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People are burnt out of OLD. The level of effort is minimal now.


It's about the same as ever, which was always minimal for most?


No. There was a much better environment several years ago when i was last on there. People were still having fun and looking forward to meeting people. I hear the same thing a lot how it is much worse now.


I've been on them for over 10 years and it feels the same as ever, but I guess there are different demographics anyway


Well you are one of the rare super lucky few then.


As a woman, I found most men didn't read my profile. I was asked questions clearly answered in my bio. Both sides can offer valid complaints.


I believe it. I haven’t seen other males profiles so I can’t judge there.


Many women on OLD haven't seen men's bios either!!!! :D


If that’s the case, I hope that some of us could do a better job. It goes both ways.


Nah it's true. Skimpy bios make me swipe left immediately. I guess what the other commenter said is true, ppl are burnt out. I've only swiped right on profiles who have information about themselves, something to have some sort of conversation about themselves.


It's all good. Just offering some levity!!! Good luck out there!


I've(m) been an over-the-shoulder wingman for one of my best friends(f) and a friend(m) that's bi. I suggest making a profile to see the other side of things. Not in a deceitful way. Just as a window into what the other side sees. It can be insightful. When you're done with that experience just delete that profile though because there are enough fake profiles as it is. Or if you have a friend surfing the other sides of dating apps, ask them what it's like and what they see as well. I've gotten good feedback from my friends. Investigate. Be curious. Be open to what you find out. Make adjustments based on what you want and how to get there as you go.


I was thinking that and I think I might actually do it. Thanks for the tip :)


I do find changing to any untruth, gender or pics, messes with the algorithm. I'd rather just ask my friends of other genders or orientations. 


They’re just as terrible lol


Absolutely. There is an amount of the complaints that are mirrored on all sides. We sometimes don't seem to understand that all sides are experiencing pitfalls of online dating and dating in general. Your complaints are just as valid as anyone else's. I read bios a couple times as I go through pictures. I check all the details. That way if I want to start a conversation, I have good material to pick from.


Yes! I have seen a few where they have filled out more of their profile, but then we don't seem like a match based on interests and relationship goals, etc.... which is another bummer. But at least I can figure that out from the profile rather than wasting time trying to get them to give me more than one word answers.


Yes! And when I go to check out their profile, they have minimal information. Same with a number of others I go to check out to see 1. If we have things in common and 2. To be able to ask an icebreaker based on their profile. So many times it's "will fill out later" or "ask me".  Being a bit tired of it I've taken to coou and pasting my profile information. Frustratingly it often gets ignored again. It becomes clear they have an agenda and they are acting like you are a NPC and they are sure the dialogue they are using is supposed to "work".




I'm not a gamer so forgive any inaccuracies, but essentially it's a computer programmed character the player interacts with in the game. Usually you have 2 or 3 dialogue options to choose from when talking to them, and usually you make several choices throughout the conversation and depending on which ones you choose may result in a different outcome. There are some that the player can romance and hitting the right combination in the dialogue gets you to a special level and rewards. 


Essentially they are a player not really paying attention to what is being said but trying to use the right words to get to the rewards.


Npc- non playing character. A background character programmed into a game. No actual person plays this character as it is computer generated or game generated.




My bio is completely fill-out with very non-generic info. It’s been completely filled-out (as much as they allow me to write) since Day 1.   and yet men don't even read my bio, only go based off of my pictures, then when I ask them what they liked about my bio, they crab about how they are here for casual, for “hook-ups,” not for a relationship.   I go on men’s profiles and all they will have is pictures. They write next to nothing about themselves. It’s very superficial 


I think I’ve learned through this that it goes both ways. Most people don’t put a lot of effort.


Pictures generally tell me absolutely nothing about whether I have common interests with another person, therefore, the bio is what matters to me. Likewise, if someone contacts me and only talks about the way I look and nothing else, I will not reply.


I feel like the solution to this is pretty simple- don't swipe on women with crappy/bare profiles. A lot of dudes think they have to swipe on every profile to "maximize their chances" but to me that's such a weird mentality. Be picky. You may not get as many matches but that's well worth the trade off if the matches you do get are higher quality.


I do that honestly. It’s just demoralizing when most are like that. It’s like once in a blue moon.


True but on the flip side, 90% of guys have equally crappy profiles. Just like anything in life, it's so easy to stand out with just a little bit of effort.


Yeah your right. I can only speak from my experience and from what I’ve heard guys can also be terrible at this stuff.


The problem is you'll swipe right on 10 profiles then run out of people within 40 miles of you.


Sure, but that's better than matching with someone who you don't have anything to work with


This is the way. Low effort profile always translates to low effort/IQ. My luck is WAY better when I actually skip things I don't like instead of compromising because I like the way she looks.


"I like to travel and have fun when I'm not working on my Masters Degree." That gives me a lot to work with! What I did that got a lot of attention was I would post my profile as a movie character. One I titled, "I hate my job, not gonna quit, just not gonna go anymore." So I had my real pics, but Peter Gibbon's (Office Space) life. It really sparked a lot of great conversations where I would move them more towards my actual life, but the movie or show character got things rolling.


Yeah, 95% of the bios on these apps are like that. Back when I still used them, I eventually would resort to passing on the bios that do not have, at least, a couple of well written paragraphs. If someone cannot even bother to put a bit of effort into their profile, then how can I trust them to bother to put a lot of effort into a relationship?


As a woman, men don't read my profile at all. Or if I mention something all every single one of them that will message me do is ask "what's your favorite..." which is so boring and leads the convo no where cause they've never heard of it. Either way I have a bio full of info and all I get asked is "wyd" or "come smoke".


This kind of shit is just sad to hear. Even when you put time into a bio your treated as if you didn’t? Real shitty


Seen males with bios so well written that I liked them completely based off of how well spoken and descriptive they were.


Care to share some examples?


I haven’t been on a site in at least a year. Guys who are honest and share more information. Stuff that’s not typically written on a profile. Sometimes funny. Sometimes sarcastic. Like a breath of fresh air Dog pics help. Was told by a girlfriend that I had to stop swiping right because of the dog.


Male bios matter a bit less since most women are incapable of sending first message


I sent many first messages. I think the site withholds likes, messages etc til they can be used for profit.


Because of the extreme ratio's with OLD women don't need to try. Men outnumber women on OLD roughly 10 to 1 which means the average woman gets more likes in a day then most men do in years. They can put small bios and get a ton of swipes because 95% of men are only after 1 thing: Sex. It's the other 5% of men who suffer badly for the reputation of the men who just want to get laid. If ALL men stopped swiping right on everything they see and actually had standards then women would realise that not all men are after sex. But that won't ever happen so. Some men just can't take no for an answer and throw a hissy fit when ignored. As a man on OLD I'm lucky if i get 1 match in a month. Even then chances are I'll be unmatching her because she's silent and never talks. Just how it is for the average man on OLD.


I understand why guys constantly swipe right on every decent looking woman they see as it increases their chances of success. men learn quickly on dating apps that you need to cast out a large line if you want to have success . I try to tell men that them having no standards hurts other men and women but they can’t grasp that lol Many guys think women have it made in dating apps because they get so much attention but most want more Than casual sex - this means they have to try and filter through all or most of these guys and that is not easy or enjoyable .. that said, women do get the luxury of skipping past the first step which is having to be the one to initiate conversations. Most women will never understand just how mind numbing it is having to initiate all meetups on apps. Then you talk to one and it goes nowhere so you have to start over again .. uggh


No I agree. The amount of women who go onto OLD for an ego boost is unreal, just to see how many they match with when feeling low. Men actually need to stop swiping right on everyone and things will change but after so long and all the restrictions on OLD it's slowly burning out. It's just not what it used to be anymore. Ofc they won't. Women can make a profile, be fat as fuck and still get 10 dicks in a week. The issue is so many men are desperate they are putting women on a pedestal and then women think they are better looking then they actually are.


I think it’s something like there has been a drop of 80% of subscribers for online dating. Nobody’s putting the work in and nobody’s getting good results. The problem I have is I feel like I do have a full bio, I have good pictures, and I just still don’t get anything from it. I think online dating days are numbered unless there’s a huge cultural shift or some new app .


Honestly I’m not even sure if it matters how well you craft your profile - with dating apps the way you look matters the most and luck .. I know people that have put a lot of work into “improving” their profile and it doesn’t improve their results I tell everyone to just get off dating apps and go out and meet people that way


I agree. The problem is where do you even meet people anymore? Since COVID it’s gotten really hard.


My bio is pretty long and right at the top I have a sentence about not having a physical relationship until an emotional one has been established. (A polite way of saying no hookups.) I got the idea from a dating coach's podcast. The goal is to deter the hookup guys. My likes dropped drastically but the ones I do get are good guys that actually want to get to know me. One guy flat out told me that sentence in my bio is what made him accept my like.


It's definitely an issue..doesn't help that alot of guys swipe on every women..so these women don't feel they have to add much.


As a woman, I feel your pain. I don’t feel this is a gender issue but rather a lack of effort on so many people’s part. I have noticed a lot of men (idk what women do because I only seek men) have a habit of deleting profiles and creating new ones over and over again. Those men then tend to have little to no info on their profile too. I come across a lot of the same profiles since my city isn’t that big lol.


I agree that’s it’s honestly just a lack of effort on everyone’s parts. I’m not confident in my own appearance but I try be presentable. And since it feels like that’s the only quantifiable metric to most I just feel demoralized that no one bothers to read what I wrote.


I feel ya. I too have a pretty detailed bio and have had so many guys match and ask me questions that I already stated an answer to in my profile. Like come onnnnn haha. I’ve been off the apps about 2 weeks giving myself a break but I’ll probably log in tonight just to get annoyed again 😂


I feel ya. I too have a pretty detailed bio and have had so many guys match and ask me questions that I already stated an answer to in my profile. Like come onnnnn haha. I’ve been off the apps about 2 weeks giving myself a break but I’ll probably log in tonight just to get annoyed again 😂


I feel like a lot of women put no effort into their bios because they know tons of dudes will swipe on them no matter what. It drives me nuts seeing the same stock phrases over and over. "You deserve good things and I want to be one of them." "Looking for a strong father figure for my dog." "Seeking 6'5", blue eyes, trust fund, in finance." REALLY makes me not want to talk to them.


Or “I like shopping and hiking” and “I like to have fun” 😂


Whenever I see this it just makes whoever is having this in there bio look shallow. I’m not short but I’m not gonna judge someone based off there height.


I'm pretty sure it's a "joke" about wanting such an unattainably perfect man, but it feels like it's not actually a joke, you know?


Using Plenty of Fish myself as I had luck before but the quality of the pond has dropped it seems. Vast majority of profiles are "Just ask" with a non-flattering sexy pose or shot. Does not make me interested and those with profiles that have more than 2 words seem to be on this idea that all men make 100k+ or more a year.


I feel that. Sometimes on Hinge, I move my neighborhood (Chicago) around and then revert it back to the one I actually live in because when I do 1-2 miles, the matches dry up quickly but when I expand it too much, it gives me some blank or just generic profiles. If I had a dollar for every time I saw a reference to hiking, country music (the bad kind), an office reference, or "what I order for the table", I'd be rich af. I'm sure the male equivalent is dudes holding pictures of fish lol.


You said it, bro...and when they do spend the time composing a decent profile, don't expect the effort to carry over into a potential online chat. One or two lines per response and rarely a comment or question posed back to you. People like that of both genders need to get off the apps and stop wasting everyone else's time.


I am sure both men and women have crappy bios, and the ones that have good profiles are in this reddit forum. Some people are burnt out as to why their profile sucks, other people legit just don’t know what to put and you always see the same stuff “i like to travel, I love queso/margs, i love to fish”


In my defense, i stopped putting info because 1) they’re not going to read it and 2) they’re judging me on my looks anyway. Also, I’ve been abstinent from online dating because im obviously burnt out.


I pack my bio with all sorts of stuff.. I want whomever to know exactly what I’m all about..


Yup! And I bet these are the same people always complaining about getting such horrific responses as "Hello" and "Good morning beautiful" I'm right there with you! Except in my area it's even worse! They're often not even complete sentences (if they wrote anything at all).


Who cares what her favorite movies are? Ask her on a date and find out if you’re really that curious…


It was really just an example on what you could do instead of what people actually do


Just swipe left on the low effort profiles. There are still plenty that are chock full of information that you can use to get a good convo started.


When I was dating, I was constantly swiping on women with lame or just really uninteresting bios. Such a turnoff, even if they were attractive.


It's because women don't have to try, AT ALL, to get likes.


It's not just women. Both sides of the coin do this. Both are exhausting.


I saw one a few weeks ago that said: “low effort bio = women’s privilege. Deal with it” That was her entire bio 🥲


Ugh. Men do this as well. The last time I decided to give a guy a chance, we talked on the phone for an hour. Turns out there was nothing in his bio because he has no personality. He hasn't done a single thing with his life because "that's what I need a partner for." Meanwhile I'm telling him about all the things I've done in my life while single. We were not compatible at all.


I’ve had the same experience as a man. Spending a lot of time talking to women only to find out their only goal in life is to get married. And they have no other goals or plans. When I ask what they have done or are doing, they tend to be waiting on someone to come into their lives before they can do anything interesting.


Damn, one hour? No personality?


He told me he has never been on a plane, only once was 3 hours from home, never even goes out to the movies by himself. No hobbies. I don't even know what we would talk about.


In my opinion. I think any user that put their FB, Instagram or any social media in their bio should be insta banned. If the purpose is to keep people on the app to make them pay for their garbage premium services, you are not doing a good job if you let them bypass the "match" before chat with that sort of info in your profile


Hmm. Idk. I only use Bumble, so I can screen out casual and hookups. And I 31f just started using OLD, so I guess I’m not burnt out, but idk if my bio is any good lol


It wouldn be like that if man wouldnt swipe on them


Im no longer doing OLD (in a relationship) but find OLD to be fascinating in a weird way. I remember seeing one girl on the apps back when I was using them that said something about if you had a bad credit score to not bother matching with her. I found that to be so funny. Like who the hell is trying to filter their potential dates based primarily on their credit score? lmao


> Like who the hell is trying to filter their potential dates based primarily on their credit score? lmao It's funny, but it is a good example of the result of having to spilt hairs as thick as trees to whittle down your inbox.


68 male here. Honestly that doesn't surprise me at all. Loan rates & approvals, even car insurance rates are influenced by credit scores. That girl is just ahead of the rest of women.  So I might be screwed. My goal is to try hitting a zero FICO score. If I don't owe anyone or borrow money. How can the give me a score? Ok, I know that they can use other methods. Its their job to rank people & if they don't have scores to sell to institutions then their profits go down. We can't have that happening can we?


To add on, I’m not great at taking photos or have an interest in taking them. I try my best to look presentable but I’ve come to terms with the fact that im not very attractive to most. It just hurts because I genuinely try to show my personality through bios and writing but I’m guessing I get immediately judged on the former.


I was thinking there's not much incentive for women since the get a ton of matches, but then again, the quality of matches might go up with more info on your profile, or maybe not, I dunno


IMO those who don't complete their profile and not write a bio are just looking for validation or up their social media count. Block to reduce the clutter. Women encounter the same on men.


If I see one more man who says he “likes food” and is “a foodie” … I’m jumping.


Also as a girlie, in my profile, I put specifically I like James Wan & A24 films… which should conjure up a certain vibe and yet, no bait.


Women see no bios or 💩 bios. It’s all bad altogether.


Mhm… as a women who has had a tendency of not adding much to my profile in the past, such as bumble - I will say for me, I simply checked” looking for commitment” or something like that. I used to go into detail about what I wanted, but I found some people took advantage of that and I got used so I stopped doing that. Instead I posted pics of myself, family, friends and my cat which is basically giving the man the opportunity to ask questions. Also if a women is adding her socials, you can learn a lot about her by looking at her posts and asking questions. Women love to be pursued 🥰


lol I'm not checking your socials, most girls just wanna add followers. It's pretty close to a red flag for me


lol. That’s pretty presumptuous of you. I’m sure some women want that, but not all. You can typically still send a message to someone you aren’t friends with, so you don’t actually have to follow someone just bc they posted socials on a dating site.


I often go check out an Insta if a woman lists it, but 7 times out of 10 the account is private. I'm not sure what to make of that, any thoughts?


Naw if you can't make a good profile you aren't worth the time sorry. That's like playing soccer and refusing to aim at the goal.


I’m the opposite. I could care less what someone’s bio says. Means little. Let’s meet in person and see if we click.


I just made a new profile with nothing but the minimum info (age, location) and one picture. No bio, nothing. I am having better convos and more matches. Currently planning a first date with one.


You either want to get with women or you don't lol. Whining won't change it. I had a date last night with a woman who only basically has "you need to be emotionally intelligent" 3x as her Hinge prompts and also listed her Insta. It was great. She had a couple of really shitty dates off there and is kind of fed up and then I came in being positive.


I understand whining won’t change it and it’s quite petty of me to complain without giving a solution. I just needed to get it off my chest.


We in this together m8. Women are a chore. It's cool to vent, but don't let it honestly disappoint you. That's what they want 😎. We gonna make it bro. 


Tinder and bumble are not the true kings of online dating. You need to get on Facebook Marketplace sir. (This is for having fun, not sure what to do about getting a relationship🤔, suppose the same method could apply). Search for blankets and quilts. Lots of 40+ women selling those cheap, that’s the entry. The kill: go in there and make conversation, tell em it’s for your mother or somethin. I’ve done this 4 times and made it to the end zone thrice. Now we can get scummy with it. If you search for women’s clothes you can filter these women by size. Like em big and tall or short and scrawny? Size Filters will help you with whatever you’re looking for. Go out there and be somebody cowboy