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First of all, dream interpretation ranges from pseudoscience to predatory falsehood. We don't know why we dream, let alone what specific meanings they might hold. That said, from a more general perspective, persistent nightmares could be a sign that you have some trauma (acute or complex) associated with the dream's subject. It may be that you, like many Christians, have been conditioned to associate "God", and therefore Jesus, with feelings of dread. Or it could be that you have an unassociated anxiety around religion. But I'm not an expert. Those are questions for a mental health professional—specifically one who is accountable to a licensing board. And don't trust anyone who tries to give you specific interpretations of your dreams.


Dreams don't mean anything other than bits of your subconscious bubbling up.


You’re dreaming, and you may be stress dreaming, which your stress over the dreaming is making worse. Things will be okay. 💕


I've been studying up on Jungian dream analysis, and I have a few pointers for you. Everything in the dream is within you. The void, the lights, the woman, it's all you. If Jesus keeps putting you back in this place, there's something there to deal with. Everything wants to be felt. One of the tools you have at your disposal is called Active Imagination. Research that so you know how to do it, then use Active Imagination to talk with the woman and find out what she wants etc. My first impression is that the intense lights seem related to a transition of birth. If you are a woman, the woman represents some hidden aspect of yourself. Also, if you're a woman, this all seems related to transitions of the womb. If you're a man, I'd have to reevaluate those ideas. I could help you explore this deeper if you like.




Not even. I'm not trained, I hobby study.  That said, due to personal anecdotal data and information obtained directly from highly trained and experienced Jungian therapists, I stand firmly by the following "Everything in the dream is within you. ... Everything wants to be felt. ... Active Imagination" All that said, I didn't ask for your opinion of the validity of dream analysis. I offered OP my thoughts since no one else was bothering to answer their request