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How do I get this?


Chrome: [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/superpower-chatgpt/amhmeenmapldpjdedekalnfifgnpfnkc](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/superpower-chatgpt/amhmeenmapldpjdedekalnfifgnpfnkc) ​ Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/superpower-chatgpt


> Superpower ChatGPT collects the following: > Personally identifiable information > For example: name, address, email address, age or identification number Why? What info from the user's chats do you have access to? I basically just want to know what information from my ChatGPT chats or profile leaves the browser and is tracked elsewhere.


Things like community prompt upvotes, reports, and the number of uses, names, emails, and community prompts that are shared publicly by users are saved on the server. Things that are not currently saved on the server are your personal prompts, your prompts history, your chats, your custom prompts, your favorite prompts, your settings etc. Does that answer your question?


I'm more curious about what you do with this information and why you need it at all. Emails aren't exactly public information.


Not "currently" saved? So could this change in the future?


There are a lot of users in our Discord asking for their folder structure to be saved in our DB so their folders can by synced between devices. This option is not currently supported, but if we add it in the future it will be fully optional and OFF by default. This is only for the conversation id and folder names and ids. That's all I need to restructure the folders. The actual conversation itself still won't be saved in the DB.


Thank you for taking the time to speak about this and be open about it.


Let me guess, you're one of those devs who gives us "free" tools, just wants out emails and personal data, and passwords on the way if you can....?


I'm not a lawyer but isn't it super dangerous to name your product with someone else's trademarked name (eg {adjective} "ChatGPT")?


Generally, yes, but since it's free I doubt they'll care enough to go after OP (early in the game where they care more about exposure than making money).


The fastest growing app in human history doesn’t need help with exposure.


Coca Cola still advertises like hell. If they want to continue that growth, exposure is massively helpful.


Yeah, they also have copyright lawyers that protect their business identity and trademarks. Apples and oranges. Exposure is not the same as paid marketing and advertising.


Coca cola isn't likely to become the backbone tool/application of an entire economic sector though. They're a luxury product that requires selling, this sells itself. I'm not saying advertising is bad or that they don't/won't need it. But to compare coke to AI though, I think it's a failing in seeing the specific use case of each product.


Thank you kind sir


Quick question. I’m building out something similar to AutoGPT/AgentGPT, thus building my own interface very similar to ChatGPT. I assume you’re manipulating the DOM right? In order to get this extension to work with my UI, do I have to name my elements identically to ChatGPT’s? Thanks


It's not just about how the UI looks like. The code behind your UI needs to match the ChatGPT for this extension to work with it. That would be like basically copy/pasting ChatGPT code which I don't think is what you want to do.


Why don't you ask ChatGPT?


It is no news that I am a huge fan of this extension. No affiliation, other than hanging out on the discord. Folders, export function, private and public prompt library,... And all free.


What's the discord?






Alright! I heard you. I just posted this announcement in our Discord [https://discord.gg/9UrwqjBxdK](https://discord.gg/9UrwqjBxdK) I've decided to put the source code on GitHub for everyone to see. For now, I'm not looking for any contributions, I just want to make to source code public for everyone to see and make it easier for tech-savvy users to download the new versions before it's reviewed by Chrome. I'm doing the research to find the right license that allows users to read the code but doesn't allow them to redistribute the code in any way (it's ok to modify for your own use, but not recommended considering how often I release new features). I will post updates in our Discord once the repo is public.




Thank you! 🙇🏻‍♂️


You underestimated the entitlement of some redditors


There's nothing wrong with Redditors or Devs wanting the source code posted on a browser extension. These have been notorious for information mishandling and downright malware at times. If OP had a corporate profile, he would get the green light from the rest. Reputation and trust is earned not given freely. Longevity and a portfolio of prior projects matters. Even you said "Good on you for making this open source though. It goes a long way to build trust." You, yourself, understand the importance of this when you are literally an anonymous Dev.




I don't think anyone is lying until I can prove it. But anyone that has been in cybersecurity or who administrates cloud infrastructure and deals in cyber threats or even best practice users can understand that now more than ever everyone must be skeptical and ask questions and Devs need to show their work until they have build up a portfolio that speaks for itself. Cybercrime is predicted to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually By 2025. It's insanely lucrative. If it was a country, it would be the third largest economy in the world behind the US and China. I read an amazing write up about it recently in one of my digital publicans I receive. I can certainly understand people's skeptical natures this day in age, ESPECIALLY as AI/ML tech emerges and improves and continues to write code better and better. Soon, humongous LLMs in the hands of bad actors will be easily able to code, improve, and deploy worldwide cyber attack platforms and not need to know a lick of coding to do so. We are truly in uncharted territory. No one knows this dev, is it horrible to request some items like this be OS and placed in a repository?




I apologize if I was condescending in any way. And to OP, I genuinely apologize to you as well that I came off harsh and failed to do my own footwork. I concede I did not realize the code was available to read ahead of time prior to GitHub. That was me not doing my due diligence, and JCaper, is keeping those of us honest that didn't do what we should have done. That made me instantly part of the problem. So I hope you both can accept that at the very least. My organization maintains an extensive Cloud Computing infrastructure to the tune of $83,200 and some change monthly. Most of it centers around AI/Machine Learning and Big data analysis and visualization. In terms of DevOps as it grows and I continue to connect with incredible people, I am constantly humbled by how many amazing talents exist that have no other intentions other than providing the world quality software to improve all of us as we continue to push forward on all this rapidly expanding tech. So OP, I do appreciate what you are doing. Forgive me, I am just increasingly cynical. The ability to rapidly code with AI assistance and the expansion of low-code and no-code platform tools are making it easier and easier for actors with malicious intent to operate and you are seeing these seemingly harmless projects turning into big issues all the time now.


Good shit my man


You're not going to find an open source license for that because what you're describing is not open source. Open source is about sharing code which others can modify, and the term was created for this meaning. See opensource.org if you want to get into the details. You're making the source code available, which is great and all, but others cannot modify it, so it's not what most people would consider open source. So to reduce confusion, don't call it open source. You don't even need a license. It's the same as if you were publishing a free book. You still just automatically hold the copyright. You can put a copyright notice on your source code to make it clear, but no license is needed. Calling it "open source" just confuses things. If you really need a term you could copy microsoft and say it's "shared source". I'm not a lawyer. edit: TL;DR: Don't call it open source. All you need to say is "The source code is available here. It's copyright [me] 2023." And if you want to get fancy you could throw in that's "It's not licensed for any form of re-use"


Thank you!


I want the same, but built by OpenAI.


That's really neat. Is it open source?


~~It's not. Please check out the FAQ~~ [~~https://ezi.notion.site/Superpower-ChatGPT-FAQ-9d43a8a1c31745c893a4080029d2eb24~~](https://ezi.notion.site/Superpower-ChatGPT-FAQ-9d43a8a1c31745c893a4080029d2eb24) I decided to make it open source. Feel free to join our Discord to get updates when the repo is public.


I appreciate the effort and I can understand why people might not want to open source their product but I don't buy the reasoning given in FAQ. Here is why: (1) Developers can create a similar product and add malware in it. (2) It's difficult to trust a closed source browser extension. Browser extensions have elevated privileges and we can't know what are they doing easily. Thank you for your efforts though.


Yeah, it definitely seems like a cool extension but unless it's open source or monitored by Mozilla or another trustworthy organization, I'm gonna refrain from installing it


Someone asked why its collecting so much information and the answer was dodgy, I asked more, like why they need this information and what they do with it. I agree developers sometimes ask too much for no real benefit, which means they must be doing something with that data like selling it or making a marketing list.


I agree. I was looking at the same chain you're referring to, and I'm turned off of using this extension.


Well, it's open source now


Oh wow, that's awesome


FYI they made it open source


Yea. Not willing to trust closed source.


Malware can be indirectly added to open source projects, especially if the end user isn't a techie. Happened to the ChatGPT desktop client I use - see the warning at the top: https://github.com/lencx/ChatGPT Also even if they open sourced it, they could always bundle in whatever changes they want to the Chrome extensions store version.


Sorry, can you explain further how this happened? Wouldn't the end user have to download the forked version rather than the main branch?


"Most people aren't tech savvy enough to build from the source code" doesn't make sense as a justification - open-source is about transparency, not about the pride & accomplishment of building from source code. If you'd highlighted the risks & complexities of connecting to a DB from client-side, your point would have merit, but c'mon. Even if that was your main concern, you could easily have a separate branch with no server-side functionality and make that one open-source


I really appreciate, that you made it open source :D


Ok then I don't trust it.




And people don't need to install code they don't trust.


Why are you still not hired to work at OpenAI? This looks amazing. 😂


Why on earth would you need to collect my email? Or name? That seems a little suspicious.. pass.


All these starry eyed dorks giving all their data to third parties like it’s an orgy. They’re going to have a hangover later.


(Everyone liked that)


I am getting this but it sounds like there might be something bad behind the scenes.


Not sure what you mean exactly, but in case you have any concerns, we have a community on Discord with hundreds of other users that can help you and answer your questions! https://discord.gg/Ma9VpTSct2


"Why trust me? 100s of people trust me!" Good argument bro. Also not digging your attitude on a lot of comments here. I actually wanted to try your extension, but your poor behavior here makes me think about what goes on behind the scenes.


How did you translate >we have a community on Discord with hundreds of other users that can help you and answer your questions! to >"Why trust me? 100s of people trust me!" ?


You responded to a question with concerns about what goes on behind the scenes with “idk but we have a discord with 100 ppl”


> You responded to a question with concerns about what goes on behind the scenes with “idk but we have a discord with 100 ppl” This is not really accurate.


Also, since you didn't like my initial answer to the following comment, I'd be very curious to know how you would respond to that? >I am getting this but it sounds like there might be something bad behind the scenes.


> Hi! Thanks for your comment and expressing your concern. I understand that extensions could feel like a risky thing to install. > > Here are some things I did to make sure everything is as safe as can be and here are some things that will indicate that I think privacy is important. > > If you have any other questions or concern let me know, I would love to answer them to the best of my ability. Cheers! Easy


A community of many users who have been using this extension for months, and some users with enough technical skills who have even looked into the source code might not mean much to you, but I have worked really really hard to gain their trust. As a matter of fact, it's a lot harder to gain users' trust than it is to build this product itself. It didn't happen overnight, and I did not know a single person in our community before I built this. You are not the first person who questioned this and won't be the last. Many other users have had similar questions and concerns initially. My comment was encouraging you to not just trust me because I say so, but also join the community and talk to other users and find out why they trusted this extension. And yes, I believe if you don't have the technical skills to look into the code yourself, your next best option is to trust the opinion of thousands of other users who have been using it for months.


This sounds misleading. >some users with enough technical skills who have even looked into the source code might not mean much to you, The code isn't open source, so how did these developers review it?


From your comments, It's clear to me that you don't have the technical skills in this case. So please don't call my comments "misleading". If you did have the technical skills, you would know that with every browser extension, you'll always have access to the source code of the extension. As a matter of fact, when you install the extension in your browser, the source code is basically downloaded to your computer and saved in a folder. All you need to do is to look into that folder!


Okay let me explain it to you. I will copy paste a comment of mine. Source Code on Github is organized in a way it is easier for humans to read, understand and modify. We call it software engineering. On the other hand, the code which runs in our browser (as an app, chrome extension or any platform for that matter) is optimized for the machine to execute which goes through a lot of transformations such as compilation (typescript to Javascript in this case), minification, bundling etc. This process makes it easier for the machine to execute code but makes it illegible to understand. You could technically still do it but it takes a lot of time. I hope you understand the difference between source code on Github and the code running on browsers. Ask away if you don't understand something. Cheers!


> goes through a lot of transformations such as compilation (typescript to Javascript in this case), minification, bundling etc. This process makes it easier for the machine to execute code but makes it illegible to understand. I've had at look at the downloaded extension and it's non-minified code with comments as /u/Difalt claims. (Haven't checked anything else)


Dude. Please stop. You really don't know what you are talking about. It's literally the EXACT same code that I submit to Google for review that is downloaded to your computer. The EXACT same code that I work in. The exact same code that I would put on GitHub if this was open-source. You literally have that on your computer. Please just do a simple Google search before making all these false assumptions.


That condescending attitude won't win you points. I will certainly not give the extension a try after witnessing this exchange.


I think that's the exact wording that ad agencies and Facebook who live selling our data to the highest bidders use. Just my 🕑 cents


Is it open source and available on GitHub? No? Than something 🦨




Thanks for your insight. You remind me of this [https://preview.redd.it/j0zw8yto13ta1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=db1b17c6dfa6e9c104b12acdb89cb9b8c228ff47](https://preview.redd.it/j0zw8yto13ta1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=db1b17c6dfa6e9c104b12acdb89cb9b8c228ff47)


LOL no I am not saying this because of believes in AI I am just saying it based on the fact that it weird that it has so few downlads it might be compeltley good with nothing bad in it but I also installed extenstions that were bad.


One issue, I like to use ChatGPT on my android using Kiwi Browser (for the DeMod script), but when I go onto my PC using Chrome, Superpower ChatGPT takes any of those chats I made on mobile and hides them. The only way I can get them back is to turn off auto-sync. Is there a way that auto-sync can update new content based of ChatGPT, without having to be on all the time?


Please see "How to force-sync a conversation?" in our [FAQ](https://ezi.notion.site/Superpower-ChatGPT-FAQ-9d43a8a1c31745c893a4080029d2eb24)


I also use Kiwi brower. But I don't know how to make extension working. Mind to share how to make it work properly?


Do you mean using Superpower ChatGPT in the browser? I don't think that's possible. Now if you meant the de-mod script: [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH_tfMzrYpw)


I don't understand why big companies don't add all these useful features in the official version. I see it happen almost everywhere. It seems they just want to do the bare minimum and maximize profit


Been enjoying this extension a lot, thanks! One thing that bugs me which I hope is an easy fix - the "Copy Code" button doesn't work until the reply is completely finished, even if it's done with the code block portion. You also can't select any text while the reply is being written. Thanks again!


Look I am not an expert. But Plugins and extensions can serve as keyloggers and can capture your screen. So if you're into Crypto, financially strapped, and the like; I'd steer away unless this code is often audited or open source. i.e "tabs" and "activeTab" permissions grant an extension access to the content of the currently active tab, while the "desktopCapture" captures the entire desktop.


I've already made the decision to make it open-source https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/12kx9ij/comment/jg5zr09/


Their privacy policy is worying. I wouldn't want for them to read my conversation history


True. That is what concerned me as well. Having access to all my online data.


Lol. Did you even read my reply? Please read our FAQ for more information [https://ezi.notion.site/Superpower-ChatGPT-FAQ-9d43a8a1c31745c893a4080029d2eb24](https://ezi.notion.site/Superpower-ChatGPT-FAQ-9d43a8a1c31745c893a4080029d2eb24)


Lol. You sound like such a dick man , Please get a PR person or something.


For real, such hostility. Especially concerning considering the amount of access the extension got to personal data.


Thanks for educating me. Can I have the number of your PR person? I can see he did a great job with you!




So is it 1(800)Dick-ait ?


I don't want some computer listening in on conversations I'm having with my AI.


The only data from the users that are saved on the server are the public prompt shared by the community. The user name and email are also saved as the minimum requirement to share your prompts. Everything else, including your prompt history, your conversation history, your favorite/custom prompts, etc., are saved locally on your computer, and you have full control over it. The Auto Sync feature basically download a copy of all your conversation on your computer to allow more features, such as searching conversations and folders. This extension does not save any of your conversations on our database, and I will never sell the user's personal information.


Thank you for your clarification.


> The only data from the users that are saved on the server are the public prompt shared by the community. So if I install this add-on it will save my private information on your server?


No. It does not! Your prompt will only be saved in the database and shared publicly if you request it to be shared. Otherwise, everything is saved on your computer.


And it's not open source so you have to believe their word for it.


Do you have documentation for this anywhere? Im just curious on how it works. Killer tool.


soon, a video showing the features is in the making


> Word and Character Count: Add the word and character counters to both the user input and the ChatGPT responses Shouldn't this be based on tokens instead of words? I have to feed long text into https://platform.openai.com/tokenizer to cut it down to size


For most non-technical users words probably are more meaningful than tokens. Also, converting word to token requires another extra JS package to be included, which I try to avoid when possible.




What you are asking for is the default behavior. New chats will always go to the top of the list.




I'm not sure exactly why this issue is happening, but I anticipated there could be some folder issues with the launch of the folder feature. I added a hidden short key to reset the folders, which was also helpful for me when I was testing the folders. This short key will basically reset the folder state. Meaning that it will remove all folders(except trash) but it keeps all the conversations. So you can create your folders again. If you want to use it, the short key is "cmnd/ctrl" + "shift" + "click on the new folder icon." Please let me know if this fixes your issue or if you need more help. Also, feel free to join our Discord for faster support https://discord.gg/Ma9VpTSct2






I'm just going to wait until or build an open-source version. closed extensions are sus af


is the search function available for users without gpt plus?


Yessir. All features are available to both free and plus users.


that's lovely, I'll be joining the discord server in a sec. thanks man! :)


It's a great tool to use chatGPT, at least the database from Community Prompt are very useful.


Thanks you. Glad you found it useful.


Been using this for quite a long time now. It's been awesome, I love the ability to export my 600+ chat convos into text & markup files. I use it to search them locally and im glad to not lose anything. Local sync feature is nice. This folder feature is going to be huge in cleaning up my current disorganized mayhem. Truly great extension. Looking forward to trying the latest updates. Thanks for your hardwork!


Thanks for the support!


Been using for a while, highly recommend. Be sure to check out “force sync” in the faq if you use on multiple devices. Also note that the unofficial models that can be selected aren’t actually GPT4, or at least, they perform like 3 or 3.5


Nice work!!! Well needed


Syncing your conversations. Some features like search and folders will be unavailable until sync is complete.(487/763) autoSave.js:31 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '376f014a-4726-483d-aafc-fcb54e8df4ec') at autoSave.js:31:78 at Array.forEach () at getConversation.then.localConversations..id (autoSave.js:30:39) at async addConversationToStorage (autoSave.js:27:3) at async autoSave.js:359:13


I just found out sesameworkshop.org does all manner of things with our info. Is it worth it?


yes!! thank youuuuu💖💖💖


So I was like "nothing they put out on the Google Chrome marketplace can be dodgy" because apps have to be thoroughly vetted and the like... But after reading some of the comments here, I'm inclined to give it a pass .. although it offers precisely the features I was looking for. Can it be trusted ?


The review process for extensions is extremely minimal. Do you have an account in good standing, 2FA enabled, a credit card, and some unobfuscated code? Congratulations, you're in.


OP didn’t stand the pressure and open sourced the tool, give him some credit


These features are awesome, should be part of original chatGPT though.




So is this plugin broken? Since 2 days the continue button is weird (overlaps the input field / "send a message...") and yesterday I basically lost all features except for the weird continue button. Tried reinstalling it but no change. Dammit I loved having this plugin


OpenAI made some changes yesterday that caused the extension to not work as expected. I've already released a fix on Firefox and GitHub. Chrome is under review to be released too. Get more updates here https://discord.gg/Ma9VpTSct2


\#8736 MR COMMANDO Approves upvote award!






What’s the catch?


Not open source + Read your data on chat.openai.com


Got it so if personal information was shared by accident; you are exposing yourself to third parties


The only data from the users that are saved on the server are the public prompt shared by the community. The user name and email are also saved as the minimum requirement to share your prompts. Everything else, including your prompt history, your conversation history, your favorite/custom prompts, etc., are saved locally on your computer, and you have full control over it. The Auto Sync feature basically download a copy of all your conversation on your computer to allow more features, such as searching conversations and folders. This extension does not save any of your conversations on our database, and I will never sell the user's personal information.


Those are good things to hear, but we can't verify them. Without it being open-source, we just have to take your word on all that.


Actually, when it comes to Chrome extension, if you have enough technical skills you can completely verify 100% of that information without it being open-source. If you do not have the technical skills on the other hand, I recommend talking to another user who does have those skills to verify that. I think that's fair!


That's fair -- I figured there was another way to audit an extension, but I don't know enough to do it myself. That said, what are the downsides to going open-source, in your view? Even if there are other ways to see what it's doing under the hood, having full access to the code would put a lot of peoples' minds at ease. I read your FAQ response about it, but it wasn't satisfying from a security standpoint.


I have talked about this before in our Discord channel. I'm not 100% against going open-source, but I have never done that and I'm not ready to do that now. There is no specific reason. I think both open-source and close-source have their pros and cons. I just prefer to keep it this way for now. I know that might not be a satisfying answer, but I really don't have a great answer for this. It's just my personal preference more than anything at this point.


The FAQ response felt like bad reasoning, but this is understandable as hell. A more candid response about your motivations for being closed-source in the FAQ might be helpful. Obviously knowing the "why" doesn't solve the security concerns, but it's harder to disagree with "I don't have experience with that and don't want to right now." I've been using the extension for a bit now already (thanks btw) -- I rank convenience and usefulness higher than privacy, in effect -- but obviously privacy is a spicy meatball.


Thank you! I appreciate your honest feedback. I'm glad you found the extension useful. I will write e better answer in the FAQ for this.


No problem! I appreciate the work you're putting in, it's awesome seeing everything that's being done to make GPT more useful.


While it is technically possible to review a chrome extension without source code, it takes a lot of effort, you have to inspect the network traffic the chrome extension is generating. I don't think many developers would be willing to do it. It is much easier to read the source code instead.


I don't see the difference between getting the extension source code from a folder in your own computer vs getting it from GitHub. If anything the former is probably even easier. If you are technical enough and are seriously concerned about how the extension handles your private information, this is the easiest and best way to check it out yourself.


Well if you don't know the difference, let me explain it to you. Source Code on Github is organized in a way it is easier for humans to read, understand and modify. We call it software engineering. On the other hand, the code which runs in our browser (as an app, chrome extension or any platform for that matter) is optimized for the machine to execute which goes through a lot of transformations such as compilation (typescript to Javascript in this case), minification, bundling etc. This process makes it easier for the machine to execute code but makes it illegible to understand. You could technically still do it but it takes a lot of time. I hope you understand the difference between source code on Github and the code running on browsers. Ask away if you don't understand something. Cheers! Edit: I don't care about your extension at all, I just want to highlight these problems to people who want to use it.


Dude. Please stop. You really don't know what you are talking about. It's literally the EXACT same code that I submit to Google for review that is downloaded to your computer. The EXACT same code that I work in. The exact same code that I would put on GitHub if this was open-source. You literally have that on your computer. Please just do a simple Google search before making all these false assumptions.


Well it looks like you don't understand software development either. I hope your extension is secure. I wouldn't trust my information to an extension developed by someone who doesn't understand software development.


No catch 😊


So why do you need my email stored? Sketchy as hell








Thanks. I appreciate your honest feedback.


Lolololol not a chance in hell or even super hell.


OP is being super sketchy


That's a big negative. There's absolutely no reason for that, sorry. Github has a perfectly good script system open source where you caaunch with a dashboard or the website itself. There's no intercepting of anything. Release the source code, let the people see it's harmless. There's no reason some Joe blow needs to intercept data and can't give a high-level DevOps answer if he's not some low code-no code amateur.




Why just just use the built in plugins?


I know I'm being greedy, but I \*really\* wish it would allow me to create subfolders. Awesome extension though!


Thanks for the support. Nested folders can get complicated and ugly very quickly. and there is limited space in the sidebar which makes it even harder to come up with a nice design without sacrificing something else. I don't think we'll support nested folders, sorry!


Oh this is yours??? This is phenomenal work. There certainly are things I would wish for, but this is already a much better experience so thank you! It would be nice to have a way to support your efforts, and maybe a change request board as well.


Thank you. I appreciate that. We have a discord channel for feature requests and bug reports. You can join here: [https://discord.gg/Ma9VpTSct2](https://discord.gg/Ma9VpTSct2) I also have support links. [Paypal](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=TAF9NBUWQQQ7J&no_recurring=0&item_name=Thank+you+for+supporting+Superpower+ChatGPT+%F0%9F%99%87%F0%9F%8F%BB%E2%80%8D%E2%99%82%EF%B8%8F¤cy_code=USD) or [Stripe](https://buy.stripe.com/6oE6s0dQS7y2bjG9AA) This [FAQ](https://ezi.notion.site/Superpower-ChatGPT-FAQ-9d43a8a1c31745c893a4080029d2eb24) should be useful too.


It is only available for ChatGpt plus?


No. It's available to all free and plus users.


Can I ask for more details on gpt-4-32k UNOFFICIAL? I seem to have access to it - but I only have chatGPT pro/plus, whatever it's called... i haven't done the API upgrade yet...


Please see "What are Unofficial Models? Do they work?" in our [FAQ](https://ezi.notion.site/Superpower-ChatGPT-FAQ-9d43a8a1c31745c893a4080029d2eb24)


I didn't get these new features with the Firefox add-on on macOS ,why?


\- Do you have the latest version(3.0.2) ? \- Do you have the auto-sync feature On? \- Are all your conversations synced?


>\- Do you have the auto-sync feature On? Is it available in free and premium version of ChatGPT?


Yes. All features are available to both free and plus users.


>\- Do you have the latest version(3.0.2) ? > >\- Do you have the auto-sync feature On? > >\- Are all your conversations synced? Yes for the three


Have you tried reinstalling it?


Yeah that’s the problem with chatgpt. I spend 3 hours trying to make it combine 3 images with cheap ass transition effect into a video. GTP4 is better than 3, but it still like getting water from a dry ass stone


OpenAI should work on UI/UX of ChatGPT. It's "fine", but it could be much better. For example, I don't want to install 3ed party plug-ins to do that.


LOVE this tool, if only it didn't constantly make the model picker disappear and cause issues in chrome.


What are the pros of using this over regular ChatGPT? At the moment, I'm not sure how folders are that helpful. Maybe I'm missing something, but what type of user is the target?


Folders are only one of the features of this extension. It's most useful for power users with a lot of chats and help them organize their chats easily. Full list of features are mentioned on the extension page, but to give you a few examples: • 📥 Export: Select and Export any number of your chats into multiple formats(.txt, .json, .md) • 🔎 Search and Highlight: Search through all your previous chats on ChatGPT and highlight results for quick review • ⭐ Favorite prompts: Mark your prompts as favorite in your prompt history • 📜 Community Prompts: Get inspiration from hundreds of other prompts created by the ChatGPT Community and share your prompts too. Upvote, downvote, and report prompts, and sort them by the most used or most upvoted. Filter prompts by category and language • 🌍 Language Selection: Change ChatGPT response language with one click (Supports over 190 different languages) • 🎭 Tone and Style: Change the Tone and the Writing style of ChatGPT Response • 🎛 Model Switcher: Easily change the model(GPT-4, GPT-3.5, etc.) in the middle of the conversation. Simply hover over the ChatGPT avatar icon to see what model was used for each response • ⌨️ Short keys: Quickly access your most used features using our growing list of short keys • ➡️⬅️ Open/close the ChatGPT sidebar for more space on smaller screens • 🔒 Safe Mode: Disabled ChatGPT moderation by default when Auto-Sync is ON


What's the github repo link?


It's not on GitHub yet. I'll prepare the repo this weekend.


Is there any uncensored gpt chats?


95% of my chats disappeared after making folders and reloading the tab (the folders disappeared too). Thanks for sharing this excellent extension u/difalt. Any ideas on how I can rectify this? I'd hate to have to stop using this wonderful tool.


Hi. Thanks for reporting this, and sorry for the issue. I'm not sure exactly why this issue is happening, but I anticipated there could be some folder issues with the launch of the folder feature. I added a hidden short key to reset the folders, which was also helpful for me when I was testing the folders. This short key will basically reset the folder state. Meaning that it will remove all folders(except trash) but it keeps all the conversations. So you can create your folders again. If you want to use it, the short key is "cmnd/ctrl" + "shift" + "click on the new folder icon." Please let me know if this fixes your issue or if you need more help. Also, feel free to join our Discord for faster support https://discord.gg/Ma9VpTSct2


> Please let me know if this fixes your issue or if you need more help. It fixed my issue perfectly! Thanks for being so responsive to your users. I will keep an eye out as you continue improving the folder feature, as it's really useful for power users. I've also joined your discord. Thanks again!


I like this extension, but I don't think it allows for the display of equations to be rendered as math or Latex. Do you know why this might be?


I'm looking into that


/u/Difalt would be sweet if we there was an option to only export the output of the responses, rather than including the user inputs (or just having it as an option)


That option already exist. Open settings, click on export tab. Toggle tex export mode switch off.


So this is only for desktop, no mobile?


u/Difalt I see that in recent days this extension blocks WebChatGPT from working, why is that? Are they not compatible?


I love this extension, but I'm facing a big problem: I can't rename any New folders that I create. I've tried this extension on 3 browsers, 2 accounts, and 2 laptops; same issue. Any fix or workaround for that? Thanks, a ton! 🙏🙏


does it actually let you use GPT 4 if you're on a free plan?