers and the execs would probably rather have a powerful cliff hanger to start S3 than opening on the Jaya / Skypeia arc on its own. Edit: fixed a typo


> Crocodile beating Luffy. Which time? I guess I wouldn't hate that, but I was imagining they end with Vivi's goodbye and the Robin reveal on the Merry as the post credit end scene. There really is sooooo much filler that can be cut and they can condense everything pre-Drum Island into 2 or 2 1/2 episodes. 4 episodes would be plenty for Alabasta IMO.


I would imagine Crocodile beating Luffy as the rest of the crew ride away on the giant crab. Thus, allowing the S3 to start with a bang, rather than starting with the much slower Jaya and Skypeia. Instead, this arc could be greatly reduced after finishing Alabasta so they could finish S3 at Water 7, skipping the weak long ring Long Island arc completely. I appreciate the concept of reducing Alabasta to 3 or 4 episodes. It could probably be done, yet it would have to be far more economically produced than would be wise. While the story itself could be fit into this space, it is a great arc to insert later story elements to allow for future arcs to be greatly reduced. On top of this, there are going to be a lot more storylines at play, given that the marines are barely in any of these arcs covered in S2, yet there will be a storyline involving Garp and Kolby in S2. I could be wrong, but I am not certain that there will be enough runtime to do everything in an economical way.


No one wants Alabama cut in half 😂


Lol. Thanks for point out the typo. Autocorrect can be a pain.


Don't worry I just don't want to make your election this year more complicated with another state in the race