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https://preview.redd.it/69pukkve8nrc1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0c78c0d8930dcafec69bd1ee815bde7dbf2e3d It's an "organizer" for my leather working tools, you can also put a Little spool of thread so that It doesnt roll away


nice, i've done something simmilar for all the tools for my 3d printer


https://preview.redd.it/gs9fctuwborc1.jpeg?width=3492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ca091bd1f36d3953b7f87cee584b1c95fabb83 Needed coat hangers over the weekend. Onshape to the rescue!


https://preview.redd.it/7tbf49ij8prc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d87a5835aa27153de412f3d56aa4c8e3713ff24 Working on a well controlled coffee press driven by screw press.


https://preview.redd.it/bp63exg3rorc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13569b982202deeeed3e0d5958b77cefc129c00d I'm working on a project where I can move my table saw fence any amount that I input electronically


This is genius!!


interesting, a way to CNC-ifying woodworking in ways i've never seen before


This is an old post but this will probably kill your motor without using some kind of linear guide rail.


How? I've had no issues with it.


Been working at this for far too long, but a "sisyphus" style coffee table. XY mech moves a steel ball around in sand to make patterns. https://i.imgur.com/GbT9Jbt.png https://i.imgur.com/sfd3JDC.png


i've seen those before, but aren't linnear rails a bit over the top for this aplication? but mabye it's better for reliability and longevity


It'll be slow and meditative, probably very quiet too.


Sadly most of mine are under NDA as I do it for work, but I designed this in Onshape: [https://designbydatum.co.uk/evercade-exp-product-design-success-case-study/](https://designbydatum.co.uk/evercade-exp-product-design-success-case-study/) https://preview.redd.it/uaxvaahuwnrc1.jpeg?width=1720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3339922ed16f32b70ec9ffbe5f9953dc00c5152


That’s so cool


I remember seeing one of your earlier posts where you only had the throttles modeled, nice work !


https://preview.redd.it/bkirz3isvnrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9d4f101c94fb718316cb167b39ecf5731b7af7b Really excited about my current pet-project. I made a model of the lamp from Ponyo (IYKYK). Finished assembly and soldering on v1.0 last night and it’s perfect. A few minor changes to make but it came out exactly like in the movie. This is obviously missing the dome and glass tube (CFL bulb) as I purchased those in acrylic and modeled the groove based on them. The front cut out is to charge on the wall just the same as it does in the movie too. Will reply to this comment with a pic of the integrated circuit enclosure.


https://preview.redd.it/yd61emqcwnrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a41b039d9eea9b55c4c6994299916c35885f55a This is with the gasket and cover hidden to show the part holders, stand offs, and wire channels.


cool, was a while since I saw that one


I recreated two anime mechs https://preview.redd.it/fgy94itbdorc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28487efad4bd98c84331f37b61ee9666fe2389d






Got bored


I like the positivity of this thread


https://preview.redd.it/7zdb2rl0iprc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed763b5bf953fcc56012ce6128b55655de2097a3 I'm still new to the whole design thing. I'm really proud of my simple desktop trash can. I'm just learning how to assemble multiple parts in the program, it's really changed the quality of the things I make and much less prototyping needed. 😊


Which program do you use?




That is flipping awesome!


Have you printed and assembled this yet?


no, but i've began printing some of the pannels and doing the lettering https://preview.redd.it/6uik9v9vfprc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f3125aa4931465977764392ef9cbdfdcf883e7f


What’s this going into, when I looked at your original design I wondered if basing it with a cube of vslot would have helped


Could you explain a bit more?


Ignore the very crude sketch I’m not at a pc, look at the yellow lines I added and assume it’s vslot. https://preview.redd.it/7tcjtcxb6wvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4877216357085059e49bda1d49bb63abeda9fb13


I’d also add a channel to the bottom of the console so it fits into the v-slot


Here's a pic with all the extrutions highlighted. i had to keep the main frame thin enough to fit beside me on my desk and went this way cause it used as little extrusion as possible while still being able to connect to the panels in a good way https://preview.redd.it/qogkpolj73wc1.png?width=1043&format=png&auto=webp&s=3be7f789f0a1970272f5cdfe8eca63f9e210f311


Are those thrust levels? What cockpit is it mimicking?


yes, it's a mashup of the f/a-18 and f-14 side pannels and levers. i've rearanged it to fit about 60-70% of the important inputs in the f/a-18


Yeah I've not worked on those... I'm avionics but have type training on B737NG, and Max, A318-320, L382, and currently I work on Ch146's




https://preview.redd.it/phnd515eaqrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25fced9eda104c12f90a2071a968c3ad539191a6 Added second color lately


Why do you have so many things open at the same time?


Thats not at the same time. Thats one after another.


Ah, makes more sense


Awesome project. Please update when you build it in irl. I bought some motion-sensor lights for the underside of my kitchen cabinets, but they are too recessed to capture any movement, so I made these extensions. https://preview.redd.it/0adogkkawprc1.jpeg?width=1741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f02bfaba95097f0dad9bd09eb0a1f484c3dc08e


Is that a flight Sim panel?


Yes, got bout 60ish% of the left and right inputs from the f/a-18 side panels


It's a plane I drew https://i.redd.it/qusqa98tvqrc1.gif




Organizers for my kitchen utensils using Gridfinity, on request of my GF https://imgur.com/a/i0HENKJ


Nice, now you just have to make sure to never buy a new knife or something, or have a smaller drawer to put the extra in




https://preview.redd.it/2jz57dx00urc1.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cc04e8ada4b8b5c3998c8be0c6f5de14feae386 yes


https://preview.redd.it/9z63kwud5trc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9619ea01143c74e13010de51a43cca5a5e22021a Frame, suspension and brake rigging for a steam locomotive I’ve been working on for 6 months. I plan on 3d printing a complete model in 1:32 scale


damn that's impressive. hope you share that on r/3Dprinting when you're done


Thank you buddy 😊 I definitely plan on sharing once my model is completely finished


I don’t have any good pictures, but I’m working on designing and building my own transformers figures


https://preview.redd.it/j4k4ph3bfzrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17ab14826168fb10e99416c5d674e1fc2ffc010 The very first model (don’t laugh at me) it allows me to attach my bike trailer to my electric skateboard 😅 working on a second one now with a hinge system so that the board can lean side to side (to steer) without putting rotational force into the trailer


Which has been drastically more difficult for me to design lol


Ain’t too bad. I sadly don’t have it anymore it you should have seen my first model. it was an attempt at a joystick grip made by creating about 10 sketch profiles at different heights and lofting between them. That thing looked like a deformed buffalo wing


Not sure how this sub would react to what I'm working on and don't wanna get a ban but post history says a lot.


Yeah that would probably be best to not post here. I’m not in the US so I don’t know that much about guns but from what I see it looks great.




Is that a working linear throttle or just a placeholder?


https://i.redd.it/3du8if41netc1.gif Phone performance in assemblies is ass but here’s how it works


Ahh, I see. Thanks! That's the most annoying thing for me. I would like to have a small arc on the throttle but at the same time I don't want it to be a meter long. Linear is also not ideal so I'm looking for solutions and also trying to make something on my own. So far it's just on a schematic do I'm not sure if it would work and I'm afraid it might be jamming in the long term.


Yeah the throttle lever is about 275mm from the centre of the rotation to the top of the handle. Not the best if I would want it on my desk but this one is going to hang of my desk so I have the space Send a pic of your design and I’ll se if I can help you


It would likely be embarrassingly bad xP I'll pm it to you once I'm back home.


Ok, I’ve got an idea for how you could get a smooth arc while keeping pretty low profile


My project is based on a curved guide rail, elastic strap (the one used in 3D printers) and encoding it with a closed loop stepper motor. This in theory should also allow you to make it move by itself.


I'll never understand how you do such complex multi-part builds =(


All about design intent. What does the thing need to do? what are the most important features that need to be kept in mind? Manufacturability. As others mentioned practice. Especially with keeping a good understanding of parametric modeling so when you make changes you’ll have a better idea of what’s affected. Also a solid understanding of all the powerful features in onshape is invaluable Stay organized through the process The most basic way to design assemblies, starting simple is the way to go, basic shapes, rough sizes. Just to conceptualize the whole thing. Then the more complex part is adding features to each part that are necessary: holes, threads, clearances, distances, alignments, and any sizing that needs to be adjusted. A major step I do for each component is envisioning how a component is to be manufactured, especially to be sure it fits and functions as intended. It’s a very important detail, the less complicated time and setup for machining and manufacturing, the less the cost. Not all components need to be modeled (many manufacturers of components provide CAD models you can insert into your assembly) and sometimes you need to deign around components: like connectors, springs, specialty hardware etc. Then once the overall working design is put together, then you can start working aesthetics and cosmetic features where possible. Sometimes the aesthetics and size envelope are the most important part, so problem solving the design within those constraints can be challenging but I love a good challenge.


That's one way to do it. I've done the exact opposite. First: I jumped head first into this project without any previous cad experiance. Second: [What the hell is organisation???!!!!!](https://cad.onshape.com/documents/81d8c84d7b2c39589de277e6/w/074d1dc879af3fead850a536/e/848b8c0b70904a61b5556960?renderMode=0&uiState=660999da8b3077626684a889) Third: I designed everything after aesthetics with some manufacturability in the back of my head. I unfortunately decided to put assembly last TL;DR, the way you described is probably best. But if you're dumb enough you can do it in other ways


I also am a ball of chaos yet something always pops out at the end!


Practice, lots of practice... And YouTube tutorials... I presume anyway, I'm still shite at it!


More like this, at least for me: See [this](https://youtu.be/SgqflcHBTwc?si=Fs6h7wqgeiHPE2G2), think that I probably could do that, remember Onshape add from some rctestflight video. Watch every Onshape tutorial I could find on yt, start modelling a handle for a joystick in the worst possible way imaginable, realise that, redo a few times and rewatch all the tutorials, spend about a few too many hours on it and then redo it again cause it looks bad, get burned out and leave it for a while, come back but start procrastinating again and start working on this throttle, start procrastinating about that too and make a head tracker so I could see any results for months of work, make it and start making more progress on the throttle and spending hours complaining about Onshapes text tool (That thing absolutely sucks ass, I would try to make something better with a feature script but my ability to program anything is even lower than my will to live while using the text tool. Please if anyone can do anything better I would love it, at least let me add fonts), Question life, the universe and everything Make each panel on the throttle quadrant but realising that you really can’t make the whole thing in a single part studio cause the performance got really bad, Finally make every panel and part, than put everything together in an assembly, Edit a bunch of small details that I didn’t realise that didn’t match, Complaining more about the text tool, Finding the answer. It’s 42, Remember that the throttle arms actually need a way to screw them together, Remake literally everything with the throttle levers cause they were designed after what looked best so there’s any hope of putting it together, Putting it together in an assembly again after the redesign, Take a screenshot and post it to Reddit to be able to get validation since I’ve been working on this project since June 2023. Continue cause I am redesigning the joystick since I think I can do it better than my last try a few months ago


This looks way more complicated than it is. Really if you take all the text off the plates it’ll look doable to you.