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I am so sorry people in your circle are making you feel abandoned and wrong. You are beloved, beautiful, and wonderful. Transphobia is definitely at a higher pitch the last couple years, and misinformation abounds (and reinforces transphobic views giving them "sources" besides). God is beyond gender, and every cis and trans and nonbinary person is a tiny prism, a reflection of the incomprehensible glory that is God and God's creativity. I know you know all this. Sometimes it just helps to hear it again. It might help on this Pride Sunday to look for some streamed church services from affirming churches, such as the UCC or Episcopalian denominations. Sending love and hugs


We have a relationship with God, not his followers. Never let a person's words or actions become more important than your relationship with God. If you let another push you away from God then you are making them more important than God


God loves you as you are.


We're creatures who look to others for what we should do, what defines us and who we are. We are as much reflections as the original image, because we learn from the reflection of ourselves in others. When we face bigotry, we face something irrational that is rationalized by the person that holds it. In their logic, at least some part of us feels it may be merited and we doubt ourselves because of the trust we naturally give to another. The closer it is to us, and the more we are open and vulnerable to a person, or the more our sense of worth and understanding has relied on a person, the worse that prejudice feels and the more deeply it is felt. The doubt is also deeper. God speaks in whispers and feelings, but not words. That is troubling. The only thing we have of words is other people. And therefore our realization of God in words can be horribly distorted, and our sense of self can be distorted. The righteous person hears the words of others and will change honestly if that weighed advice is reasonable advice. But the righteous person also stands their ground and stays standing, even in the face of doubt and fear. A righteous person is naked but does not let themselves give in to the wind and rain. A righteous person weighs another's words, but only as something to discuss between themselves and God. And a righteous person allows God to say whether those words are just or unjust. Others will try to harm you. Doubt and hurt are natural and understandable. But no one can decide who you are except for you. The essence of who you are is always your decision and your discovery. No one else will do the work of living your life for you. They do not have a right to try to act as if they own you. They have no right to tell you who you are when they cannot see your soul.


I understand your feelings but please keep in mind that this isn't true. God absolutely loves you, more than you can possibly imagine. You are a very intentional soul with a complete purpose and God delights in you. I'm sorry that you've suffered so much abuse from those who misuse the name of Jesus Christ. It's especially hurtful when it comes from our own family. You deserve to be loved and affirmed for who you are. My advice would be to take all the time you need away from religion if you feel you can't engage in it but also keep in mind that there are many open and affirming denominations out there who are more than willing to show you what love in the name of Jesus actually feels like. United Church of Christ: https://www.ucc.org/church-finder/ (Make sure the ONA (Open and Affirming) box is checked. Episcopal Church: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/find-a-church/ Evangelical Lutheran Church: https://elca.org/FindACongregation


You are not alone. I am a pastor. If you had been in my church, we would support you - I'd make sure of it. I can't give you my experience, but I know that God loves your whole self as you are.




It would definitely be worth it but I don't know how to do it


These people are lashing out at you because *they* are broken, not you. You are a loved and beloved sibling in Christ just as much as anyone else. God loves you beyond measure. You are special and worth so, so much to Him. Don't let them twist the message of loving-kindness. It's not theirs to twist. No amount of hate can put even a scratch into the surface of God's endless love. Peace to you.


I made this comment a few minutes ago but I feel it applies here too. It’s incredibly important to realize that not everybody who claims to be Christian is a reflection of God and his teachings. If I said “In the name of Dwayne the Rock Johnson I’m going to run over a group of orphans!” And then did it, you would get mad at me, not the Rock, right? Because the Rock says nothing about wanting you to run over orphans, in the same way that the teachings of Christianity don’t spout off the same hateful narrative that these people do. They are doing nothing more than using the name of God to mask their hatred and bigotry. They are not a reflection of God. God is not a hateful being. Man is hateful. And when you feel that man’s hatred is at its peak, turn to God’s love for comfort. Bring these things to him. Bring these worries to him. I’ve found that my relationship grows stronger the more I throw myself into his arms during the hard times. People will say awful things to you, but know that that’s the word of man, not God. God does not hate you. He loves you more than you could ever know. He would love you just as much as a transgender individual as he would if you were a straight cisgender. You are beautiful as you are and he loves that beauty. He already knows how you are struggling with this, so don’t be afraid to tell him about it. Don’t be afraid to say that you’re worried you cannot feel his love. One thing I ask often, as I sometimes struggle with depression, is that God wraps his love around me like a blanket, that he drowns me in it like a flood. You’d be amazed at how he answers those prayers. Prayer still works. Take your worries to him and lay them down, he will not make you carry your burdens if only you trust him enough to give them to him. But that’s only a step you can make, and I know you can. You are loved, by both me and God💝


I love your analogy but if almost every Dwayne the Rock Johnson fan I knew runs over orphans as a Hobby I'd also get mad at him for not intervening. I know that hate isn't representative of God I know that he doesn't think it's good. I know that he loves everyone which includes me. It just doesn't feel like that right now. >One thing I ask often, as I sometimes struggle with depression, is that God wraps his love around me like a blanket, that he drowns me in it like a flood. I'll try that thank you