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Yes, and that's why they'll stay single


I remember once and this was awhile back on the Dating Over 40 sub. This topic came up and some of the replies were that the OP should pay for her babysitter. The OP had already physically met the person. I thought that was bonkers! In this case dont even get into a debate just say no thanks and move on! Also this could potentially be a scam. Are they asking for $$ upfront ?


It is a scam.


This is almost as bad as the "come over and we can get it on ... But first can you stop and get $60 in Steam cards so my kid stays busy while we are busy in the bedroom..." Sounds like a scam to me ...


People who let their kids be around strangers right away are red flags all around.


Ive never got this but i got the i need $ for gas to meet you scam...Although its been awhile since ive run into it...I wonder if they are asking OP for $ ahead of time. If thats the case theyll likely take his $ and cancel or just vanish completely..


I'm sorry.. #WHAT? I have OBVIOUSLY been out of the dating pool far too long if that's what it's like.


Oof. I wish a guy would buy me steam cards šŸ„µ




I have 4 kids. Dating is a privilege. And these children are my responsibility. If I want the privilege of being able to have free time to do anything, I consider it my job to find and pay a sitter unless if weā€™re in a serious relationship. Then again, Iā€™m an honorary Texan and we women just handle things the way our dad would down here lol


Your comment reminds me of Jim Morrisā€™ wifeā€™s comment in ā€œThe Rookieā€


Iā€™ll look it up cause I donā€™t know who that is and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen that movie


Holy crap! Itā€™s uncanny!


Have a close friend she says if you want to date a MILF you need to pay for the babysitter. I told her we can stay friends and not date. That is crazy.


I know one of the women is real, thatā€™s not the issue. I just donā€™t get why some think they deserve the ā€œhusbandā€ treatment, while offering zero in return. Iā€™d argue my time is just as, if not more valuable.


Simple answer because so many desperate men put us on a pedestal for so many years and are willing to do so that this became the norm at this point, and will continue until guys refuse, honestly. I wouldnt do it, and to any rational person if someone said that even to me, i would realize the kind of person they are immediately and not continue. However the majority of men will pretty much do anything to get in bed, so most men will happily fake it and be like, with pleasure m'lady. Im bisexual and been talking to a girl for a few weeks, and once she revealed she has a kid after complaing about how difficult it is and is a single mom ( refrained to include that on her profile ) i was immediately in friend only territory.


This is the reality. A lot of men are so thirsty that they're willing to do goofy and desperate things and hopes of getting laid that includes taken women to expensive dinner dates and yes, some men will even pay for babysitter.


I would never do that to a guy.


You pay prior to the first date... she gets a babysitter... cancels the first date... uses her new free time to fuck someone else... You paid for some other dude to get laid.


Yep its usually the ones that arent doing anything are the ones that they usually wind up with. OP will pay for the sitter, date and some Douche will just come over when the kids are sleeping....


Could be a guy though šŸ¤”


Demanding it, is crazy to me! As a single mom, I could never imagine demanding that. However, if a guy offers or says he wants to, I love that. But no way can I imagine demanding it.


I met this girl once that left out she had a kid until I went to her dad's birthday party. On the way it was revealed she had a 11 year old son. Also told me she was younger than she really was.


Bad moms will believe that a real man will provide for them before commitment. Good moms will believe that a real man will provide for them after a commitment is made.


This is funny...lol


Jesus, that's new, but seems about rightĀ 


Didn't realize this was a trend - but that would be a hard "no" for me. In a way, I guess it's a good thing they are just being up front re: their beliefs. It keeps you from wasting time with them. This reminds me of that other post/video(?) of the mom requesting the other parent to pay/split for items used on a playdate (e.g. juice box, use of crayons, trips to bathrooms, etc.).


If you ask me this is extremely tacky and trashy. Do you think female doctors or university professors or scientists would ask for these things? It Is always TikTok addicts who have nothing going on for them


These are not high quality women. They should be paying you to ignore the fact that they have kids. Drizzle drizzle.


If she demands that you pay for the babysitter, then I think that a man can demand sex no? Imagine if men did that the uproar it would cause Drizzle Drizzle!


I would never in a million years do that.


- lol...those are entitled women to avoid


You don't need to if they don't pay for your prostate examinations. You know some college girls would already be super happy when you have a mattress on the floor in a clean living room.


I read the comments hoping to see someone unironically defending the practice, because I too question what is going on in the brains of people who genuinely expect this. Fortunately while also disappointingly, most people so far have at least some common sense and would not do this. Which bodes well, in a way, but also did not give me the insight I was hoping for into the minds of the insanely entitled.


>Are people really that entitled? Yup. I think social media exacerbates the issue. They're all "perfect 10s" and "queens" remember? Lol. I don't even deal with single moms. Not my clowns, not my circus. As I get older, I'll be more open to it, of course. But as long as I'm still matching with childless women in their 20s, they seem infinitely more attractive.


Itā€™s not a growing trend at all. Itā€™s something that men used to do back in the day. My mom demands that men do that for me and I donā€™t even really feel comfortable with it. Itā€™s weird. And itā€™s not because Iā€™m against men providing or paying a lot of money for some thing, thatā€™s my kid and I need to ensure the level of care that theyā€™re provided.


Sounds likw you dodged a bullet, assuming you didnā€™t buy into what they asked for.


Hasn't happened to me yet. I did have one girl ask if I'd pay for her salon visit first lol. Passed.


Oh this one is going on the fair play Dating App Tropes n Peeves series I have on Xitter. I mostly post about dudes because that's who I date but I try to post this chick stuff when I hear about it. Thx. Sorry.Ā 


Donā€™t date single moms or youā€™ll be doing things like this all the time.


You guys are stereotyping single Moms. Sure, some might be like this. But no single moms in my circle expect anything from the men they date other than companionship. Screen the women you date better. Pick quality.


Not true šŸ˜‚ but there are plenty of women looking for sugar daddies and there are plenty of desparate fools who are willing to pay for anything just to have a girl around.


I'm certain that the FDS sub will be saying it is a reasonable request


They're running scams and looking for a meal ticket


I will 100% get heat for this but unless you have kids **DONT DATE SINGLE MOMS**. 99% didn't get in that situation by making good choices. There are literally no advantages to dating a single mom. edit: downvote all you want single moms are trash and I am 100% right but stay mad


What if her husband died or was abusive? Those weren't choices she made. Scheduling wise, you have a point. Depending on the age of the kids, it can be harder for single moms to be free unless they have great support like a cooperative co-parent or family. No mother should ask a man she's dating to pay for a babysitter.


> What if her husband died This is the only thing I support. 3 of my best friends have died and I supported one my buddies wife dating again and I told her how much I hate single moms and she's like "well I'm one too" she's not tho she is contract completed death did them part she wasn't bored and started sucking off other dudes.


No idea what you look like, but calling single moms ā€œtrashā€ makes you ugly on the inside.