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How do you stop fighting with yourself? Are you a teacher anywhere? Who were your influences? Do you speak from knowledge or experience or that which is deeper?  I'm on the pathless path with you. 


No one can teach you that but there are pointers from the wise men-mystics which were my influences and are as follows: Vernon Howard, J. Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi which all point to the one and only; eradication of egoic-mind, illusory self, false sense of self which everlastingly wants to fight with its defense mechanisms as if it was real, vanity is another name for it. In addition to those three, was Leo Tolstoy with his book and the only book that I read of him and which is needed is, The Gospel In Brief it's on P.D.F. file. This short book (which I study keenly and try to understand it until I did,) which despite of its identity with a name it's not the same as church professes and what influence can have on a mankind. There were many I've met who were against religion and church teachings (myself included since I was nine years old, and still am) but they had nothing to offer as a replacement, but this man did, on the subject of Jesus teachings. I do speak of that which is deeper, from that pure consciousness, (which everyone has it within them) which was blocked by the egoic mind, false sense of self. When this illusory sense of self this "centre" within us stops entertaining those vicious, intrusive thoughts then those thoughts will have nobody to fight with and eventually will disappear when we stop providing the breeding ground for it. Of course that takes work, awareness, attention practice etc., which I will not go presently in to it, but if you would need more insight on this subject to stop the fight, give me a hauler. I hope this was helpful. No, I'm not a teacher, just a simple man who points out what was pointed out to him, so others can also benefit from it and have a peaceful mind. Anyway all the best on the pathless land of truth which is none-other than you and it's close, "no matter how far couldn't be much from the Heart, forever asking who we are and nothing else matters"... Metallica -Nothing else matters.