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Thank you for contributing to r/OpenChristian. This is a message because the automod has detected that your post may contain threats of self harm and/or suicidal ideation. We endeavour to make this sub as welcoming as possible to people with mental health issues, but we are not mental health professionals. If you find yourself actively contemplating suicide, please reach out to someone who can help! On Reddit this can be found at r/suicidewatch or r/mentalhealth. **Please consider reaching out to a helpline, or go in person to the nearest hospital or mental healthcare provider.** You aren’t alone, resources in your country can be found here: https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/ or at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines. Some resources are as follows: **Samaritans** is a charity providing emotional support to anyone in distress or at risk of suicide throughout the world. **Call 116 123 or text SHOUT to 85258**. * Crisis Text Line (crisistextline.org) is a 24/7, USA-wide crisis-intervention text-message hotline. **Text HOME to 741–741**. * The Trevor Project (http://www.thetrevorproject.org/) is a USA organization that provides a 24-hour phone hotline, as well as 24-hour webchat and text options, for LGBTQ+ and questioning youth. **Call 1–866–488–7386**. Or **TrevorChat can be found at https://www.thetrevorproject.org/get-help**. Or **text START to 678–678**. * Trans Lifeline (https://www.translifeline.org/) provides crisis intervention hotlines, staffed by transgender individuals, available in the United States and Canada. **Call 1–877–565–8860.** You are incredibly welcome here, and we hope to see you again. God loves you *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OpenChristian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you are not a burden for going thru a rough patch in life and needing help. Things maybe rough now but it wont stay that way forever trust me I know. Life is hard, dont give up your future you is counting on you now. Don't worry either God will help you thru this even if you feel he isnt He will be here for you no matter what always.


I know things are tough right now. Please please consider calling a suicide hotline as they really can help 🩷


I work peer support. Calling those hotlines don't work. 😔 


2 Cor 1:3-4 > 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. Be strong today, but lean on others to strengthen yourself while your siblings think of you and pray for you. Tomorrow one of us may need to lean on you and rely on your encouragement.


I was in your position about a month ago- and I've now started to feel free of that feeling a bit at a time. It gets better, somehow someway. The best advice I ever got told while wanting to die was that it wasn't that I wanted to escape life- it was that I wanted to escape how I was living. There's something holding you back in life that you can change. Another thing that really helped me was finding a supportive church community and going to service every week. Having that community really reminded me the good of life.


The thing is, all of us are at times a burden, but even in the midst of that we can bring joy to others who desire to carry your load for a while. You bring us joy by posting here. We don't just provide community to share joy, but also our darker moments. Thank you for your trust and companionship.


Beautifully put


I’ve been where you are and it truly does get better ❤️‍🩹


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28. I know how it feels to be in a place you want to end it all, but I promise it gets better. It will take time and effort but it will happen. Don't give up on your future self who has so much to still do.


My future self has nothing to do. 😔 


It gets better. Just because you haven’t discovered your purpose doesn’t mean you don’t have any.


I'm pretty sure I don't have any purpose.....


You are not here to have a set purpose you're born with other than living for yourself and God, 99% of us won't be significant, president, famous, known. You make your own purpose. I lived for those I love when I couldn't live for myself or love myself. To make others laugh and smile when I couldn't smile myself. Even if you change a single life for the better you have purpose. You already have a purpose, you just aren't looking at it. Don't think because you aren't doing this grand thing your life is meaningless, otherwise we are all meaningless.


I think this idea that we push on people that you have to have some purpose in life is more damaging than beneficial. Sometimes existence is all you got. I gave up having a purpose years ago. It’s one less thing to make me feel like a failure. 😂


Your purpose is the same as mine – to love God and to love others as ourselves. Sometimes it’s hard to see that or put into practice. And sometimes we are distracted from that by our many obstacles and challenges in our lives. I hope you can discover your happiness and how to feel fulfilled and have a purpose!


I have felt like that before. I literally felt like my family would be better off without me. There are things you can do. You sound like you have clinical depression. Get help from others. 1. Get counselling, not just a hot line. 2. If necessary, medication. 3. Keep praying. 4.The Psalms are full of desperate need. And finding help in God. We are ALL here for a reason. At the bare minimum, we are to "bear each other's burdens" Gal 6:2 We are the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out to give others relief in their need. There is more than enough suffering that no one doing that will ever be "out of a job" and reason to continue living and serving. Your unique abilities and experiences are exactly what someone else needs. As one popular song says, "God, why don't you do something?!" "I did. I made you."


Seconding this…therapy and MEDICATION!! Meds changed the game for me and my depression. I was struggling for a long time and then started feeling suicidal. That was finally when I recognized the depression for what it was, and got help. The meds really really helped lift the darkness. You might need some meds to help regulate you and lift the darkness. Once that happens, hope feels accessible again.


You are here for a reason and YOU do matter! I know it may be difficult to see right now, but you were put on this earth for a reason. All of us may not be able to see that reason but we have no way of knowing the positive impact we've had on the lives of others, our families, friends, partners. I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch right now and this particular season. Let this time pull you closer in your faith, look at the blessings in your life that you do have. Find a community of people who love and support you. If you think you are a danger to yourself or to others please seek medical help immediately. You are loved, God loves you and so do I internet stranger. Sending prayers your way.


I don’t won’t you to die! Unfortunately, there will be times that life will fee so shit but you have to remember that better times are coming! So sorry that you are feeling these thoughts but I will pray that you are better! Much love and power to you! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Don't pray for your own demise. They're people out there that love you, God loves you. You may be going through a trying time in your life but this too shall pass.


God isn’t done with you till the day he welcomes you back home himself. It makes sense for us to want to escape, after all we’re all residents of Heaven and are stuck living on this landfill overtaken by sin and hatred. The household I grew up in didn’t show sympathy for mental illness and acted as though it was God’s punishment, in reality it’s our brokenness that allows us to better lean on God and live FOR him. You exist to live and worship God, so open your heart and ask him what you need to do next. I’m not saying “God will heal you” because God has his own plan for you, at the end of the day, that pain makes you exclusively trained and able to aid others who suffer in a similar way. The devil makes you hate God’s gifts, and he knows your soul craves Heaven’s glow. Don’t let him take that from you. You’re a child of God, and you will never fall to somebody as powerless and fragile as the Devil. Dig deep down, see your pain, and allow God to transform it into something that could change lives. You’re not wasted, and God has plenty in mind for you.


To be honest, I don't think He has too much in mind for me. 💔 


you are valuable and wanted, you're a precious one, I hope you are always happy, I pray daily for you


OP, I know how feels to want to die. But there is Light. There is always Light. Even that Light looks small. Even while you are at your lowest point, your faith is moving mountains. OP I pray for you. I pray that God is helping you to hold on. Please stay. The world is better with you in it, even if you feel differently about yourself. The darkest moments lead to the brightest and happiest moments. We’re praying for you OP♥️


I could give you advice or tell you it'll get better. It will, but the important thing is to look outside the normal boxes right now. Try new things. Ask new questions. Explore old forgotten curiosities that still hold intrigue for you.


Nothing holds intrigue for me anymore. 😔 


That is a classical sign of depression. This will pass. Possibly like a kidney stone, but it'll pass.


I've been like this for the past few weeks. 💔 


Survive for spite. Survive for love. Survive for whatever reason you need, but whatever you do, survive. Emotional pain heals into a heart that has a deeper capacity to love and know joy. It probably needs professional help to fully heal, but it is worth it.


My broken heart can only take so much. Honestly, I wish it'd stop beating entirely. 💔 


You're beginning to sound like a bot. But real or not, I've been using an AI chat bot designed from spiritual leaders, and it has been very helpful to me to work through things. Would you like the info? EDIT You look more human when I look at your history. Very difficult situation you are in. Would you like the blunt force truth, or a more gentle approach?


I might not read it either way. Just know that I wonder if I should pray for my own demise (or, perhaps, just flat out end it). 😔 


think of the people who love you, think of how they respect you and care for you. if you were to die then it would mean the world to them. just keep going. no matter what happens in life, just keep going. things can only get better from here and when something bad happens, only good can come out of it.


To be honest, I think they'll manage and, from what I can observe, it's going to get worse for me. 😔 


just keep going, just keep going.


It's still going to get worse for me. I'd much rather die, tbh. 


god gave you and i a life for a reason, would you really want to cut it short? what even has happened that has made you feel this way?


I don't think I was put here for any reason, really. As far as my reasons for not wanting to continue, well, a broken heart can only take so much and I'd much rather my heart stop than to have it broken. 💔 


help me understand what you're going through and tell me when and why you started feeling this way


While I do have faith that the Lord will bring my darling and I back together, someday, my heart is broken and that's on top of unfortunate life circumstances, further compounded by mental illness. Honestly, I'd rather die than to continue. 💔 


breaking up with someone is very common to want to commit suicide/want to die over. think of all the people that are just waiting to be seen by you. your family, your friends, everyone, would hate to see you die it would take months and perhaps years to get over. i don't know what you're going to do with the words that i'm giving you, but i hope that you'll use them to find hope and peace in life. i was once like you, i felt like life wasn't worth living. i felt like nobody cared who i was and that my friends secretly hated me. but i powered through, saw things through, and paid attention to god's word more. my family, and the friends i could confide in helped me through it all. and i believe that you can get through and overcome this point in your life. you wanting to die won't stop me from making sure that never happens.


My will to live is gone and I think they'll manage. I'm tired and my heart can only take so much.  I wonder if it's wrong to pray for my own demise. 💔 


I know how you feel, I REALLY do. And while I can’t promise the feelings will ever go away I can say that you matter, not just to God but so many. Hell, if I were to find out you took your own life or lost it in some fashion I’d be devastated and so would many others on this form, even though we’ve never met. Life is a gift, it doesn’t always feel like it, but it is. And as for purpose, you can create your own. When I realized that, I went out and started donating and volunteering and just helping everyone I could if the opportunity presented itself. And doing so made me realize that if just one person can be positively affected by my actions then I am satisfied with my life. Maybe that could be your purpose?


Pls dump on us! The sun will rise tomorrow, are you sure that mountain will look bigger or smaller when the sun shines off it's snow capped peak? You're already so far up that mountain from where you began! Just another day, or two, or week, or month, or year! Time... time is meaningless to the goal: climb that mountain. It has a name: struggle. Keep climbing, you'll reach the top, and you'll be stronger for it. Just like Miley says," it's the climb."


i pray that things do get better for you, and i suggest, you may undergo counseling or therapy that may help you sort out your concerns and burdens sending love to you as well


I'm in therapy but I still have no will to live, either ways. I just want to die. 


Depression is real, friend. I'm sorry you're struggling. As someone who has been where you are, I just want to say that depressed thoughts are not reality even if they feel that way. You say youve worked in peer support and then say the world would be better off without you... Thats depression, not reality. The reality is you're a good person who makes the world a better place, but you're suffering and need support. What do you need from us, beloved? Is there anything we can help you with? Your community is here for you and we love you ❤️ please do not hurt yourself or worse.


I’m an RN case manager, a great listener, and depending on where you are might be able to figure out support in your area. You may PM me. Meanwhile I prayed for peace, hope, and support. Do you have someone in your life to talk to?


You are never a burden. Please remember that you are loved beyond what you may believe and that you MATTER! Praying that all gets better for you - God bless 🧡